Warum MOSFET Treiber manchmal essentiell sind?! | MOSFET Ansteuerung Teil 1 (Treiber, Bootstrapping)
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Channel: GreatScott!
Views: 67,545
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Keywords: MOSFET, treiber, transistor, tutorial, guide, beginner, beginners, projekt, mikrocontroller, microcontroller, uC, µC, widerstand, kapazität, gate, drain, source, ansteuern, pull, down, zener, diode, frequenz, strom, spannung, leistung, verlust, berechnen, diy, do, it, yourself, schaltung, bootstrap, drive, übertrager, transformator, led, threshold, schalt, netzteil, total, charge, capacitance, arduino, programmieren, programmierung, pwm, pulse, width, modulation, lmg1210, halb, brücke, floating, gnd, inverter, greatscott, greascott!, elektronik
Id: pdTRzBHOC5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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