Was it Good? - Adventure Quest

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what happened to Adventure Quest remember the old Flash game it was an online single player turn-based RPG with classes and quests and short funny storylines you clicked from screen to screen to talk to NPCs and do battle then you gathered weapons armor Shields and everything looked like it had been doodled in the back of a theater kids storybook it was free but if you were one of the rich kids you could convince your parents to pay for the guardian upgrade and get the cool Guardian armor some more quests or you could complete the blade of ore most people have at least some memory of playing this game yeah it was janky and low budget but there was definitely passion here unfortunately Adventure Quest was built in Flash and when flash player shut down in 2020 it was basically the end of an era in gaming and we had to build Adventure Quest farewell except no we didn't it hasn't died because you can download the proprietary artix games launcher which has a localized version of flash entirely within it and play all their old games so for this video I had a really simple plan spend a day on Adventure Quest make sure short video about how it is and then move on no need to dive too deeply into a 22 year old Flash game is there nice and simple well that plan didn't happen what actually happened was while playing I discovered things about the game about myself about what truly makes a good or bad memorable or forgettable experience so instead I decided to complete a childhood dream of mine and do something not many people have ever done I decided to finish Adventure Quest I have spent a month playing Adventure Quest every day I have maxed out several different classes found all five bits of the blade of ore and finished the 74 Quest long Devourer Saga storyline this is the longest video I have ever made it is a two hour retrospective and it's about a 22 year old Flash game so join me as we return to the Town of Babylon Back to Where it All Began I'll critique the mechanics the story the cultural impact of the game pointing out the Good the Bad and the incredibly ugly the old monster Sprites the daily experience cap anti-cheat measures and the baffling overwhelming Clash of styles which make up this beautiful buggy broken game so grab a cup of tea and settle in because this is one long adventure Quest welcome I'm Josh Drive Hayes and today we are returning to the land of law as usual a massive thank you to all the supporters on patreon Twitch and YouTube who keep the channel alive more information on how you can support later for now let's begin specifically let's begin with this guy artix Von Krieger arctix is an iconic character in The Adventure Quest extended universe and is the in-game Persona of this guy Adam Bond original creator of Adventure Quest and the founder of arctic's entertainment now artix as it stands and Adventure Quest throughout the years has been made up of a team of people but Adam is interesting to discuss because Adam is crazy now I've discussed him briefly on this channel when I've looked at some of his other games but let's do a quick history dive his website describes him as the World's friendliest and craziest game designer with the quote there are only two types of people in the world strive to be the third now to put the crazy into perspective when an interviewer asked Adam the weirdest thing he'd ever done he replied we put on a live puppet show to announce the name of a video game I invite cited a famous author and his friends to my house and had an Army of Ninjas suddenly appear and serve dinner we had a conference call with John Smedley the CEO of Sony Online Entertainment at the time and we had to mute our end so he would not hear all the clanging from the sword fighting with real swords Adam's website and a bunch of interviews with him from various sites all tell a similar story Adam is obsessed with making games from when he was a kid up to this day he says I failed over a thousand times trying to make a game but I never gave up there's a lovely bit of advice from Adam on his website which is remarkably similar to the advice I offer people when they ask me how to make a game this is what Adam says a lot of people think you just win or fail but the truth is successful people fail over and over again each time getting closer to achieving their ultimate goal I finally finished a game it was the original Adventure Quest even then my closest online friends told me the game was so terrible that no one would ever play it but after quitting and failing so many times I hit my Breaking Point as my finger was hovering over the delete key ready to obliterate the game and start fresh again I decided to do something I had never done before I decided to actually release the game and then I committed to continuously improving it and that is exactly what happened now this attitude of perseverance and the process of releasing what you have and then improving instead of waiting for Perfection is exactly the way most things actually get made so I have a huge amount of respect for Adam committing to this process and in October of 2002 adventure quest released it was a single player RPG built in Flash but held online you didn't need to download the game instead you'd create an account and then log in and all the required assets background locations weapons and armor animations enemies or drops would be downloaded and loaded in as you needed them now because it didn't need a download or a client Adventure Quest would be accessible on tight security PCS like schools or public computers and while Adventure Quest was free in the start in 2003 they introduced The Guardian purchase a one-time payment which supported the game and unlocks cool new armor Styles weapons and the guardian Tower location then in 2005 they added Zed tokens a microtransaction store which spread through the game we'll look more at that later AdventureQuest did relatively well for the time but the flash engine limited it and the old hand-drawn enemies some just being geometric shapes combined with extremely simple animations definitely aged the game and many of these are still in the game today but in 2006 arctics released Dragon Fable another game which is actually a prequel to Adventure Quest but doesn't always follow the same timeline there are many similarities but they're not 100 Canon still made in Flash still turn based but graphically Superior now the character walked along the screen instead of just each screen being effectively first person there were more combat options and you could raise and ride a dragon this was followed by met quest in 2007 similar gameplay but with robots and then possibly the biggest technical leap the MMORPG Adventure Quest Worlds in 2008 which feature Dragon Fable style side facing click to walk gameplay but set within the Adventure Quest World allowing hundreds of players to explore and battle enemies together adventurecrest world is actually still alive but only available through the arctic's launcher they're actually currently porting the entire game to steam and will re-release it under the name Adventure Quest Worlds Infinity but that's not out yet the original Adventure Quest itself would see a very small sci-fi sequel called warp Force which is only accessible through the Adventure Quest login screen and from here arctix entered their mobile game era releasing epic duel in 2009 oversoul in 2012 Battle Gems in 2014 dragon's app in 2014 Undead Assault runner in 2015 bio beasts in 2016 and the dungeon-born card game in 2019. in 2016 they'd returned for a second shot at the MMORPG genre with Adventure Quest 3D which has seen pretty decent success on both Steam and mobile now so many games in such a short time span runs the res risk of placing quantity over quality and that's definitely something we'll see come up later Adam's original attitude of release then improve is great but when improved becomes leave to languish and just move on to another product repeat several times over you end up with a lot of player bases all feeling forgotten about and yet all very well monetized every fanbase of every arctic's game feels that they have been left behind and in a way they're all right I also need to acknowledge there's a decent amount of community controversy around artix entertainment as a company and Adam's more recent Promises of improvements which were never fulfilled some of this is overblown drama while some is rightfully deserved critique in this video specifically I'll be focusing on Adventure Quest as a game and not the working culture around arctics as a whole so with flash gone Adventure Quest Dragon Fable and mechquest faded into online obscurity however Arctic didn't want the games to die so they worked on their own self-contained Launcher for any Tech nerds out there it's an an electron app coded in JavaScript which contains all the flash plugins held locally so let's boot up Adventure Quest make a brand new character and go and save lore now personally I like artix games I've played Adventure Quest years ago I've got a dragon amulet in Dragon Fable and one of my most prized MMORPG items is a Founders dragon pet from Adventure Quest Worlds but as I've said before new players cannot play through my memories so I'm going to leave my personal bias to the side start a brand new character and judge it purely for what it is now first pick a class you've got three basic classes fighter Mage and Rogue although class selection used to matter it doesn't anymore because you can train any stat and can swap classes freely once you've done more class quests the game has a ton of classes and most of them require Mastery in several previous before you can start training them like a pyramid so we make a face and ah wow remember the old new ground dress-up games this is that now the art style is Iconic but as we'll see it gets extremely eclectic log in and they offer a tutorial so let's play it you can also see the message to the top stop letting you know your weapon has scaled with you and does level appropriate damage welcome to the Town of Babylon this is twilly your mogglin guide click through the text and we're shown the important local Hangouts yoga's in Robina Hood's archery shop warlick's maid shop the frogs odd Hunter's home the guardian Tower in the distance and then the mountain range where you can just go and fight random enemies the mountain range used to be a button which just said battle monsters but that's been updated so let's go and battle some monsters since this is the main mechanic the entire game revolves around you on the left them on the right older players may remember the game looking a bit more like this now don't worry those ancient backgrounds and janky enemy designs are all still there we'll find them pretty soon you can see your red HP blue MP for spells and green skill points for Unique attacks but I'll refer to those as special points because skills are something else you can actually click These Bars to show your experience bar toggling between experience gained so far and experience remaining to the next level if you cursor over your portrait to the bottom left you'll see your character stats the combat defense numbers means How likely you are as a percent to dodge an incoming attack of that style assuming the enemy has no bonuses to hit your six main attributes affect damage output or health will see more info on this when we train our stats and your element modifier shows how much damage you'll take from attacks of that specific element so lower is better if it's zero percent you take no damage then you've got health and Mana potions and any active statuses shown to the side you can also cursor over an enemy's portrait in the same way and get the same information now what you really care about are the Dodge ratings and the element modifier you want to attack the enemy with the highest element modifier number because higher means they'll take more damage if by mistake you attack an enemy and they have a negative modifier in that element they'll actually heal from the damage you do so here's the turn menu quick note you can actually click on the graphical edging and cycle through holiday specific ones like this use it as you like your basic option is attack this just smacks the enemy with your equipped weapon now some weapons have alternative attacks like magic staves casting a spell or super rare hidden special attacks like the blade of ore summoning linger dragon or using the power word die ability the game doesn't tell you these secret attacks exist you just randomly do them sometimes now just be aware there are roughly 3 000 different weapons in the game I counted Ally assist is a new Option five times a day you can call on one of five NPCs to jump in and do massive damage for you of a certain element and once you've used up your five a day you can pay premium currency to reset them spells are just magical attacks now any class can cast spells as long as you have a spell scroll in your inventory it will appear on this little quick access bar spells are found in shops and cost MP to cast casting a spell does not use up the scroll it only costs MP and there are about 900 spells in the game now here's where the game starts to get interesting with skills your available skills list depends on your currently equipped armor now this ties into class training quests because to buy a specific armor you must be on that class quest line but you can equip any armor you have there are roughly 875 different armors several of which can't be obtained anymore due to holiday or event restrictions some of which are rare drops from enemies or long questline potential rewards and are only bought with premium currency thankfully the most popular and useful class armors in the game are all available through the in-game gold shops now you can change your class freely and wear class armor freely so you don't need to be counted as the same class as armor you're wearing so if you're counted as a dragon slayer because the last class trainer you spoke to was the dragon slayer you can still equip the wizard armor but the wizard armor will have some passive Buffs that only apply if you're also a wizard class some classes are objectively better than others but most are viable for casual play we'll look at training classes later but skills are how you access class abilities and you'll unlock more abilities the higher up in the class you are classes have what I call major skills which are actual things that count as your turn and minor skills which are usually toggling beneficial stances on or off these don't count as your turn then in items you'll find your your health and Mana potions and what we call miscellaneous accessories usually things that you can equip which Grant Buffs and there are about 570 of these now attacking with your equipped weapon calling an ally casting a spell using a major class skill or using a potion all count as your turn but there are things that you can do without taking your full go equipping or changing a miscellaneous item changing weapons changing Shields swapping from armor sets or calling your pet to battle do not count as your go so you can do all of those as much as you like on your turn now quick Graphics note some armor sets will override your equipped weapon or Shield visuals you'll still be using them for stat purposes but you won't see them when that happens you'll see the icons of what you're equipped with down here under the big queue some weapons or armor actually do stuff when you click on them in game like you've put them on your character and then clicked on the actual visual they can change elements they can increase their defense this is usually a gimmer can never actually need it oh if you're worried the game doesn't sound the way you remember it that's fine hop into options and choose old sounds and old icons there we go much better you'll notice in this tutorial fight arctix is fighting alongside us and this is a thing which can happen sometimes NPCs can just join you and you'll find having certain NPCs and taking them to other places is a pretty decent tactic now when you win you'll get some experience and some gold and if you like grinding you'll run into a major issues with both of these in a few hours we'll see why soon but what if you don't win like in this scripted battle against drakath the skeletal Dragon well death sends you to death's realm but he agrees to send you back to the world for living for a small favor there's a mini game here which we'll play soon back in the world of the living artix gives us his acts as a present and this opens the shop interface pretty decent layout shopkeeper buttons to switch between buying from them and selling your own inventory to them but interesting note while your own face is an item you cannot sell it items have three little buttons over here giving a description a graphical preview and then the stats which is all fine but the graphical preview button is broken on so many items because they don't fit into the box or they're placed so far off center the window Cuts them off this is the first example of a lack of Polish and we'll see a lot more later so we buy the ax then get to meet the cast of characters and shown the world map we're also told hey if we upgrade our new character to a guardian within only 72 hours of its creation we'll get extra bonuses look I've not even played the game yet dude let me play the game before pushing premium on me calm down now we're on to the main Town screen huge scroll with the latest news to the left two big red buttons guiding me to the elite premium item shop which is a combination of fear of missing out and latest event a big Guardian timer counting down until I lose the super amazing upgrade deal a travel scroll which opens the world map and four yellow exclamation marks so let's click on one this is Valencia a rare item Hunter who mostly pushes the cash shop in fact five of her seven chat options are related to Z tokens premium currency but there are two main designs with Valencia I'd like to point out take note how on the right she has seven choices and they all fit neatly within the overall white text box border but clicking the first option enter The Zed token shop brings up this chat box all about Zed tokens and where to spend them it has six choices and they overflow the white box bounds so we're starting to see a lack of consistency in design but how about this see how you can click back from that little black tab well from her main chat train the first two options have bag choices the third doesn't but has maybe later in its own choice box the fourth has close which cancels the interaction entirely and the last have you heard of any rumors doesn't have any way to go back at all you're presented with the start of two small quests and now have to pick one of them now I know that I'm dealing with 22 year old design here but I'm going to be honest Adventure Quest is incredibly inconsistent it's almost as if every part of it was designed from whatever felt the best looking idea at the time and is not tied to any previous choices it feels like there's no great design document for visual consistency here's a few examples of baffling inconsistency and get ready because I'm about to be extremely pedantic they've had 20 years to change this the arctic's launcher Adventure Quest games Choice are three buttons setting up a shape scheme of straight edges and a color scheme of red green and white with flourished fantasy font for play the character select screen has red and gold buttons with white and yellow text or a dull gray button with thin black text for making a new character and when you do make a new character you'll see that the text box that artix has has this vertical black line running down where the outward bit showing its speech bubble is other speech bubbles do not have this and when you pick your class you'll notice the class logos are circles but they are not centered in the game on the main screen this is a button red background gold trim white text the whole graphic is clickable this looks absolutely fine when you cursor over the button a gold flourish highlight lets you know this is clickable this is great design but this is another button on the same page different shape and text color and only the small red square is clickable and when you cursor over this you get a text box to the top right with added info which we didn't get before today's event is consistent enough with Elite items and limited time shop using the same button but it's also the only button in all caps and doesn't have an exclamation mark this is another button on the same page stylized travel map Brown text also gives the information to the top right now I can see why they'd make a map like this and hopefully it stays consistent within or with other Maps within the game spoilers it does not opening the map gives us consistency in the red and gold color scheme for travel locations but now buttons have this golden flourish around the edge close the map has bold white text while travel confirmation has this thin yellow text and varies between confirming travel with a go with one exclamation mark go with two or location specific text unless you're traveling to a guardian only location which will have a yellow ring around the location and white although if you look closely you'll see that the yellow Guardian only rings are not actually centered to the buttons they're meant to be on and several of them are slightly misaligned on the map you've got thin black tax for names of locations you can travel to apart from the times it's bold black text or red text or bold red text or larger font Thin Red text in a slightly different color red or slightly smaller bold text in a different red again one of the only things on screen all the time is your character's stat panel and thankfully the close map text color being white does match your character's stat panel except your name has a soft drop shadow and close map does not well I say this matches it matches until you open the stat panel because text on there is black and blue but remember how Valencia has a white text box with colored buttons within it green yellow and light red and then her own name is featured to the top and has a closed tab at the bottom well if we pop into the Inn we can see yolgar has a white text box but only for his dialogue not for the choices you can choose from it and his name is separated into a light orange background shape he also uses the gold flower right buttons and white text which is pixelated compared to the yellow Devourer Saga text to the bottom well most of his text is pixelated if you click into the shop options the back option isn't and the black tab that we use to close is now a gray Circle in the top right but if we talk to hands literally right next to yoga the white text of his choices returns to high quality smooth no Jagged edges but talking to Hans is progressed by clicking the red buttons with narrative replies under each option as opposed to yoga who is just specifically mechanical you'll also see the quest name Cicero returns again is verging on overflowing the button edges maybe they've had to do this because the button graphic is a set size but if we head upstairs and talk to Blackhawk you can see the button length has been stretched to fit more text on also Blackhawk doesn't have a gray x to the top right of his text box like yoga or a black clothes like Valencia instead he has a done button option and some cutscenes have a click anywhere to continue text in a font that I don't think is used anywhere else in dark yellow with an R orange drop shadow and then a black drop shadow under that in fact font choice is seemingly random because look at this box that letter O that letter O and that letter O are three different fonts but if we head up to the attic we'll see this mysterious dude who uses this button designing conversation a much older style keeping the color scheme but no flourish and flatter textures and then in conversation you progress by clicking the white more box I mean so far at least the conversation buttons and choices have consistently been underneath or within the text boxes of NPCs but not if you talked to rebina hood because her buttons appear to the left also notice how the buttons themselves are not static from menu to menu like there's no framework because if you click quests the new buttons all shift slightly down from where they were before like every new dialog option is redrawing the buttons but at least all the possible options have been in a straight line unless you talk to warlick where they're double stacked in the middle for some reason and two of them have yellow text or the Pet Shop which both double and triple Stacks uses the old non-flourist button background and mixes white and yellow text but the yellow text here does have a point clicking these options triggers an events to happen immediately so maybe yellow means final option triggers event but no because in robina's shop white buttons can trigger events meaning cut scenes are inconsistent switching between click anywhere to continue and click on the actual dialog box prompt and button text color is inconsistent from yellow to White both of them seemingly having no specific reason but at least the exit screen Arrow has been consistent well no warlick's shop has white bold text with a flourished Arrow the pet shop has yellow text with the older Arrow design the frogs odd Hunter has the flourished arrow with yellow text and in yelgar's in the flourished Arrow but darker yellow text and the housing building doesn't have an exit sign but a back to town chat option which slightly overflows the white text box but at least the closed text box is consistent well no because on yoga it's a gray circular X in the top right on Valencia it's a black closed tab in the bottom left on twilly who has a light yellow button choices it's a black closed tab on the bottom right and on procterly the town crier it's a red X in the top right of the entire screen and if you do buy a house and head on over the four button options are arranged like this and have icons to the left of each of them but if we pop over the stat trainer you've now got brown text on paper Scrolls rectangle buttons with black background and the icons on the right hand side of the buttons this time and if you cursor over these you get a little gold triangle to the left showing your currently selected button which I never saw used again and the stat distribution screen uses tick boxes with a green cross mark and the back button is an archery target with a new font in white and red edging which says back unless you're on this screen where it says Exit then if we do go into battle you'll notice the choices are square and the word Shields is not only a slight bigger font it has a more intense drop shadow in fact the drop shadow intensity and placing of every choice is different and if that's annoying you you can just hide the menu except look the hide menu and show menu buttons have the text not only aligned different vertically but different horizontally too you'll also notice the hide menu text is white and the show menu text is yellow and then if we do go to click on some options cursoring over a button has a little arrow appear to the right in the secondary color of your chosen battle aesthetic say if you click into weapons you'll see that you still get the arrow except now it's squished and longer cursoring over a weapon has two text box pop-ups showing a bit of flavor text in one and then the numbers in the other and the flavor text has thin double line edging but the numbers box does not and on every overall combat menu aesthetic these box background colors match except for some reason the silver menu aesthetic where the flavor text is a light gray background and the numbers box is a light green I Pro prove this by using the dropping pipette the numbers box is HTML notation at ccd3c5 and the flavor text is c2c6d1 but we are not done with the combat menu because spells list their Mana cost to the right hand side but these are left aligned costs to the letters MP don't always line up vertically but items which use SP don't list their SP cost to the right in fact they go against the weapon flavor and Stat separation and spell Mana by having one box which contains flavor effect and SP cost all combined together but at least the background is consistent unless you cursor over your health and Mana potions where it's a white box with no double line edging but you can also see spells have these quick select boxes which are not aligned with either the top or bottom of the row where they should fit and cursoring over them gives a gray background with dark gray but not black text but if you choose Ally assist we're back to red and gold buttons with yellow text which has a black and gray drop shadow on all of it except Return To Men new which doesn't have a drop shadow but what if you choose to flee well you'll get a text box which overlaps the upper edging of the battle menu frame except while all the other boxes have thin black edging lines separating the gray interior from the white border this box does not the flea button is a white text on a gradient black background which lightens to gray as it moves from left to right but for some reason the flee menu is the same in every aesthetic except the wooden stake style where it's an entirely white background but combat text and effects get even worse I told you I was going to be pedantic if you've got a normal weapon equipped you'll just attack or if you're lucky you'll do the special but some weapons like this loremaster's Tome give you choices and this choice not only uses the flourished button design with a purple background it's not horizontal it's a slightly angled set of choices some armors give you skills but not only is every single class armor a different layout for the skills the text positioning on the buttons is all over the place and never centered and some armors have summoned skills but they they bring up red and gold button menus with a new black edging connection flourish with the text on the buttons being different font sizes and thicknesses basic damage numbers show the elemental icon then black text of the attack type and then a number using a vertical gradient going from yellow to Orange the victory message is the same font as the damage numbers but two shades of gradient blue the battle reward scroll has a next button which is highlighted in green when you cursor over it if you level up it's shown in a triple gradient orange with a flicker effect in all caps and if you flee from a fight it's a red failure message in lowercase text and now a baffling design Choice based on Graphics being tied to the armor that you are wearing if the enemy attack roll against you fails and you're wearing incredibly old armor you will see the yellow word block if you're wearing slightly newer armor it will show up as gray block newer armor still shows black Dodge and the newest armor shows a metallic effect of miss all of them using different colors and different fonts but if we are lucky enough to get the guardian blade dragons on special ability it has brown text for the text box if you drink a potion the description text is in flat orange are both health and Mana but some enemies have regenerative abilities themselves and their regen text looks different to yours with a yellow healing text than a red number for hit points and a blue number for Mana but it's not the same shade of red and blue as used in the stat panel to the bottom some fights end with you needing to make a stat role to find an object and that uses this screen which features another button design and another flourish and if you're incredibly lucky and run into nuvian you'll get this Choice with buttons you'll never see again now that might sound like I've been incredibly pedantic but when games are made they have a design document so things can look consistent and the game can feel coherent now the more you look for inconsistencies even on the same map or the same area the more you will notice this Guardian NPC has a close option red button but this one has a closed tab edged in yellow unlike any we've seen before but the same tower has the arena which has a challenge given by Mia which uses the light orange background thicker Edge all around the buttons and in complete edging around this box something nothing else in the game does and if you do take on the challenge you'll see it says round one of eight in the top right with the numbers in yellow and no drop shadow but just a few Maps away on the crossroad challenge we get the center aligned battle 1 of 13 black text blurred white drop shadow what this highlights is how Adventure Quest is consistently inconsistent when a choice is made there is no greater design document which can be referred to for examples of similar choices and then matching the Styles together every update feels independent of any other update and sometimes the same system is presented in two different ways for the most perfect undeniable example of this stunning inconsistency in design the enemy stat box in combat has a drop shadow under the letters HP MP and SP the players box does not when you consider how arctic's games have been pumping out weekly updates for this game over the last 20 odd years I can understand how small things like this get missed small touches every update and when you're under those kinds of deadlines you have to prioritize the big projects and not the small consistencies text just gets thrown down wherever boxes get made systems get put in just make it work and then move on and when the game was smaller it wasn't as obvious but 20 years of inconsistency has led to this Adventure Quest feels like someone building a massive mansion and when each room is nearly done they move on to the next room but every room is designed differently with different fittings shapes sizes carpets walls even different Builders working on it yes they're all part of the same Mansion but they feel different enough to be noticeably out of place I bring up a lot of this on The Unofficial Discord which honestly has been an absolutely fantastic place for me to chat really supportive Place lots of knowledgeable players and they explain to me that yeah every new Quest also own is its own thing and retrofitting them all to be consistent is an incredibly big job so with the consistently inconsistent design noted let's actually play clicking the mountains in the distance gets you into random battles and why is Arctic still here oh yeah he joined us in the tutorial and MPC don't unjoin you until someone else joins or until you log out oh we should mention logging out Adventure Quest remembers almost nothing between your gaming sessions remember I said you can equip different weapons armor Shields and miscellaneous accessories well you need to re-equip that stuff every time you log back in because every time you do log in you'll just be given the generic items apart from the miscellaneous items which need to be re-equipped every single battle because they do not get remembered between fights at all and if you're wondering hey how do I access my inventory outside of battle or outside of a shop you can't due to how the game was coded you can only see your weapon Shield armor item and pet selection when you're in a battle or in a shop and you can only rearrange stuff while you're in a shop or or on the website because there's no inventory button but just to make things extra janky while you have 10 slots for weapons armor items pets or Shields each you can only access the top eight Slots of these while in battle because of this the designers have actually put empty shops before boss battles just to allow you to open the inventory and swap around your item order so you can access the stuff you might need for that battle now at a low level you'll be fighting zards which are one of Adventure quest's very own style of enemies zards moglins dracles all uniquely Adventure Quest but they're never quite broke into the cultural Zeitgeist the way murlocs or the Dwemer did if you get hurt and you will use a health potion if you run out of Mana use a Mana potion you have one of each as a free player do their refill between battles no they don't do their refill when you click on the health restoring fountain in town also no so how do you refill them well that's a good question refilling potions is far more complex than it needs to be Guardians can carry 3 of each and there's a big refill bag inside the guardian tower now sometimes quest lines have potion refill stations sometimes you'll find chests with potions in them but mostly if you're a new player not using a guide you'll use your one potion and then just stumble around randomly until you find more but we will look into a good trick later when you fight you'll level up this gets you experience points and you spend these at the trainer in town well I say spend you have to pay to use them and this is the really dumb system every time you level up you gain five skill points and you can assign these to one of the six stats in blocks of five so why not just one point per level doesn't matter but that's not even the dumb thing the dumb thing is when you've finished assigning points you pay goals to commit the points to those stats but you don't pay per Point assigned you pay based on the total end value of the stat after you've assigned everything and these end values are independent of others so consider this imagine I have 15 strength like I do on screen and I Five Points into it it will cost me 24 gold if this is the number I want to end at so 24 gold to upgrade to 20 strength if I do this and then put five more points into to go to 25 strength it will cost me 30 gold to do this that's a total of 54 gold paid in two transactions to end at 25 strength but if I was to just put in 10 points from the beginning and went from 15 to 25 I would only pay 30 because you pay based on the number you end the transaction at not total stat points spent a longer path and paying for one final number is cheaper than paying for multiple final numbers to reach the same final number even if the amount of skill points spent is ultimately the same what this means is you don't ever want to train your stats until you've got enough gold to just pay for the final number you want to be at because that's cheaper this system discourages people from training in short bursts when you have the stat points available to you a level up moment isn't yay let's go train stats it's uh I should get a few more levels and then bulk train stats don't want to pay too much this is a baffling level up design process you've replaced small incremental noticeable games with wait for one massive boost which doesn't work for casual players and now for the classic Graphics the beautiful background look at that the finest Ms paint can supply look as dated as this looks you need to remember this game was the result of one person's passion and then years of consistency before succeeding enough to have a team to work on it with him so these old backgrounds and in this case the enemies Sprite they have a real Aura of genuine love to them they're definitely not pretty but they've got an undeniable low budget charm I find an animal box with a zot companion which follows me around for a while and then twilly has some helpful advice visit the moglin forest defeat 20 enemies it's a low-level Quest how hard can it be twilly is literally the tutorial well it's very hard I can defeat one now now Adventure Quest is a very open game we'll look at how overwhelmingly open it is pretty soon but the mix of old design and new design is very obvious new design is often level scaled quite nicely and is possible to complete at most levels and old content is not and there's no level range suggestion for places or quests well okay that's not totally true the travel map has locations greyed out if you are under leveled for them and it lists the level range that it suggests for them in the description provided it's grayed out but once you are that level the level range is removed so you don't know what's a suggested level 10 zone or a level 100 Zone once you are level 100 just kind of go there and find out twilly also tells you about your moral compass say system which tracks your alignment from good to evil and unity to chaos and certain quests have choices which can move this and your final position can affect certain spells equippable items or cutscenes and I end up very very slightly good so let's talk about the open nature of the game because my God it is open and by open I mean most quest lines don't need you to actually play through them you can start them wherever in the middle of a narrative is fine you can just jump to the final boss if you want to you see while Adventure Quest does have a plot indeed quite a deep and fleshed out one it doesn't have a quest list or a journal it's designed as a lunch break size RPG every individual Quest or moment is very short so the game doesn't record if you've done them or not it just lets you jump in at any point it's up to you to remember where you are in any given questline here's an example use the travel map to travel to darkovia Forest a vampire vs werewolf storyline the storyline begins here then progresses onward and if you want the narrative context you have to play through each red circle on the map the game won't record that you've done this so unless you keep very good track you might end up replaying Parts but what if you just want to jump to the boss fight at the end yeah you can do that that's fine you won't have the narrative context for what you're doing but you can do it if you chat to the frogs odd hunter in town he has a four-part quest Series where you can just jump to part four or for a more egregious example you can click the Devourer Saga button in yoga's Inn the Devourer Saga is considered the main storyline and while it isn't the first Epic Quest in the game it's the longest and most challenging it's 73 quests long and from this menu you can jump to any part of it instantly you don't need to have done Parts 1 through 72 to actually go and fight the boss another example talk to Sage uldor in gilgar's Inn accesses the burning Solstice Quest chain but again every bit is open from the start in some ways Adventure Quest sees progression as a barrier to fun and so lets you jump in wherever which will become hugely ironic when we bump into the daily experience cap later it's a game which wants you to do anything but not too much the open nature of quest and Quest change can lead to some surreal emotionless moments for example later on I'm going to need a spell called destruction burst which means I'll need to go to Dragon spine then skip to part 23 of a quest chain kill the boss and by the spell and in any other RPG getting to part 23 and receiving a very powerful spell would be a reward for finishing Parts 1 through 22 but not in Adventure Quest there's even another example where I was doing a quest and then went to train a class and the class had released after the quest had finished within the timeline and I met a dead character whom I did not know was meant to be dead or dies at the end of the quest I was doing so slight spoilers for myself there so the game is open intimidatingly so for new players as there are so many choices and no suggested paths but I explore around the inn and I find a potion bottle with a label that says drink me a reference to Alice in Wonderland and so I do it and it shrinks me down and I run inside a mouse hole q a series of battles against giant insects most quests are just a series of text boxes followed by a series of battles because that's basically all Adventure Quest is now normally you'll face two battles in a row oh then get a full hail both health and Mana no one knows how you get healed between battles you just do but in a cool touch you actually do find out later it's ninjas and now an issue with helpers in a fight you've got yourself then sometimes an MPC helper in the distance and a summoned pet in the foreground you can dismiss your pet at any time or tell it to stop attacking via the menu but NPC companions are an issue because they don't stop attacking and you can't dismiss them in a fight and if the enemy has a negative resistance to the element of that NPC they will heal from the NPC's attacks meaning sometimes you can bring along someone assuming they're going to help you and they end up healing the enemy it's rare but it does happen the boss of this little subquest is yoga the innkeeper's boots and the reward is access to a special shop that's usually the reward for most quests and you can buy a paperclip which acts as a weapon I explore the map some more there's a town of Nicos or weeb cats down here I think I will avoid that place now to be fair there's a lot of map locations you could go to but let's go and get the terror set that sounds pretty cool this is a mini Quest about the master Terror terrorizing battle on and then yoga just smacks them around with some hammers because they caused a bar fight this leads to a fight with an evil clown now you might notice some quests are very serious with fights against serious enemies others are very light-hearted almost satirical parodies of the genre with fights against silly enemies and you'll be switching between these two Vibes so fast you'll get Whiplash in fact some quest lines which are meant to be super serious have quests in them which are literally just puns Adventure Quest does not take itself seriously but then tries to and fails it's effectively an entire game made of Pop Culture references and early to mid 2000s internet culture and humor it's very LOL random remember four panel Rage Comics ironic handlebar mustache tattoos or when everyone was obsessed with bacon in fact in Dragon Fable bacon is considered an elemental Force it's puns and quips constantly it's best to not think of Adventure Quest as a linear storyline but more as a general Vibe imagine you're sitting in a restaurant having a nice meal and someone walks in wearing a flame effect shirt a kilt and some light up Heelys they're listening to The Ultimate Showdown of ultimate Destiny on an old MP3 player using those pink jelly wired headphones rocking frosted tips and fingerless gloves and despite the eclectic appearance everyone just seems to really like chatting to them that dude is Adventure Quest the game operates on sitcom logic characters start the same have an adventure end the same there's continuity when it's convenient and non-when it's too complex it's a series of mechanics loosely held together by references and the overall feel of the game but it's this loose connection and lack of Polish which gives Adventure Quest that genuine lovable Jank feeling old Adventure Quest is the opposite of many modern AAA games Modern games are often highly polished and superficially smooth to play while feeling heartless shallow devoid of genuine all passion because the executives took over and focused on retention instead of just making a good game Adventure Quest feels genuine but looks like well Adventure Quest it's a pile of food cooked with passion and presented in a messy way it's a song written and performed from the heart even with all the drop notes and slightly out of beat time signatures it's a game made from Love And as janky as it is that love bleeds into every moment and it's hard to not love it oh side quest when you click die click on death's hourglass and he'll send you on a quest to go and get some more this is a top-down click to move bit closer to the dragon Fable gameplay it's dark and you've got a tiny ring of light around you you'll find hourglasses in chest and avoid enemies and yoga why are you still here we are in the Underworld I commend your commitment to helping me the battles in the Underworld are mini quests and are totally random like this salamander which just wrecks me I'm even out of assists but I can pay 250 Zed tokens for them so you know what let's look at the cost of this game The Guardian upgrade is a one-time payment for Guardian status and I think that's a very fair way of supporting the game and gives access to a decent amount of content for its cost my issue begins however with the Zed token system Zed tokens are premium currency the shop lists the discount for buying in bulk a starter pack costs 15 and will give you 2 500 Z tokens 100 000 gold and some level 50 armor and weapons which can scale down and be equipped below 50. or you can buy the other packs which include several thousand tokens and one of a list of extras meaning if you did want to unlock everything in this pack you'd need to buy each pack multiple times for example the 100 pack gets you 50 000 Z tokens and one of nine possible armor sets these packages are the only place to get these sets so if you didn't want to be a completionist and get all nine you would need to buy the 100 pack nine times and remember each Zed token package not just the 100 pack has a lot of one per time unique items the only real Saving Grace here is you can use a player vault which again costs Z tokens to access to transfer these items between your characters you know I never realized this as a kid because I never had the money to even bother looking at it but Adventure Quest is extremely expensive if you want the higher level rares or cooler looking stuff I mean in the Z token shop an ice Katana is 5940 tokens that would need the twenty dollar six thousand token pack to afford and that's one weapon from one element but we must at least respect that Z token pack does give you enough tokens to buy one of the higher level items and doesn't have just too few tokens encouraging you to buy the bigger pack so at least you can say they are not abusively priced when you start throwing on armor sets Shields pets spells accessories houses or house ornaments you can be pushing into the hundreds to thousands of dollars to gear a few characters up and that's before the limited time items seasonal shops or spending 250 tokens to refresh your your five Ally assists but while we're talking money let's look at the most egregious example the golden gift boxes you can buy one gift box for 250 tokens or 10 for 2 000 tokens every time you open a golden gift box it has a chance of becoming a common rare or ultra rare shop and you can take one item from the shop for free once you've opened it essentially you're paying for the chance to access the good shop now you don't need to take it immediately when you open it you can save these up and these do stack Guardians get one free golden box a month to open and then there's a trade system where you can trade 25 common opened boxes up to a rare and 10 rares into an ultra rare and the contents of these boxes can change monthly but what are the actual chances of each shop opening whenever you open a golden box well arctic's games don't have the exact numbers easy to find but the rumors on the forums seem to put the odds at 81 common sixteen percent rare and three percent ultra rare this means on average you'd need to open 33 golden boxes to find an ultra rare shop which would cost just north of 6 000 tokens which is the 20 pack as it stands the current ultra rare shop which I haven't pulled out but you can freely browse contains 68 different weapons 52 armor sets 5 Shields 48 spells 22 pets and six accessories that is 201 items only available one at a time from a three percent chance ultra rare golden gift box now there's no way you'd be able to hold all these items due to an inventory limit and most of them wouldn't work for whatever build you're going for but if you did for some reason want to open 201 ultra rare boxes assuming the rather stable estimate of 20 per one ultra rare box opened from 30 boxes that would cost you on average just over four thousand dollars to access every item and this ultra rare shop changes monthly if you approach Adventure Quest as a collect em all game you're going to bankrupt yourself you can't do it just buy whatever fits the build you're going for and try and not to think about how much stuff there is that you'll never actually see this Big Red Demon isn't horizontally leveled on the battle screen it's just looming over me look at it what we will discover is that arctic's hate straight lines or consistency okay my lack of Potions by now is really starting to hurt me so I Google how to refill potions and it says the frogs odd Hunter Quest gives some so I go through that and it kind of does but they don't stay or I have to use them during the grass which defeats the point the most common advice seems to be just restart the client go and get the Mage class and Skip to power leveling Adventure Quest has a bit of a problem with low level content as most guides or the remaining Community seem to just assume everyone is high level honestly it's not a good low level experience but okay I can just power level so here's the power leveling trick go and get the Mage class to start the Mage class I need to be level 10 so to get to level 10 I need some potions so let's just do this instead go to yulgar's in go right talk to Sage uldor ask about the burning Solstice campaign and choose Quest the answer let's get the Cinematic then get angry at yet more shapes of more buttons choose battle then Fighters War ignore all contacts needed to get here because when you battle as War you get given 25 potions both health and Mana win one fight so the game is forced to save your data then just close the entire client don't log out just close the window reload the window log back in and you'll get to keep the 25 potions because the client uses last known information and it just happens potions is one of those things Adventure Quest isn't so much a game that you play as it is a mess of spaghetti code that you manipulate into doing what you want it to do so we grind to level 10 via combat talk to Warwick and ask about the Mage Quest and oh yeah you just have to know where to go and who to talk to to find any questline there's no guide there's no comprehensive list some locations are found on the Travel map some locations are the same named location accessed through an MPC conversation which puts you in a totally different instance of that location now the Mage Tower is an old Quest line and is hopefully getting revamped soon you basically say yes to being a mage then buy the robes then fight through a tower to reach the top and every floor is just a series of fights ending in a random chance to find the boss and if you fail the chance you have to do the floor again the random role does however have a boost based on one of your stats for the Mage Quest that's intelligence which is great it's encouraging you as you're doing the Mage quests level your intelligence for advantages which is exactly what you want the player to be doing while you're wearing Mage robes you can access the mage skills which look like this notice the black joining bars between skill progression nodes they're not straight or uniform lines and see the animated Mage graphic at the top fighter armor doesn't have that wizard armor doesn't have that dragon slayer Knight Archer only Mage gets an animated swirly icon the Mage robes are older armor and look it so we fight through the tower rolling after every few fights to see if I find the boss take it down with a load of potions and become Mage level 1. this gets me the elemental orb skill when you use the orb skill you can choose element you want to cast a spell of effectively meaning you've now got a hard-hitting spell strong against everything which is good because now we're fighting worms basically Mage is such high damage it's the only viable class for power leveling until we unlock a wizard and while I don't want to power level the unforgiving scaling and the fact most of the good stuff is at high levels means I kinda need to remember we looked at the consistent inconsistency to cast an elemental Mage skill you must click skill on this rectangle menu with white text then Elemental sphere on this red button menu with yellow text then choose from an element on this list of beige buttons with black text that's three different style menus to cast one skill and to really add insult to injury the list of elements that you choose from is not in the same order as the list of elements on your or your opponent's stat panels oh I also found this flower hour in a box which is now my companion and does light damage finish the second level of the tower get the second Mage skill there's no way to see what the skill actually is unless you're in combat and open the skills tree because there's no out of combat skills tree or explanation for any of them knowing I'm going to be Mage for a while I head to the stat trainer and use the untrainer to reset my skills and dump everything into intelligence I take a quick jaunt around the world to test my new Mage Powers head to Dragonstone via the map and chat a gallon of the Dragon Slayer I need to be level 30 to train as a dragon slayer and also a guardian I ask what is a dragon slayer and he explains the class then ask about the dragonblade and he asks if I want a quest for it and I say yes and his ass sorry Guardians only so I click Guardian info or done assuming done will take me back to the start of the conversation with galanoth but no Dunn just throws you all the way back to Babylon with my Mage skill I can start the fighter questline because you don't actually need to use skills of that style to advance that questline I can use Elemental orb on every enemy and just complete the fighter quests but as a mage Adventure Quest has four base classes you can train immediately known as tl1 classes then a few tier 2 classes which need you to have progressed in some Tier 1 and then a few tier 3 classes that need progress in tier one and two currently the only tier 3 classes are powered in and Necromancer I'll get powered in later so I return to grinding and while I'm doing this I put a tweet out about what I'm playing when I was making this video and the response was incredible so many people remember playing Adventure Quest or artix games in general it's strange how this is such a well-known experience and yet is so often missing from discussions about online RPGs train some more skills and oh training skills reset your equipped items even on the same session because it just does I think the best way to describe Adventure Quest is it's like a house of cards except every card is from a different deck some are from a different game entirely you've got playing cards Pokemon cards magic Yu-Gi-Oh Battlestar Galactica the Lord of the Rings game Warhammer card games and Tarot cards a baseball card one of them is just an unfolded construction bit from the middle of a Kinder Surprise it all makes one house just don't look too specifically at any individual bit have a chat with warlock and decide to check out some of his random quests this one has him disappearing and we need to team up with a doctor and his kids Galley and Frey who look strangely like Fry and Leela from Futurama to save him there's also a police zard called the zardus and the Daleks are salt shakers not animated just straight up photos of salt shakers thankfully the enemy description lets us know this is a joke monster we travel to the past to save warlock but again the game is sitcom logic it's just a playground of design a series of puns before fights and you know what let's try and follow a storyline an actual plot Let's Travel to darkovia and follow the map icons in what I assume is plot order and see if I can legitimately beat it starting here some moglins are having trouble with local vampires and we save them from some bats new mechanics sometimes you'll fight two or three enemies at the same time and there's inconsistency here too sometimes a group group of two or three enemies will share one health bar and they'll die as you lower the overall health other times like this you can individually select which enemy you are attacking and any excess damage will just carry over to the other enemies making it functionally work exactly the same but again little random Quirk of design you will always start off automatically aiming at Enemy Number One once you kill them you'll then switch to whichever the final enemy is either three or four and after you kill them you'll then switch back to two and then three if they're still alive fight through several waves of vampires and it seems that vampires have switched from feeding on humans to feeding on moglins as humans were killing them too often oh when you finish a map location the Red Dot remains exactly the same so just keep track of where you are fight on and run into some werewolves it seems as a vampire vs werewolf Civil War unfortunately this fight has a bug which makes the game unwinnable two werewolves two separate tracked health bars or in theory there should be but each turn each werewolf regenerates 14 Health but the regen effect carries over from one werewolf to the next so if I'm focusing on killing one wolf instead of that wolf restoring 14 hit points each turn it is instead restoring 28 because it is taking the regen from the other wolf and using it on its health bar which is out healing my damage which also defeats the point of them having two separate health bars if their regen effect can affect somebody else's health bar so I can't do this yet how about Varin skew keep to the South hunt down eight rare Scrolls oh cool a potion back up nope Guardians only can't use it and here's a list of eight objects to be found within this keep and when each object is found it will unlock a special spell for sale in the shop but why are the boxes not vertically aligned why do you hate lining things up Adam I know Adam Bond probably didn't personally design this but I know he's going to watch this video at some point so it's funny just to aim every criticism directly at him oh hey sometimes in combat you'll have status effects shown on your character shown by this list of icons and explanations for each below and sometimes the enemy has status effects too but they don't get the icons because that would look too similar so they just don't search for the magic items this mini Quest resets if you log out so find all eight to fully access the shop and sometimes you'll fail a search role but can click defy to use some special points to just succeed sometimes but not always seems to be random when you can and now an interesting enemy this water witch Rises and sinks into this well but the animation isn't just visual because you'll see her block chance changes constantly as she moves so this enemy needs you to actually time your attacks but some attacks have travel time so is this calculated based on the defense number when I click attack or when the attack animation makes contact with the Enemy I ask in Discord and it seems the calculation is done when the animation actually makes contacts and the enemy damage number appears drum travel to younger land to loot the mysterious water-lord Essence from a magical well meet some desert dwelling Nomad fight jagos who is level 77 and die because old Quest level Rangers were wild let's explore the map Frost Vale Christmas event for mogulans fight some evil snowman and Dr Seuss references take down an angry toy box and discover you cannot buy higher level spells and store them for when you want to use them you can only buy spells or items you are within the level range for go to the dwarf hold Mountain caves and get told they need a Crystal Seed so go to Valencia and ask her about it get sent to a Crystal Cave and fight a prismix and I've mentioned before that I have a real soft spot for random geometric shapes as enemies they're unknowable and odd and I like them like the crystalline entity from Star Trek this fight gives me a choice of up or down now you have no map so just remember the correct order wrong choices lead to dead ends and more fights and can be very time consuming fight a Crystal Golem boss and learn that a Crystal Seed is The Last Remnant of their people and if we take it we must plant it and grow a crystal tree so their civilization will thrive plant it back at the cave and get asked if we want to continue this quest in Dragon Fable clicking yes launches a browser window which asks you to download the artix launcher to play the game despite the fact I'm playing on the arctic's launcher oh these old random quest lines they do not see a lot of developer attention do they how about taking the map to the sky Bridge a gauntlet of battles across a bridge to an ancient Temple starting with an undead Nat at 70 block chance or this old thing and then a dexterity role than if you fail just restart the whole Bridge how about the lair of metal face described as a dungeon which just means a lot of fights in a row which turns out to be mostly dragons and I can't win but then we travel to Doom Quake Cavern and I'm asked if I want to do traditional battles or something different and that different part is a first person shooter section I mean the clue was probably in the name Doom Quake Cavern this shooter bit has a spear graphic float after your cursor and you just click on the enemy Sprite when it appears and moves towards you and I'll be honest even for 2002 this gameplay was dated the reward shot for this Quest is also just bad the truth is there's a lot of places that you can visit in Adventure Quest but they're all random they're all disjointed by now I'm thinking you know what if the only narrative restriction is my own discipline to actually play through a quest in order then let's do that because I don't think many people have I don't think many people who played this as a kid even realized the game had a plot the devour a saga the longest most in-depth quest line in the game 73 quests seven connecting sagas one Epic story let's finish it so refill your cup of teas and get comfy because we're about to play Adventure Quest for the plot you can start The devara Saga from this map down here in the corner or the big button just inside the olgars in so this is clearly a focused plot line new players are encouraged to click on this there's even an intro animation now each bit is really short so I'll put a label up top so you know where I am I'm going to double check if you like and remember the consistently inconsistent design we've got chapter one chapter two part three part four part five part six and in fact in part five some of these quests are in the wrong order so please if you do want to try and play through this yourself in order use the order that the wiki tells you to play in not the order the game gives you them in now fair warning Adventure Quest had a period of time where it had multiple writers work on a multiple Quest at the same time which all ran concurrently and were all world ending plots in their own way which does mean the game is full of paradoxes the main character being in multiple places at the same time NPCs which you've met before being introduced as new or killed off then resurrected or sometimes one Quest needing context from another unrelated Quest currently no one has a complete linear timeline of Adventure Quest quests because the timeline is so convoluted and complex one simply cannot exist so I'll do my best to cover any anomalies in the Devourer Saga here we go we start in yelgar's in talking to Sage uldor they've had a vision about us but before they can expand their attacks by some creepy ribbed skeleton snake thing you can actually choose modern or classic graphics for this fight we'll start traditional and then switch to Modern as we go we kill several zombie snakes then rescue Aldon he's worried that even as a sage he could not sense them meaning they are something we are unprepared to fight but he has a plan he sends us to Eastern darkovia with instructions to ask what is the source of the red fog over there we meet Queen saphiria ask about the red fog and as we do some red fog rolls in and damages us it seems just saying its name creates it because certain parts of the world are magical like that and words have power so we leave to tell old or that's what the red fog does but we're ambushed by some werewolves on the way however we say red fog and scare them off which is a nice touch back at the Inn old or has been injured seriously we've been gone for like two minutes rabina Hood explains that old or had a vision which compelled him to head north to orga Thorne but there he was bitten by a sneak and we need some antidote so we hunt down three sneaks for three poison sacks to make an antidote notable fight when this cute deer just rips itself apart and becomes an awesome zombie stag thing with three poison sacks in hand we're sent to herbalist Lucretia in granamore a run-down haunted place we give her the poison sacks and wait outside while she makes a potion for aldor while outside we bump into vampire Hunter e a reference to Vampire Hunter D they've been followed by a pack of vampires so we help them fight them off but just before we're both killed by a massive angry zombie a huge version of the skeleton snake from earlier kills the zombie for us saving our life Lucretia gives us the finished potion and we return to aldor he uses a crystal ball to show us the vision he had which was of us he saw an orc warlord stealing a death roller a powerful War weapon from some local dracel so we actually fight through this Vision despite this never having happened to us it was what aldor imagined would happen and vampire Hunter e is still here for some reason when this Vision ends old or tells us we must find the death roller weapon and destroy it and it was last seen south of Dragonstone which is where galanoff the dragon slayer is it's likely the Orcs are teaming up with the dragons to use the dracel war roller together so we pop on over and talk to galenoth which is quite a funny conversation if this game ever was voiced the humor would show through far more I love the fact that when you tell galanoff dragons will be involved he simply says I know everything I need to know Lead the Way arctic's games knew that gameplay was never the focus so they really focused on the story galanov now replaces vampire Hunter e as our companion and his blade glows when fighting dragons which is a really cool touch and I love how this orc Mage is unable to cast magic so it just throws the spell book at you really hard quick note about both Companions and temporary items that you can equip from the miscellaneous item menu they will use SP or special points every single turn and if you do not have enough SP at the start of a turn companions will just leave and items will become unequipped find the orc General who stole the death roller who then gets crushed by the death roller itself and then we fight the death roller with new and improved graphics and honestly the modern version looks really cool nice touch here too it's weak to energy attacks but the description warns you it will store energy-based attacks and then retaliate with a powerful counter-attack if you use it that's nice tactical design destroy the death roller return to old or but all those not here anymore instead we meet helenro he tells us older and the water elf Aquila have both gone to mount Eiger bold but Aldo wants us to go to fangmore and meet artex the Paladin to get more information on the weird snake skeleton things as a paladin and sworn enemy of the undead arctics has been studying the snake things which attacked aldor he calls them rivers and says they are not controlled by a necromancer but they are poisonous and when they attacked old or they poisoned him but then we were searching for a cure they attacked the zombie and saved us so maybe they're not totally evil which is wrong although was not poisoned by a river bite he was poisoned by a sneak bite which is why we tried to find the sneak sacks pay attention to your own lore please game it's only been three quests oh God I'm gonna turn into the actually guy but for Adventure Quest lore aren't I anyway a ribber eating a zombie is on unusual because Undead things don't usually attack other Undead things so we fight a few before finally meeting a talking River and the river explains they come from a land to the west and are seeking a powerful magic user called the shadowmaster so they can kill him they thought Sage old or was the shadow Master but when they realized they were wrong and we were trying to cure aldor they helped us because the rivers are focusing on the greater good whatever that may be I buy a river pet from the shop and chapter artix he does not know why aldor and Aquila have gone to the mountain but sends us to warlick because maybe he will know warlock explains that the Ethereal realm connection on the mountain is strong so they are likely trying to communicate with something and then using a viewing orb we can see them on the mountain but see they're about to be attacked by trolls so we rush over to help them kill flurg the boss Troll And he says yes the old man and water elf were here but we've sold them to an armored man and they were heading to the shipping town of krovesport so with the two now kidnapped we head to crowsport this is a town of Bandits and thieves and asking around gets us attacked multiple times but eventually we find a tank Knight take them down in combat but it's actually a girl called dundella and this is Sage uldor's daughter and the trolls are under her command seems the trolls weren't attacking aldor and Aquila but protecting them as they use the Ethereal properties of the mountain to magically search for this Shadow Master the undead Rivers spoke of aldor says the shadowmaster if they are real may be a powerful magician and if he couldn't foresee the river attack in the Inn maybe he can't foresee the shadow Master either and to this end he needs an orb of light from the desert which should keep the shadow master from spying on him while he continues to look for him I mean just let the shadow Master find you that could solve a problem he's the guy we're literally looking for anyway we get sent to the desert to go and kill a creature called jagos who has the orb and the desert is a goddamn struggle because not only do you lose Health between every fight many of the enemies have an 80 Dodge rate combining this with not healing between fights and I just don't have the health or Mana to survive here so you know what it's grinding time and then we will return to this plot because I'm actually quite invested by now personally I prefer it when a game's main quest line is paced well enough to level the player along with it but this is older RPG logic grinding will be needed I grind some levels and push through the Mage quest to get some better skills and passive Buffs plus I'll need the wizard class and that's locked behind level 10 Mage I like this enemy design called zyno or XY no because it's 2D and has an x-axis and a y-axis but no z-axis and this oyster boss becomes a shop and we buy a pearl sword from it oh hey remember the consistently inconsistent design and how the water witch had changing defensive stats as she moved up and down but this was only shown on the stat panel well this Shield creature has that too but it actually shows the stat changes in the battle screen above its model the emerald slime enemy picture profile is so far off center it looks like it's trying to escape the overlay and then I try another suggested leveling Quest warlick mastercrafted geochist LM set intro Quest and now we're off with warlick's nephew Barry John into the mines to kill Sizzlers which are definitely not creepers from Minecraft they just look exactly the same and creep towards you and then blow up now strangely up to level 35 these Sizzlers give 4 000 experience each which is massive it's enough for more than one level per kill but even if you overflow your required experience while that experience isn't lost you can still only gain one level per battle because the game doesn't know how to handle you gaining multiple levels at once so gain a level battle a game with an already Full Experience bar gain another level grind these Sizzlers until they stop giving good experience dropping from 4 000 to 90 and now the guide tells me I need a house player-owned houses in Adventure Quest are pretty basic but they have a cool feature you can hire a house guard and then if you know a friend's exact house number you can visit and fight their guard winning usually gives massive experience and gold and it doesn't delete the guard so you can just keep doing it only problem is houses are for Guardians only you you know what okay Adventure Quest gave me hours of fun as a kid and I never had the money to get Guardians so let's achieve that childhood dream let's get the awesome Guardian arm let's get the flowing red cape and cool looking sword I agree with using one-time payments to support a company so yeah I've had at least twenty dollars worth of fun this seems doable Guardian acquired go and buy a house then after I've bought it how do I access it the house button just keeps sending me to the estate agent turns out after buying a house you need to log out them back in for it to become active and then when you visit you need to clear 11 trees from the site through 11 battles before you can actually use the house but hey when I upgraded I got a spell Gatekeepers seal and oh God this is going to make things a lot faster look I'm not saying Adventure Quest is pay to win but I paid and got this incredibly powerful spell so maybe it is clear some trees defeat a dragon have a house well a tent now the guy tells me I need a few things to make this grinding process efficient the first is a law Masters home which is a free weapon given from the map location fallorin's tomb this is a Bittersweet weapon as this Monument is in memory to the loremaster phalerin one of the original writers of the early Adventure Quest Saga responsible for some of the longer questlines will actually meet his NPC in this questline he wrote over 15 years worth of the story but sadly passed away in 2019. the weapon itself gives four attack options the good the bad the ugly and gain manner the good choice summons fallorin himself to blast your enemy with light damage and this will be essential the bad summons a giant Moon looking thing to smack your enemy multiple times but the super important thing about this attack is it does not have any element associated with it it is just known as harm damage and every single enemy in the game has 100 that's neutral resistance to harm meaning no matter how tough something is this will be able to hurt it the next item is a wizard armor the lumenomancer's robes enhances light attacks and this means means maxing the Mage and starting the wizard questline and while I'm not a designer I do notice two questionable things about this class line the first is the large gap between the letter W and the rest of the word Izzard on wallix buttons and then the questline starts with bright yellow text with a black drop shadow on a bright pink background please never present text like this again anyway by the lumenomancer's robes equip everything go to your house visit a very specific neighbor and kill the Sheep it is weak to light and gives massive experience and when you hit 40 we set up another process at 40 we'll be moving on to killing a dragon it's weak to fire so we need a pyromancer build this needs a new spell a new armor and a very specific item grind up my Wizard Quest to unlock some passive Buffs which I'll need to make fire spells cheaper and counter this extremely rare stat roller enemy a physical embodiment of your stat panel which uses your own stats against you and then fight a worm and in 30 minutes either level 4 wizard for the new spell we'll be heading to Dragon spine jumping straight to the 23rd Quest and fighting through then killing the very top boss to open a shop and buy destruction burst then we'll be heading to the guardian Tower the arena of enthusiasts and surviving five fights to open another shop and grab the goggernaut helm which heavily increases our accuracy at the cost of also increasing the enemies the helm and Fortune doesn't quite fit the Phantom that I'm going for and I do feel like a character from Halo with this setup robes nuke fire spell and accuracy increase we can take down the wear Dragon lather rinse repeat and now we are grinding this until Level 55 which should not take long but something strange happens at level 48. I just stopped gaining experience from anything so I do some research and it turns out Adventure Quest has a daily experience limit and a gold limit once you hit them you cannot gain any more experience or gold until the next day so my two or three day planned grinds to Max will take longer much longer about a month I won't lie this really annoyed me I'm an adult I just paid for the guardian upgrade if I want to sit and grind an RPG let me it didn't mention this anywhere while I was paying for Guardian the Arctic site even explains this cap is to discourage cheating so I asked around and this is what I've discovered the daily gold cap was added because people were grinding or botting for absurd amounts of gold within relatively short times okay I can actually understand the gold cap but an experience cap preventing Daily Progress in a game about grinding seems odd to me in fact it almost seems backward because the stat upgrade system charging per final number not stat and the modern content being mostly at end game you'd assume they want players to push through the early game to get to the end game quicker to level up in one go but then you have an experienced cap preventing exactly that some other players on the Discord explained it was because during war events player contribution matters and no caps would let players make a ton of accounts and just bot the events very easily which again makes no sense because these are end game players making end game contributions not new players wanting to grind and if that was the case just put a cap on the daily influence you can add to a war event not General experience but okay with a daily limit what is the limit how much can I gain well the max level in Adventure Quest is 150. I made it to 48 in a day and hit the cap the support page says low-level characters can level up several times in a day higher level characters twice a day the final of our request according to the wiki needs level 69 which is not nice because how many days will this take to hit well I ask around and while no one seems to have an exact number the general consensus is if you hit the daily experience cap every day you can reach level 17 in about 5 days and level 150 in just over a month but with me following this power training guide how long will it take to hit the daily cap well dear viewer if you are a higher level power grinding you can hit the daily cap in six minutes so I'm not a high enough level to finish the Devourer saga no point starting that again yet and I won't get experience from playing since I'm grinding High experience stuff so what to do well thankfully you can still do Clash quests and make progress through skill trees as that doesn't count of experience so I go to Blackhawk in the inn and complete the fighter questline oh hey it's Zillow I know you I know you from the war potion trigger did earlier but I had no emotional attachment to you maybe this is where your story starts the fighter glass Max is out at level 5 despite Blackhawks dialogue saying it goes to 10 this typo actually cost me quite some time because I kept grinding thinking it was a random chance to level up as a Max fighter I can train as a knight one of the more revamped quest lines and actually one of the most useful armors I found in the entire game because it has a random chance of scaring your opponent out of their attack this however is the only class line that requires you to wear the class armor while doing it removing my mage skills and all the Mage passive Buffs I was relying on to grind and I've put no points into strength so this will not be easy the night storyline is just four different types of knights all slightly annoyed at each other and then at the end you can join a faction I'm also not quite high enough level to survive this I would grind but you know I can't head over to crowsport to fill some time and train as a rogue under the guidance of Valencia she tells me Rogues need dexterity except that's wrong because Dex now governs ranged weapons not melee weapons so Rogues like all melee classes need strength so if you're a new player and went all in for a DEX Build I'm sorry but you have an Archer open Valencia's shop to buy some Rogue stuff and it's the wrong profile picture that is not Valencia that is yoga the Rogue class questline is just repeated fights looking for Assassins and after a few you can roll to see if you find them except this role if failed cannot be defied and the role itself uses dexterity which is annoying because you want to put points into strength for the rohug but you need to put them into decks to make the role easier takes me about 30 minutes to become a level 10 Rogue then move on to the scholar class the one everyone forgets this means traveling south to Darren City finding this moglid and just hunting and killing a load of random things now I like the idea behind the scholar class you kill exotic creatures learn their combat Styles then use their attacks against them it's like a Swiss army knife of skills but unfortunately nothing matches the damage output of the wizard I don't know why but this vampire two-frame death just speaks to me the way he just I just get it like I identify with that look I watched this animation and I'm like yes me too dude me too level 10 scholar takes 23 minutes go to sleep come back for a New Day dragon grinding hit Level 55 in 10 minutes and now we have the final setup Journey because this will be the grinding kit we use until Level 150. we need a geomancer's robe and the Sizzler's explosion spell at level 70 we'll all need a shield but we'll worry about that later for now the robe is easy the wizard Shop sells it the spell is also pretty easy just go through the Minecraft style cave from earlier reach the End by the spell with this we go to our house visit a different neighbor and take on this incredibly tough Shadow Rock which gives an insane amount of experience the only problem is it's got 100 block chance against every style you cannot hit this but the Sizzler's explosion spell always hits and it's Earth which are robes buff and the rock is weak to earth now it takes me a while to get one lucky kill but that's enough because one kill floods you with experience I hit the XB limit and have gone from 48 to 57 nine levels and it's going to get a lot slower but you know what while waiting for the experience Point reset there is something I can do something 12 year old me always wanted and never had the blade of ore this is probably the most iconic Adventure Quest Weapon It's been used in Adventure Quest Worlds Adventure Quest 3D and for anyone playing casually it's one of the chase rares but how do you get it well the blade of ore is split into five parts each part found in a rare treasure chest and a rare treasure chest has a small chance of appearing anytime you kill a monster in the mountains now when I say small I mean very very very small official numbers haven't been released but the community data predicts it's between 0.3 to about one percent and annoyingly this chest spawn gets rarer the higher level you are now if you're a free player you can actually find all the pieces of the blade of ore but you can't craft it unless you're a guardian now thankfully these pieces do stay linked to your account after your out they don't show in your inventory but you can talk to Valencia to check which bits you've got but if you are a guardian there is another way to grind for this sword use the map and travel to the crossroads you'll see several places named on a signpost these are buttons so we can add yet another button design but click on somewhere this will send you to a random environment for a random battle the environment will actually be one of the places that the other signpost could have sent you to you'll have to fight through a gauntlet of battles with a full heal every two battles the higher level you are the more battles you fight for me it's 13. at the end of the 13 fights you'll find a potion Treasure Chest but there is a 10 chance this will actually be a rare chest instead giving you a piece of the blade yes it is incredibly grindy but it's better odds than random Mountain battles but it gets even better every time you finish a somewhere battle Gauntlet you get a little star added to whichever environment you just fought through these Stars can level up to nine times for each environment and they are permanent their purpose is to increase the chance of a rare chess every time you get sent back there the formula is on screen now but essentially at Ninth level you'll have a 33 chance of finding a piece of the blade of ore from a finished somewhere Gauntlet I like this system it encourages grinding but rewards failure with a slight bonus for the next attempt and ultimately it takes me about three and a half hours of constant somewhere grinding to find all five pieces and with the five blade pieces in hand I talked to Valencia and complete the blade of ore this weapon is widely wanted for its very rare special attack power word die which randomly just summons death and kills the enemy in one hit it's quite useful day three Grind from 57 to 64 and day 4 complete the dragon slayer questline learn where the full heals every two battles come from apparently these ninja clerics cartwheel in shout heal you and then roll out and that is the most Arctic thing I've seen Adventure Quest do and finish the day by grinding from 64 to 70 and now at level 70 we can finally reach turned to the Devourer Saga so let's do this remember Sage old or the river's shadowmaster had to go to the desert to find jagos to kill from orb of light to protect although while he scribes the shadow Master you know all that stuff so back to the desert we go fight through the desert and meet some Cyclops as they say we are trespassing so we fight and when we win they explain jagos isn't around but they do have some orbs of light they can sell us with the orb acquired you don't actually need to fight jagos but if you do want to you have to travel to the younger land map help the desert Nomads fight jagos here then discover The Well of the waterlord defeat an energy dragon and then meet nalu the water Elemental who explains the evil we are chasing has destroyed many planets before law and may be the greatest threat this world has ever faced with the light orb in hand we go to mount igerbold where aldor and Aquila were but on our way through the forest we meet the fire sources mercuria and the Knight tathlon they are Hunting the Legend of Fenris Hall a hollow tree stump housing the lair of a wolf so we agree to help out now I have to point point out before you spend 30 minutes completing this 15-floor dungeon with no brakes this is an optional side quest which isn't actually important why this is in the main plot line I do not know get to Mount igerbold and meet shadow dragon nith a messenger of the shadowmaster old or shows up and demands to know what the shadow Master wants turns out he wants something called the eye of Knob an artifact that's owned by Vampire Queen safiara We asked why the orb of light isn't doing its job and keeping these creatures of Darkness away and it seems that the shadowmaster and his minions are not agents of the darkness element they use Darkness to hide their identity but they are void creatures beings of no Elemental affiliation then Arctic shows up and hates the undead so we fight nith the shadow dragon and win but if the shadowmaster is after the eye of Knob whatever that is we should probably go and get that because it might be important so back to darkovia we got back here we meet Elizabeth ninja woman she's been sent to help us and has brought some Ninja friends but they've been bitten by zombies so now we need to fight some Undead ninjas to get to the castle this leads to a triple ninja fight which is way harder than it should be I actually mentioned this on the Discord and the Adventure Quest team did look into this and determined yeah that's way too hard so they may have to retune this find the castle across the river and sneak inside fight through so many vampires I legitimately run out of supplies and die so I asked for advice on the Discord and I get told a few things first of all go and get the Fairy Godmother pet because she heals you and is super useful then go to Haven and buy liquid courage because it has dark defense and God damn it this is the weeb cat Verge the one place I wanted to avoid fine I'll trade with the cat people and you know what let's just spend a few hours absolutely grinding the night class to level 10 joining a night Kingdom and then training Paladin just because the Paladin armor is so bloody good against dark enemies and the power and has this cool dog song which can heal you right short five hour our grind session aside back to the vampire castle find Nab in the dungeon explain we are not working for the shadow Master he explains he is not a prisoner but actually pays the Vampire Queen to be able to live here because the shadowmaster is hunting him down NAB has actually seen the shadowmaster but then had his memory erased and with this he sells us the eye of Gnar which is not his actual eye but a shield which dispels Illusions and should counter the darkness hiding tactic and allow us to reveal the shadowmaster's true identity we give the shield to uldor and knowing the shadowmaster wants this older projects a psychic call through the shield essentially tempting the shadowmaster to come and get it this leads to a series of random Elemental fights but then a huge pit opens behind us so we jump in inside we're attacked by more ribbers who claim we are the shadow master and must die but rivers are done we are not the shadow master and while talking to old or this super creepy demon spider shows up this is if feel and they immediately admit they are the shadow Master they are thousands of years old and they caused a great destruction which led to the extinction of the race the rivers once were which led to them becoming skeleton snakes but he did it for the greater good if Phil then tells us about the Devourer the ultimate force of Destruction which travels through reality roaming every universe and consuming any Planet which houses living beings if Thiel says before the Devourer arrives and they will arrive they will send an agent of Destruction to scout a potential world and if we could maybe repel that agent the Devourer might leave our world alone ifeal explains that he was originally a human Wizard and many years ago the Devourer did attempt to attack this planet but ifil fought him off for this he was cursed into this form he asks us that when the agent of Destruction appears the Devourer Scout will we help fight it and of course we agree to this end he gives us an item the gift of a feel which doesn't do do anything yet and tells us one final thing there is a book in a secret place called The Isle de Orion which we will need to read quick note that gift of a feel does literally nothing for the entire plotline and I'm pretty sure they forgot it exists now the Isle de Orient is a city between our reality and the Ethereal realm and is accessed by a rip in the sky it's mostly abandoned but if you go to the library you can find a book with a code then click this candle go into a hidden room and meet the Eternal he says this Vault houses an ancient clock counting down to Doomsday or the return of the Devourer so we use the special code to open the vault or we don't we just click on the handle because it's been changed to open with any code now and we see a red laser firing into space at an angry red Moon the Moon will be relevant the laser will not outside we see a Gauntlet at hand then tear a rip in reality and a red-headed woman step through this is the huntress daughter of the Eternal she has been traveling for over a thousand years through space hunting the Devourer down the Eternal immense how his daughter is becoming obsessed but the huntress leaves to continue her Quest warning a war is coming back in yoga's in yoga is gone replaced by his cousin's roommate's nephew Hans the only person who saw yoga recently was the child moglin twig who is daydreaming in fact daydreaming so hard we have to go into their dream and kill their distractions and for some reason while doing this we are a fish with his Focus restored twig tells us a red-headed woman ripped a tear in reality portaled into the Inn kidnapped yoga and escaped through the portal the delivery of the narrative then switches away from plot you play through to plot you are told about after the fact the huntress has teleported herself and yoga to the basement of the Guardian Tower it seems that yoga is a great great great great great great grandchild of a master blacksmith who made weapons capable of harming the Devourer the location of those weapons however is a secret hidden within a book which only yoga has or maybe not has but only yoga has the innate ability to magically find just by trying to look for it so yoga just randomly points to a box that he feels a strange connection to and oh hey yeah that's the book congratulations it's a diary entry written by board Smith die the blacksmith of Oak law which is a town featured in Dragon Fable the diary explains they found a glowing metal and have made it into weapons to defeat what they refer to as the world eater should it ever return however before we can read the location of them a guardian interrupts us and the huntress deals with him by knocking him unconscious grabs the book and teleports away leaving gilgar to take the blame for assaulting a guardian yoga gets locked up but when the guard does come around and wake up again he explains the situation and Arctic visits yoga and sets him free meanwhile rabina and warlick are magically tracking the portal Essence left by tearing portals open and chasing the huntress across the land we see her appear in a forest but get attacked by the werewolf nightbane the attack knocks the portal making Gauntlet and book out of our hands but both of them run off when warlick and rabina arrive and we take both the book and the gauntlet but then if Thiel shows up and explains that the huntress is actually an agent of the Devourer and she is looking for the weapons so she can destroy them and secure the devourer's safety with this information we give Chase completing four battles in four different biomes deserts forests darkovia and the mountains before finally confronting the huntress and she is a tough fight we take her down but then she explains and I know that you won't believe this the creepy looking spider demon thing was actually lying to us the huntress does genuinely want to kill the Devourer and a feel is an agent of the Devourer apparently a fail pledged his Allegiance many years ago in exchange for immortality at least an immortal Soul not an immortal body the huntress however made one mistake in her search for the ancient weapons she had the right bloodline but the wrong person yoga isn't the only blacksmith within his bloodline he has a cousin called Ada who lives on the Isle to Orion the Sky City and they know the location of the weapons so everyone heads back to the guardian Tower and we have a conversation for some context the huntress explains that the Devourer has a name they are referred to as fergalin or fagolin they arrive on our planet a thousand years ago and every race hid in a different way elves hid in the forest dwarves hid in the mountains humans ripped huge chunks from the land of Law and created magical floating ethereal cities like the Isle Orion they tethered them to the land of law but then made them exist between realities so it would be harder for the Devourer or the Garland to find them the strongest race at the time was the Drac L sort of draconic humans they were Advanced enough to build cities strong enough to withstand the devourer's attack and when the Devourer passed away everything came out of hiding but most things were gone unfortunately the huntress's entire family was destroyed her father however was cursed by the Devourer to live eternally and maintain the clock which would Herald return which has been slowly driving this guy mad so the huntress worked with some of the dracel to create the gauntlet and now rips her way through reality chasing the Devourer down following its magical Essence she doesn't age because moving through reality stops the experience of time as we know it she explains the Devourer is not just destruction but pure anti-creation the embodiment of unmaking it won't just kill you it will erase you from history so everyone agrees we should head to the Isle of Orion speak to blacksmith adder and secure the ancient weapons to be able to defend law on the Isle it seems Adder has no memory of Ages 6 to 10 which weirdly were the exact years we need to know about anyway his memory is returned when he sees the diary that yoga hands to him titled the book of Salvation And as he remembers the Eternal the huntress's Dad shows up and explains that actually he made the weapons he was so angry at being cursed to watch a clock counting down to the return of everything he hates he worked with blacksmiths and magicians to hunt down a rare metal called viridium which seems to hurt the devourer's minions he made enough weapons to equip an army and hid them in the crater which was created when the Isle was raised from the land into the air the Eternal says the weapons used to be in the mountains but he got Adder to help him move them several years ago and then wiped Adam's memory to keep it a secret so the Isle which is still Tethered to the ground below is lowered down and we descend into the caverns to look for the weapons but if feel has followed us so we have to fight through an army of the feels minions and when we do find the weapons were attacked by malzar an agent of the Devourer a machine enhanced War creature and with malzar killed everyone attacks a field together but just before we land the final blow he runs away because his soul is Immortal but his body is not thankfully warlick has teleported the Viridian weapons to safety so now we are armed now it's time to start the Temple of Hope Quest chain which will tie in heavily soon this starts with dragon slayer galanoth saying a knight of larithia a man called Thorne Lauren has requested we go to help the Orcs of green guard Forest now Orcs requesting human help is strange so we head off but on the way we meet falarin the lawmaster he says we are late the orc has already left with an elf named kendral but while we're here we should meet galrick this emo looking kid phalorin explains he is from a different reality but he knows the Devourer originally came from our current reality and if we don't stop it everything in existence in all realities is in danger so we are to travel through the forest with galrick until we find a portal which will send us to Darren specifically to the Temple of Hope and there our Quest will continue now this is just several fights in a row but a quirk of this game's old programming you can encounter any monster in any Quest including this troll which is a challenge boss monster and one hit kills me great balancing Adventure Quest just just great job make it through the forest and find a portal you now need to activate the 10 runes around the portal in the right order and the tactic here is randomly click on all of them until you get it right and for every 10 wrong tries of a complete code input you will get one runic hint this is terrible design the portal takes us to the Temple of Hope and we meet trial in a dracel and king of Darren he explains the Temple of Hope is dedicated to larithia the great Creator goddess and mother of all trial and explains the one we seek for Garland the Devourer the uncreator and many other ominous names is way too powerful to take on right now and we will need to collect the eight Elemental orbs and unite the eight Elemental avatars as allies and after doing that then find the secret ninth Avatar the Avatar of Hope incarnate trailing reveals that he himself is the Avatar of life so we've found at least one of them and so the orb collection bit Begins the ice orb is easy it's in the guardian Tower basement just go and grab it and wallet creates a magical copy so no one will think this is missing done the fire orb has been split into four fragments and they're on a battlefield so push through 16 different fights to find four pieces and put them back together the darkness always in darkovia we are met by arctic's Vampire Hunter a the wolf king and queen of the vampires and they put aside the differences to Stand United against the Devourer so we fight through 11 battles and then kill a necromancer to take his orb the light orb is held in the Dwarven mountains but it's a huge mountain range thankfully we meet Lucius the Pegasus leader of the Lucian clan of paxia and representative of the realm of light he knows the light orbits protected by the demigoddess mai so flies us over and for the greater good we kill her and take it yay for being the good guys the water orb is surprisingly underwater Aquila wishes us luck and we kill our way through a ton of fish strangely you actually get the orb and then you fight the boss but in a very arctic's touch this boss the water fiend can disable your spell casting so I try and be clever and use my lawmaster's tone which is kind of like a spell on a weapon and it says the Tome realized is your spells are disabled so it throws plot holes at the enemy instead which I appreciate also when your spells are blocked by this boss if you open your inventory and read the description of the ability it says have you ever put your ear to a seashell but instead of the sounds of the sea you hear Whispers of a future in which everyone you love has had their lives drowned and extinguished like an insignificant dinghy before the powers of the ocean's Mighty waves yeah me too next up the energy orb rabina joins us hunting down krenov the energy dragon who swallows the orb in defiance so we beat him up and he vomits it back up so we take it the wind orb is in the desert now you can either fight your way across or play a Flappy Bird style Airship minigame grabbing fuel in the form of dynamite as you go and honestly after 10 minutes of trying this has to be one of the hardest Flappy Bird clones I've ever played it's easier to just fight your way through the desert after grabbing this orb I also noticed that the taking of the orbs is inconsistent some of them are highlighted when you reach them some have arrows some other ring around them some don't classic adventure quest inconsistency the Earth orb is hidden in a cave which were guided to by a squirrel and thankfully there is a handy dandy map on the wiki otherwise you can get lost here forever grab the Earth orb and finally we are done now do not return to the Temple of Hope because if you do it will be in an advanced questline state that you shouldn't have access to yet and you will throw this entire thing out of order instead return to the inn and take the quest stop bugging me from the big book there you'll meet lawmaster phalorin and his student galreck on a beach it seems that loads of insects are fleeing from something so we have to find out what we fight it on the beach to meet the evil moglin cabroz he's creating an undead Nat swarm and this is another totally optional Quest but the interesting part here is how galrick keeps mentioning stuff to you as if you already know it or have lived the events before and I'm thinking is this foreshadowing is galrick us from the future but no this is just terrible pacing back in town There's A Dark Storm approaching but this is not a storm this is a powerful unreality creature called The Exodus a being which serves the Devourer as the envoy of Destruction so this might be the Scout attempt The Exodus forms into the soul banisher and thankfully we're able to repel it but when we return to town we see a feel the demon spider thing the shadowmaster angry that we have defeated the Exodus and they are blaming a new NPC for the failure they're blaming this guy who is genuinely Called Agent Smith and yes this is a matrix reference it seems that if feel agent Smith and nightbane the Wolf are all part of the devourer's network of loyalists collectively referred to as the network after this fight a strange object from the sky crashes over at Mount thrall so we go to check it out it seems the object is a spaceship from the future called The Hope and it's crew explained they are part of a group called the order a group dedicated to fighting the devourers network through time so the order are good and the network are bad it seems they already know about us and our war against the Devourer because we are heroes in the future but this event may change that because of the butterfly effect along with the orders ships crashing some future network agents have also landed on law so now we have time travel which matters because the next Quest starts context-wise 1 000 years in the future we see the world of law Advanced but destroyed and we're told many species have been hunted to Extinction the few remaining magical creatures are protected by the Nova Knights this Nova night randor is friends with old scar The Last Dragon existing but scar dies because the planet's magical Essence which was keeping him alive was used up during the time of the warp force in defense of the planet against the engine of Destruction those words will make sense if you play lots of other the quests with Scar's death his soul is absorbed and imbued into Randall's Blade with the last dragon dead Randall is then invited into a time portal and thrown a thousand years into the past which is our present and he meets feign a Time fairy who says the lorian dragons cannot be allowed to go extinct and Randall must meet us in the Town of Babylon because this is the exact date Humanity becomes involved with the intergalactic Devourer Network this is where the future begins to be written and this is where we can stop the poaching ring which kills all the creatures in the future so we meet Randolph and the only thing we know is there has been a sighting of a network agent in darkovia so we head on over and meet vasilis a poacher of creatures souls and the budding creator of an international poaching ring but if we kill him now he'll never make the ring so we do that but then another Lucky Strike the dragon old scar is still alive in this time and with Randall's sword being infused with scars soul from the future if we give that soul to scar now he'll have two souls and will live more so we do that by fighting scar Randall then attempts to return to the future but is almost immediately pulled back into our time he thanks us for our help and makes us an honorary Nova night for saving so many future animals then later as we're walking through town we are suddenly attacked by the space girls six brightly colored Intergalactic Defenders who are convinced we are the Devourer this is quite a difficult series of fights but then we explain we're not the Devourer in fact we recently defeated the Exodus an agent of the Devourer and the space girls are so impressed with how powerful we are they ask if we can help them take down an evil Intergalactic Overlord so we hop in their spaceship warp jump to their space space in a different time which has been blown up while they were fighting us and is now just debris and that leads to a Mini-Game of use your mouse to dodge the debris or as I found it just stay at the bottom of the screen and survive land on the space girls planet and discover it's been nuked by the evil Overlord and everything living has been melted into a big homogeneous goo fight the goo then just kind of leave back in battle on we are summoned back to the Temple of Hope it seems the eight Elemental orbs will not be enough for there is a ninth orb the orb of creation which many years ago was shattered into five pieces and we must now collect and we meet Julia they are a Brill hedo a greater demon of the light realm but they're on our side and then jiliara's evil brother diviara who stole a share of the orb of creation many years ago when it shattered and it seems the evil brijado a part of the devourers network while the good Brill Hardo are part of the order so now we Trek around the island fighting our way to find five shards of the orb of creation we find the first on a beach held by a Brill Hardo Necromancer The Necromancer is talking to deviara and deviara says my nephew is with them referring to giliara but for some reason not willing to say that he's his brother not his nephew after finding the first Shard deviara shows up and literally tells us where to find the next one saying he'll be waiting for us so is he evil or is he guiding us well the next is held by a draco Lich on the castle Rampart so we do that and it seems that diviara is telling all of the evil people giliara is his nephew not his brother because he has to hide the family connection but not a complete family connection just brotherly connection the third Shard is with a big spider and deviara keeps mentioning to his minions whatever you do don't kill giliara so the evil demon is protecting the good Demon it seems we fight through a field and finally the two Brill Hardo Brothers talk giliara trying to convince deviara he still loves and cares for him and would be forgiven if he returned to the good side and diviara says love is a weakness and he's come too far to quit now and we will battle next in deep lake so as expected the deep lake is full of enemies and the boss here is a Bracken but notice Elizabeth DVR assessed to the Bracken I must slay you first and then we fight the Bracken but we fight an undead version why would he turn it Undead for us when he knows that we are powerful against Undead either way we kill it and get the fourth Shard the brilliardo brothers finally talk and mate and giliara says he knows his brother can love for he knows he loved his son and deviara says they framed him for murdering his wife and now his son hates him inviting us to The Fortress for the final fight at the Fortress a random no name brilhardo sneaks up on and kills giliara so our good brohardo is now dead this angers deviara so much he opened openly calls him his brother which shocks the rest of the bad guys and then realizing he's done that he realizes that deep down he did love his brother and then switches allegiances portrays the Devourer and joins us giving us the final part of the creation orb back in battle on we are told the dark lands have been swarmed with the devara network so we rush over to help and the huntress says she has spotted the enemy the giant werewolf night Bane so we take him down and nightband says haha this was just a test since it feels failed attack using the Exodus and the fact we have gathered all the orbs the Devourer wants to see how strong our resistance was and turns out they're not that impressed next up we're told the pirate Clan led by Captain rhubarb tipped off by the fighter trainer Blackhawk has been searching for a treasure just off the northern coast however the ninja Clan led by Elizabeth were laying in wait to Ambush them and both sides are now fighting in a big Civil War and we should go and break that up so we fight through one side or the other only to discover the fighter trainer Blackhawk is being mind controlled by the Devourer and the organized Civil War was designed to weaken both the pirate and ninja clans so they couldn't team up so we fight Blackhawk and the devourer's mind control is removed but we then wonder how many more people are secretly working for the Devourer oh great there's mind control now fantastic back in town there is another storm which means The Exodus is back so we fight it again but this time it's focused all of its energy into a massive Exodus Titan thankfully arctix has somehow summoned a dragon lord from the past to fight the Titan so we just watch this cutscene and we win this part of the quest only exists as cross-promotion for Dragon Fable because we're asked if we want to become a dragon lord and even though arctics can apparently summon dragonlord from the past he never does this again with the power of Mind Control now a reality the good guys get together to discuss the implications however fallawin explains this is not something the Devourer does as it goes against its purpose whatever purpose that may be the huntress agrees and says the use of mind control means that if ours Network are now working on their own against the will of the Devourer itself the network seem to be attempting to manifest the uncreation power within another vessel this is a sign that Omega is coming apparently the Omega process is forcing the devourer's uncreation power into something else also mind control is never used again the Eternal refers to his daughter the huntress by her actual name celestra and then all the good guys gather together to discuss a rather complex phenomenon the network cannot manifest the power of the Devourer the Omega process against its own will if the physical host they want to use is already in use by another Soul they need to find a vessel without a soul during this time galrick the emo kid constantly flirts with the huntress who isn't interested at all and divyara says he was able to discover that the Omega host whatever or whoever it may be might already be on Law and it might be fatal it to continue the legacy of zillar but he doesn't know what that is so he goes to eavesdrop we then see a conversation between a necromancer brijado talking to an unknown character and we learn that amalara selegra diavara's son the one who hates him has been found and that devara despite being a traitor to the network has special orders to not be harmed these orders come from someone called Ojo real name Dr Louis Zephyr this conversation ends with the Necromancer addressing the off-screen character as Lord Omega to relax little we take a stroll through green guard Forest but bump into this strange man who looks exactly like lawmaster phalerin but isn't so we journey with him and then bump into the actual loremaster and it seems these two know each other and the mysterious man is here to inform phalorin the prison of Ages has been broken but fallorin already knew that it seems there's problems back in fallorin's reality but that's not our concern right now because strange creatures possibly devour and network agents have been spotted over at asthma like also don't worry about what the prison of Ages is it will never get brought up again we head over to asthma Lake and join the huntress aquala and yoga dive in and find a cave within and inside void dragons ancient and powerful and after killing them we meet a predecessor a being from another planet loyal to the devourer's network who has traveled to law just to hunt the dragons they have a unique language that we cannot read but the hunters can and they are evil so we fight after winning outside we see a meeting between nightbane and another predecessor we learn they usually work alone but then agent Smith joins and says if the predecessor Works under his command he'll be able to cause far more destruction and the predecessor agrees and from this point forward agent Smith starts talking like a Hollywood agent and referring to everyone as baby with the forces of the network growing the mystical island of paxia falls into Civil War the Devourer agents have caused the eight Elemental Clans to turn on each other and we must attempt to unify them so we rush to paxia and focus on killing only the Devourer Network agents and when we win a red suited Man known only as the servant of the Garland or servant to the Devourer is amazed that Unity has triumphed it seems that the Devourer seems to thrive on betrayal and disagreement and get stronger when those things happen but teamwork has pushed them back lawmaster fallowin appears and congratulates the eight Clans for putting aside their differences and standing together deviara relays his Espionage to emo kid Garrick confirming the presence of Omega somewhere on law but then the red-suited servant of the Garlin appears again we learn his name is ryuci Cartwright he is a high-ranking member of the network and mentions personal history with both garric and deviara and Angus when he is called Twain on a beach loremaster phalorin and the mysterious man then meet up again we learn his name is eldron he has done as a favor by researching ryushi Cartwright it seems that Cartwright lived as a human for a while and was the adopted son of a man named Matthew Twain before he grow up and killed his adopted father Cartwright is now an agent of the Devourer and it is said that he has some documents hidden within the brill Hardo Fortress detailing the devourer's plans so we are tasked with breaking into the Fortress and swapping the real document for a fake one that we've made to disrupt the forces of evil and stop them attacking law and to this end we are disguised as a Brill Hardo and sent in now this Quest needs you to read The Adventure Quest forums and actually read up on the law because we need to answer several multiple choice questions to prove our loyalty to get in and these 20 Questions reveal some deep deep lore about this whole situation so I have to add some context phagolin was a human born on the Isle of jelly four and a half thousand years ago he was born to a very wealthy family but instead of following the wealthy family business turn the Family Estate into an orphanage and cared for the poor he met a woman named Lauren and the two fell in love he did not know at the time that Lauren was the goddess of creation laurethra are in Disguise as a human and she admired for Garland's selfless and caring nature unfortunately the wealthy Elite of the land despised the Garland's altruism and coveted his wealth so they brutally murdered several of the orphans under his care and then burned down the orphanage the corruption and strife of this civilization began to spread to every society and ultimately phagolin was killed larythia not wanting such a genuinely selfless man to die used her powers as a goddess to resurrect the Garland and granted him the power of godhood making him an elemental lord of the void his purpose would be to wonder through existence and reality observing civilizations and if he determined them to be corrupt Beyond saving uncreate them allowing the planet to start again however if a civilization did show signs of unity Harmony and a willingness to work for the greater good of All That civilization must be spared and allowed to exist when the Garland or the Devourer first visited law they were not repelled by an army and they didn't spare the dracul humans and elves because they hid they spared them because the societies were United in their pursuit of survival and their support of each other they were worthy of existence eventually we reached the inner sanctum and read the devourer's plans the letter instructs the network to observe and do nothing which means that avaara is actually following its original purpose of judgment before uncreation however we hear Cartwright approaching so we cast an invisibility spell on ourselves and then see what happens when Cartwright reads the letter and he says it instructs the network to attack immediately so Cartwright is trying to direct the devourers network in a way that he sees fit and is not following the devourer's actual goals which is judgment and fair passing lawmaster falarin eldron the huntress and the emo kilgorek all chat on a beach about how Cartwright is now using the armies of the Devourer for his own end and this entire chat is set up for a pun but then Lord Omega still an off-screen character demands the brill Hardo attack phalorin and deviara it seems deviara isn't protected by any special protection orders anymore emo kigarik and the huntress share a heartfelt conversation where galrick isn't sure if the Devourer up given what we now know is actually evil and the huntress reminds him that while the Devourer may not be evil but simply a force of creation and uncreation the network are now operating independently under the rulership of an evil person the attack on the beach against falarin has quickly ended because fallorin is an incredibly powerful wizard it seems who just refuses to get involved in those things and the few Surviving Evil briljardo Retreat to inform Lord Omega of their failure meanwhile over in darkovia the locals are somewhat concerned with the appearance of a giant blood red moon in the sky which seems to have eyes watching them judging them almost then back in battle on we see the wounded werewolf wolf Wing limp in accompanied by julock the moblin and sonara the quarter of the werewolf nightbane it seems that nightbane has been corrupted not by the Devourer but by Shadow master I feel remember him and they're all here to ask for our help julock explains an ancient legend States the harbinger of the Devourer will trick and deceive everyone into chaos and Destroy unity and that is what a feel has done that was his job so we agree to help and go and take down the corrupted nightbane who is pretty much impossible to kill this is a scripted loss but then sonara shows up and begs knightbane to remember the human part of him The Honorable part and moved by his daughter's pleading nightbane is able to resist the power of a feel agent Smith is also there but gets launched Away by the now focused good night Bane and their nightbane rips it feels throat out and kills him with this it feels soul is returned to the Devourer potentially to be unmade agent Smith reports of Phil's death to Cartwright although this apparently is not a big concern because Cartwright's focus is now capturing amalara deviara's son of course deviara is eavesdropping on this whole conversation but knows this is likely a plot to force him to attack into a blind Rage which would cause more chaos which is what Cartwright wants so instead lawmaster falarin asks Lord Darren a friend and master strategist to go and secure amalara before Cartwright can reach him seems that amalara's just hanging around in a forest chatting to some Undead dudes because he sees them as friends he has no Prejudice either way against life or unlife and is a surprisingly chill guy Darin turns up and informs amalara that Cartwright knows of his presence and is sending a battalion of network troops to apprehend him right now so unless he wants that he should come with us so we fight our way through the forest and lawmaster fallowin joins us at the end one of amalara's Undead friends informs us that agent Smith has been seen to the South commanding a group of Exodus soldiers so we quickly move everyone to safety and run away back at the guardian Tower we receive word that the Temple of Hope is about to be attacked by Network agents so we rush over but before we make the trip lawmaster falarin warns us that another network attack is in progress right now in granamore and and unless we help it is likely granama will be destroyed and then the network will march on Babylon the defense of granamore is vital so the temple will have to wait we fight alongside the huntress yoga and arctics and even with everyone combined granamore unfortunately is lost and the network win this battle meanwhile beneath the Deep sounds of the desert more survivors of more spaceship crashes from earlier talk about the current situation and decide to remain United and attempt to push for the survival of all but this conversation is being spied on by Lord zylar and a Brill Hardo guard Lord zylar is loyal to the Devourer he was actually the devourer's first communicant and does his will but he's not loyal to Cartwright and he now realizes that Cartwright has openly defied the devourer's wishes and is attacking a civilization which has shown Unity so xylar goes to confront Cartwright as he does this we see the werewolf Knight Bane so recently under it feels control attack vampire Hunter e but then sonara his daughter intervenes and more Revel relations it seems that vampire Hunter e is currently the host of The Avatar of death and if knightbane kills him he will gain the Avatar's power and be strong enough to stop the Devourer or at least that's his theory the only issue is nightbane is Vampire Hunter E's father both sonara and E beg their dad to stop this Petty fight and stand with them but their nightbane runs off by himself to try and kill the devara on his own and will most likely fail with granamore having fallen the network assault continues North in augathorn Legions of network soldiers charge against the United forces Of Orcs elves and humans and after we've taken down way too many to count we see xylar confront agent Smith chastising his actions saying he is going against the original will of the Devourer and how once xylar exposes this corruption many members of the network will realize they are being used and leave at this point briha one of the Network's advisors let Smith know that they may lose lose some soldiers but they don't actually have any proof of the Devourer uncreating anything so even going against the Devourer doesn't seem that risky if anything it's just a legend agent Smith and Cartwright bicker about losing control of the network and xylar confronts Cartwright saying he has deviated so far from the original goal of the Devourer that he cannot continue to follow him and will be ordering his people and everyone loyal to the original goal of the Devourer to leave xylar then leaves and communicates with Ojo or Louis zuffer via a communication orb informing him of the situation and the message ends telling him to stand clear back in battle on a great flash of light covers the sky fallerin senses that this magic originated from Dragon claw Isle so we go and investigate over there we meet two powerful Mages zyphos and bell choir working together on a spell they say it will be ready soon and we should tell fallarin to expect them at the Temple of Hope in apt time the network under the insane leadership of ryuci Cartwright closes in Cartwright is pushing to force the Omega event the manifestation of the devourer's power against the devourer's own will he just needs a host we hold the line in the forest outside town and fight waves of network Loyalists and during a brief moment of calm galrick the emo kid asks the huntress if after all this is done she'll consider staying on law because he's finally found his confidence and tells her that he likes her and wants to spend time with her and feeling safe she agrees more battles and eventually we reach the brill Hardo Commander oracarus fabled Soldier so we take him down and then Gallery joins us and we confront ryuci Cartwright together unfortunately Cartwright overpowers us and kills galrick with this Cartwright offers us the chance to join him and serve the Devourer serve the Garland but we refuse and instead join deviara at the core Dam gate the path to the Temple of Hope the network have attacked the temple so we defend it and eventually we fight agent Smith himself and if there was any doubt this was a matrix reference watch the Dodge animation for agent Smith taken straight from the first film take down agent Smith but then Cartwright uses his manipulation magic known as the cold on us and saps our will to fight but then divyara's son anilara arrives and now he knows the truth his father was not responsible for the murder of his mother it was Cartwright it was all Cartwright so amalara fights Cartwright injuring him but just before he dies Cartwright willingly sacrifices his body and his soul to make himself an empty vessel and uses his own body to manifest Omega the Devourer Spirit awakens and inhabits Cartwright's body then suddenly nightband the werewolf shows up and attempts to fulfill his promise to His Daughter by killing the Devourer which of course fails we finally confront fergalin the Devourer the uncreator in the guy is of Omega and explain he is hurting the goddess he once loved and his mission of judgment has been overpowered by the Omega Force and he is now simply destroying for the sake of destroying he must stop for the sake of fair unified existence but of course omega's in control so he doesn't stop this means we fight and he is immensely powerful so we lose but as we die an ethereal power takes over it seems the ninth Avatar the Avatar of Hope lives inside all of us everyone who has stood United in defense of law is a fragment of the Avatar of Hope and our selfless Act of standing up against uncreation has freed the power of the Goddess larithia As We rise from Death the Garlin runs into the Temple of Hope ready to destroy it unfortunately he faces the full combined unified forces defending law archmage belquire shouts now and the spell they were preparing happened happens the elemental orbs explode with harmonious energy the creation orb lifts up and the essence of lyricia calms the spirit of fergalin saying there is hope for law yet because Unity has been observed and this reality does not need to be unmade with this the spirit of the Garland and larithia leave into the void and reusei Cartwright screams for his Lord to return but as the void opens Cartwright and Mage bell choir are pulled in but choir knows that even though he is in nowhere the only way to stop Cartwright is to obliterate his body into the void but casting this swell will also kill him but for the sake of law he does this with the devourer's essence gone the Eternal the huntress's dad is released from his eternal vigil of the Doomsday Clock and the huntress is able to return to her Homeland and we discuss the events on the beach it is made clear that the Devourer or the Garlin is not destroyed but for now the unity of law has shown him we do not need to be unmade and that is the entire 22 hour Devourer Saga one of several Epic Quest Lines within Adventure Quest and when you beat the final boss you unlock the final shop which not only gives you access to one of the best spells in the game Elemental Unity but also the commemorative I beat the Devourer and all I got was this stupid t-shirt armor honestly way more depth than I was expecting you can really tell though when one story stops and another starts and you can tell how many story threads they just totally forgot about the whole sci-fi time travel thing is a bit off the rails and I kind of miss the rivers from the start but all in all a pretty strong fantasy plot heavy themes of Chrono Trigger what with future civilizations ancient powers and being thrown to the Past you know I never expected a 2d Flash game to have a plot that deep I don't think many people ever play through this whole thing but even though it took days I'm glad I did it so what have open to Adventure Quest ultimately Flash died the game fell into relative obscurity the plot became way too convoluted if you weren't playing it from the start and the consistent inconsistencies in the design over 20 years has made it now look rushed amateurous in some aspects and kept it from ever being able to stand up to the big boys of online gaming it is deaf definitely a relic of its time fun to play in short bursts but very heavily limited it's worth jumping back in leveling a few glasses collecting some cool weapons but the Nostalgia we have for it comes from how readily available and easy flash was back in the day now having to download a launcher for it combined with a very rough new player experience I cannot see Adventure Quest attracting or keeping too many new people now Dragon Fable on the other hand oh God I'm gonna have to make a two hour retrospective on another Flash game aren't I right after Falcon reach we go thank you very much for watching a huge shout out to the supporters on patreon YouTube and twitch who give me the safety net needed to make these two hour videos on 20 year old flash games these videos exist because of people like you you can support the patreon from only one pound a month check the video description for links to the patreon twitch Twitter and our Discord and as always battle on
Channel: Josh Strife Plays
Views: 2,557,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic gaming, retro games, older games, retro review, gaming reviews, nostalgic gaming, nostalgia games, playstation 1, playstation 2, n64, dreamcast, classic rpg
Id: o9golNioblE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 35sec (7655 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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