Was Hunter Holding Trevor Back This Whole Time?! | Break 57 Disc Golf Challenge

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what's up Foundation Nation today we are back with another attempt at break 57 let's get into it so today's going to be interesting mostly because no big hunt big Hunt is not here he left to go watch the Music City open just being Connor and that is going to mean one thing especially if I start playing bad this video is going to turn into chaos because Hunter is not here to restrain us and things can get dangerous last time out was very averaged through some good shots it was a little sloppy though plus seven ended up with a 65 there were also some different pins last time around so that was a little bit jarring this time at least I'll know to expect it so it won't be quite as uh in my face but just going to try and play clean hopefully can make putts today because putting has been a little bit of a struggle as of late um as of forever so we'll see what can happen number one going to go shark again worked last time try to get it all the way back to that pin hopefully start off with a birdie that would be helpful back come on F A little oh now drop Dr somewhere okay okay that's all right what a god well I keep giving myself birdie putts and not making him on this hole and I really do feel like that's important when was the last time you sat down and really evaluated your mental health life can be so stressful and full of a ton of twists and turns if you've never taken time to sit down and talk through the struggles that life can throw on you then they can build up and become so overwhelming I have countless family members who have used therapy as a tool to sort through their burdens and come out so much healthier on the other side I cannot stress enough how valuable it is to have a trusted individual to confide in you may think therapy isn't for you but everyone needs to make mental health a priority that's why I want to introduce to you the sponsor of today's video better help better help connects you with a licensed therapist that is specifically trained to give you helpful and unbiased advice first you go to their site you can use my link betterhelp.com Foundation then you answer a few questions and help will connect you with somebody who has years of experience dealing with struggles just like yours you can do it all from your phone or computer via phone call video chat or messaging however you feel most comfortable it's the easiest possible way to start talking to a therapist and you'll be matched with a therapist usually within 48 hours so you can get started fast let our sponsor betterhelp connect you with a therapist that can support you all from the comfort of your own home visit betterhelp.com foundation and enjoy a special discount on your first month thanks again to better help for sponsoring this video H number two got to improve from last time when I threw it into the first tree and then into the water from there that was fun wasn't it so I think I only amend taking the double which is crazy yeah let's try to get a drive out I think the wind is going to be a little bit into me potentially let me go hurricane play a little safer not as flippy sorry guys the mo sounds like sound like a bee right there the moaning monopod is back the lubricant that we used has begun to wear off I baby it look out Trev it's not in the water but it's left I just didn't like commit to that throw man I've been doing that a little bit lately The Yips they the ifs are getting to me a little bit it sounds like a bee Y when you go into that stuff it's jail I have to just try and take my five now just going to throw a Hiser try and get up there and then get up and down if I can throw this shot well shouldn't be a problem make bogy yep should be a pretty easy up and down for five just a little chippy up and down oh no I crushed it sit down that is how you turn a five into a six almost instantly oh no dang it dang that was close back to back double Bogies on this hole this might be like my worst hole in the course right now which is crazy cuz it's pretty straightforward people were really upset with me when I went Shaman here instead of supra I saw the complaints I'm going to do it again just put a little bit more right on Heiser so that it flips up late well I'm pinpoint I'm Pino oh see this time I got the sneaky line okay I might be able to get up and down once again just let it go a little bit too left but that's the right dis trust me miss some trees oh yeah oh that's real nice great shot Trevor we got to knock these down today we got to knock these down knock them down Trev I love how I talk about eight foot putts the way people should talk about 25 foot butts hey man to each his own exactly that's huge and look these are my battles let fight batt Conor you can fight him too okay I'll fight your battles Trev this is how he fights my battles full four I've been hitting this Gap consistently getting birdie looks going to keep that up same disc on Raider we're just going to we're just going to do it Trevor you don't think about it as you have get lucky again think about it as you're good at this shot so just keep being good at it I'm awesome at heer flips your gaps yeah all I'm good at Heiser flipster gaps with orange discs is that easy to say there is something in the orange big skip big skip be a big birdie look but that was still great throw the fact that we're still hitting this gy four months in a row that's incredible I think before that before this series I think I'm probably like 1 for 50 this is great you're way closer than I thought you were this is great this is probably about the same distance as I had last time I think last time I was in the creek this time I on dry land so I thought you skipped back to whole two cpad basically yeah I think I must have just dug into something maybe I hit that rock this is awesome this is a great look right got to make this right I mean it would be awesome though it would be cool con yes you know what wouldn't be cool if I air mail it into the creek that is my boy Trev that is my boy Trev how you say heck yeah Trev K he Trev come on okay that's a sick bird on the whole five I want to get this one I feel like time the time is now oh you totally can Big H suggested that I crush crush crush on my Supra last time and I yank yank yanked it up into the trees but he's probably right I think I'm going to try the buzz and with like like flat and let it soft turn oh B that really sucks you can't go be there I now trying to get up and down from here would be foolish so I just need to pitch it up there as far as I can and then take a five which is awesome you just can't go out of bounds on this one looks like you can go out of bounds on this one no you can't do it okay that was a really good safe shot yeah that was a really good safe shot to make it a stressfree five and I'm sick great up I now know that this pin is moved unless they moved it back it's in a long elevated pin so it's 340 ft it's a very interesting like slight turnover line it's unfortunately basically the shot I just threw let's just try it again huh I think I need more disc nah I don't even care oh that's really close to what you want okay it it at least dropped when it hit the trees that the way that disc was moving is exactly what you want it just had to be a little bit more left cuz it has to just pan slow and then just kind of fall straight that was scary though I thought it was kicking all the way back down the hill I do it's such a hard shot oh it's fantastic that was so good that was pretty good so close okay at least it s it wasn't a terrible play just kind of short armed it at the end got to kind of have back toback holes here that are like par 3es but par is a really awesome score for me um this is one where I got to try and get my forehand through the Gap and hopefully get to a good spot to scramble if I hit the forehand well then it's usually not too bad but if you do anything else you're in a lot of trouble going Sheriff a lot ofer a little bit of Tailwind I think not going to flip oh good kick it's so short like even though that got a decent kick forward and it's not super right unless I have a view of the hallway and like the Fairway it's it's super far from the basket I mean this hole is really far nope it's going to be a long day it a little bit good tree all right another bogey another tough par three that's the that's like that the theme of this course I would say holes 1 2 3 4 five like those are potential birdie holes honestly like I know I didn't play them well today I threw one well mess up B on two but that is a birdi a hole if I get it in the Fair Way hole three is birdi if I hit the line same with four and five obviously I got four today 6 Seven 8 n that that next group of holes usually when I have a good round this is where I mess up because these all these holes I'll probably birdie a combined like once or twice the whole year it's about making par and it's very tough to accept that it hurts your mental when you you walk up to a par three knowing three is probably my best score here you guys got to accept that that's what the these four holes they're they're the tester they're the test of my mental fortitude I'm really appreciative of how accepting you are Trevor I have not I have not b or thrown a good drive on this one yet like perfect so I can't really speak about it though I'm going to go Raider this time have a little more speed than the grace I've been throwing get through that oh almost did nice kick though yeah it's just another tough little scramble I got oh it's so far that's very far I think you might have parked along I hit the gap oh it's nice D oh no oh no that's just rude oh oh no no oh don't get it hey it stayed heck of good bids though yeah a lot of really good bids I that was like you were playing wall ball I don't know how people perceive New London because New London is a harder course than this but I feel like you could look at New London on camera and maybe think well the gaps are there it's pretty easy it's the OB that makes that course tough I would hope to think that this is pretty obviously really hard yeah I would think so the trees are everywhere this hole concludes the uh extra stupid holes actually this is the first one I would call like actually stupid just because like the other ones I just probably need to be able to throw harder and better this one I really think is stupid I pared it last time though you did so we'll go sheriff on Heiser again I think that's what I did last time oh Trevor sick Dude too bad it's great to the short pin yeah it is great to the short I think you might have parked the short pin I don't think I can see like that drive is so far down there I probably won't have a look at par because it's too far left like this hole's hard man pretty good that's a pretty good effort from there yeah how did I miss that that side of the basket I did a good job moving it over to the right I just didn't think I could miss it right honestly the day that I go par even par or better through 6789 that might be the day I do it cuz like I think I have to be playing insane golf to go par par par par through those Conor just reminded me and I did have the same realization as I had last month which is that is a par 4 which makes it a slightly better hole still kind of sucks but it doesn't help my cause because the number is still 57 yep now we're on to the back nine front nine front nine We we played a front nine did we play a front nine I don't remember a front nine oh oh okay I understand onto the back no new video we concluded that video Conor onto my back okay call me Beach dog whole 10 part three buzz anybody been throwing this good today is he right boys how many Lighty years do you think it'll take for you to park this hole probably 00 one it's inside okay kicked in the middle nice I just was uh not going to miss again with that disc that would frustrated me a lot I thinky perfect Trevor that's what we call him that's well perfect Trevor how do you like your steak I like it medium rare oh okay okay just asking this is another hole that didn't move the pin back used to be a birdie hole now it's a hole I just need to make far it's toaster out here today hey we even par on the on the back nine though yeah I'm going to go ahead and get jiggy with it make so here I am Smith throwing this F7 oh is he right boys seen he's going to Miami I'm like trying to set new records every time I throw for the furthest left release earliest tree hit combo record this is actually a sick hole welcome to New Hole 11 this is sick why is that going so L nothing is what it nothing is what it seems that is what I've learned love you that's in he hit the pole did it hit Pole or bottom of the cage it hit pole cage did something hit Nick it hit Nick Cage right in the face it stop it kept going freaking Ghost Rider good putt Trev bogey save what's up how much Trev how are you doing good whole 12 underwear under what's the joke underwear like Underdog in here that's it I haven't hit this Fairway yet on the series maybe now is the time you think that buzz will do the trick I do actually Trevor I want to throw this Buzz enough times that people like are pillaging in the comments to get me to kick it out of my bag here's what I'll say Trevor however you're going to throw this disc just throw it down the middle okay don't try to swing left or right just throw it down the middle right down the throw down the middle and let whatever shape you design happen okay just I'm a straight down the middle fantastic now Conor why haven't you been my caddy it's still going to be right hey great shot that's the best I've done so far hey haven't made a do bug in the back nine come on how's your Underdog it's a tough shot I'm going to go p3x probably just put it under the basky think you just got to finish a little bit left like 20 ft left and that's a really good shot Trevor you going to start your car so the air conditioning is nothing some cool by time we get there well we're going to be cooking in that thing might have be one of those situations where I send you in there all alone what you can do it I used to work at this golf course and our the only staff parking was out in the middle of a field in the sun all day long mid July I would my car odometer or not the odometer but the display would read 113 14 a lot of times oh my gosh so I would drive over there in my golf cart at the end of the day dive in there turn it on crank the AC dive out and I would just drive away and like finish up work for like 5 minutes before I got in there but it was like that you had to like Channel something from deep within to get overwhelmed just die on the spot just crawl in and just back give up my car in high school didn't have air conditioning you get Windows I'll just dive in there roll down the windows and drive away as fast as I could you kind of hold your breath you're just kind of like just hold it all in you just convince yourself I'm okay with not existing it's fine yeah dude out his Civic sport bro yeah if only he took the sick off-road line that Conor and I took on the way in freaking sick come back that comes back it's so good go in it's coming back oh y yo yo yo yo yo make a birdie what are you going a birdie a birdie dang Trevor hey here listen guys this series is a year-long bout okay it's round after round it's a 12 round boxing fight championship fight you cannot just roll over and die and start talking about hot cars and freaking just whatever else you got to keep making birdies because at the end of the day if I put together are back nine that's positive momentum going into the next month that I'll film a month from now mhm rock on I think I can bir this hole I think you shouldn't even speak about this hole I think you should just pick up that stupid Sheriff yeah with the sheriff special and just throw it as hard as you can decently High you guys ever if you ever went to public school which I did for a little bit did did you have like a chef spe special on the menu it would just say Chef special I don't remember on the lunch menu like what was that I don't think I ever get it I think I was scared but take me back to those cheese stick Dippers oh I'm starting to think there's a theme with the direction I'm throwing the disc today left low dang it oh Trevis no way holy crap Trevor dude I'll tell you right now 100% of the shots I've thrown today without a care in the world have been really good dope let's get bogey guys nope little 400t just bomb smash this hole is so far this course is built for men with bigger larger stronger arms holy cow I'm not one of those men let's just try I it's got to i' I've been doing some reverting back to my old self where I get up throw a shot and I start getting all the way down here I need to stay more upright may I give you mind if I tell you what to do again yes walk over here to this part of the teapad okay and now the very edge of this teapad is the middle of your new teapad thank you Cuz look at the Fairway now it's bigger yeah yeah now you can now you can aim right I am proud of you though cuz you did throw right too far I'm just telling you man when you aren't playing you AR at a high level here your disc gets hit so early and it makes you so sad like I wonder what the end of your disc flight looks like today wait that's what I'm saying like if I were out at Fallen Creek right now all of my shots would have just been like oh that wasn't ideal instead it's just straight depression yeah uhhuh like that shot with there's no trees gets pretty close to the basket we looked for a really long time can't find Trevor's beautiful Raider and he's going to throw that and maybe find it cuz that might be in the same spot oh that's how you put a little cut roll on your P yeah I like that listen guys this my orange Raider lost it in the Dead Leaves you saw it didn't kick that far um had that disc for like 3 years in my bag I think it's like when you have a dog and they have to like get away to go die I think that's what it just did to me that was not deserved that just a little slap to the face like you're going to be you're not going to be left enough now you're really not going to be left enough this one's for the Raider wherever he is hey come out here listen here's what I want to say cuz I I've lost this disc before and it's come back to me but this what I want to say if you find the disc on this hole keep it it's yours I don't want it back it's time to move on is that big of me am I making a lot of improvements that is big of you but T but post it on Instagram at TAG foundation so we can yeah yeah let us know that it's safe I want to know I found a good home nice shev why do these little branches feel like they can just keep hitting my disc like that all right whole 15 par three pretty easy to par but birdie is really difficult because if you take the outside right hallway that's not really doesn't really get to the basket you have to like sneak it inside there's just so many ways to get hurt out here oh I almost did it didn't though love it I'm sorry I love it you didn't really think for a second I was going to miss that I did I I hate to admit it but I did come on oan make a pup for us here Trev cheer us up all right you ask nicely Trevor my boy you asked nicely this is your reward whole number insert here is it's long it's difficult trees everywhere will Trevor throw left yes or no comments below I think Trevor's going to do a good job I'm just full committing to these shots and you know what worst case worst thing is I don't even see birdie I don't even see birdie around my CU Hunter's not here man Trevor stab you've done it good oh man I didn't throw it well Trevor shut up no I yanked it it was high but that's that's what it it takes a bad throw to get off of my throw right now which is a bad throw it takes a bad throw to avoid a bad throw yep sick dude that thing's flippy now that might go into a tree I meant wow nice and firm didn't lose it dang it it was on I actually threw the angle exactly how I wanted to I have hit somebody in the comments can you put down below how many like left trees I've hit inside of 150 ft cuz I think it's been like eight that's in the water sometimes you got to raise the stakes oh wow interesting I'm taking my OB I'm taking it all the way back to here okay that's it big Trev going leave that one short you got to raise the steak nice shev hey here's the good news for you guys you only had to watch one more hole here's the good news for me guy I got eight more months of this whole 18s toss the Frisbee I'm going to play pretty aggressive with my avery Destroyer see if I can't lose it look out Trevor that looks really good oh you see the way I hit the ground I did it skipped like 35 ft right of the basket on a Heiser hit right next to the pin though it's a dirty throw great shot you needed to lose that Raider so that you would stop trying to throw it on this hole Yeah well I just was I was giving up on the heer flip regardless nice tough day hey great shot that was a great shot to end it off with here here's what I've just learned yeah thanks here's what I've learned about this Challenge and it was the same thing with Hunter obviously you've seen it play out if you have a bad front nine you are not going to claw back on the back nine now it's one thing if you're a few overp par and you just need to play a really awesome like two under back nine but if you get blown up right away you just kind of have to focus on the little things I guess and try to like work out your strategy on the rest of the course because you just can't get hit that early um I do think I need to like put a little more thought into maybe strategy next time I come out here I think I'm still trying to play a little too mindless and I think it's become very apparent that it's going to take the highest level concentration to do this every single hole I Think It's just tough for me to get into that mode when I take a big number like on ho two I think if you get me like six seven eight holes in and I'm still doing well like around par things look a lot different but I think I you just need to lock in a little quicker um cuz with the pins where they are now this challenge is probably three four strokes harder than it was and it is going to be very difficult I mean today let's see here today I think we shot a 70 74 like my best here was a 59 that's that's the difference took huge numbers took a quad a triple a triple a double a double like get out of here you know let's get on to the next month we'll see you by the time you watched the end of this video next month will be out thanks for watching thanks for your continued support didn't see birdie today I think half the viewers apply for birdie so I'm sorryy blame # blame hunt we did see a lot of fish maybe comment down below and just be like we miss you hunt cuz that'll make him feel good and when he feels good we both feel good that's actually seriously he'll come back in town he be so high he he be so he would he would love to to see that and I know you mean it as well don't just don't say it if you don't mean it yeah yeah don't say if you don't mean it but this is just a reminder that if you do feel that way comment below and also that guy does so much for us also there's so many fish in that water there's so many fish all right bye [Music]
Channel: Foundation Disc Golf
Views: 51,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Disc Golf, Foundation Disc Golf, Foundation Discs, disc, sports, Paul McBeth, Brodie Smith, brodiesmith21, Darkhorse, McBeast, McBeth, Frisbee Golf, Frisbee
Id: wD14x6a_B_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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