Warrior PVP Phase 1: Chapter 1 | WoW SOD: WPvP

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[Music] ah Warrior verse Warrior May the best man win which is me may I win is what I mean uh-oh did you drop your little sword that sucks my guy how in [Music] opportune and you let HST strength fall off don't sweat it consider this a learning opportunity [Music] dear boys it's here the season of Discovery Warrior PVP you've been waiting for got to be honest it's as imbalanced and wonky as we knew it was going to be but we love it anyway that's just something about creeping through tears fall again that really gets the Nostalgia flowing if you were there for my stream you know full disclosure a lot of these fights are quick not like the SLO Fest in retail skill Expressions probably a little lower but let's take it for what it's worth a simple fun time today's tail starts in you guessed it Ashen Vil where an upstart Hunter thought it would be a good idea to tr back me down this goober thought it would be a good idea to try and Hunt me down well to quote my homosexual hero rob hord you got another thing coming ha what a joke your pet to saw the heavy lifting for you that's all right I've got something for [Music] that [Applause] how feeble you letting the rage show you up oh G Wiz thanks for the help with that hyena here let me properly thank you [Music] wizard retaliation you embarrass yourself and now you've let a literal demon Do Your Dirty Work [Music] pathetic I've disarmed the wrong fool this battle's lost now I can only try to take one down and now another dark wizard would join what mediocrity I laugh at your ice shackles mate the days of old are over no longer will I be rooted while you cast your [Music] Magics just peacefully fishing on a Serene leg be a real shame if it became your to this war bring a Run's paying for itself I may be poor now but at least I slay Alliance [Music] dogs that's right it's a battle boat boys man this takes me [Music] back looks like the cat woke up shoot beine wait your turn you make it too easy you BBG with a name like that I hope you're sitting somewhere in Beijing [Music] piss animal it's not over yet I'll ship you back to tell still in [Music] deces no I slipped off the boat going for a charge well wait a second Happ the accident what a poor time to go for a swim oh I don't think so get back here Rogue you were thinking about it where's your follow through [Music] found you rat now we'll finish what we started this time there'll be no [Music] running [Applause] you're going to regret that high you should have kept your big ass dwarf noosed out of it you would have lived [Music] longer I don't know if this pillar's line of sight or not but I'm not going to wait around to find out bye-bye scorpion must suck to have your crutch kicked out from under you maybe you'll have to actually fight [Music] now imagine traveling Halfway Around the World to stop evil versions of your class and then dying right on their doorstep h a couple of lucky crits you're all tanked up now with nowhere to go when you shift you die hate to say I told you [Music] so so much for Honor this dirt bag Paladin thinks he can clip me off while I'm in a tight [Music] spot you got tunnel vision fool open your eyes and take a look at what's happening around around [Music] you that table's really turned on that one you went from having every advantage to being Maul to death by ghouls I only wish I could have done the [Music] Ming mandar Enos what is that some kind of frof it doesn't matter I'll dice you up like one [Music] anyway oh man I love it when they try to [Music] run there's a blue one left on the boat she thinks she's smart but I fought on every inch of this ship You Can't Hide you're just going to stand there and let this happen huh your funeral hey don't make me slay you again you stay up there you don't have the stones that jump down here oh I guess you proved me wrong have a good swim nerd some say he's still out there trying to swim his way back to R at it but I prefer to believe he drowned himself out of Shame the end there you have it boys it's good to be back in classic I hope this phase lasts a while longer despite the imbalance of it I'm still having a good time hope you fools are getting the same enjoyment out of it that I am I've been streaming a there the action too stop by and witness the Slaughter live sometime you're opal heavy
Channel: Heavie of Mettle
Views: 21,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, classic, warrior, pvp, battleground, bg, world pvp, wpvp, mage, hunter, druid, paladin, rogue, warlock, shaman, arms, fury, prot, protection, alliance, horde, solo, worldofwarcraft, player vs player, blizzard, vanilla, SOD, season of discovery, runes
Id: s8hkSnG5vso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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