Was Marlowe Shakespeare? Much Ado About Something

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when this man died he left a sad little poem for his gravestone good friend for Jesus sake forbear to dig the dust enclose it here blessed be the man that spares these stones and cursed be he who moves my bones I'm interested in these these people um the it seems to me that the people who think that Shakespeare didn't write Shakespeare are either American snobs who tend to gain for the Earl of Oxford or Great British eccentrics it's remarkable how over the years hundreds of books have been written on this authorship question who actually wrote the works a tribute to Shakespeare of all the candidates must be Shakespeare the man from Stratford is the weakest we didn't even know if he could read or write it doesn't look like to me the hand of competent writer whether that's because he never could write or because it of his age is a sickness maybe that might've caused this can't say but they've they're all course people's handwriting then had to be better than it is today because so much depended on it didn't it I mean this man would have written thousands of pages of script and people needed to be able to read it yeah I think then one morning I woke up and I thought my mind is changing I'm not quite sure anymore who did this and that was an amazing moment you know mystery it is great mystery it's delightful mystery too because it takes me to into very beautiful territory only a 16th century mine so on a 17th century no I think it's I really think it's the right the only rational response at the moment is to say that it has to be an open question at least what about Marlo if he had candidate who appeals Marlo had his supporters there's quite a number of books on on him and he's the only one really among the candidates who was a professional playwright if Shakespeare had died at the age that Marlowe died I think we should now regard Marlowe is the greater dramatist the the achievement of Marlowe by 1593 they were both born in the same year the achievement but at the time of his death of Marlowe was greater I think than that of Shakespeare by that age Jimmy Mara has a string of great plays fasters edward ii two parts of Tamblyn durham alter this is the key book in the taste for in the case for Christopher Marlowe Hoffman's a man who was Shakespeare Calvin Hoffman yes he was a man who who opened the Walsingham tomb in Chislehurst Church in the term Calvin expected to find a box of papers play scripts that would knock Shakespeare off his pedestal and this is Colin Saxby he was there the day that Calvin's team went through the church floor below ground was pretty unpleasant actually throughout these enormous lead coffins huge weight you can imagine it with rotting remains and there was definitely no boxes and nothing nothing found at all just coffins he was he was very disappointed naturally I am not disillusioned at all my theory hold as solid and firm as ever this operation was merely one clue others remain will mr. henslowe gentlemen all I've got day for a song there is news much happen in Deptford Marlowe is dead start great light and stalling out no great light went out that day mrs. Hoffman there was no death at Deptford just a very clever plan for Marlowe to fake his own death and escape the notorious Star Chamber escape into exile perhaps to Mantua but now stand up to the watch be set but then there can't stop pass to Mantua but do you realize that they're set in Italy how many places are set in Italy do you realize that or they do you realize they're about exiled exiled in Italy exile who want to come home how heavy do I journey on the way when what I seek my weary travels end to teach that ease and that propose to say thus far the miles are measured from thy friend if you think about this and if you really think about how what these plays mean what they meant at the time and you realize they were written by an intellectual exile and expatriate bang everything that makes sensing my grief flies onward and my joy behind it's a great story I mean to be honest that was I think probably more than anything will appeal to me when I read the the health yeah was what a great story it was isn't that I assumed that you know once you get into don't you get into you know fighting the facts about it they would turn out to be a load of rubbish but that was fun thirty years ago it wasn't true and it's I still haven't been able to find anything wrong with it reasons why mother couldn't have written the works of Shakespeare one is the major plank in the Hoffman argument is that Shakespeare's name only Shakespeare's name as a writer only emerges in public after Marlowe's death but the chronology simply doesn't work there because Venus and Adonis was already written and entered in the station as registered as being by shake synonymously that in fact it was ended anonymously it will only have the main put on it after mother's death you shall never sure absolutely sure the matter that we do not appreciate and which confuses people so much as that they don't realize that this is the greatest cover-up job in history and it was deliberate and that's why it's taken us so long to discover what why why are you making this film why are you interested in this not simpler I just read Calvin Hoffman's book and I was shocked profoundly shocked well it's ten years now since I read what has become a very rare book very hard to find on the Internet and about nine since I made my film which grew out of that book much ado about something now I can't say that I've had the theory in my mind all this time but recently something has happened which has brought it back to me two books have come out and I think together although the case is still circumstantial that they pretty much clinched it for Marlowe the first is by a sound Blumenfeld called the Marlow Shakespeare connection and the second is one that's very close to my heart because it was written by a guy after seeing my fou movie and that's Daryl pinkston's book malas ghost so who knows maybe you'll see the movie write a book or write to me in any case just think something
Channel: Michael Rubbo
Views: 36,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Was Marlowe Shakespeare?, Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare, Authorship question, Mike Rubbo, Jonathan Bate, Daryl Pinksen, Samuel Blumenfeld, Dolly walker Wraight, Peter Farey, John Baker, John Michell, Mark Rylance, Derek Jacobi, Carlo DiNota
Id: OsJTbWF1-lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 09 2008
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