Was Princess Diana Secretly Buried Here?

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oh there's a camera up there hi guys welcome to a dead  royal walk today we're at   allthorpe house on the ulthorp estate  which is princess diana's childhood home and we've come to check out diana's  grave on the island morning ladies   yeah never been here before just  wanted to come and check it out   um mainly because there's a bit of  a theory that some people believe   diana's buried on the church on the estate which  is about um 10 minutes down the road from here   i'm gonna head there after this and have  a look at her apparent real burial site so this is it this is the  oval lake i think it's called   and diana's graves uh on an  island in the middle of it   yeah you've probably seen it on  tv or you probably know it anyway   um william and harry visit every year and they  roll across and pay their respects to their mother you do have a bit of a drought here  in england at the minute but um   seems to be plenty of water in here  i can't imagine it goes much higher   because it'll be over the grass and  over diana's grave in the middle wow it's beautiful so peaceful so personally i've always thought that diana is  actually buried in the church and not buried here   with their ancestors as they've  done for hundreds of years but yeah it'd be a strange choice  to bury her in the middle of a lake   because the water table is eventually  going to get to her body and   i don't think anyone would want that for  a princess let alone a mother and a sister so i think she really is buried in the church  and this is just the place where the general   public can come on mass and pay their respects  to her and remember it just make more sense and i read that um el spencer said he's had  three break-ins over the years which are probably   trophy hunters for diana's body which is bizarre and now spencer himself loves  generating money for the estate   so i kind of think you thought it'd be  a good idea a good way to make money   sad though that sounds for diana to be buried  here and people obviously like me and you were   going to come to the house to see the grave and  he even rents out um diana's bedroom for like   i think it's 30 grand or 40 grand a night  and you can actually sleep in diana's bed so   seems like he will do anything to generate money so check this out this is the uh memorial to diana  just on the side of the lake and it's totally fake   in the sense that it's all made out of  wood trying to look like marble or stone   this is so weird it's like a it's like a  film set or a stage or something you know   when they're doing a production but  they're trying to do it on the cheap all these plaques on the back are  all wood made to look like marble i'm actually genuinely shocked when you  see it on the tv it looks like it's a stone someone's still leaving flowers 25  years later that one's from canada so yeah all this apart from the  floor it's all made out of wood that is bizarre if your sister really is buried   here why wouldn't you do something  more expensive and i have permanent so we're just heading to the church now  and i'm just going to jump back in the car i don't know what's happened to the weather  today it's going all stormy and looks like rain   it was a nice day out here that's good timing so as you can tell we're at  the church now and this is saint mary's church   which uh dates from about 1200 and this  is where the spencer family have their own   private chapel and crypts where  they've been buried for generations so i'm not gonna pop in the church straight away  i'm just gonna head to the graveyard um and just   have a quick look around so just bear with me  for five minutes and then we'll we'll head inside she's very weathered isn't it william williams something right  late seven is all i can make out   so maybe it's this guy here maybe he  was um a servant to the spencer family lovely effigy isn't it look how golden the stone is it's amazing  his head's gone but the pillow's still there so apparently george washington's  family the washingtons   were either second or third cousins to the  spencer family and uh george washington's great   great great grandfather lawrence is  actually buried inside the church and uh   don't know where the grave is but we'll  have a look we'll find it somewhere so definitely a video for our  american friends it's a funny grave mary wife of james couple 1863 i think that says so they all look a bit too uh  weathered don't they with all the   lichen on them as well it's gonna  be hard to read these i think just make out mary white on that one lovely detail on the top here i think most of these are built out of  sandstone like the church so it's not   fair too well against the uh the rain and  obviously definitely a magnet for lichen i think this was possibly being  redone looking at the base of it thomas wally fourth son of the late  john and sarah wally aged 38 years what's this one john somebody   oh look at the cherub and the sunshine  coming through the clouds stunning i'll check this one out just walk straight  past this looks like a cast iron cherub that's cool this is an interesting one 17th century you  normally only find these up in scotland so   it's nice to see it so far down  south look at that it's beautiful william leper 1869 i think that  says leper is an interesting name you can just make out thomas on this one and here we have william gent look at  the detail on that one stunning isn't it all right let's head inside the  church now to see the main event   i think this must have been the original entrance it was probably just this tower  here originally nothing else that's where we came in on  the right hand side there oh this place is huge oh wow look at the stained glass at the back so down here is the entrance to the spencer chapel and it's where 19 generations  of the spencer family are buried you can see the gate there's  got an alarm at the bottom can you see underneath the window at  the back there's a rectangle on the   floor and that's apparently where diana  is and all these effigy tombs here are all members of the spencer family oh there's a camera up there it's a lot of security diana's brother l spencer originally had the  fault open so diana could be buried there   but shortly after apparently he changed his  mind and i decided to bury her on the estate and three days after the funeral they  uh closed the default back up which   is a bit strange oh this is  um this is lawrence washington so this is the grave of george  washington's great great great grandfather   and that's the washington family crest you can see that the origin of the  american flag these thousand stripes and i think it was 16 16 he was buried here well it's crazy so i've brought my uh extendable  selfie stick with me so i'm gonna   pop it up now and try and have a  look over the railing to get there you so yeah like i said before it's the   the rectangular section on the  floor underneath the window it's amazing isn't it to think  diana might just be there it's a warmer wario there look at this old chest i bet that could tell some stories couldn't it absolutely solid this is the green man isn't it look at the eyes symbol of rebirth i think it is i bet the vicar's in there isn't he look at this the door symbol  that comes with instructions so i've just headed back out into the graveyard   just to have a look for the spencer  graves that aren't inside the chapel oh this is it so on the left there's john  spencer the fifth earl spencer   born in 1835 and died in 1910 uh  he was known as count although and he was nicknamed the red l because  of his uh long red beard and on the right   hand side here we have his wife charlotte  francis frederica seymour she died in 1903 this must be their coat of arms  clearly a sign of royalty on there i don't think it's uh the court  of arms looks a bit different stunning graves aren't they i love how they're  surrounded it's almost like uh two big cushions nothing really legible on this next  one can't see any writing at all i'll be celtic cross who do we have here charles robert spencer   6l spencer born in 1857 died  in 1922 and his wife margaret i wonder if that's just the memorial  and these are actually the graves   either side of it of charles and margaret there is writing on the side of this  one but can't really make it out like to guess october 1855 married it says on it can't make it out all right well i think we've seen  everything of interest there haven't we   i hope so anyway i hope i  haven't missed anything um   so let me know in the comments what you think  do you think diana's actually buried here or   do you think she's actually on the island where to  say she is interesting to know your opinions of it all right guys i'm gonna wrap this  one up now thanks for watching   don't forget to like and subscribe  and i'll see you on the next one you
Channel: Dead Good Walks
Views: 4,108,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diana, princess diana, princess, death, dead, buried, car accident, althorp, where is diana buried, where is princess diana buried, dianas grave, grave, the curse of the spencers, spencer curse, conspiracy, lady diana, lady diana spencer, diana's grave, princess dianas grave, princess diana's grave, dodi alfayed, Harryandmegan, Prince Harry, Megan, Megan markle, Netflix, netflix documentary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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