Warpfire Challenge: Skaven vs. Gloomspite Gitz (Walkthrough Battle Report)

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hey everybody it's Jordan with warpfire minis we got another challenge game this time we got scaven versus the Gloom gets so let's just jump into it all right so we're jumping into scaven versus gits and he made me go first which is what most people do and this mission was called ice Fields so six objectives um if you run you can take D3 mortal wounds if you charge you can take D3 mortal wounds which isn't super fun for like my foot Heroes normally I'm running those guys around all the time but with this Mission I cuz I can't afford them to die cuz that's my grand strategy I we'll start off going over his list just so you guys know what he's got going on he's got two squads of shootas which just he's using his screens here in the front we've got a dankle trog bosses his General that's his Grand strategy is to keep that guy alive and he's an alpat trog so he's a monster and he's got the glowy houset which gives him a four up Ward so it's just a bad idea to go into him a four up award you just never can guarantee that you're going to kill him no matter how much damage you do um but next him we got six Rockets we got a Mangler Squig over here we're proxying these guys as a goab palooza um for the shop Army I've got a gets Army but it's all troll based so I don't have a lot of the Goblins this guy over here is going to be scrag and then we've got a squad of 10 boingrot bounders and for my Army looking at gets the six Rock guts those are just super super durable very hard to take down they're being the light of the bad moon so that gives them plus one to save they all out defense for another plus one and they got a five of board on top just very durable the 10 boing rots are probably the most annoying just under the light of the bad moon they can run and charge and so they just go anywhere they want anything in my Army that they hit dies and then even if I get into a good situation where maybe he kills one thing and I kill him back due to the shrine they get to bring their units back on a four up everybody's running into the king's gits so they get to reroll that dice to get two chances at bring in the unit back so I know whatever I kill it's it's likely going to come back at half strength so we'll try and see if we can eventually make a play to get to the shrine um this gets player I've played against a lot and so he has like he's screened me out where I can't get back here to my NW hole because these guys are going to be within nine no matter where I put them same idea back here there's no room for Screech or the warbringer to get a skit leap back here to pop the shrine so he's doing a good job of screening me out right there but position-wise I went ahead and fast forward to um this is my turn I've already pushed my guys up the only thing of note the helpit he only rolled a 4 in for his move I deployed him up as far as I can hoping to May potentially get him into that first line of Shas and for this Mission it can be very tough to get control of more the first turn cuz you're so far away so I was really hoping that he would go up make a charge into those Shas kill those guys and take the objective so we can score Max um in the hero phase I got dreaded death frenzy off um we going to put it onto the warbringer the hell pit and this squad of 10 plague sensor Bears back here then the plague sensor Bears also got the Rabbid rabbit for an extra attack and they got a bless so we got a sixup ward we're as buffed as we can be on these guys so end of the movement phase the helpit didn't go quite as far as I want I ended up getting death frenzy on these guys so I'm going to go and put these guys through the NW hole put teleport them up by those Shas we'll try and see if we can make that charge start of charge phase the GS player he's got a squad of Fanatics that's hidden in one of these groups of Shas and he go ahead and he pops them out right now and his idea is that he's going to put these behind his Shas in an attempt where if I charge them now the Fanatics fight first in combat so he's going to try and clear out a bunch of My Plague sensor Bears before they get to hit put more bodies on the objective and hopefully keep me from taking the objective or to just discourage my charge at all so those guys pop out I know I'm going to need a really big charge I roll the charge and I get box cars 12 so what we do there is we measure it out I know the Fanatics fight first but I'm really going to want to try and get out of combat range of them if I can stay outside of three and then Pile in they won't be able to fight me first in combat so we measure out the 12 it can get me all the way over here so that's what we're going to do and so we charge them in the first model is going to end outside of three the Fanatics that we're going to Pile in to get them all right that ends up being the only charge we make so it goes to combat since they're outside of three they don't get to fight first it goes to me I Pile in my three inches and whenever scaven squad has 10 or more models we get an extra inch to our reach so I'm going to be able to reach behind and hit these Fanatics and the stabbas and since I got all my Buffs off I'm going to be five attacks each M so this is 50 attacks coming in threes threes Ren one two damage these guys have have terrible saves we blow them all up in combat best case scenario so that's the end of combat I killed both squads uh we take that objective so we're going to score more my battle attack to that turn was magical dominance that's typically turn one you're out of unbind ranges on this Mission so whoever's going first going to do magical dominance boom get it so score five we flip over to gits all right for gits bottom of one he ends up choosing Moonlight raid and he decides he's going to try and take this objective from me which is a little bit risky because I got a lot of stuff on there right now um but starting out spells he casts the Fang of the bad moon does five mortal wounds of these plager bears and that's great for him the pliner Bears with they have death frenzy and all the Buffs all of his melee threats if he decides to charge into them like he'll kill my guys but I'm also going to kill his guys and my guys are just cheaper so I'm going to win the trade so he's trying to do spells and he's going to try and probably do some shooting to chip away at the pcbs to clear those up he then hands a gorks The Rock guts down towards the this objective that he said he was going to take so he's going to come down here and try and hit a charge and clear a bunch of these Clan rats so that's pretty much it for spells they got the teleport off um we go into movement ends up just shuffling the Goblins down this way The Mangler moves a million and jumps ends up jumping in front of the Rockets the den hold starts creeping over this way towards those plague sensor Bears he's something that could go in and kill them all and potentially take the death frenzy fight back just that four up Ward you've always got a chance of living the 10 boing he decides he wants to get them away from these pler bears for the charge if I get the priority so he ends up bouncing these guys way over here and again he didn't want to charge him just he's going to lose all of his boing rots if he charges those pler bearers right now grrat runs over here behind him just to stay safe and then the gabaa they end up running up this way trying to get himself in range where he can buff either the Rock guts or the boing rots depending on what shakes out we go to the charge phase the megler ends up charging over this way and he wants to try and stay outside of 3 Ines of Screech so he doesn't have to worry about the combat or he doesn't have to worry about me trying to Roar him and we go to the rockets and they fail their charge reroll fail their charge again so he doesn't make it down here and he just wasn't thinking about that I already had Screech on the objective so even if The Mangler comes in and kills all of these Clan rats his five is going to match my five I'm still going to hold the objective um he really needed that 9in charge but sometimes you just don't hit him skip through the combat phase The Mangler hit and does a ton of damage and kills all of the clan rats so that goes to the end of the turn he ends up failing his battle tactic since he didn't take this objective so he only scores two just one and two CU he doesn't control more because of the big play I made round one um I'm looking at this stuff and just like licking a chops over here like I've got my guys are in blizzard range my guys are in uh the Bubonic plague range to do 2d6 Mortal wounds screeches right here like that Mangler is just ripe for the taking so we go to Priority roll we roll it and he wins the priority takes the double turn then at the end of the gets turn he gets to roll his Lun Shrine and he gets 10 of those step the Sho his back that I killed earlier all right so we go into to gets top of two uh he chooses lead into the melstrom he's going to charge a hero in a battle Line This turn uh we roll primals I get a bunch of them he do is cast his spells and I unbind pretty much everything and the Goa PLO ends up miscasting and kills one of their own models so we skip ahead to the move phase the Rockets move down this way towards Screech they move 6 in and when he does I end up redeploying Screech and I can't go super far but I get like a two so we end up bouncing back a couple inches just getting away from him to make the charge a little bit longer the Goblins back here end up doing a big run and get over here and get some bodies on the objective as well the megler s ends up bouncing away and I think his theory was like over here he can kill more Clan rats but again would put himself in a position where no matter what I'm collapsing in I'm casting spells I'm I'm going to end up killing The Mangler Squig so he does with his recursion he can kind of win a long game so he ends up bouncing The Mangler back here just getting ready like I'm going to hit something he's going to get ready to counter punch me and he does the same Theory with these boing rots over here he ends up just moving them over here behind The Mangler getting ready like the light of the bad moon is going to be everywhere from scrag rot and so he's going to get ready to run and charge next next turn and try and get me the Goa PL ends up moving up again just trying to try to keep in buff range where he can get the Rockets or the boing RS depending he needs to charge a hero this turn and since he moved The Mangler back here he's going to walk this trog boss over here use his four upo to try and stay alive and same idea since I hit the redeploy on the Rockets he knows that that charge is going to be risky so he moves these guys up get them in charge range of these plague sensor Bears just in case the Rockets fail their charge he do does a little bit of shooting uh like with the shootas and the rockets they can throw some rocks like everything's taking a little bit of Chip damage but nothing serious um we go into the charge phase he's going to try and charge these rockets in and for Screech I had Mystic shielded him in my turn I finest sted him this turn so we can probably take the hit but he rolls the charge fails rerolls the charge fails like we're living the dream the twoin redeploy was the difference between him making that charge so real big swing there for me so now he has to charge in the trog boss for his tactic and those Shas and he does so we swap over to combat um the Dank hold swings into the pl sensor Bears they have a six up Save which is terrible this guy's ritten two so it's going to go straight through but the sensor bears are also minus one to wound and so he swings in and just totally whiffs gets one attack through it's D6 damage he rolls a two kills one PL sensor bear my turn I Pile in the sensor Bears over here they're closest to the Shas they have to go that way we come over we split the attacks like so do some damage to the Dank hold he Wards off most of it but we kill these Shas for the second time this time they're going to stay dead end of turn we go for battles shock I end up losing another plager bear to bad bravery and we he scores this battle tactic because the Dank hold stayed in combat but I keep control of more of the objectives so he's just going to score four this turn so we go down to bottom of two for scaven I choose let into the melom for my battle tactic as well um I've got the plague sensor Bears over there I've got these clay rats can make a charge we got our all of our heroes are range to make a charge so I'll be able to stay in combat with something pretty easily hero phase wise we end up skitter leap and Screech he boom pops out of here and this is because he left the lon Shrine open now since those Sho has died so we teleport Screech way back here we're going to try and break the shrine this turn if I can get that off that's going to stop the recursion for his whole Army on the bringing the units back to life and so anytime I can get an opportunity to smash the lon Shrine we go for it now that Screech is over here we end up casting his War scroll spell the dreaded 13th and he ends up shooting into scrag rot we deal a few mortal wounds but we did caused five of them so I get to summon in five free clan rats Screech won't be able to make a charge this turn so I just put them over here to build a little screen in front of Screech outside of nine of those guys and that's just in case if the dankle just turns around he can't just pop the warbringer back in the mouth and then if I get the priority I can push those guys up onto the objective and take it away from scrag rout then we just jump into movement the warbringer is going to move up here towards the middle and having 12in movement on one of your Heroes for scaven specifically we've got to score those book tactics and so being able to move 12 puts me in a position where I can always charge a hero like pretty reliably the clan rats we move over this way we move the clan rats over here just for set up a charge because I got to charge a battle line unit as well I'll end up deep striking in my pcbs but I don't want to rely on that 9 in charge to hit hit um we go over to my little Heroes we move this guy down here by the nle purple guy we're just trying to spread out a little bit to get out of danger these two guys scoot over this way just getting away from the Rockets help it we run him and we roll really low on his movement again I want to just get more bodies up on this objective since it's one that he can realistically take but we end up failing to get on the objective at all with the run and then the pcbs I got very lucky last turn not losing a lot so I end up just retreating them out this turn I'm going to make sure I take this objective and I'm set up where if I can get the double back like we should be able to just end it uh the the dankle doesn't do that much damage so I'm just not scared of that that position we switch over to the end of the movement phase and since I'm in a position where I can potentially double turn I'm going to go ahead and deep strike in these pcbs that gives me a chance I got my three chances at the charge then another chance at priority where we can make it happen and then we also jump this graci here through the knw hole pop him out over here and I got the drill on the objective here graer on the objective just so he can't hand a gor and just take a free objective from me and then the pcbs I put them here in the middle to try and make a play on these Gaba paloa um I could have went in the very back try and hit into the boing rots I could have went into the Rockets here but putting them in the middle of the board is going to give me range range where if I do hit the charge I kill stuff if I don't I'm going to be able to get into something good no matter what so we go into the charge phase and first charge roll I end up getting like a nine or a 10 which is excellent that means the plag sense bears are going in so plager Bears they go in there into the Gaba paloa and then for the warbringer I'm going to charge him down way down here since we rolled a big charge and I'm going to stay outside of three Ines of these boing grats and the theory is going to be I'm going to fight with these PL sensor Bears first clear the goop paloa then warbringer going to be able to just pile into these boing rots and no matter what I'm going to be able to Pile in with the three claw steps I can pile in twice so like even if I got a smaller charge roll I activate the plague sensor Bears first they Pile in he piles in then I fight kill those guys or not kill those guys then he piles in again but 10 PL censer Bears versus gabaa that's a fight I win every time then I made the charge with the PCB so that's my battle line requirement for my tactic but I'm likely going to kill those guys I'm likely going to kill the boing RS so I still need to have someone in the Turning combat so these Clan rats here I use the charge roll when we go in and I end a half inch away from this most far away Goblin as I possibly can and everybody else we're not getting in combat at all and we're doing that there the the Rockets are now going to be within three which is what I want cuz I don't want them to be able to turn around now that I've got the warbringer down here if I kill these boing rots I got to tussle with The Mangler a little bit but I don't want these Rockets to just turn around and crush me so by getting them within three they're not going to be able to do 20 damage between the two or three of them that are going to make it in combat so we're going to end up scoring our tactic here and tying these Rockets up for the next turn which is excellent end of charge we do our montrous Rampages I just hit a Roar on the Goa paloa and we go to break the shrine it's a three up Screech fails to break the shrine so now if if I want to continue to try to break the shrine even if I get the double I got to leave him there to do it but again it's probably worth it so bummer but we go into combat we do Pile in the play sensor Bears first they Pile in and they lerate the Gaba pla then now that the warbringer is free he piles in and kills boings it's important to note the warbringer he's got the devious adversary command trait which gives him an extra two attacks if he's fighting something that hasn't fought he's got the warpstone charm to give him an extra Ren so all of his attacks are Ren three then he has a command ability that gives him plus one to hit and plus one to wound so on average this dude's doing like 26 damage or more so into these boing rots that's 20 wounds on a four up but he just does it no problem so like that was the best case scenario for me that's exactly what I wanted and we got it for him a couple of the rockets in up making it in they hit the clan rats and they kill I don't know 10 of them or so but not enough of them to where I'm going to fail my tactic so iend up taking some casualties off the back cuz we want to keep them in combat so we go to battles shock I auto pass the clan rats get a couple of them back at the end and then we go to scoring I get my battle tactic here and I hold one two more the warbringer I had towed him onto that objective with pilin back there with scrag rot he's five outnumbers him we hold more objectives big priority role I end up winning the priority role so we're going to take this game and double turn so top of three I end up choosing surround and Destroy for my battle tactic I already have this guy he's going to run up this graer can run back one of the plague breef can go over here to the NW hole and pop out way back in the corner so we'll get our three edges no problem and we go to Casting I fail most of my casts again but we get a flaming weapon off on the war Breer look looking at the turn I've got some options as far as what I could do um I could turn around try and make a play on the Rock guts with the plag sensor bears but again that's a risky play I might kill two or three and then I'm going to die back I get in the warbringer to Straight Into The Mangler to kill him try and take some power away or I've got the plag S Bears and the hell pit could try to make a play onto the Dank hold but that four up Ward is just always scary you could do 50 damage to him and then he rolls in fours and he stays alive but that's his Grand strategy that's what it's going to help him score points I'm already up a couple points now so in my mind if I can stop his Grand strategy right now he just doesn't have enough stuff to to control objectives and score high for the rest of the turns and he's going to have a hard time denying my grand strategy plus I still have Screech back there who should break the lon Shrine and even if he doesn't break it this turn at the end of my opponent's charge phase next turn he's going to have another attempt so I have two more chances at a three up to stop all of his recursion which would be the only thing that could really bring him back in the game at this point so we have just hard committing this way we're going to charge the warbringer in we're going to charge these plague sensor bears in we're going to charge these plague sensor bears in and then just for extra credit we send the helpit in to and this is like ere exaggerating I don't necessarily need to commit all of these resources to killing him but again like I'm up points I need to take the safe play like if I can finish this guy off that's pretty much going to be the game so we're just going to overcommit make sure we make that happen cuz the rock guts are too slow they're going to be over here with Clan rats they're not going to be able to make it back the only thing that's going to be jumping around that's a threat is The Mangler Squig and he just can't do enough for over the whole course of the game so we send everybody in we hit a charge everybody makes it in then before all the charges we like retreat the clan rats out there's no sense in us just staying and losing a fight to the Rockets we do move our heroes down to score our tactics so this guy runs down here he moves over here here this guy goes up that way this guy jumps through the hole pops out in the corner but we go to combat I hit the Roar the warbringer fights and just the warbringer alone kills the guy by himself so we pick him up Screech ended up rolling to break the Shrine we got it these little Clan rats they just ran up on this objective to have more bodies on and that ends up being the game and so that's a game right there where scav over just kind of fire on all cylinders so we hit that 9in PCB charge to get into Gaba paloa piled into those boing rots and that's just a massive swing and then for my list specifically anytime I'm going second in the round if I make a pretty aggressive play it really sets me up for just a devastating double turn and so in this case like I got the boing rots I got the gooa and then I dropped the denle to stop his Grand Strat with that double and beat up a couple points and just put it to where it just wasn't in Striking Distance anymore and so we played the game out to five and the final score ended up being like 26 to 20 something along those lines so we'll chalk another one up for scaven and if you guys ever need any models check us out at WF fir.com thanks for watching
Channel: Warpfire Minis
Views: 4,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5sUN9u4tWT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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