Was Darth Nihilus' Empire the Most Brutal & Depressing in Sith History? - How Did he Run it?

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Darth Nihilus is one of Star Wars Legends’ most  iconic Sith Lords, a terrifying being with the   ability to devour entire planets’ worth of Force  energy. We’ve talked a fair bit about Nihilus   on this channel, and in a recent-ish video, we  discussed how, contrary to what you might expect,   Nihilus actually had an apprentice. Indeed, for  an eldritch abomination known for destroying   planets and leeching the life forces  of everyone he met, Nihilus actually   had a fair few followers. Indeed, the Lord of  Hunger commanded his own miniature Sith Empire,   with a vast fleet and hidden allies in Republic  space. But who were Nihilus’s followers,   and what compelled them to join his cause? In  this video, we’ll be answering those questions. Darth Nihilus rose to power after the end of  the Jedi Civil War, a devastating conflict   between the Republic and Darth Revan’s  Sith Empire. In the Battle of Rakata Prime,   the last battle of said conflict, the Republic  escaped destruction by carrying out a devastating   decapitation strike against Sith leadership,  taking out all the Empire’s leading Sith Lords   and military leaders in one fell swoop. The  Sith Empire promptly imploded, experiencing   its own brief but devastating civil war before the  Republic could reclaim most of its lost territory. After the end of the Sith Civil War, the Sith  Empire ceased to exist as a political power,   but many Sith holdouts persisted. Many powerful  Sith Lords survived the fall of Revan’s empire,   and several Sith fleets escaped the devastation as  well, fleeing beyond the borders of the Republic.   The Republic Navy fought these Sith remnants  whenever it encountered them, and as the years   went on, the Sith holdouts declined in number,  allowing the Republic to go back to failing of   its own accord. Most of the Sith holdouts who  remained, however, regrouped under Darth Nihilus. Nihilus was one of the greatest Sith Lords  to survive the Sith Civil War. He, together   with Darth Traya and Darth Sion, made up the Sith  Triumvirate, which united the scattered remnants   of the Sith and directed them in the Dark Wars,  a series of campaigns to exterminate the Jedi and   destabilize the Republic. But the Sith Triumvirate  was more of an alliance than a concrete ruling   body. Its three members each controlled  their own faction of Sith. Traya commanded   the Trayus Academy on Malachor V, Sion led a sect  of Sion Assassins, and Nihilus commanded an army. Only a mutual hatred of the Jedi  held this alliance together, however,   and once the Jedi were mostly gone, each  Sith faction became more pronounced. This   came to a head when Nihilus and Sion  overthrew Darth Traya and exiled her,   with Sion absorbing most of her underlings. After  Traya’s exile, the alliance between Sion and   Nihilus became little more than a formality. Both  Sith Lords went their own ways, with Sion and his   assassins hunting for Jedi to kill, and Nihilus  and his followers looking for planets to eat. The heart of Nihilus’s empire was the barely  spaceworthy wreck of the  Republic battlecruiser   the Ravager, the Dark Lord’s personal vessel.  Nihilus tore the Ravager from the gravity wells   of Malachor V and made it his base of operations.  He almost never left the battlecruiser’s bridge,   leaving the finer details of his operations to  his underlings. There were many underlings aboard   the Ravager – a collection of Sith Troopers,  crewmen, and Dark Jedi who had escaped the   Civil War. All of the beings aboard the Ravager  were slowly drained of their life forces by their   proximity to Nihilus, becoming little more than  zombie-like slaves to the Dark Lord’s will. This   was especially true of Nihilus’s bridge crew, who  appeared half-dead and were no longer capable of   independent thought, reliant entirely on Nihilus  for direction. The Dark Jedi and some of the   Sith Commandos who served aboard the Ravager  seemed a little more resistant to this effect,   but many of the rank-and-file Sith Troopers  were slowly killed in this manner as well. The Ravager wasn’t the only ship in Nihilus’s  fleet, however. At least four Interdictor-class   Heavy Cruisers served under Nihilus’s command,  each capable of carrying 48 Sith Fighters and   around 3600 Sith Troopers. The Sith aboard  these ships were too far removed from Nihilus   to be affected in the same way as his slaves  aboard the Ravager. The exact composition of   the crew of these ships is unclear, but at  the very least, Nihilus’s fleet contained   several Sith Masters, dozens of apprentices  and Dark Jedi, hundreds of Sith Fighters,   tens of thousands of Sith Troopers and  Commandos, and legions of battle droids. Nihilus had other allies as well. As we’ve  discussed before, Nihilus had an apprentice,   Visas Marr, with whom he shared a Force  bond. She was resistant to Nihilus’s   draining effect and usually stayed aboard  the Ravager, leaving only when her master   sent her to hunt someone down. Nihilus also had  non-Sith allies. During the Onderon Civil War,   which happened concurrently with the Dark Wars,  General Vaklu and Colonel Tobin of the Onderon   military secretly pledged their support  for Nihilus in exchange for help with their   planned coup against Queen Talia. When Vaklu  and his Onderon Separatists made their move,   Nihilus dispatched legions of Sith to  support them, including Sith Masters,   elite Sith Commandos, and at least one of  Nihilus’s heavy cruisers. When Vaklu’s bid   for control of Onderon failed, Tobin fled the  planet and joined Nihilus aboard the Ravager. Evidently, quite a few beings served Darth  Nihilus. In fairness, some of them were   slaves or allies manipulated into serving the  Lord of Hunger’s whims, but many of those who   followed Nihilus did so of their own accord.  The crews of the other ships in Nihilus’s fleet,   the Dark Jedi, and the Sith Masters who  served under Nihilus knew exactly what   they were doing and were well aware of how  Nihilus fed on planets. This seems insane.   After all, anyone familiar with Nihilus could  tell that he didn’t care about the Sith cause   at all.The only thing he gave a damn about was  consuming the Force wherever he could find it. But Visas Marr might help us shed some light on  why people followed Nihilus. As she described it,   Nihilus’s motives went beyond  simple hunger. He had a cause,   and he’d intended to convert her to it upon  taking her as an apprentice. As she described it: It’s unlikely that Nihilus converted all  of his followers to his “cause.” however.   He likely just converted actual Sith - the  Masters and the Dark Jedi - and controlled   his fleet and troops through them. To  convert the Darksiders who served him,   Nihilus manipulated a trait that many  Sith shared - a hatred of what they   perceived as lesser beings. Nihilus and his  followers saw other living beings as vermin,   needless clutter that made the universe chaotic  and messy. Their goal was to kill them all. This was an extreme version of Sith ideology, one  fueled by the Sith’s defeat in the Jedi Civil War.   One of the cornerstones of any Sith’s  worldview was a belief that they were superior,   and that everyone else existed to serve  them. Sith ideology was a cult of strength,   one that prized power above all, and the Sith  believed that this single-minded focus made   them the strongest of all. Yet they lost the  Jedi Civil War, and their empire was cast down   and torn to pieces. The Sith were on the verge  of victory before the Battle of Rakata Prime;   there were barely over a hundred Jedi  left, and the Republic was on its last   leg. They had been weak, and yet they  dealt the Sith a humiliating defeat. Sith survivors would have been consumed by  rage over this turn of events, angry not   only because they had lost but because they had  lost to such weak enemies. The Sith who Nihilus   gathered likely harbored hatred and resentment  for themselves as well as the Jedi. Darth Nihilus   spoke to their bitterness, promising them  a chance to exact revenge on their enemies.   Nihilus wasn’t very subtle about the fact that  he’d eventually turn on his followers and destroy   them as well, but his Sith likely didn’t  care. After the fall of their empire and the   humiliation of their order, all they cared about  was vengeance. This sentiment, to various degrees,   was likely held by the Sith Troopers and  Commandos under Nihilus’s command as well. Nihilus’s Sith were fanatics of  the most dangerous sort. They hated   everyone and everything, and as they  displayed in the Battle of Telos IV,   this led them to attack enemy combatants  and civilians with the utmost brutality.   At Telos, Nihilus’s soldiers and Dark Jedi  slaughtered any civilians they encountered,   spreading as much death and destruction as  they possibly could. They hated it all, and   wanted nothing except to watch all the ungrateful  weaklings who had rejected the Sith Empire burn. Even for a Darth Nihilus-related topic,   that got pretty dark. Don’t do the Dark  Side, kids - it’s just not good for you.   But what do you think? If you were a Dark  Jedi left leaderless after the Sith Civil War,   would you follow Darth Nihilus or Darth Sion? Feel  free to post your thoughts in the comments below.
Channel: Geetsly's
Views: 55,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star, Wars, Star Wars, Knights of the Old Republic, Galactic Republic, Jedi Civil War, Dark Wars, Sith Empire, Sith Triumvirate, Darth Nihilus, Visas Marr, the Ravager, Interdictor-class Heavy Cruiser, Sith Troopers, Darth Revan, Onderon, General Vaklu
Id: u8foTsA1Tc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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