Washing My Hair Edwardian Style

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[Music] have you ever wondered how to wash your hair edwardian style well this is something i had to figure out while i was dressing in edwardian clothes following a rather eggy recipe found in the 1911 progress meatless cookbook i made a mess on the back porch but ended up with a clean head of soft shiny hair so grab some eggs and a pitcher or two and join me while i wash my hair edwardian style so i have all the ingredients i'm going to need for this hair washing process here i've got a pot to catch the water for my hair um i don't have a wash basin and picture sadly um i'm gonna have two pictures full of water and we can actually make the shampoo now so i'm following an edwardian recipe um i will i found it on lena so historically's blog and i can link she got it from historical text um i will link that in the description um but recipe calls for two eggs and i actually i have used this recipe to what i consider great success before two eggs and lemon juice and i like the lemon juice a lot because i feel like it acts as an astringent and feels like it really cleans my scalp out nicely which is the goal with a shampoo well i feel like the eggs really help to condition and add strength and shininess to my hair my hair does feel very shiny and soft after i wash it and my scalp isn't dry which is the issue i found with castile soap which is another period method of hair washing i have washed my hair with castile soap for probably two years now and i discovered this because of bernadette banner's video and then some more digging i did this summer and i've really liked washing my hair with lemon juice and eggs since then so i'm squeezing pretty much one whole lemon into here and then i'm mixing it all up [Music] just produces a beautiful yellow mixture which i am going to strain through a sieve just to get all the chunks of egg protein seeds all of that stuff out so i'm not getting chunks of egg in my hair when i go to wash it [Music] and with that we are ready to move on to the washing portion so i'm here on the back porch so i don't make a mess but i'm about to wash my hair the edwardian way um the last time i did this i did do it in a shower so we'll see how i do without the benefit of running water i have my two pictures um my shampoo and my beautiful bucket and we'll see how this goes i'm gonna get my hair wet first because i found that that really helps um get the shampoo through there if you put it in dry it just gets stuck all at the scalp [Music] [Music] and i am washing my hair with cold water which serves a triple purpose um you don't want to cook the eggs it's good for my hair hot water tends to like dry and damage the hair and also it's a really hot day and a head full of cold water feels really nice right now now that i've made sure my scalp is well and truly soaking i am going to shampoo and it's going to be similar process but i'm just going to pour this mixture in scrub it in really well make sure it's cleaning my scalp off kind of combing it down with my fingers through the ends and then begin the process of rinsing it off [Music] and i really want to massage it in and work it in because um if i just pour it over and rinse it out it doesn't do a lot of cleaning and a lot of edwardian manual suggest that um rubbing and massaging the scalp vigorously is really good for hair health and growth and we all want that lovely huge full head of gibson girl hair so i'm gonna give that some extra effort [Music] it also helps dislodge any loose skin cells any um dandruff or loose hairs and really helps clean out all the dirt as well i still have some more in there [Music] i'm currently squeezing egg juice out of my hair this is very dignified um [Music] and now we're gonna try to get it out without running water which i've never done before here goes [Music] and time for the second one i don't think my hair is quite clean yet um it's very wet it would help if my hair wasn't long enough to be constantly dipping into my um bucket of dirty water but i'll do my best and i assumed that in a household you know where it was not a single woman where there was a maid or a sister or a mother or a daughter um hair watching would have been a lot easier with two people um you can tell it's kind of hard for me to get the picture up above my head um and it would be a lot easier if someone else could help me for the water over but i think like with getting dressed the aid of another person would make things easier but not it doesn't mean that doing it by yourself is impossible um plenty of women managed that feels pretty clean i'm gonna rinse one more time just to make sure and check one more time for miscellaneous egg bits i don't think i see any i think we're doing pretty well um yeah i um i'm gonna run and get my comb and comb my hair out and then let it air dry out here um in the sun but that's pretty much the process i also need to dispose of the mess i just made but that's how i wash my hair nowadays [Music] so [Music] and that's my hair pretty dry i need to brush it tonight but [Music] beautiful edwardian hair it's very fluffy and soft and it'll go nicely into a big poofy updo once i get my hair [Music]
Channel: Isabella SaintOnge
Views: 19,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: historicalhaircair, edwardianhaircare, edwardianshampoo, edwardianhair, historicalhairwashing, edwardianhygiene, costume, costuber, costumehistory, fashionhistory, historicalcostuming, edwardianfashion, edwardian, edwardianworkwear, summerresearch, gdtbath, costumedesigner, costumetechnichian, vintagestylenotvintagevalues
Id: YS1tdPB4L_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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