WARNING! Emotional Reaction | Pro Singer/Comedian First Reaction & Review

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it's me barry [Music] hello and welcome to the show well today we're going to be reacting to yet another pentatonic song and this one i know well not their version but i know the original the sound of silence which you never experience here even though i've got a golden tone of voice which is very very very relaxing yes yes it's highly relaxing so i've been told but no no you don't experience the sound of silence here but you're about to yes and please remember i will be watching this video twice or dos as they say in the spanishy parts of the world lovely lovely espanolishness going on around the world yes and the reason i'm watching it twice is the first time i watch it i don't speak that much you just get the reaction which is a little bit of this oh you know and then straight after you get my professional opinion which is highly valuable valued at almost 1.99 get it while it's there or what would it be here in europe whatever 99 euro yes that's the conversion rate on my channel anyway so the sound of silence i know that um simon and garfunkel version lovely lovely song what way are they going to do it i hope they're not going to be ironic and be all shouty because you know i'm not a shouty person no no no no yes it says sometimes but there's been a little bit of controversy i have to have to um inform you of this that um there's been a little bit of controversy you know i'm i'm a little bit upset to tell you about this but it's necessary it is it's necessary what's the word says necessary yes i had a phone call yeah yeah yeah it was from the paparazzi you know people say they pho they take photographs don't they well not my word they own yeah they do and they said barry barry boy um we've heard that there's a celebrity that has a crush on you and i said well there's millions of them and they said yes we know that barry and make our job very very hard it's one it's one of the members of pentatonix i was like and they said it's kirsty they said kirsty's thirsty for your barry and i went well we've only been talking a little bit i connect i explained it to them i connect via satellite to them sometimes before my videos and they said well she's head over heels for you barry you know you're ruining her relationship and i went well it's a gift it's a course it's you know it's just inevitable it is it's inevitable for that to happen and so i'm shocked not surprised but shocked to hear that gorgeous girl but darling too far of a distance from a distance yes no no wouldn't work and i was like i'll have to contact her i'm not going to do it here on camera that would be rude you know it's a very private thing between us two but that's not the end of it here's the shocking part you know that everybody in pentatonix is highly heterosexual highly heterosexual and my power again has turned two of the members homosexual i was shocked so i'll explain this my little mitchie my middle crazy for me oh god he's like oh i can't even describe how much he's into me it was not very good that you know i'm making you understand but that's not it if he fancies me that's okay i know him and thirsty will be fighting it out it's quite entertaining but i turned another heterosexual into all homosexual yes scott big big scot he's like pat me on the head saying you're a lovely boy barry and i'm like yes yes i am how did he pack me on the head nobody knows he lives in america and i live here in lovely lovely ireland but in the story it happened so he is turned very very gay for me and him and now gay mitchell are fighting over me and i'm worried that when they find out that kirsty thirsty for me there's going to be madness madness and i don't want to be the yoko owner of ptx i don't it's very very flattering and highly believable highly believable that this is happening but i don't know i'll keep you updated yes kevin matt and avi they're keeping their distance for their own safety because they know if they s if they look me in the eye they know they'll fall head over heels it's just the way it is i'm turning the world you know i have to learn to control this so tell me down below if you're shocked shocked at what's happened or if you understand yes and i will i'll keep you up to date and who knows i might even make an old phone call to one of them soon we'll see stay tuned stay tuned shocking really shocking and highly believable so you'd be wishing now you'll be like hey you know thank himself that we're about to experience the sound of silence after all that madness here we go pentatonix the sound of silence hello darkness my old friend i've come to talk with you again because a vision softly creeping left its seeds while i was sleeping and the vision that was planted in my brain still remains within the sound of silence [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe [Music] people writing songs [Music] [Music] of silence hear my words [Music] [Applause] an echo of silence [Music] [Music] is [Music] and whispered in [Music] so remember now we're about to watch it again in the reaction in the review i don't know you think i've known my job by now but it's only new to me you know i'm on your baby my channel's on your baby anyway we're going to be reviewing it now in a minute i'll just say this well see wowzer didn't that build and build and build now too too good here we go without any ford or ado here's the review play hello darkness my old friend what a lovely tone of voice to start off with i've come to talk with you whispery but bassy they all look fantastic because of vision softly creeping listen to the blending lifted seeds while i was sleeping in the vision that was [Music] [Music] he my mitchy has one of the most beautiful voices [Music] religious [Music] and in the naked light i saw this [Music] [Music] people hearing with about this people writing songs of silence [Music] oh [Music] [Music] no instruments of silence [Music] gorgeous [Music] take every reward [Music] oh these are amazing oh what a beautiful version oh it's so full so emotive and uplifting and oh everything the way when from the moment matt and then scott returns that come on blows the roof off the place it builds and builds and builds and builds and you're like two two good warning put a warning on your songs willia's people it's too good ugh i wanted to sing along and i always have to stop myself from harmonizing with them maybe i'll do an old video with a little singing singing song you sung your lonely longie at some point but not yet too good what's my review perfection that's my review [Music] i'm becoming obsessed obsessed with these people including avi you know you're not getting away just because you left no no no i'm gonna punch you down in the woods or wherever you live now yes oh no use are all the pentatonics including the cello love is all yes the cello is a member of pentatonix i've noticed when um scott says pentatonix he says penaltonics am i saying that wrong am i saying it a little too irish should i be saying penna tonics because i'm all pentatonix is what i tend to say i learn you know as i explained at the beginning of the video we're getting very very close so i'm going to learn how to say it properly no the sound of silence i insist i insist that you are never silent even when you speak to me saying a little bit willia's yes too good would i ever want them to stop no no no but i want them to continue yes yes yes and then what's the word yes absolute yes too good too perfect remember please do return to my channel and subscribe if you subscribe we all become best best friends the numbers are going through the roof ladies and gentlemen of my subscribers because people have realized barry is beautiful and i've realized so are all of my bbs my barry boys if you're a male my barry babes if you're a female or simply be a barry being and jump on board the party bus by subscribing oh yes and we become best best friends guaranteed so please do return to my channel and we will have lots lots more pentatonix reactions other reactions and fun fun videos who knows we'll see but what i do know is i'll see you again on it's me barry you
Channel: It's me Barry
Views: 40,946
Rating: 4.9452314 out of 5
Keywords: pentatonix reaction, ptx reaction, it’s me barry pentatonix, reacting to pentatonix, first reaction pentatonix, first time hearing pentatonix, It’s me barry sound of silence, it’s me barry the sound of silence, pentatonix sound of silence reaction, pentatonix the sound of silence reaction, Scott hoying reaction, Mitch grassi reaction, Avi Kaplan reaction, ptx Simon and Garfunkel reaction, PTX new song, new pentatonix reaction, barry pentatonix, disturbed, A Capella, pentatonix
Id: Jxmi32Cl5vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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