Was Diddy Behind The Death of Tupac?

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Tupac when he passed away I was so curious I said what happened to this guy who was behind it you know the whole thing with the fight you know he's at your fight he's gonna get to the fight I think you guys were supposed to spend spend some time together and then I interviewed Greg kating and if you know who Greg kating is Greg kating are you familiar with great kading no Greg kating if you can pull up his Wikipedia great kading is the guy that um he's the guy that was doing the investigation On Tupac I remember this okay so they had a little um television show about this yes you're right absolutely and he was known as the multi-law enforcement task force that investigated the murders of rap stars Tupac and big edesta Wikipedia story about him right so I said so what was really behind this so in the video when I interview him you know how somebody's trying to arrest him like if you've seen a movie American Gangster and they got these pictures is this the guy at the top is this the guy so I have 50 different pictures with magnets and he's putting these things up on if you go to the video you'll see how I set it up with great kidding by David and I said who is really the guy behind it he says well we first thought it was this then we first thought I was that and we first thought it was this and we everything's gone then at the end the conclusion after multiple conversations with him and different people it came down to Biggie and to me there's there's so many that right there if you can just zoom in that's the way we had it so we're kind of going back and forth to see who was behind the guys that killed Biggie Tupac easy I'm A hip-hop guy I grew up to all this stuff with NWA this is my like you know Straight Out of Compton was a movie I watched God knows how many times because I listened to all of that stuff I'm an L.A kid so why is it that so many people in music and Hollywood fear this guy did he as if he's Untouchable and even the oh sugar daddy did it did he not sure he said biggie but you meant I'm sorry I meant to say Diddy not not biggie if you punch in on the picture here you see you see Diddy you see Suge Knight uh and then a lot of their cohorts down there but Tupac and Biggie at the top as you were passing yeah so so what is it I mean everybody is in there so what is it with Diddy that so many T.I called them out 50 Cent said one time on uh uh Charlemagne God's podcast you know breakfast he says he says one time did he said hey let me go buy you some clothes let me take you shopping he's like well you won't take me shopping what are you talking about so T.I called him out 50 called him out but some people are afraid what do you what what do you know about because some people are talking about there's Diddy involvement with Jamie and something happened because he was calling him out for some of the parties he was putting up is there anything you have opinions on Diddy have you had any experiences with Diddy no I'm just unknown for a long time got it and with you he was chill he was good he was awesome guy yeah um I knew him before he was um Diddy and them for a long time when I when I first became champ I knew him I remember him he used to have crates when he's had my After parties and stuff also when they were throwing parties I remember this is when he was the CEO founder of bad boy well I don't think he's a bad boy yet no he wrote him Damon Dash and all those guys they weren't they weren't on yet I was I was like the First Street guy that really got on you know I'm talking about a guy doing crime in the streets that became a television guy and everyone knew it was a celebrity had fancy cars that was the first this is all in Brooklyn I'm the first of all of our generation of that kind of that cruise you know the stuff Street houses that really blew up like that you guys all knew each other yeah it's the same era listen um this young lady that worked for my company and she started saying names to people I remember when I was 11 12 years old and it just it baffles me that you think you know you got away from these people you'll never see him again you knew them when you were at the worst of your level I heard about them and you're not the only one God had his hands on these guys made them a successful too in the sea you have to know them and see them at this level of the game it's just mind-boggling I mean it's really I'm almost like proud in a way when you see them you know what they experienced in life and now they became respectable citizens I guess I'd say you know how you're in a class of 82 or class of 90 whatever you you're all coming up you kind of seen who made it from your class I guess that's how to see it when you're coming up from the streets yeah at the same era who else were the guys that during that time that made it big out of all of you listen there were um some rappers didn't know people didn't know about that made it real big and not just from rapping but from writing and it's just listen um I come from Brownsville Brooklyn very competitive you know normally either you succeed um probably 60 percent of the people don't have their high school high school diploma it might be more but it's just a school it's just a neighborhood for people that normally fails just a feeling if you don't have sports you're not a lawyer or whatever yes you're not going to make it you're not going to do well you know it's very competitive very Dog Eat Dog people who are your friends at one time next thing you know they turned on you come over the house I need to do something for me man or they go over your house and they kill you and Rob your house for your drugs and stuff these are the people you lived in the sandbox with when the drug game yeah when the drug game nodding over here when the drug game started in the early 80s you know when I started the people that you were robbing what you're friends with and everything next thing you know you got different gangs in your shoes all these games we all grew up together all the people in his gang all the people in the gang over here some of them are related and now they're killing it killing each other we're all friends we grew up together Mr Robin still together go to the shopping together with the robin money smoke out weed drinking together when we were kids and next thing you know I went over to my house after I'm doing good in this box and stuff wasn't Champion but almost I was making money so somebody gets shot to go to the hospital to see him and then somebody else got killed so I go to the funeral to see him but the guy went to the hospital if the guy that killed my friend I'm going to the funeral for I'm crying but my friend is in this hospital he's shot and let's say no I'm going to my friend's funeral but he shot my friend it's crazy right it's really crazy yeah so if you like this clip and you want to watch another one click right here and if you want to watch the entire podcast click right here [Music]
Channel: Valuetainment Short Clips
Views: 425,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Patrick Bet-David, PBD, PBD Podcast, Entrepreneur, News, Current Topics, Politics, Business, Entrepreneurship, Bet-David Podcast, Patrick Podcast, Patrick, Bet-David, Valuetainment, Valuetainment Podcast
Id: ncyeLgyNMl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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