Warhorse Football vs Pleasanton Eagles

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go live all right we're going live all right i think we are live here schmidty so let's go back in here all right well we think we're online yeah well pretty pretty sure we are yeah okay we're squeezed in here that's for sure i tell you what anybody got a can opener i feel like wearing a can of sardines right here it is it is a little booth for a lot of guys if it's just you and i yeah if we had cameron or someone doing the scoreboard with us we'd be in a world to hurt we would be we would be we're running a skeleton crew today got some got some fill ins coming on to help us out we do we do brought back some professionals from past we did we brought scott herring out of retirement here for tonight uh let's get into it good evening everyone welcome to pleasanton high school to pleasant and eagles stadium tonight's non-district game featuring the pleasanton high school eagles and of course your divine war horses and schmidty we've got the pleasant and eagles coming in here at two and one the war horses coming in at 3-0 should be a good ball game here i tell you what it's setting up to be a barn burner tonight jimbo i you know uh probably both of these teams are looking at maybe some of the toughest team each each other has faced this year and uh it's gonna be a good test for the war horses as as they come in this co contest got some uh good information from the coaches down on the field excuse me earlier so uh we'll we'll get to that here in a minute but yeah uh kids are excited today it's kind of a funny day we had a half a day of school but the kids were they were excited ready to go i tell you what we had all of our classes before lunch at the high school but the normal afternoon classes were a little bit wild and crazy it seemed like they were fired up ready to go and that's mainly because i have all athletes in those classes yeah but regardless we're here it is the brown chevrolet warhorse football pregame show as always jim sessions here with coach gary schmidt and uh a little behind a little behind the curve here we are it took us a little while it's always it's always interesting when you go on the road to see what you're gonna or where you're gonna set up in or at yeah i always think an hour will be plenty of time and an hour is usually right at it if not a little bit uh lacking in the amount of time that we need so we might have to adjust our schedule a little bit there but we're here we're happy about it and we're happy that you have joined us here on youtube so schmidty let's talk about this one for a little bit all righty jimbo we got um we have a big pleasanton team coming in here and you know and you're gonna hear me talk to coach gomez about this that's that's not unusual for the war horses to be the smaller team in pretty much every game we've played this year that's been the case but maybe a little bit different here is the skill players are also larger taller six foot six three some of the receivers and stuff like that they do have their good running back they got heard coach gomez is going to talk a little on that so they've got some of their well they've got all of their weapons available to them as do the war horses yeah for sure i think we've got some of our injured kids back today yeah uh for this game that'll be good to see but yeah like you were saying we walked in in the end zone that pleasanton was warming up in and there were there were some big old boys down there yeah the linemen were the linemen were pretty good size and you know we talked about talked about that with some of the coaches about controlling the line of scrimmage and and dominating line of scrimmage coach eads is actually going to speak to what a great job our lineman did last week and if you watched the game or watched the replay of the game our lineman did a fantastic job what do we have five one play big play drive scores drive i guess it wasn't drive it was a score for the horses where talking to coach eads you know the backs aren't really even touched because because the linemen have done such a good job of opening up for him yeah we'll get to all that here in just a minute we're a little late like we said we'll get to the coach's interviews but first we're going to run a few commercials again shout out to our lead sponsor this year brown chevrolet um where they will treat you like family here is that commercial brown chevrolet proudly supports warhorse and arabian athletics as this year's lead sponsor for dhs broadcasting located just off i-35 in divine brown chevrolet is your stop for all things chevrolet and south texas can't find the vehicle you're looking for on the lot call the sales experts at brown and let them find it for you serving the south texas area for over 50 years brown chevrolet knows how to provide our guests with an excellent car buying experience give us a call 830-665-4435 or visit online at brownchevrolet.com state farm agent mark kidd is here to help life go right marcus trustee staff can help you and your family with all of your insurance needs from auto home health and life insurance to banking products and financial planning mark and staff are there to help stop by the office at 700 west hondo in divine or call 830-665-2807 visit on the web at www.markkid.com mark kidd in state farm here to help life go right thank you material haulers is proud to be the septic tank service that their community trusts you can call them at 210-289-5890 or find them online at www.septic system service divinetexas.com mp material haulers one stop service for all of your septic needs all right we're back here at pleasanton eagle stadium pleasanton texas we have the welcome cheer going on here by the pleasanton cheerleaders schmidty you got down on the field earlier and uh got to speak with everybody what they have to say that's right talk to coach gomez he talked about you know where we are after week three you know undefeated and how that's going and he talked a little bit we we asked him some questions about the mindset how do you keep the boys focused you know i know that you hear things in the town town folks start talking when you start not losing and so we talked to him about that he's got some good stuff to say let's go hear what coach gomez has to say about all this here is head football coach coach paul gomez down on the field pregame with coach gomez hey coach gomez great win got moved the team to 3-0 talk a little bit about how that game went the other night started off a little sluggish i know we scored 34 points i believe in the first half but we just we just we were coming off our blocks and we were had some some mental mistakes and we we lucked out still you know to be able to we had some turnovers that you don't ever want to see and so at halftime the guys knew it even though you know we scored 34 points we knew that we weren't playing our game uh we didn't have a great black a week of practice you know we had some mess-ups we had some little stumps down the road so i mean i told the guys at halftime hey man you guys owe me two damn good quarters because you didn't give it to me in the first half and they they came out and they did that and we executed defense was great they didn't allow any more points offensively we executed we didn't make any mental mistakes so it got better and they answered the call so hey you got to love that with the with the kids can get in there and understand that you know you're going to have nights like that where you don't do everything just right but the fact that they make the adjustment is huge yes okay so here we are we're on the road we've been at home for two weeks in a row we're on the road tough team what are we going to see tonight from this pleasanton team you know they got a really good quality team you know they're going to be a good foe for us you know if you want to play these games for four districts because you kind of need you know where you stand as a team you know and uh when you play good you know good opponents obviously it's going to make you better for dishes so i mean we're excited for them good aggressive defensively they'll come at you i know last year they blitzed they blitzed us quite a bit you know they they run a 50 defense so they got a big old nose guard they got some big old tackles defensive ends are good athletes their linebackers are very active uh and just they got a good safety and number 24 he's returning from last year they just got a good defensive team it'll be the best defense we've faced so far well and y'all aren't any stranger to seeing big teams right y'all been facing big teams every game so there's one more right exactly you know and offensively they have their running back back uh a revolo who has been on varsity he's a freshman you know last year he got hurt before they played us uh shoulder injury was out for the for the year so he's back and you know if you're on varsity as freshmen you know you're pretty dang good absolutely the quarterback does a good job he's very uh mobile he runs around creates openings and throws the ball really really well they got some really good receivers you know they're gonna spray it out they're a pro offense pro style offense so a big offensive line you know it's just good quality kids so i mean definitely going to be a good good good tough test that's what you want getting ready for district okay so old coach here i know you guys coach they'll take these games one game at a time but we know what the townspeople are saying hey three and oh we're looking for 10-0 yeah if the townspeople are talking about it you know your kids are hearing it yes how do you keep them focused well we talk about this all the time you know we're like hey it's good to have the community telling you guys hey man you guys are doing a great job we're proud of you but they have to realize what it took to get where we're at right now and that's discipline hard work not getting big headed knowing that you have to work hard monday tuesday wednesday thursday to perform well on friday and we saw that a little bit last game you know we didn't have a great week we started off sluggish so the kids you know we we harp on it all the time you got to put in the work you know be humble the reason why you're successful is because you've been working until not because you just show up and play and you're going to win so we talk about it all the time we're and we're excited that the community is excited about us we want to keep going we want to stay humble and put our heads down and work and knowing that success is going to come coach that sounds like what we talked about last week it's those little life lessons yes because you're always going to run into this and you keep these guys heads on straight keep them going the right direction y'all are doing a great job with it coach hey let's go get number four tonight thanks bud all right we're back here at pleasanton's eagle stadium uh good words there by coach gomez coach gomez did a great job in that interview i hope y'all could hear everything he had to say the the warm-up music for the two football teams were was blaring right there and and we were you know we were all the way out to 40 50 yard line but the way that comes out of that deal but but coach gomez did he did a great job and and he's he's right you know you you do hear the talk you know the kids are hearing the talk but you got to keep them focused on the one day at a time doing the little things doing doing that one little thing writing practice today and tomorrow and the next day and the next day so that come game day it's just natural to them right yeah uh good good stuff there i thought it was interesting too this is the best defense that the war horses have seen of course war horses averaging 500 plus yards a game right now so this would be a great test for the horses tonight absolutely absolutely going to be a be a test for warhorse and we're going to talk about that a little bit with coach eats but hey let's jump to coach via and see how he's going to stop a revolo in this uh offense all right here we go here's defensive coordinator george via all right down on the field tonight with defensive coordinator george via coach via another strong defensive performance tell us uh what you were doing to get those stops how do y'all keep them out of the end zone great goal line stand well again it's the kids are now finally realizing what it is to trust their keys we did have a little bit of wrinkle there uh we we did call uh a couple of blitzes there to stop them we kind of knew what they're going to run we've seen them on film and and we dialed them up and it gets executed and we were able to hold them out but as far as the other you know just being playing better defenses because the kids are finally starting to realize from previous games and experiences to teaching them this is what you're doing right what you're doing wrong we're getting better every week well and that's what you can only ask for that right you're gonna you can only hope that every week you get a little better trust your keys a little more like we always talk about and they move forward from that all right tough lessons and team here some big kids some good athletes some good skill athletes what are we going to see from them tonight to attack your defense tonight we're going to see a balanced attack on us they're going to run the ball they're going to throw the ball um they definitely do have some tendencies that we picked up so hopefully that you know from watching film and the way we we uh we set up our practices that our kids are gonna realize those situations that we'll be able to execute all right coach your defense has been outstanding 40 yards against ymla last week against the run a couple of big plays have been in the passing game what do you do tonight to take that away from pleasanton well we know that they're going to try to hit us big over the top and we've been working with our safety new safeties and corners all week about not letting anybody behind them uh how to play with leverage and they did a good job this week so hopefully it'll carry over to tonight's game hey coach thanks for the interview let's go get number four good luck buddy all right we're back here a school song going on for the war horses as you can see the cheerleaders there uh good interview with coach via as always that's right he's got some great things kind of interesting he was talking about ransom blitz stunts on that goal line stand you know that was nice good cause by him because that turned into one of the big plays that we saw offensively yes that's exactly right that goal line stem got the ball back at the one and as uh you appropriately named uh mr 99 there contreras taking it to the house for 99. that was that was fantastic and this is where coach eads is going to talk to us we're going to get into his interview right here pretty quick it's where he talks about what a great job the lineman did and it wasn't just you know x's run mr 99 we had an 80 yard run we had a 50 yard run all one play touchdowns after yeah you know big big events stopped them on fourth down got a turnover you know the quick change event and then we go up and make that one-place score just just crushes momentum the quick strike offense all right well let's get into uh offensive coordinator coach evans these are the brown chevrolet coaches interviews all right we're down on the field with offensive coordinator ebony coacheed wow fantastic offensive performance 600 yards some big plays tell us about it well we had way we had more yards last week and less broken tackles by the running back so that shows what a great job those linemen did they attacked their assignments and those holes were humongous and we weren't getting touched until the secondary um and i'm real proud of the tight ends and the running back for blocking for each other awesome that's awesome hey you're stable of horses but i hope i can call them that had a great success on big play one play after turnover uh type success what do you do you know to kind of get their heads back in the game and say hey that was good but we might have to have a sustained type of drive for tonight for tonight yes again we worked on that all week they understand this is the best defense that we're going to see um so far and we we're going to lean on those linemen to do the best job that they can and they understand that their job is to break a tackle fall forward and not fumble the ball awesome i like that fall forward we talked about that we saw it last week okay coach finally you do have a staple of horses everybody's getting the ball or spreading it around how do you keep those egos in check because there's only so many touches in a game there's absolutely no ego with those guys they're more excited for cheering for each other and they're more excited for blocking for each other than they are carrying the ball it's easy to find it's a turn and look at the other running backs when the running back gets a first down or a touchdown they're just as excited it makes my job super easy i'm not dealing with any egos at all that's fantastic to hear that team mentality right there is what's got you out of 3-0 let's go get 4-0 tonight coach yes sir all right back here pleasanton eagle stadium we've got about eight and a half minutes before the kickoff here warhorse is coming back onto the field national anthem upcoming but i think we might have enough time to get into a little chat here and then talk a little bit about coach gomez i mean coach taylor i'm sorry right uh i tell you what i really like what coach eats had to say right there real quick talking about the team mentality no egos the guys are happy are just as happy when their teammate scores when they score when you have that kind of camaraderie and that kind of team concept and unity you know that's a kind of special team that can go somewhere yeah yeah for sure all right you make the call here smitty are we going to have enough time to get coach taylor's special teams interview in or do we need to uh i tell you what we need to call an audible let's go and let's go get a commercial and maybe worst case scenario we'll get coach taylor at halftime if we have to that's true that's very true it looks like the war horses are fixing to enter the field here so we'll let them come on the field then we'll take a quick commercial break and be back for the national anthem like we say the schedule changes just about everywhere we go we don't know exactly what's going on but there come the war horses horses gotta love seeing them running out there carrying the flags love that spirit and tradition we're going to take a quick commercial break we'll be back in just a moment chaperone ford is proud to be a sponsor of this year's war horse and arabian athletic program chaparral ford has been serving devine and its citizens for over 35 years for more information visit the website at www.chaparral4.com or go to the divine establishment located at 102 county road 773 chaparral ford the experience is worth the drive royce grain out of hondo texas is your supplier of premium quality feeds bagged and in bulk royce grain provides corn apple cid corn protein pellets specialty feed mixes scratch and wild bird seed call 210-844-4015 for ranch delivery or stop by morales feed store or wlg supply in divine royce grain premium quality feeds all right sorry for the blank space there but we are back pleasanton eagles taking the field and uh we might have to push coach uh taylor's special teams we might push that to the halftime yeah it's a good it's a good interview you know we had some people calling in we had that funny play yeah we did where you know we thought ethan santos got on that football and and we could not understand why devine didn't get possession of that we thought it was a live ball and that he should have been able to recover it you know there was no yml ymla ymla player in the area so scotty t kind of he's going to tell you what the referees told them and then he went ahead and called the legend louis that'd be lewis he called lewis stroup that's right he called lewis stroud and asked him about it and louis gives him a little breakdown and he's going to talk to us about that but hey let's get to that one at halftime looks like they're lining up here for the national anthem i'm going to try to get the mic out the window yeah yeah we can't bear with us here folks we've got a window here we've got to stick the microphone out and we're going to do our best to bring it to you i know scott's herring's helping us out tonight with the camera and he's see if we can get this going and it sounds like it is about that time ffa members mason jones wyatt porter mallory bay braden ratliff and hunter bauer ladies and gentlemen our national anthem [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] well it took us a minute or two but we got there luckily we had a little extra time with all the introductions there over the color guard yeah you get you gotta love the old uh turn the on button on gary well you know technology i know technology teachers you can't count on them yeah but anyway that was nice job by the pleasanton band yeah it was getting getting that great job by uh scott herron getting the flags the color guard is out there doing an excellent job of showing off the colors and grading the colors yeah great great uh honoring of the national anthem there of this great country that we live in uh kind of kind of cool too after all the september 11th stuff that we had going on this past weekend um hard to believe that was 20 these kids a lot of these kids playing this game right here we're not even born yeah we had that discussion last friday right before the anniversary and started talking to kids i was like oh yeah y'all weren't born at the time so uh but it was interesting they had some interesting questions they they did coach sessions where were you what were you doing do you remember it and i'm like absolutely i remember it clear as day when i was at the middle school same here yeah but we digress we do as as we often do looks like we've got the captains coming out for the coin toss here that's it we see what we got going for divine it looks like we've got number 17 mason martinez number 20 that would be hayden dubose 23 gaspuente and number six that would be xavier contreras or i might just call him uh you know gabe esquivel because i can't see the six but that is uh that is xavier contreras mr 99 himself maybe he should wear nines tonight for pleasanton we have number 24. that is jj morales number 13 uh jaden palacios 58 oh that changed sides on me peyton eichman and number 44 excuse me well i don't even see a 44 44 on this one i do not have a 44 i have a 45 and a 34. yeah sorry let's well maybe maybe 34 are supposed to be 44 maybe that's seth harrison we'll give it a shot we'll we'll go with seth harrison anyway so how about some keys to the game jimbo i think we got keys of the game for that would be a good idea we've got the brown chevrolet keys to the game coming here and you know what i think coach eats kind of hit the nail on the head and that is blocking when you need to block getting your block and then keeping the ball keeping possession of that ball coach gomo's you know he spoke about let's keep the laundry jb's bus driving school does not need to be our number one sponsor tonight even though jb is listening right now to us war horses won the toss and they will be receiving it's going to be a good test right there jimbo we have had some success when we've gotten the ball first so let's see if we can uh continue with that success i would say more but coach via told me to um we got to think in terms of a little bit of baseball and we don't want to jinx anything all right we're fixing to get rolling here so we'll get the uh intro going and we'll be back for some more horse football oh that's the billboard my bad [Music] [Music] all right we're back here war horse football from pleasanton eagle stadium here in pleasanton texas looks like jose angel perez is fixing to do the honors of getting this one underway schmidty we got ethan santos deep along with hayden dubose i'll tell you what i'm glad you can see that because there's a pillar right in my way i'll tell you what i see this and going the other direction i can only see to like the middle of the end zone but we are on the corner but i tell you what it is comfortable in the booth we're in it is we have some ac jb you would be jealous buddy hey another shout out real quick adriana segura she's listening hey and it is ag teacher appreciation week or day or day one of our ag teachers shout out to adriana chad saunders robin williams and robin willis we're underway here as that ball is going to be kicked deep caught at the five yard line this is dubose he's going to head up the middle crease there still on his feet out past the 40 to the 41 great return by hayden dubose looks like number 24 jj morales got a finger on that shoe string and got him tripped up but hayden was moving jimbo and we talked about how if you give him some open space he can get going for the horses yes he can you know i've got him in class and looking at his middle name the other day it was bullet now is that apropos and he looked like a bullet right up the middle right there didn't he here come the horses first and ten balls at the 40-yard line hack's going to be under center pitch back xavier contreras coming left and he is going to be brought down loss on the play that would be number 21. jason yeah good luck with that crash kraushoff i think that's pretty close krausoff linebacker coming in from getting penetration and stopping x before he could really even get going as the coaches said this is a big defense probably the best defense we've seen all year so let's see what the war horses come up with here after the loss of one and looking out there jimbo they're big boys you know and and like i said we we have been undersized so our line's gonna have to work a little bit harder tonight it's gonna be pitch back to santos sweep right got some room there first down yardage cuts back into pleasanted territory and falls forward like coach eads was talking about inside the 40 there smitty how about that right on cue the big boys get a seal on the corner and off santos goes for a big run probably 17 18 yards on that carry to get the first down and that is that is a nice job by the horses that was a great job take the ball inside the 40-yard line of the eagles first and ten for the horses here from the 39 warhorses are going to split one out that's going to be freezing on double wing oh contreras slips looks like the turf monster got him there he did i think turf monster got him he was about to put that foot in the ground and go and when he put it down and i said i i guess that's home field advantage for the for the eagles yeah that is the the trademark for the cutback sweep is you get so many steps and you plant that foot to go and when that plant foot leaves you i guess you fall down like x did there loss of two well we'll call it three on the play so second down and 13 upcoming yeah i hate to see that that you know but that things like that happen you just those are the things you have to overcome here come the horses this is going to be fake to the jet sweep hacks going to be hit at the line of scrimmage not much doing there maybe a loss of one smitty that was number 67 quade campbell and he just went right past the lineman and was waiting for uh hack on that little quarterback delay brings up third and 14 here for the horses not a position the horses have been in on their opening drives uh in the last few games jimbo here come the horses going to be oh x a little far buddy there you go twins both sides two by two for the horses here one back in the backfield with heck hex gonna look to throw this ball is gonna be thrown deep downfield and it is gonna be knocked away as that was intended for xavier contreras down at the nine yard line and i can two single digits down there looks like maybe five which would be r.j franco but the one that was really into play he's walking sideways i think that aj ayala number two but i'm not 100 positive i think pleasanton has the same type of uniforms that we do with the same type of number six i'm sorry that was juan lopez playing defense over there so the war horses are going to line up the punt it looks like aidan zapata yeah there was actually a penalty flag on the play it looked like they got the war horses for a hold of course that was declined by the pleasant coaching staff so aidan zapata will be in to punt here and looks like number 88 diego luna luna's back along with another one they split two back nice punt by zapata this is going to go to number 20. build it at the five this is going to be morales makes a move and is able to get outside he's got some room there there is a flag down on the play morales will be brought down at the 50-yard line let's see what happens here that was gus puentes quick diving on that ball i think that gus puente is at the bottom of that pile let's see here the flag back on the play i believe is going to be on the eagles i believe so that's in the block in the back territory looks like the eagles came up with it from the pile there but the officials are getting together you never know what happens on those no you don't in that pile that looked like gus puente got there but there's a lot of grabbing fighting wrestling to get that ball officials how many times have we seen this this year smitty with the officials a lot a lot of talk a lot of getting together huddling up you know hopefully that means we're getting the right calls being made let's see what we've got here looks like the white hat is going to give us an indication or not let's see we can only stall for so long jimbo i know here he comes great job by mr herring scott herring getting that this must be a they must have him miked up we just can't hear him he's doing an explanation here looks like a block in the back against the eagles i think the eagles did recover that fumble at the 49-yard line so i guess they did that was a great job by scott herron getting that uh white hat in there calling that foul for us so looks like the war horses will move over to the defensive end now they've got to go figure out where did the penalty occur and uh where they're going to mark off from that we've got one referee standing on the 19-yard line right now and i don't know if they're going to go back from there or if that's where they are going to spot the ball yeah they are going back from the 19-yard line so that will take it inside the 10 to the nine you know and the eagles will take possession on their nine yard line yep 8 56 left to go here first quarter good chance for coach d coach vs defense to blow its neck and get a stop deep in the territory all right pleasant and eagles have it here shotgun formation for the eagles this is going to be a handoff right up the middle balloons horses are gonna take over at the eight yard line there that was number 55 jared fernandez that knocked that ball loose i couldn't see who jumped on it maybe 17 mason martinez but right off the bat war horses get the turnover let's see if we can't get one of those quick strikes quick strike possession i want to call it quick change i don't know why well i think they call it quick change too i think it's more quick change well i think guess it's awesome yeah i think you're right that's eight yard line hey let's go get something good that's it first and goal for the horses here ball at the eight yard line pitch back santos right side cuts back to the end zone in for the touchdown war horses lead this one schmitty on the nine eight yard run by ethan santos that's a fantastic job there's that quick strike one play on the excellent defensive play by jared fernandez and you know what i didn't give him a baba booey baba bowie for the for the hit and uh fumble cause there caitlyn hansen in for the war horses he will be doing the extra point attempt dang i hate slighting them about that's all right we're we're getting things rolling here we've been a little discombobulated kick is up and kick is no good wide left there war horses lead this one six zero eight minutes 42 seconds left in the first we'll be back in a minute this is warhorse football brought to you by brown chevrolet security state bank is a proud sponsor of this year's world horse football broadcast security state bank has served seven locations around south texas since 1925 located in pierce hall pleasanton devine natalia and now cashfield security state bank's hours of business varies from location to location please visit our website www.securitystbk.com or call us at check out a location 830-663-2801 to you security state bank serving south texas the grass yard a premium sod grower in south texas specializing in the sale and installation of sod the grass yard also provides landscaping services along with tree sales and installation open to the public visit them at 1484 south highway 46 in new braunfels or call 830-626-3444 the grass yard from our backyard to yours all right we're back here war horses lead 6-0 8 42 left here in the first quarter well just underway big defensive stop by the horses causing the fumble so here comes kaden hanson he's going to kick this ball down to the 18-yard line drop there see number six this is juan lopez right side he's got some room and he is going to be tripped up at the 50-yard line kayden hanson making the touchdown saving tackle when we get to the coach taylor interview he's going to talk about that return right there he said what they've seen on film is a lot of right side returns they like to create that wall and get to the right side and go up the sideline uh to the right so they they were trying to set that up got into wool horse cheerio territory ball resting at the 49 yard line that defense needs to step up again yeah a good field position here actually ball at the 49 of the war horses number eight sean ramos is the quarterback for the eagles looking to throw this time as ramos over the middle that is going to be caught number 13 jaden palacio's gain of eight on the play good job by martinez and santos to bring him down down out there those little dink and dump type of passes for eight or nine yards right there are going to uh be a little too much for this defense we're gonna that that is a mainstay in the pleasant and eagle offense from a little bit of film i was able to watch this time for the eagles ramos again in the gun he looks like he's going to swing it out this is going to be lopez right side he's got to crease out to the 30 run out of bounds inside the 30. that was a revolo number four sorry that was a revolution that was a revelo coach gomez talked about a revolo having him back and the kind of powerful runner that he can be for this team a little bit of it on display right there he picks up the first down or the eagle so they ran to play we caused a fumble and they've run two pass plays since trips to the left side this this time again ramos in the gun a revolo back with him one receiver to the right that's palacios they're gonna throw out that is gonna be caught santos comes up to make a hit i think he stopped him for no gain right there or maybe only one or two yards looks like they're going to move it up two yards so nice job by ethan santos getting up there and mitigating the damage on that little swing pass yeah isaac henriksen the um slot receiver there of junior with the catch but santo's there to make second down and eight here two receivers each side this time we're almost again in the gun ramos will look to throw pressure coming oh i think that might be a hole there is a hold and the ramos is going to be run out of bounds good job by marcus espen uh marcus espanol marcus rodriguez sorry i guess i should let you do your job that was number 10 marcus rodriguez coming up to make the stop but as you said there was a flag on the plate i think jared fernandez was held mauled shirt ripped off i mean they were doing everything they could to keep fernandez from getting to the quarterback and it's going to cost him 10 yards on that play yeah that will definitely be a hole they just signaled that so jb's bus driving school in action here in action we've already had a couple of those both of them going against the uh eagles who would like the way that sounds going to bring up a second and what is that jimbo well 18 18 i would say ball rest at the 41 yard line looks like they need to get to the 18 for the first down 19 somewhere in there twins both ways this is going to be ramos again in the gun there comes another flag look here comes fernandez fernandez is getting back there oh still on his feet and war horses are going to get to him marcus rodriguez coming in there great job by fernandez getting in there making the first contact and then marcus rodriguez came in there and cleaned it up there is a flag on the play it was thrown right as the ball was snapped yes there was a war horse that jumped in the neutral zone you might be correct there schmidty which is a shame because that was one heck of a defensive play by the war horses to make i mean that would have been third and probably 27 28 yards something like that oh yeah that would have been a huge loss on the play instead the war horses are going gonna get called for being offsides so that will keep the down at second down and instead of second and eighteen we'll make that second and um eight minus five looks like it looks like 13 13 is what we're going to go with like 13. i think that's how the math adds up yeah you know it's been a long week computer teachers if we can't plug it into a spreadsheet or a calculator that's exactly right all right so here we go second and 13 trips to the right for the eagles ramos again in the gun this is going to be a swing out to a revolo he's trying to get outside again a crease he's at the 20 cuts back tripped up and brought down at the 2 yard line that was xavier contreras getting a hand out there and getting a hold of that shoe or that toe of that shoe and getting a revlo on on the ground as he got the ball down to the wall horse two and a half yard line so that's going to bring up first and goal and now we need to see that great gold line stand we saw last week so first and goal here six minutes 32 seconds left i'm trying to find an angle where i can see this i guess i'll watch it with you guys i'll tell you what it if you get on one side i can't see the other side jimbo that's a revolo and that is a great tackle big penetration there that jared fernandez was jerry fernandez that's going to get him above avoiding blah blah blah i like it yeah i'm just having all kinds of trouble here i'm looking actually through the window of the box to look through the window of the uh radio broadcast for pleasanton here so as long as herring keeps us there we'll be all right he's doing it mr herring is doing a fantastic job scott herring thank you very much again so here we go second down and goal there was a loss of one on the play so again we're almost in the gun this time it's going to be a sweep coming left and that is going to be bottled up by the war horses number 21 what'd we say cross off cross off and that was number 10 marcus rodriguez that stuck his shoulder pad into crossoff and brought him down we got it looks like we're going to get a time out by the eagles so we're going to step away and we'll be right back warhorse football come see warhorse and arabian supporter eric smith at north park chevrolet for all your car buying needs located just down the road on u.s highway 90 in castroville north park chevrolet consistently ranks among the top chevrolet stores in the state with over 300 vehicles on the lot to choose from eric can help you find what you need contact eric at 210-737-4786 or visit the website www.npchevy.com medina electric cooperative was built by this community more than 80 years ago to deliver safe reliable and affordable energy we are proud to serve this community beyond the power lines you can find us supporting your kids little league sponsoring school events hosting safety presentations and more we're honored to belong to this community keep up with medina electric from the power lines to the sidelines on social media or at medinaec.org all right we're back here eagle stadium in pleasanton third and goal for the eagles here ball resting at the two ramos in the gun looking to throw and he is going to have the ball caught by number 13 jaden palacios that's an eagle touchdown that's an eagle touchdown came ran that little i don't know a little route to the flats over there and yeah they kind of came in and spun looked like they were coming inside spun back out yeah i almost sealed him off like you'd steal a guy in in uh basketball kind of got him on the hip there and posted him up didn't it yeah and they can do that because they are some big boys jose angel perez up with the kick and that kick is good so the eagles take the lead 7-6 here we are going to step away for a moment we'll be back right after this stop by mag's place in divine a proud supporter of war horse and arabian athletics mag's place a boutique shop featuring products from john hart mud pie simplified soaps scent chips and many more located at 200 east college stop by and visit anytime or give them a call all right back 830-663-8077 pleasant sorry to cut you off there that's all right that was uh just a you and me conversation not a whole wide world conversation five minutes and 26 seconds left to go here in the first quarter both teams in the end zone already and it looks like we might be in one of those divine pleasant shootouts we've talked about you know on the drive over here we talked about that we talked about the the classic games that these teams have they used to play first game of the season every year and it was always a battle it was it went in and a lot of times they kind of quit having the game because both teams were so beat up when you came out of this game yeah yeah it kind of ruined the season for everybody else so good to see it back on the schedule here comes the kick by perez this ball is going to be fielded by dubose at the one yard line hayden is going to get outside to the 20. looks like he'll be brought down there that's where the warhorse will take over here on possession number three that's it nice job by dubose getting the ball out there he tried to get a tried to get the wall over on the right side and just too many eagles there was a host of green around him yes there was looks like we got a shout out here from kalyn road trammell said the road trammell girls are watching from home tonight we appreciate that hope everyone's well glad to hear it got a shout out coach batey's watching it on the big screen here come the horses first and ten ball is going to be at the 23 yard line this is going to be up the middle fullback i believe that was dubose didn't get a good number there gain of maybe one or two you were right yeah it was dubose we got a flag on the play it came from real late and i saw warhorse throw up his hands like he couldn't believe it so i'm afraid that's going to be an unsportsmanlike we will get the call here from mr official and i agree with you jimbo they they got the mics on we just don't have access to the mic that's going to have to be our next piece of technology oh yeah we we don't carry enough stuff up here with us already hey uh speaking of technology it's always great when it works it went against pleasanton all right that foul was against pleasanton technology is great when it works unfortunately our roaming camera tonight the technology is not there to make it work no we had a little fumble and we could not get that we also are like you said we we've we've called in a veteran we have yeah and scott herring because a couple of our our regular help or vacationing in greece i'm a little jealous about that jimbo just a little bit i mean i at least at least we're sitting in an air-conditioned press box while he's sitting in greece that's true not not quite the same as saying we are out here melting horses will take over first and ten from their 39 yard line all right here we go pitch back xavier contreras has a little bit of a hole there bounces it outside and will be brought down at the 42-yard line gain of about three on the play looks like he stepped there i thought he was going to have a chance to go but there was just too much pursuit from that pleasanton defense warhorse is trying to keep this run game going just just keep the pressure on they are battling a awfully big pleasanton line jimbo yes they are second down and it looks like they're going to give x3 there so we'll go second down and seven looks like we're having a little bit of internet issue hopefully our cradle point recovers here handoff's going to be ethan santos right side and he is going to be oh ball comes loose officials have blown it dead it looks like officials blow to dead there is a flag on the play i saw one heck of a block by hayden dubose out there on the corner wasn't enough to get ethan around the corner but um it was a heck of a block by dubose over there let's see what this penalty is going to be it it was thrown in the area of where holding might be called i'm afraid of course i was wrong while ago yeah we how often are we wrong in the in the interesting thing that we are where we are at jimbo's sitting in front of the my window opens jimbo just does not but mine has a screen in front of it so it's about three shades darker out in front of me than it is can't see the left end zone where the scoreboard is jimbo can't see the right end zone where the high school is located it's a heck of a deal you know looks like our cradle point is recovering a little bit hopefully we've got a decent picture going out to everybody we are waving off the flag the flag has been picked up okay and it's going to be waived off so ethan santos is going to get the gain of maybe a yard and a half maybe two jimbo let's call it third and five yeah looks like it from the wall horse 44. so apparently ethan was down before the ball came loose there so that is good to see we one of our one of the keys to the game is to keep that laundry off the field and to keep that ball off the field that's exactly right warhorse is able to take advantage of the pleasant and eagle fumble early to get up uh to get in the end zone you know i know the the folks can see it because not like radio back in the day but they are playing on turf this is our first game on turf this year you know so that's uh we you know when x slipped over there it's a little it is a little bit different practice on grass every day that's right all right horses are going to come out here on third and five trips to the left side hax going to be under uh in shotgun looking to throw and this is going to be a little wide receiver screen well read by the eagles there looks like a gain of two for ethan santos ethan sato was uh in was the receiver on that play he did pick up two yards but that's still going to bring up fourth in a long three i would say that would be a long three yeah three and a half to four bull horses getting together looks like hacks coming out there they're gonna run a play jimbo they're gonna try to draw them off side though we're running quick to the line oh there they go they were able to draw the eagles off looked like a hard count by hack and watching every pleasanton coach on the sidelines stomped their foot clapped their hands they knew it was coming i'm sure they were yelling it but a great job by hack there with the hardcore can i tell you what he does a fantastic job with that you he gets one a game at least they're going to get together here and it is going to be offsides against the eagles so that will be enough for the first down yeah five yards is going to give us just enough should put the ball but my guess jimbo's going to be just about spot on the 50. i would like it oh there we go 49 perfect like we're always just like always right on right on the that was my days with jb if we were watching canadian football we would be all over it though yeah we would all right first and ten from the 49-yard line here hack under center this is going to be santos right side cuts it up is going to be hit but that's going to be a nice game probably six yards there schmidty on first down that is a heck of a hard tough run by santos around them around the edge we got to come up with something for him i know we got to come up with something for santos around the around the right side something we'll we'll figure it out the best ones come to you mid game that's what i'm always saying and some of the worst ones for me come to me mid game as well so the horses have a second and four second and four here this is going to be hack with the keep right up the middle and gains maybe two on the play there but you know the first time they ran that he was hit right away there was a hole there for a second there was he he got two of those four yards so to bring up third and two jb just checked in and told me the 51. so he remembers the day that might have occurred at this stadium as a matter of fact in this same broadcast booth jb we'll see here come the horses quick to the line pitch back right side santos he is going to be hit not much doing there looks like no gain on the play that looked like number two aj ayala coming in from his linebacker spot making that stop it's gonna bring up fourth and two so no gain on the play for santos and like we said that pleasanton d-line is big and the horses are having to work hard to open up what little holes they can for these backs here come the horses pitch back santos right side looks like he's gonna submarine through there and get a first down horses went a little on the quick snap right there jimbo they came up while ago they came up and went quick and got the offsides this time they went ahead and snapped it quick which is probably why they get that jump i agree i agree so first down for the horses they will move the chains ball at the 38 about a minute and 20 left here well y'all can see that on the screen nice sustained drive here by the horses it's hard to believe we're still only in the first quarter a lot of action has happened in this game yeah it does all right here come the horses hack under center pitch back this is going to be this is going to be gabe well out of bounds at the 35-yard line gain of about three there that's right first carry for gabe tonight that was michael castillo number 28 came up from the linebacker spot to run him out of bounds ball just just over the 35 to the 34 yard line 34 there yeah um victoria text me or message me she said check out gabe he's got a white like something on his shin i don't know if it's a shin guard or it's a sock but that's white and usually x is got the black on so maybe maybe i can figure that out how are we are we going to get there i hope so second down and six here for the horses santos right side here he is going to turn up and looks like he will be run out of bounds on the far side again though gain of around two hey jimbo i think that's a sophomore thing is that a sophomore well i don't know i don't know but if you look at ethan santos he's got the white leggings sticking out on the of the left leg okay gabe's got it sticking out of the right leg thank you victoria we need all the help we can get yes but she knows it because she's been listening to this yeah third and three for the horses they come up quick to the line they go on a quick count this is back to gabe even he is going to be hit at the 30. looks like maybe to the 29 is going to be fourth and one for the horses you what and it looked like he was across the 30 but he got popped yeah the official on the far side had him at the 29 near side has him at the 30. so fourth and two coming for the horses here and we are at 27 seconds might get well we might run a play yeah we are going to have to run a play because the play clock is down the here we go horses quick to the line pitch back right side santos penetration he gets by it trying to get past the 30 and it's going to be close i think he's going to be short though schmidty i think so too that was adrian garcia that got the first contact on him and then number 44. well we're going to say seth harrison because we don't have a 44 but he was the one that was able to bring santos down just shy of the first down so the horses are gonna turn the ball over on possessions not before they get the ball down to the 29-yard line we got 9.9 seconds to go here and a wild first quarter yeah 50 yards plus on the drive for the war horses pretty sustained drive unfortunately turn it over on downs pleasanton has it here nine seconds left here in the quarter they're gonna start at the 29 yard line and this is going to be handoff coming right side this is a revolo trying to get outside he'll be out past the 35 and that should do it that's going to take us to the quarter here after one complete the eagles seven vine war horses six this is football we'll be back in a moment snoring and sleep apnea wreak havoc on everyone's sleep solutions include surgery or a special mask with hoses and air compressor sound like a good night's sleep to you there is another way a custom dental device from dr drake's sleep solutions just slip it in each night no surgery and no mask the comfortable and out of sight way to end the snoring restore the joy of a good night's sleep stop by image batters in divine for all your design and business needs offering an in-house custom artist image matters handles a wide spirit shirts and embroidery to the creation of signs and banners image matters also carries a wide selection of awards offering anything from ribbons and trophies to customized plaques located at 200 west hondo stop by and let butch and kim cook and their 35 years of experience go to work for you all right we are back here warhorse stadium pleasanton high school or not war stadium i'm sorry eagle stadium pleasanton texas pleasanton high school eagles divine war horses it is seven six here give you a quick scoreboard cam seven six as we go to the second quarter and we're doing a little surgery here we're trying to get uh some batteries changed out on some of our technology scotty i hope you can hear that now i think we got you going again all right it is going to be second down and around four for the eagles once we are ready to go ramos is gonna take the snap here looking deep he's gonna have a man that's palacios overthrown and that was defended well by number two for the horses samuel guardiola so third and four upcoming here here's the so this is when it's great to have it on live stream where people can see what's going on and don't have to listen to us smitty absolutely i'm over here in the background trying to well there's only one battery over there that's green so that's no wonder he couldn't hear us that's probably the problem that's probably the issue all right third down here looks like a swing outside that is going to be out to the 40-yard line i believe that was a revolo put his head down and got the first down there great job by mason martinez with that tackled not before the first down was picked up though but that was a lick that was laid both ways and that puts the ball right at the 40. right on the 40-yard line for the eagles you know after doing this on the radio for so long with jb i feel like you have to talk all the time and i forget that people can watch at home so but we probably still need to say it a little bit huh probably a little a revlo handoff going right and he is going to have a gain of about seven there marcus rodriguez from the back or mason martinez from the back yeah it looked like marcus and them just didn't quite have the angle to get to him no and rolo got another gear yes when he gets on that corner he definitely has another gear i remember calling his name quite a bit a couple of years ago like you said last year didn't get to play right and like coach gomez said when you start as a freshman you're probably pretty good yeah second down and two here looking to throw are the eagles that ball is going to be caught that is number 88 88 is diego luna coming coming out of the slot position to make the catch brought down by number five gave escobel oh and aiden zapata over there so first down for the eagles there's the ball moves into war horse territory right in front of me here at the 44 yard line yep they got about 15 20 more yards they're gonna be beyond what i can see yeah for sure they'll be over in my dark corner all right first of ten here for the eagles a little motion penalty flag here that's usually on the offense when they blow it dead like that absolutely you know jimbo that first quarter was everything we thought it was going to be from these two teams seven to six you know after one quarter that that was a false start so i'm going to back him up five yards puts the ball on the 49-yard line but that first quarter definitely lived up to the billing of what we thought this game might be and you know the the team that comes out the victor in this game is going to have to earn it oh these two both these teams are are ready to go to war all right here we go first down 15 ball back to the 49 pleasanton looking to throw this is going to be a scramble ramos is going to get outside aidan zapata makes the hit ramos drives forward gain of well about 10 there on the play he got about he got about 10 yards going to bring up second and sixth uh looks like aiden's deposit like you said made the first contact and then he was finished off by number 22 aaron bonilla but those are plays that coach v is going to want to get out of that you know when you have them in the hole like that you don't want to let them out on first down second down and uh seven here oh ramos looking to throw and that ball is going to be caught initial hit by the war horses out at the 4 or 38 looks like they're going to blow this well they have a whistle i thought i heard an early whistle i i thought somebody jumped but then it you know he he popped up like he didn't go down but they called him down on the on the hit by number four elijah sanchez yeah well so play stand so gain a two there third down coming for the eagles looks like what is that third and four coach j ball resting on the war horse 38 yep eight minutes and 38 seconds left here in the first half eagles are going to split two out wide to the left they're going to move someone over ramos looking to throw pressure coming by the horses ramos is going to escape out the right side and he's going to be close to first down yardage looks like he's brought down at the 35. that was number four elijah sanchez again with the tackle he stopped him right on the 35 that's going to bring up a fourth and one for the eagles and i've got to believe with this offense they are going to look to go now that that was third down right there wasn't it they haven't changed down mark there they did they got it now they got one of them fancy ones a digital one so fourth and one here a while ago eagle defense made a stand in this same area let's see if the war horses can make that same stand pretty close to the same yard line i'd like to see it or cannonball could get his scoop and score right here ramos in the gun handoff right up the middle revolo he's going to have first down yardage here a gain of three on the play got a text in for him principal derek byrd he's been unable to be up at school he has he's he's been he's been away for a while we've missed you there mr bird and yes we did we had a wonderful afternoon thank you sir yes sir short day today with the kids some training afternoon in the afternoon good stuff first and ten for the eagles here ramos looking to throw that ball is going to be caught that is luna diego right side he's still on his feet down the sideline and he will be in for the pleasant eagle touchdown i don't see any flags on the play i thought gabe had a shot at him over there but he skirted that sideline and was able to get in so pleasanton with the pass catch and run for the touchdown they're up 13-6 here extra point attempt upcoming by jose angel perez good snap and the kick is up and good so pleasanton is up 14-2-6 we're going to step away real quick this is warhorse football apex services group your elite service company apex is pleased to offer cargo tank inspections internal cleaning welding and ladder installations apex also provides hotshot and straight truck services throughout texas and surrounding states we believe in quality ensuring equipment remains safe on the roadways please call michael or chris today 844-427-3974 oh it's so hot try wearing this number for over a hundred years ah i'm getting the vapors you should call the ac guys okay which ones the ac guys which ones the ac the ac guys are proud supporters of your divine war horses and arabians athletic teams and our local family-owned business that caters to all your residential and light commercial needs who are you gonna call there was the world premiere of the ac guys second commercial number two excellent job oh yeah excellent job buddy guys and we love it yeah colby colby called me at the end of the day he said hey i sent you an email i said i've got it i got it loaded up we will premiere it tonight so world premiere colby cashing big thank you to him the ac guys and all our sponsors all of our sponsors for that matter yeah all right that is to do the kicking here this ball is going to be fielded by ethan santos at the two yard line ethan is going to be brought down at the 17-yard line 18-yard line no that looks more like the i'm sorry that's the 13-yard line 13-yard line yes sir yeah i'm looking through that dark screen i know tell you what it is a little darker through that window when you look through that window isn't it and then i'm around the corner over here through the wires over the river through the dale yeah well you know that is the perks of setting all this stuff up i got to pick the cat bird seat over here until until it goes past the 20 yeah exactly on the other end all right war horses need to get something going here down to 14 to 6 let's see if we can get a long drive and catch this thing in good time to get one of those patented war strides going first and ten here for the horses this is going to be a throw hacks guys going deep and he's got a man give me under throat he has two there's definitely going to be a flag as that ball was intended for who is that is that ethan out there uh that yeah i'm pretty sure that's ethan because he's got it on the left side he's got the white sock on the left side there you go hey look there it is thank you victoria we got three flags on that play man they are lining them up all over that contact was made at the 35-yard line of course in high school that's the yardage counted off from the line of scrimmage but that will still give the warhorses a first down and get them out of the shadow of their own end zone i got a text in here from nicole sur she said uh that she is glad that we got uh pops scott herring back out of retirement for a night no we enjoyed it i'll tell you what the trip's down here when we have pops in the car with us is great because he's been videoing horse football for 40 years something like that so it's a crazy number and he's got as many stories as louis trout does yes he does it it is always entertaining i added pops in there i don't know exactly what nicole's kiddos call scott there but we're glad to have him tonight he is definitely saving us an unsportsmanlike two we had two penalties there not only the pass interference but the unsportsmanlike on top of that looks like we're getting a text in here from lorenzo lorenzo we miss having you here rolling around on the sideline we kind of fumbled your camera so we're gonna have to do a little work to it yeah it looks like the pass interference penalty like an unsportsmanlike penalty and now pleasant is going to take a time out to talk this over we're going to take it that time out with them we'll be back in a minute this is wars football looking for accessories for your truck or automobile stop by alamo truck accessories they carry a wide variety of products including side steps spraying bed liners bumpers lift kits and more talk to colby at 210-602-2730 or stop by 200 dixon drive in divine alamo truck accessories morales realty is proud to be a sponsor for war horse and arabian athletics this year we have and will always support our local student athletes morales realty has been serving debian and the surrounding area with real estate services for over 24 years offering buyer and seller representation on purchases in residential commercial and farm and ranch properties we also offer property management services broker cindy langley morales a graduate of devine high school and staff offers a combined experience of over 70 years in real estate morales realty where experience matters all right we're back here at eagle stadium in pleasanton texas and jimbo big penalty those were some big penalties right there you got the ball all the way out to the 45-yard line so definitely got them out of the shadow of their goal line and now a great opportunity for the horses to go down there and try to tie up this game first and ten for the horses ball rest now at the 45-yard line trips to the right side hack's going to look to throw this is going to be santos they're going to get a hold on the horses it looks like as the eagles rallied to the ball there tried to throw that wide receiver screen out here and we just got a holding on this edge or at least that's going to be my guess as to what they call yep got to have go ahead go ahead that's just going to cost the horses 10 yards and just make a little bit longer field we don't need to make this any harder on ourselves no we don't just got a text in here shout out to matthew balderrama our normal camera guy watching from greece boy isn't technology grand i'm telling you what also got lorenzo like you said tuned in he's watching it outside on the phone holding against the vine is indicated there let's see got a text in here from coach quinton sanders and he says he fills a patented horse drive upcoming i like the way he's thinking hashtag still my favorite high school football team that's what i like to hear we appreciate that to you hey i just got a text from the sideline stats man hey andy zadapata with a big thumbs up go go figure aggie that andy might be but telling me that he will get us some halftime stats so that we can uh enlighten the folks on what's going on all right here come the horses out of the shotgun here first down and 20 motion by nate ramirez it's going to be kept by hack he's going to be up the middle there gain of about six as he gets out to the 40 yard line yep gonna spot him right on the 40-yard line nice pickup on first down trying to get those yards back it's it's tough when you're working from behind the chains yeah that's that's always a tough thing to do we talk about it all the time you can't get behind the chains consistently and expect to be real successful with it but let's see what happens here another text in we've got um victoria michael chuck checking in said we're awesome looking forward to watching the games every friday night and no victoria you are awesome giving us the cheat code absolutely x and gabe there all right here we go speaking of gabe handoff nope this is going to be hack again up the middle gain of one there that was a good fake by hack to gabe i tell you what not only that cheat code cheat code work for gabe and x but it also worked for ethan and gabe yes with the right and the left now that that makes it a little more difficult for me because right and left sometimes it gets a little confusing yeah it does but sometimes when they're standing sideways you just cannot see these numbers no no you can't so we're just making excuses yeah we are yeah we are third down and 14 here for the horses gabe's in motion brady's gonna roll looking to throw he's gonna throw towards gabe incomplete that ball was a little bit low and out of his reach there so fourth down coming up for the horses that is going to be a big fourth down for the wool horses 4 46 left to go here in the first half looks like the war is bringing the punt team on i see aidan coming back out had a heck of a punt last time did zapata yeah he really did looks like they're going to send back jj morales and diego luna good snap hayden's going to put his left foot into that good kick he's going to be mishandled there ball still on the ground and luna is going to come out of it and he is down the sideline one guy to beat for the war horses and luna is going to take this one to the house you know jimbo he dropped that ball twice and every once in a while when when you get that drop like that throws everything off the timing is just a little off yeah people lose their loser discipline they see that ball on the ground and you don't stay in your lane and next thing you know something like happened that happened and that was a quick strike by the eagles it was 20 to six now eagles as the extra point attempt is coming up yeah that's that's a shame because the war horses would have had them pinned inside the 30 there if they'd been able to come up with that initial tackle instead luna makes a great move takes it to the house extra point good snap kick is up and it is good so the eagles go up 21-6 we're going to take a commercial break we'll be back in just a second this is wars football hungry if so stop by rj's a family owned and operated business since 2019 where all food is made to order rj's proudly supports the war horses arabians colts and phillies open monday through friday from 11 to 7 stop by at 205 state highway 132 north in devine or call 830-521-9967 stay hungry my friends the bushel on a peck is a christian based gift shop offering a variety of unique affordable christian faith-based inspirational items like jewelry home decor clothing and candles with a large section of bibles and books they are located on 516 north teal and open from tuesday through saturday from 10 to 6. find them on facebook or call at a bushel and a 830-663-8144 gifts from the heart [Music] all right we're back here eagles up 21-6 425 left to go first half perez to do the kicking for the eagles and he's been booting these things deep back to the goal line this is a low line drive kick that is going to scoot through the end zone and that'll be a touch back so the war horses will take over there hey quick shout out just got a text in from adriana segura she wants to give a shout out to her daughter that would be um audrey audrey longoria and all of the student trainers there on the sidelines for the war horses and we were just talking about that during the timeout we need to get a list of all those young men and women and get that out give them a shout out because they put in work every day of the week and then they are quite busy on friday nights absolutely absolutely and hopefully when we get a timeout we'll try to point a few of them out as they come onto the field because you only get glimpses of them yeah for all the work that they do you only get a glimpse of them here and there and it they are uncelebrated heroes first and ten for the horses here hack's gonna throw on first down he's gonna be flushed looking to get outside stiff arm there stays on his feet we'll get out to the 27 yard line so it'll be a gain of two on the play just nothing there uh coverage wise all the war horse receivers were were covered up and hacked just tried to make something out of nothing got a couple of yards before he was brought down clock continues to roll here under four minutes second down and eight upcoming for the war horses hey trying to get a score here for the arabian volleyball team they were in fredericksburg tonight haven't heard anything from them yet second down and eight this is going to be a reverse here this is gonna be santos right side he'll be out to the 30-yard line gain a three there it looked like war horses might have something early but that closed down pretty quick that did close down early i tell you what jimbo i do have one score for you from it from our neighborhood how about the legacy bowl going on oh that's right legacy ball going on between natalya and lydle right now natalya up 14 to nothing in the first quarter okay so a little legacy bowl action there yeah i've been uh on twitter and noticed that there's quite a bit of chatter on the twitter there about the legacy bowl there is a little bit of chat on the twit a couple of a couple of bets going on between school board presidents and all wearing wearing of the other team's colors i believe i believe that is third down and five here heck's gonna throw he's going deep down the sideline and that ball is gonna be knocked away it looked like the war horses were able to come back to it i think that was aidan zapata i believe that was aiden's departure i thought he got back and was able to get his hands on it but the defender got his arm in between the hands and the ball and was able to knock it free and that's going to bring up fourth and what is that five for the horses and deep in their territory 242 probably gonna punt and try to get another defensive or see if we can't get a defensive stop down here yeah you definitely need to war horse defense needs to step up here is i remember the war horses won the opening coin toss and received the ball so the eagles will be receiving it here in the second half warhorse is going with the weight here to fake watch the fake bobby what is going to be a first down out to the 38 yard line ethan santos with a beautiful run fantastic call by coach gomez maybe coach taylor on the special teams well i guess i guarantee you that's something they've looked at on film and uh to be able to call a fake punt there from the 35-yard line down two scores yeah but hey great call gutsy call by coach gomez gotta love the way the boys executed you know that's the thing you can make these calls but these kids still got to come out here and execute they did a great job right there exactly right trips to the left side here for the horses hack in the gun looking to throw this is santos little wide receiver screen and ethan is going to be out past the bottom comes loose let's see what happens here balls loose at the 46. looks like aiden zapata and and who's that um carter fobble was right there one of those two looked like they jumped on the ball for the horses gonna end up being a gain of eight there but a little scary as that ball came out on the carpet that was heck of a run by ethan santos after after the catch just go ahead just just shy of you know four yards shy of being in the eagle territory as the clock winds down under two minutes so second down and two here wall horses set two receivers to each side hacks gonna look to throw he's throwing this deep this is intended for xavier contreras ball knocked away there as that was a jump ball at the 24 yard line that was number six juan lopez defending on number six xavier contreras ball just a little underthrown i think x had him beat maybe if he throws that ball just a little earlier he catches that x in stride i thought jimbo great time though though the offensive line of the war horses did a good job of giving hack time a lot of time for hack to survey it and it's a good time to go for a deep shot there second down and two so brings up third and two third and two now for the horses looks like the same type of formation here this is going to be handoff santos coming to the right side he's gonna cut back and he's gonna be hit hard and that's gonna be close i think it's gonna be marked half yard 42 that half a yard short maybe tell you what it's gonna yeah he's about a yard of yard about a full yard short that's gonna bring up fourth in a yard from the warhorse 47. i'll tell you what the war horses you know that was a pretty long developing play and it was hard for those receivers to keep the block there and once that ball got forced inside yeah this one was coming with a lot of perspective they had a lot of green jerseys so minute left here here come the horses to the line fourth and one this is xavier contreras left side first down yardage great hole past the midfield line there past the 50 and into pleasant eagle territory sorry i didn't mean to speak over right there that was carlos de luna and company over there on the left side of the line opening up a big hole for x to get through and pick up the first down a much needed first down for the wool horses clocks down to 45 seconds 45 seconds and running here plenty of time on the play clock wars have all their time out so nothing to worry about here and speaking of timeouts the war horses are going to take one of those i don't think they were getting to the line as fast as coach gomez had hoped they would i don't think they were hey scott if you're up there can you see if you can get the student trainers over there in the huddle i see a couple of them walking out there i wish we had their name there you go that's a great shot of it there's those trainers out there i wish we had the names we'll get the names for the next game yeah i know a couple of them leilani loscanos out there andrea rios looks like alyssa uh ainsley boobinghausen is out there i see her right now alyssa longoria audrey longoria i can see her on the sideline right there no savannah parker's usually out there but i think she's volleyballing it tonight correct uh who else is always out there um i know i think sometimes tyler pike will come tyler pike that's who i was looking for tyler pike is usually out there with them so great job by those kiddos and i know we left some out no we did we did and i don't mean to yeah a lot of don't get a lot of recognition but very key part uh at practice every day and up there yeah they're staying they're staying out there they're they're working before practice during practice and after practice all right here we go 34.8 left first and ten for the horses hax gonna look to throw oh he's got a man gabe esquivel that ball is going to be knocked away at the last second there boy that was a heck of a route run by gabe esqville and they closed on him quick able to break up the contact bring up second and ten balls resting at what's that the 47-yard line of the eagles it is second down and ten here so let's see as the wall horses go two by two again two receivers each side hack's going to look to throw he is going to throw it over the middle that is going to be asked for xavier contreras and he nearly comes down with that i thought he almost tipped it to himself right there jimbo looked like a juggling attempt there 4x so 20 seconds left yeah i just got a text in from uh coach beatty we were talking about the special teams coach coach scott taylor and just became a grandpa second time second time grandpa so did miss stacy grandma grandma though yeah grandma there so yeah daughter sierra zinsmeyer having her second little one and we didn't know scotty was that old but apparently is third and ten here hack rolling right looking to throw he's going to have gabe esquivel caught at the 34 yard line run out of bounds around the 31 back on the play jimbo that's going to move way back move the chains temporarily let's see what the flag is yeah that was a nice little play pick up the first down by the wool horses good pass by hack smart play by gabe to get out of bounds to get that clock stopped i don't think this is good with the war horses moving back to midfield already to where they're moving makes me wonder if we had a hole downfield or a block in the back but we have a lot of conversation about this play like the officials are having a lot of conversation about this play as well so let's see anybody out there with a waving the flag off hey huge first down for the horses here that that makes that a huge play 11 seconds first and ten hey while we've got a second i just got some information the bet on the legacy bowl is between the superintendents ah because uh the new natalya superintendent was an assistant soup at liverpool ah so yeah wow that's good that's fun those are fun things yeah that came in from erica sadler and she said we're doing a great job enjoys watching tonight so thanks a lot erica i will send the check to you for those nice comments absolutely first and ten here for the horses 11 seconds left ball on the 31 yard line hacks is going to look to throw throws this down xavier contreras incomplete tell you what that was close to x hauling that thing yeah that was just just maybe maybe a yard long over his fingertips well designed play well run route five seconds to go horses probably got time for one more of those plays or yeah looks like x is doing a good job of kind of getting his body and holding off that uh defender and then making some late separations watching him play basketball i've seen him do the same thing on the basketball court he's a heck of an athlete all right here we go trips left side for the horses x is going to be split to the right side we're going to roll left hack looking to throw pressure coming he will throw it late that ball is going to be in and out of the hand incomplete and i think that's going to do it that is zeros on the clock so yeah that ball went in and out of sami guardiola's hands and then in and out of a defender's hands so that's going to take us to halftime here war horses trailed this one 21-6 we're going to take some commercial breaks when we come back we'll have our chaparral ford halftime show get some scores from around and uh we've got some senior spotlights we've got coach taylor interview we've got the band playing we've got all kinds of fun stuff coming up yeah we're gonna have a little trouble with the scores we don't have a pin up here oh we'll get some we'll get you a few we'll be back though in just a moment are you looking to buy real estate if so you need a buyer's broker working for you i'm christy parker broker owner of texas sold i specialize in ranch land residential and investment properties i have a reputation as a real estate shark my clients know i'll never settle for anything but their best interest buyer representation is free don't call the number on that other sign call me christy parker 210 texas sold you that's 210 t-x-s-o-l-d the letter u we're excited to announce that security bank is now american momentum bank and our partnership with divine independence school district continues while our name has changed you can still count on our expert bankers personalized attention and expanded portfolio of products and services specifically designed to help you build your financial momentum we invite you to visit our divine banking center at 100 east hondo avenue and meet our team of bankers who are ready to help you reach your financial goals banking on the strength of momentum american momentum bank with the mission of continuing support for saint joseph catholic church along with the divine community we strive to find a way to lead men in being the faith leader in their home along with faith being the beginning of our mission charity is our goal we are able to provide scholarships to students support the local food bank and state charities knights of columbus council 5192 [Music] former arabian ma2 lillian stricker of the united states navy now stationed in sasebo japan is a proud supporter of warhorse and arabian athletics chaparral ford is proud beezer of this year's war horse and arabian athletic program chaparral ford has been serving devine and its citizens for over 35 years for more information visit the website at www.chaparral forum or go to the divine establishment located at 102 county road 773 chaparral ford the experience is worth the drive all right we're back here at eagle stadium in pleasanton texas and uh it is halftime the warhorse is trailing on the scoreboard 21-6 warhorse band has taken the field here so we'll bring you some of their presentation um uh here in a minute uh listening to a couple of kids in class they said they're gonna actually do uh part three of the show and i think that's the final part of the show it is and i know they have some members missing tonight was one of those weird nights where volleyball played in fredericksburg you know football is obviously here in pleasanton those are pretty much opposite directions yes they are from divine and i know the kids that would normally race from volleyball wherever it is to to band to to get out here they were told you know because you're so far away you know in any interest of safety let's let's just not worry about getting to this one there's a couple of games that are like that but for the most part um some other unsung heroes or the parents and the grandparents and the aunts and the uncles that are getting these kids from one event to the other because like we talk about all the time the same group of kids do so many things at divinely i mean we're so we're so fortunate in that regard yeah yeah for sure um got a text in here from my buddy will hellums he said how about a shout out to aiden his stepson from grandma hellums also known as aunt brenda in my days uh so uh brenda hellums with the shout out for aiden there in the warhorse band that's always a there we go good one to get so that's it um looks like the warhorse band is rapidly getting ready to uh do their performance here we're going to try to tap into this let you all enjoy some of this as we go the dhs color guard officers the 24th one are riley hagdorn captain and karen fowler first lieutenant leading the warhorse band on the field is head drum major jordan irkslaven and assistant drum major lillian steele this year's url contest program is entitled finding unity right we will present part one restoring hope part two finding inner peace featuring senior first chair all-state band member brian schaefer on trumpet and part three defending heritage restoring tradition ladies and gentlemen please enjoy the show [Music] [Music] that's perfect [Music] [Music] game [Music] [Music] baby regardless but big boy sure [Music] we're not playing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sixty [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we hope you enjoyed a little bit of the mighty marching warhorse band and their presentation here at halftime all kinds of fun stuff going on there some good visuals out and about and great sound by the band we're going to take a couple commercial breaks we'll back in just a minute as the chaparral ford halftime show rolls along this is wars football brown chevrolet proudly supports warhorse and arabian athletics as this year's lead sponsor for dhs broadcasting located just off i-35 in devine brown chevrolet is your stop for all things chevrolet in south texas can't find the vehicle you're looking for on the lot call the sales experts at brown and let them find it for you serving the south texas area for over 50 years brown chevrolet knows how to provide our guests with an excellent carbine experience give us a call 830-665-4435 or visit online at brownchevrolet.com chaperone ford is proud to be a sponsor of this year's war horse and arabian athletic program chaparral ford has been serving devine and its citizens for over 35 years for more information visit the website at www.chaparral4.com or go to the divine establishment located at 102 county road 773 chaparral ford the experience is worth the drive state farm agent mark kidd is here to help life go right marketing's trusty staff can help you and your family with all of your insurance needs from auto home health and life insurance to banking products and financial planning mark and staff are there to help stop by the office at 700 west hondo in divine or call 830-665-2807 visit on the web at www.markkid.com mark kidd in state farm here to help life go right all right we're back here at pleasanton texas eagle stadium war horse is trailing this one 21-6 it is halftime as a pleasant and dance team it looks like they're fixing to do the the dance with dad out there looks like the dad the dad and daughter dance yeah it does um let's go ahead and take this time to do our senior spotlights real quick got a lot to get to we've got some stats coming in we've got some scores but we definitely want to get to the senior spotlights again this is the chaparral ford warhorse football halftime show and our senior spotlights tonight are a pair of seniors i got uh the warhorse right out of my first period class that was gus puente and then i tracked down uh cecilia martinez cece or the arabian senior spotlight so let's get started with that here is our arabian senior spotlight cecilia martinez hello my name is cecilia martinez and i am a member of the arabian volleyball team and i have been selected for tonight's senior spotlight what is your nickname everybody around here just calls me cece so that is considered my nickname at school aside from participating in arabian volleyball i am an active part of basketball softball track and powerlifting my interests outside of school include spending time with my family what is your favorite thing to eat for lunch i personally like rj's and their firecracker burger is amazing do you put your cereal in the bowl before the milk or the milk and before the cereal i put cereal in before the milk because you get a lot more cereal would you rather only have the only beverage you can drink be water or the only food you can eat be salad you can go only like probably three weeks without water but salad is kind of bland so i'd rather drink water then only eat salad on a scale of one to ten how good of a dancer on you six depending on what song it is what's the one subject you would do away with in school if you could math because it is really hard what is your best sports memory when i was in seventh grade we were playing against carrizo springs in basketball and at the end of the third quarter i shot at three and it was a buzzer beater and i made it and finally what do you plan to do after school after high school i plan to go to college and get my bachelor's degree in education thanks for watching everyone all right back here some interesting uh answers there from cece and that was a tough one would you rather drink water the rest of your life or eat salad the rest of your life can we have both can i go both i mean that but that's it that's all you get is either drink water the rest of your life or eat stuff oh yeah oh yeah you got nothing else yeah nothing else i think i'd have to go with the water i'm not sure i'm not sure you're going to survive very long on either one of those options you know what i mean that's true i might be looking at this wrong but i'm thinking if that's all there is well you could either you could either drink water the rest of your life and then eat whatever you want oh okay or maybe that's what it's supposed to be or you could eat salad the rest of your life and drink whatever you want to ah see doesn't that change the game that does it doesn't change the game a little bit well i'll tell you what let's see what uh gus had to say about it here's senior spotlight gus puente hello my name is gus ponte and i'm number 23 for the world wars football team and i have been selected for tonight's senior spotlight what is my nickname usually people call me gus gus gus bus or gusty poo for a second question at school aside from pursuing football i am active part of just track and sports and that's it my interests outside of school include hanging out with my friends and during the weekends watching college football or nfl and what's my favorite thing to eat for lunch probably bean cheese and tacos and you put cereal in the bowl before the milk or the milk in before the cereal i put the cereal in the bowl before the milk how people usually do it would you rather have the only beverage you can drink be water or only food you could eat be salad probably only ravaged be water on a scale 110 how good a dancer are you definitely a 10. what's the one subject you would do away within school if you could um probably chemistry because i'm not really good at chemistry what is your best sports memory probably scoring my first touchdown during middle school and um and finally what do you plan to do after high school probably go to military and join on thanks for watching everyone all right we're back here after the senior spotlights and always fun to hear some of the answers the kiddos have there oh yeah you come up with some great questions for them and makes them think it's kind of interesting to hear what what what would you eat or drink and you know what do you want to throw out of school and yeah everybody's got a little different different take i was a little worried about that what subject would you eliminate because i thought they might start you know naming off several of them including webb tech but uh but luckily they didn't so yeah a lot a lot of fun there you've been on the phone over here trying to get some scores and some stats and all huh i didn't do i've got a little bit of both for you so let's start with some scores right here i gotta score that tell you this one's bounced back and forth since i've been watching it right now i have hondo over marion 17 to 14. that score's changed twice since our halftime oh wow yes uh i have bandera over comfort 12 to nothing in the second quarter at poteet 41-0 over maynard new tech okay in an interesting game uh aguero 13 navarro seven oh wow yeah wimberley 14 fred six in an interesting game for there in the legacy bowl lytle is now i mean i'm sorry natalia is now up 20-0 over lydle okay uh let's see i got another one over here where did it go holy cross is up 28 to nothing over pearsaw somerset is up over beville jones 10-6 somerset having a good season did you give us a bandera score yet i thought i had bandera i thought i just gave him some bandairs someone had texted in and while i was reading it i was like wait a minute did you give this out i have 12-0 here again yeah yeah okay and then uh where did it go oh i guess i'm not going to have to go i'm going to find it again i was trying i thought i had a there it is carrizo springs 14 to nothing over katula right now i'm trying to find some of the scores some of the teams that we're going to play that is a uh that is a three-and-oh looks like maybe heading to foreign springs correct that's what the war horses open up district play against in a couple of weeks i'll tell you what got a few stats for you right here all right let's see so i'll tell you what let's start with pleasanton stats and i tell you what the numbers when you look at the scoreboard and then i'm going to tell you these numbers it's kind of interesting because pleasanton has rushed 10 times for 34 yards they have passed eight for nine for 87 for a total of 121 yards on 19 plays with seven first downs okay you know 21 points between and 21 points you jump over here to the war horses the wars have 23 rushes for 75 yards they are three of 12 in the passing game for 27 yards they have 102 total yards and 35 total plays so double the plays you know like 19 less yards yet we're down 21 to 6 and that's where our halftime coaches interview that we're going to get to is going to come into play it's at special teams jim you know where pleasanton has the punt return for a touchdown exactly right and and some big plays in that area where they they've got big yardage and so while the yardage looks like the teams have had a really close game and the score is kind of a little bit lopsided and the special teams numbers would probably be a little bit skewed in that direction as well yeah yeah i agree 100 there uh we didn't get to this earlier in the pregame stuff we got a little bit of a late start but we wanted to run this interview you got down on the field to talk to coach taylor about the importance of specialties absolutely and and some of the stuff that happened to us last week so here is coach scott taylor uh new grandpa new grandpa scotty your grandpa scotty t with uh interview all right we're down on the field pregame with special teams coach scott taylor coach taylor all the viewers want to know we had special teams play a great role in the games they can really change momentum we thought we had a big momentum changer looked like ethan santos slid on a on sidekick it wasn't really an on-site kick but they just didn't touch it we thought it was supposed to be our ball can you give us a little insight into what they told y'all down there they actually said that when he slid by it he grazed the ball and there was enough time before he actually can possessed it that they decided to blow the whistle and what i would have thought would have been an inadvertent whistle on a live ball because honestly you know as it lays there we can go get it um just our mistake was we didn't possess it fast enough but it was such a bang bang play that i mean it's one of those things that you know uh i i researched if there was any kind of rule you know if there was a time limit to wait because they kind of gave us a deal that safety there wasn't any other players around so it was one of those that our guy was just getting back on the ball so i called lewis stroud the resident official of divine and you know he's been doing this for quite a few years and he said that on a kickoff it's a live ball and that we should have been allowed to take possession possession well i'll tell you what lewis stroud would know right like 45 years i think well i know in basketball he starts his 55th year this year and i'm not sure how many years he officially he's a walking rule book he's been there for for years so it's great it's a great great great guy to have a reference well i'll tell you what it's great that we have that asset right here in divine yes okay speaking of special teams are we going to see anything special tonight as far as as far as for pleasant you know they're pretty basic but you know i'm sure they'll come up with some surprises as far as blocks go but as far as their returns um it looks like they pretty much run a right return type deal um and and they're good at it and so it's just one of those things that they crisscross their middlemen and uh you know if we're not prepared for that you know yeah they could stick to that one so you know it's all of our guys and basically what it comes down to in special teams is all of our guys have to do exactly as their coach and defeat what their guys are coached to do and so if we've got it on film where we know what they're doing we kind of give them a heads up that's it coach taylor great to hear from you thanks for that info hopefully we get on the ball tonight yes hey good luck let's go get number four yes sounds good all right back here at uh pleasanton high school eagle stadium and uh haven't had the bands where they've performed all three sections of their performance so a little bit longer half time yeah we're not used to we're not used to the band still being on the field with you know they've actually stopped the clock at 39 seconds so that their band can finish their performance i know the both teams i think are in their respective tunnels ready to come out the coaches got their arms crossed on the sideline they're ready to go well you know what and talking to mr miller uh not this weekend but i think it's next weekend the mighty marching warhorse band is going uh and they're starting their their festival tour i guess for lack of a better term they're going to go to their competitions i think they have two or three in a row and then they get into their their region marching contest so it's uh rapidly approaching for the bands here it is edition and you know i noticed on the calendar our school calendar there uh we we have what homecoming coming up next week and then an open week after homecoming and i believe on that open night for football the band is going to come out and they're going to perform their entire performance for the basically the the community anybody that wants to come out i know all the parents will be out there to to watch their kiddos perform and but they're going to put on their performance which would be awesome time for come out come see their whole performance watch them put it all together right before they literally hit the road and go on tour yeah and and compete yeah that'd be that's a neat event always uh being able to get out there and you know the band gets to perform and do do their thing and you know those kids have been at it since mid uh you know and performing or practicing for all this so uh happy to see them and and happily see them get to get back to the competition part last year they they were only at home games they didn't get to travel now they're getting to go through and do their marching contest so jeff miller does a great job with them mr bandman as we call him yeah mr man man he does a great job and you know and you you start looking out in that band especially right now while they're not in competition if you if you look out there you're going to see one or two cheerleaders and what you don't see is like i spoke of earlier the three or four or five volleyball girls that have come in from wherever they are put on their band uniforms gone up into the stands or just met them down in the end zone depending on when they got there so that they could also participate in the band i think you know these kids really put a lot of effort into what they do we do have a lot of kids do a lot of things so um it's always a good thing that's a great thing about going to school at divine high school these kids get to participate in a lot of activities um i was fortunate enough to take the fccla kids the other day they needed a bus driver i got to go hang out with them and they do some cool stuff all right we're underway here in the second half ball is loose on the ground as hanson kind of kicked that one straight into the ground tonight coach gomez is pointing like he thinks devine might have it let's see and it is going to be covered by the eagles it looks like the eagles did get on it that ball had a chance that they would he kicked that hard straight into the turf it bounced up went off the shoulder pad and we had an opportunity to get it the uh looks like the eagles will take possession though on the what is that on their own 41. yeah 41 yard line trying to get a reset on the play clock there you go so eagles just start with possession to start this second half yeah let's see what the warhorse defense can do here see if we can get a stop what kind of adjustments we made again shotgun formation this is going to be a handoff coming to the left side this that's going to be a big hole that was a big run he was brought down by number two sami guardiola and sammy had to chase him down from the back when he got around that corner jimbo he hit another gear we spoke of that earlier that young man does have that extra gear yeah 19 yards on the first play of the second half for the eagles gets it out to the warhorse 40-yard line where they will have first down so coach vs defense needs to step up right here yeah we we were talking about it earlier pleasanton's played a lot of kids and they are some big kids out there and they're gonna looks like they're gonna try to run a little bit and try to wear the war horses down hand off again a revolo up the middle this time not much doing it looks like all the ground war horses so looks like the officials that is xavier contreras who came up with that recovery if the ball is spotted right there it's going to be wool horse ball and it is big play by the wall horse defense and that's exactly what we were talking about there that is and i you know i was just about to say you were talking about you know they pleasanton did not have a lot of success running first running play they ran wars has caused a fumble they kind of went to the passing game and that got us a little bit they come back to this running game and boom horses step up get that big turnover and that was huge coach via's defense coming in at the right time putting a hat on the ball and knocking it free now let's see what the war horse offense can do here trailing 21-6 here got to take advantage of this this be a great momentum changer i agree first and ten here ballrest at the 34-yard line xavier contreras in motion pitch back to him he is going to be up the field there nice run on first down gain a seven there schmidt it was a nice nice play though the line opened up some good holes and then he was patient waited for it to to materialize and then slip through for the seven yard gain ball out to the 41 yard line so you know uh you know the pleasant and eagles too watch film and saw number six take that for 99 yards yes they did they're gonna be a little keyed into that they're definitely going to be keyed into number six and they cheated and got the turf monster after absolutely while it goes second down and three here for the horses this is going to be pitch back right side big hole there for the horses up the middle that was gabe esquivel 49 yard line first down move the chains for the horses there's that stable coming in we'll give it to this horse then we'll give it to that horse it makes them awfully hard to defend when you have so many different options the ball can go to i agree ball just shy of midfield here nice run by gabe picking up the first down nice job by the lineman little different surge here by the war horse offensive line double wings here for the horses pitch back xavier contreras he is going to cut it all the way back right side and he will be brought down as president seems to be just selling out on the run there smitty that is that was number three adrian garcia that busted through the line and when x tried to bounce that back against the grain there was just no place to go you know so war horses uh no gain so second down and ten no loss on the play so i guess that's a good thing yeah that was appreciate everybody tuning in and watching this one on youtube with us just started here in the second half i guess i could put the scoreboard in there so people could see it there we are there we go x going left side here i like to i like the convoy he's got out in front of him yeah gain a five as he's run out of bounds around the 46-yard line of the eagles that was a good example of what coach eads was talking to us about about the other backs getting out there and blocking the tight ends and stuff like that and you know everybody but spoke of how the backs you know no ego there because i'll go block for you you go block for me right exactly yeah we talked about that earlier war horses the receivers were having a little bit of difficult time maintaining those blocks down the field yes looks like there's a new energy for the horses here to start the second half yeah we're definitely playing at a different pace third down and we'll call it five here for the horses this is going to be hack with the keep up the middle still going as he reaches the 40-yard line that's going to be enough for the first down yeah that's that's a little more what we're used to seeing when hack keeps that ball up the middle is a hole open up that ball is going to be spotted at the 41-yard line but that is going to be enough for the first oh it is right on the yard to gain they're moving over right off yeah how could it be right on it and not be a first down yeah the white hat was looking like it was no big deal and everybody else kind of waiting around for a measurement there so move the chains for the horses they've got it now 41 yard line of the eagles duvo's a little shift in the backfield here pitch back to xavier left sides got a hole wow 30 yard line cuts back still on his feet nice run huge hole by the wall horses there i'll tell you something hack went out there and laid a block at the corner of that play that just opened the hole for x to get through that was a slobber knocker that might involve a w that was a wawa weewa block text in from jeff weisenbaker here he said put on the old rally caps let's go horses jeff will be busy next week with all the homecoming festivities i'm sure he's always always involved in all that homecoming regalia here we go pitch back right side for the horses flag on the play yeah that's gabe that play is strung out for no game appreciate the help with the call because that was right in the pillar here where i couldn't see any of that play yeah it gets down there in the area where you are almost completely especially when it comes to this side of the field yes it is four horses so speaking of homecoming lots of festivities the x's always put on a great program there that's right over the weekend we've got the homecoming king and queen to be named our courts have been set up kids are voting now yes they are that ball was moved back to the 30 yard line so it's first and 20 from the 30. yep hey and have you noticed on the far side there's a few less cheerleaders out there because coach thompson and about half the cheerleading squad are down in corpus right now that's right coach thompson and i'm going to run down at the regional event site it's not the regional track meet it's it's the site that we had a war stand up an alignment looks like it's going to be another five against the war horses yeah so shout out to coach thompson coach maingold uh they'll be having their cross country kiddos compete tomorrow at corpus at the splash relays or something like that i'll tell you what it's called speaking of a drive i believe coach mangold went to fred to pick up a couple of the kids volleyball kids that are also across countries speaking of our kids doing a little bit of everything and then he and those kids headed on down to corpus yes they are to meet coach tommy and the rest of the crew yeah coach mangled asked me if i would want to go with him i said well i would love to but unfortunately i've got the broadcast tonight so we'll uh end up staying a little bit closer to home here all right first in forever for the horses hack's going gonna roll out 25 as a man and get away still on his feet he's gonna throw this one away oh and good job by hack to make uh got a flag on that plate keep that from being a huge loss yeah that ball was intended for hayden dubose right over on the sideline right at the down marker and there is a flag right where hayden dubose went up for that and hayden and a defender were there so it's going to be interesting to see what this call is going to be great job as you said by hack getting away this could be huge ineligible man downfield against the war horses we did not need that the back to back to back is that's just this is the kind of stuff coach gomez talked about you can't come out you know you made some great plays some great first down the momentum was really shifting towards us and then we've had two or three just killer penalties that get us what are we at first and 30. um yes first and 30 from the 40. and that's from three penalties moving us back three consecutive penalties there yep i guess the only good thing at all out of all this it's still first down i was thinking the same thing you've got your full set of downs here to try to pick this thing up hacks going to look to throw this ball over the middle towards uh gabe esquivel incomplete that was number 15 oscar liao that was there to knock the ball out of gabe's hands gabe's a little slow getting up it looks like he's cramping again i see him trying to stretch out that calf and i bet we get yeah i bet we get doc coming on the field a little bit i'm going to get him down there and stretch him but it looks like it's nothing more than a cramp and that's what we're hoping that that is for sure we definitely hope that that's the issue it is quite warm and humid out tonight it is one of the hotter days we've had you know we've had a very mild summer early fall like it's usually summer right now for us still gabe's going to walk it on off on doc's right there i'm sure he's going to get him over there and get some you know gatorade in him yeah those trainers yeah i was gonna say watching him get off the field like that you're thinking probably just just a cramp hopefully that's it but uh yeah it's you know they say there could be a cold front coming in next week and it seems like it always gets hotter before that first it does it just like that air you got sinking air coming in and it just heats up and second and 30 from the 40. yeah probably better us talk about football we might know just a little bit more than the weather than the weather hack's going to throw this one deep down the sideline that is going to get picked off at the 12 yard line steps out of bounds it looks like at about the 17-yard line so that's where the eagles will take over not what the warhorses wanted they had a very promising looking drive started if things were going well you get a little bit of laundry out on the field and it just killed the momentum yeah it really did so let's see if the warhorse defense can make a stop here that's right you know coach beer's defense came up with the big turnover let's see if we can't do that again and try to get that momentum back into our favor the islander splash is what gerald baby just said islander splash that's what it was i knew it was something like that corpus christi islanders at the college there that makes a lot of sense that does i hate it when he's right and it is a splash down there yeah all right handoff coming up big hill aidan zapata well it looks like that was that aiden or was that mason martinez that was i'm sorry that was mason martinez that seven and the two got me i'm telling you these uniforms we're gonna have to talk to someone about this you know how you can make your font bigger on your phone i wonder if we could make the numbers bigger on the uniform i think it's the old age and the ice chimp maybe so can i blame it on the column was that a baba bowie i think that was a baba boy that was you come in like that and get somebody for a three yard loss that is a baba booey yep second down and long here for the eagles this time ramos again in the gun almost going to look to throw here and this one's going to come near side completed at around the 20-yard line yeah it looks like he's going to spot him at the 21. and once he gets to about the 25 i'll be able to see him again i was going to say you you still can't see this thing can you no third down and seven here upcoming for the eagles let's see what the warhammer defense can let's get coach b to draw up that that good defensive stop right here and get them to force them to punt from deep all i'm saying is that if there was ever a good time for the old cannonball scoop and score this would be it this would be this would be the place all right here we go we're almost looking to throw that ball is over the middle well overthrown good job by the war horse d there that's right it was that was uh elijah uh sanchez on the coverage and diego luna the intended receiver that ball was way overthrown so there's the fourth down stop that we were looking for looks like the nate nate ramirez back to receive the punt here trying to get i'm trying to get it's got a zero on on it buddy well it's a big column of the press box there's the snap it looks like twenty high short kick nate is going nope nah i thought he's going to fair catch it but instead he's going to catch it try to run it he's going to get out to the 44 yard line that's right that was number 20. uh ryan martinez that punted that ball nate with a nice job sure-handed job of fielding it and the war horses will take over so the defense did its job they did they they kind of got that momentum swung back around and then let's let's keep the laundry off the field let's go down there and push this thing in and punch this thing in you know you know who did not do their job this guy because i did not mention watch the fake boys son of a gun i'm gonna get a phone call from bobby on the way home i'm sure and and you and you've earned it and you've earned it yeah but shout out to bobby kempsey uh probably number one warhorse fan out there i'll tell you what it'd be hard to come up with somebody that was a bigger fan pitch back gabe esquivel here left side he is up there good job on his feet as he is down close to the 30 down at the 32 heck of a run right there by gabe looked like he was down made a little spin move and picked up three or four more yards move those chains and that's the kind of runs that we become accustomed to seeing from this stable of backs it is and let's see what the war horses can do here looks like they're trying to regain the momentum that they had at that previous drive before the penalties you know we are we're down to 4 15 in this quarter and most of the game has been played where you couldn't see it down in this half of the field you're exactly right there first of ten here pitch back this is going to be nate ramirez and he is going to be brought down big loss on the play loss of three yeah that looks like number number 21 jace krausoff and number two aj ayala back there bringing nate down [Music] hopefully everybody at home is able to watch this one looks like our cradle point is kind of dashing in and out oh but hopefully we'll get it going more horses looking at what did you say second and thirteen second and it looks like 14 as it's back here a little tackle trap this time for the war horses nate with the ball and he will be brought down after a gain of three i think he got back to the light of the original line of scrimmage so i said he was brought down but the pile stopped right he's just short of the line again nope he made it back to the line of game so now we're at third and 10. be a good time for that line to blow the eagles off of the ball right here horses could use some more momentum looks like they got some stuff working now i would definitely think this would be four down territory i would have to think so don't have to get all 10 here on third down no just a positive take it though oh absolutely we would looks like it's going to be a screen marcus rodriguez trying to get outside and cannot quite get away nice play by the pleasanton eagle defense there they did they they sniffed that screen out number 67. that is quade campbell he he was not fooled on that screen and he chased marcus down he did pick up a couple of yards so he got a little bit of it i'd like to see him get about three or four more yards on it but like you said you get what you get you keep moving forward yup two minutes left to go here in the third quarter again horses are down 21-6 here twins to both sides two receivers hack in the gun hacks going to throw here looking deep he's going to be caught first down yardage gabe esquivel brings it in at the 18. he was looked like he was going to throw it deep he had xavier in the end zone but that was a nice read by hack to hit the underneath receiver and get the first down great catch and that keeps the sticks moving for the horses keeping that momentum alive and keep beating down on this defense see we've got a time out by the officials looks like we've got some chain issues on the far side man we need a hardware store sponsor we could have them me and my all my sponsor stuff huh i can barely get us on on the air by 6 35 today much less get sponsors for all this stuff although we do appreciate all our responses we have we have a good group of sponsors that yeah we really better that are here to support the kids and the community and they they do a great job year in and year out for us hey while we've got a quick break um toby tomlin one of our teachers text in wanted to recognize a couple of his students in the war horse band that would be uh brandy and what was it justin bird justin bird brandy and justin bird yeah so appreciate mr tomlin normally the voice of the horses at home watching tonight giving a shout out to a couple of his kiddos let's see the chain issue is not quite resolved no sometimes somehow they must have got in and out and only had to go eight and a half yards to get a first down hey i like that idea um hey team tennis they're on the road tomorrow going to kerrville i believe are they verville uh they're going to play kerbville and they're going to play fredericksburg both i believe tomorrow now so a couple of tough matches they've had some tough matches they've had a tough little stretch but you know coach feltner talked about how you play these tough matches to prepare you for what's coming yeah when you get into the playoffs ultimate goal is to get into the playoffs and and play for a little bit so we'll see what happens looks like they're going to take a timeout on the field here we're going to take that time out with them we'll be back in just a moment this is warhorse football royce grain out of hondo texas is your supplier of premium quality feeds bagged and in bulk royce grain provides corn apple cid corn protein pellets specialty feed mixes scratch and wild bird seed call 210-844-4015 for ranch delivery or stop by morales or supply in divine royce grain premium quality feeds all right here we go schmidty looks like everything's ready to go they're going to break the huddle first and ten for the horses pitch back gabe esquivel and he is going to be brought down that was the back side aj linebacker or aj ayala coming from his outside linebacker spot and chasing him down from the back that play a little slow developing and ayala coming untouched was able to get there yep second down and 12 now after lost two got a question from coach beatty here he said who's doing cheerleading duty for coach thompson that is the noodle the noodle nancy martin actually that's a family affair a family affair that's right mr martin blaine martin intermediate school principal bus driver for the cheerleaders today speaking of bus drivers anybody out there that wants to drive a bus yeah come outside first down yardage run out of bounds inside of the 10 yard line boy that was a fantastic cut by nate right there and he was right in the middle of the line of scrimmage and then just bounce that outside and yeah i think after that hard pursuit by the outside linebacker a little counter there by the wall looks like they're down to the eight yard line so first and goal from the eight excellent run by nate and not to interrupt your thought because we do need bus drivers if anybody wants to drive a bus contact us pitch back right side this is going to be nate he's going to go down with aj ayala in there and i tell you what he's coming from the outside linebacker spot and he is just coming screaming downhill right there you know if that would have been a different sport nate would get a penalty kick as he was inside the box there as he got hit oh my looks like the clock is going to be running down to zero there so that's going to end the third quarter no score from either team but the war horses are inside the ten but i'd have to say the war horses have the momentum they do they do let's see what happens when we come back for the fourth quarter we're going to step away we'll be back in a minute security state bank is a proud sponsor of this year's world horse football broadcast security state bank has served seven locations around south texas since 1925 located in pearsall pleasanton divine natalia and now cacheville security state bank's hours of business varies from location to location please visit our website www.securitystbk.com or call us at 830-663-2801 to check out a location nearest to you security state bank serving south texas all right we're back smitty fourth quarter time yeah and i i you know that was a quarter really dominated by the horses nobody got in the end zone the wars didn't but a very sustained driving two very good drives the first one stopped on the penalties but this one's still ongoing and i like seeing a little bit of old horse football right here almost definitely second down and goal from the eight yard line when we come back to play hey i would be remiss if i did not talk about uh some of my arabian basketballers they were in action this past weekend at the i-35 showdown they participated in three games all against bigger schools one all three of them played really well very proud of those kiddos and i am excited about what arabian basketball might be doing this year i bet you are we are now on the side of the field where i cannot see anything so yes although i can see quite clearly you can see it all now although i do have to look through the dark side of the moon over here some that that screen does do something for it doesn't it we might have to get a camera in the booth just so people can see this stuff big speakers columns this is going to be marcus rodriguez right side he's not going to be in touchdown warhorses i tell you what i don't know i think it's lagging on the play i don't know it looks like it's right by his foot he just stepped on it oh the referee is feeling i think that's just the soccer marks there the second world horses will keep the offense on here for the two-point conversion try to make this a seven-point game absolutely fantastic job by the war horses getting this momentum to start the second half this is going to be pitch back right side nate ramirez he is going to be down towards the goal line he'll be hit there and driven back that'll be an unsuccessful point after attempt so the war horses cut it here 21 to 12. excellent drive by the war horses you know they had the we had the the penalties on that that good drive now we just need to go down and get another stop yeah for sure would love to have seen the ball get into the end zone there the first time yeah or well the uh on the extra point to cut it to seven but uh definitely what the war horses needed there in early in the fourth quarter cutting it down to a what nine point game nine nine point game i tell you what it's about as early in the fourth quarter you could get at 11 55. that is very true very true got a couple of players it looked like uh one of the war horses was a little slow getting off the field and we've got a pleasanton eagle down here and it looked like he was in the cramped mode too and like we said it is a hot one you want to step away and get a commercial yeah let's do it we'll be right back the grass yard a premium sod grower in south texas specializing in the sale and installation of sod the grass yard also provides landscaping services along with tree sales and installation open to the public visit them at 1484 south highway 46 in new braunfels or call 830-626-3444 the grass yard from our backyard to yours come see warhorse and arabian supporter eric smith at north park chevrolet for all your car buying needs located just down the road on u.s highway 90 in castroville north park chevrolet consistently ranks among the top chevrolet stores in the state with over 300 vehicles on the lot to choose from eric can help you find what you need contact eric at 210-737-4786 or visit the website www.npchevy.com all right we're back looks like we've got everybody up and off the field like you said looked like some cramp issues down there hopefully that's all it is a lot of fluids being consumed down here in front of there are a lot of eagles up close to this uh line aren't there jimbo there sure are here comes the kick by hanson that ball is going to be loose for a minute there but it looks like the eagles will cover it i think they were thinking the same thing you would do i think they were they they had a lot i say a lot they had nine out of their 11 up up close and personal up close to where hanson was going to kick that i tell you what that ball still bounced out of his hands you know hanson does put a good little bit of spin on that ball when he kicks on top of it so the eagles with a little bit of a short field here ball at the 42-yard line yep you know that they need to get straddled to go kick them off sally wong wanga but coach villa's defense has really stepped up in that second half let's see if they can quarterback run here by ramos so he's going to have the edge 30-yard line i think he is going to be gone i think so too and so much for what i was about to say [Applause] well you know one thing smitty we we had a scoreless third quarter we might have a track meet of a fourth quarter well we've seen that happen before especially in this series right big run there by ramos the quarterback for the eagles 60-yard scamper 64-yard scamper let's see i think they're lining up for the extra point here i'll have to watch it with you every day at home they are lighting up the kick is up and it looks like it's going to be good that'll take us to 28 28 12 now so warhorse is doing a good job of cutting into the lead and then the eagles come back to protect that lead we're going to take a quick commercial break we'll be back in just a moment stop by image matters in devine for all your design and business needs offering an in-house custom artist image matters handles a wide variety of products from spirit shirts and embroidery to the creation of signs and banners image matters also carries a wide selection of awards offering anything from ribbons and fees to customized plaques located at 200 west hondo stop by and let butch and kim cook and their 35 years of experience go to work for you medina electric cooperative was built by this community more than 80 years ago to deliver safe reliable and affordable energy we are proud to serve this community beyond the power lines you can find us supporting your kids little league sponsoring school events hosting safety presentations and more we're honored to belong to this community keep up with medina electric from the power lines to the sidelines on social media or at medinac.org all right we're back here 11 44 in a high scoring fourth quarter a little bit of fourth quarter we've had it was woo that ball has kicked deep all the way to the gold line that's bullet dubo taking it from right on the goal line he will get out to the 20-yard line i'm talking about this because i know you can't see anything that happened yeah i'm i'm looking around trying to see it there he he caught that ball one yard deep in the end zone got it back out to the 20-yard line so nice return by hayden well all i kept thinking about on that was like you know i've seen this crazy rivalry where that will get run back down yeah they got it out to the 19 is where they spot it so warhorses will take possession there looks like we need to go on a 81 81 yard drive hey ethan had that in his back pocket last year i think we did let's see that again here ethan all right here come the horses to the line double wing hack under center like nate motion that ball went up the middle of the middle yeah it looks like full back there gain of about four on the plate nice job moving the line right there that was who was that that was hayden dubose with the run up the middle nice strong run by hayden tell you what the air conditioning is still working in here it's getting a little chilly but that's okay it's better than the alternative here come the horses second down and six pitch back right side big hole there nice hole for nate oh flag on the plate goodness gracious yeah nice play there by the offensive line nice hole let's see what the flag is officials not in a huge hurry here that's smart smitty very smart every once while i think out of the box yeah getting a little chilly in here so gary opened up the back door to the press box so that'll let some of the warmer air back in that's what we got holding got to hold against the horses yeah boy that is those have just come up at some bad times for the horde and there's never a good time for the penalty flag to fly on you but you know a nice run right there by nate gets us out of the hole gets his first down ball out close to the 35 and boom now you're back down with that ball on the 21 22 second and eight yeah i noticed i was sitting here thinking i just got a text in from someone but uh ethan hasn't been back out on the field carrying the ball a whole lot this afternoon this uh second half so don't know if he's a little banged up on the sideline or hope everything's okay over there we'll see pitch back left side this is going to be oh x and he will be upended at the 27 yard line nice run by contreras gonna bring up third and one boy that was a tough shot he took to the leg that is that always worries you you hate seeing that when your backs get hit on the legs like that yeah definitely definitely been a physical game out there there will be some sore young men um tomorrow and the next day absolutely so here we go third down and a long one for the horses this is going to be pitch back again x right side first down yardage he'll be brought down after a gain of about four there five on the right yeah nice job yeah i think we can close the door now it got warm in a hurry didn't it was gonna say it didn't take long did it it did not so great job by the horses the offensive line brummidge uh cannonball ramirez uh carter fobble who am i leaving out in there jimbo jared fernandez jared fernandez moving moving this pile for the horses right side this is going to be nate patient run explodes out for a gain of about seven on first down mason martinez in a tight end spot over there blocking on that line yes he is there's um i think you brought up you got rummage down he said bromage afraid i'm missing the guard from the other side second down and about three here for the horses and there's gonna be a flag before we can get started there it is it's it's carlos de luna that is that's the one i was missing you're right i knew i was missing we hadn't said somebody it was carlos de luna over there the other lineman guys have been working hard they don't get a lot of love but man they just keep grinding in there grinding in there next thing you know a big old hole opens up and one of those back pops through and like we talk about these these guys play hard on this side of the ball and then they turn around and a lot of them do the exact same thing that's that is so true the other side of the ball so another penalty to overcome here for the horses so back them up second down you know jimbo we're we're on the home side of the stadium you know sometimes they have a box up there for us to sit on the visitor side and you don't realize what you miss when you can't look down on your sideline to see the little things like who's sitting out or who's getting treatment as nate's slung down behind the line of scrimmage for a big loss and he was slowing down yeah like a rag doll back there so that's going to bring up a long third and 12 for the war horses and not the direction we want to be going in but you know you you you really miss that being able to look down there on that sideline and see who's who's getting treatment who's yeah and anybody that listens to us and watches our broadcast you know we can't see very well so we definitely can't see all to see what's going on there look no i'm sitting up here got half the glasses hanging off my face all right here come the horses trips to the right hax looking to throw oh he's got him wide open jimbo and that's a great catch what a catch wow by the war horses that is gus puente the senior spotlight strikes again and i told gus i was like hey if you're a senior spotlight guy you got to do something special wow that was pretty great throw by hack that was the little fake screen and the slip and go great throw by hat great catch by gus first down for the horses at the 40. great answer after that big loss on the play horses move into pleasanton territory on the 40-yard line pitch back left side this is gonna be contreras spins off of one still on his feet wow and he will get down to the 36 yard line he was one spin away there he was popping out there like a top there schmidty he was he was one spin away nice four yard pickup hard earned four yards by x brings up second and six just got a text in from richard malone we'll talk about that one here in a second great grandpa richard malone great grandpa richard malone here comes the wagon oh there it is jb called it there it is deep down field and that ball is going to be intercepted as that was a nice recovery by the eagles theirs looked like luke friesenheim was open there for a little bit luke freeze 9 was out there he was open and the defender just made a great play that was number 24. uh j.j morales getting back there got a note here from richard malone saying that uh as you said uh great grandpa richard mull scott nicki's new grandson is uh the true big dog and leanne's new great grandson so um proud of him go horses really enjoying the broadcast tonight i was enjoying it a lot there until that intersection i was too it was the horses were looking good a little bit of momentum going but we sure appreciate that coach malone handoff up the middle there this is a revlo big hole and he'll be out past the 20-yard line big stop there by sammy guardiola number two there comes ethan no that's nate a surprise visitor there clock runs under seven minutes here you know jimbo coach malone was my golf coach back in the day and to this day it's always going to be coach malone yeah yeah for a little bit there it was big dog when we were big dog in the bells and the bowsers pressure coming by the horses here santos is just going to throw this out of bounds and it is going to one hop the cheerleaders over here we got some flags coming down yeah mason martinez just got there was it was not a pretty play it was a little bit late it was late and it was blindsided oh mason still down on the field here might be a good time for us to step away and get some of our sponsors some action i think you're right we're going to do that we'll be back in a moment snoring and sleep apnea wreak havoc on everyone's sleep solutions include surgery or a special mask with hoses and air compressor sound like a good night's sleep to you there is another way a custom dental device from dr drake's sleep solutions just slip it in each night no surgery and no mask the comfortable and out of sight way to end the snoring restore the joy of a good night's sleep stop by mag's place in divine a proud supporter of warhorse and arabian athletics mag's place a boutique shop featuring products from john hart mud pie simplified soaps scent chips and many more located at 200 east college stop by and visit anytime or give them a call 830-663-8077 apex services group your elite service company apex is pleased to offer cargo tank inspections internal cleaning welding and liner installations apex also provides hot shot and straight truck services throughout texas and surrounding states we believe in quality ensuring equipment remains safe on the roadways please call michael or chris today 844-427-3974 all right we're back here at eagle stadium in pleasanton mason martinez good news up and able to run off the field and actually run off the field yeah he jogged off the field in his own power we love seeing that that that's a great young man haven't been had him in class last year don't have him this year and penalty is going to be stepped off that's a personal foul was called against the eagles that'll move the ball back inside the 10 yard line to about the 10 and a half or nine and a half yard line that'll bring up second in about 20 yeah second 20 maybe 21. ramos in the gun here looking to throw he's going to throw over the middle that ball is oh it came out twice and that is going to be number six juan lopez and he is going to take that to the house for the pleasant jimbo that ball came out of his hands twice there was a divine player right there warhorse and it slipped through his hands and so did one and he was gone yeah so juan lopez taking that a 90 plus for the score and yeah that's twice tonight that pleasanton's mishandled a ball yes and recovered it and taken off and taking it to the house afterwards extra point attempt coming up here for the eagles down here in the area where coach jay can't see so here comes the snap ball is down kick is up and that looks good so it'll be 34 to 12 here 6 21 left to go 35 or 35 sorry we will take this commercial break we'll be back in a minute oh it's so hot try wearing this number for over a hundred years ah i'm getting the vapors you should call the ac guys okay but which ones the ac guys which ones the ac guys the ac guys are proud supporters of your divine war horses and arabians athletic teams and our local family-owned business that caters to all your residential and light commercial needs who are you gonna call looking for accessories for your truck or automobile stop by alamo truck accessories they carry a wide variety of products including side steps spraying bed liners bumpers lift kits and more talk to colby at 210-602-2730 or stop by 200 dixon drive in divine alamo truck accessories all right we're back here 35-12 pleasant and up over the war horses with 6 21 left to go in the fourth scholarship and uh appreciate everybody tuning in and watching this one here youtube got a legacy bowl update jimbo all right what do we got here legacy bowl we got natalya up 33-0 in the third quarter in the legacy bowl and run back by the war horses out to the 20-yard line that was dubose again i was gonna say i think that was yeah that was hayden getting the ball out to across the 20-yard line so natalia putting it on little huh natalya getting the best up i tell you what how about this cuero navarro we're tied at 13 now somewhere in the third quarter bandera 26-6 over comfort hondo is up 24-21 over marion i told you that score kept flip-flopping and they've been back and forth there so just a few of the scores going on out there the wars take over 6 14 to go here in the fourth quarter all right here we go warhorse is coming out hacks going to start off in the gun this time marcus rodriguez back in the backfield with him this is going to be a handoff coming left gabe basketball a big hole there flag's going to be closed down quickly i do see the flag now as i'm staring around the column here yeah that flag was thrown back in the line where we'll be holding and uh looked like one of the pleasant eagles was trying to break away from that line to follow the pursuit and was not able to do so i'm afraid that is going to be a hold on your horses and they are moving back towards their own goal line so not the way you want to start a drive when you really need to get down and score no no it is not so well let's see we talked about tennis they're going tomorrow cross country is going tomorrow still haven't heard anything on arabian volleyball i haven't heard anything on arabian volleyball i think we got middle school volleyball tomorrow middle school volleyball tournament tomorrow tell you what arabian volleyball starts district play a week from today that is right they will have host the somerset bulldogs i think at five o'clock and there's rumor that we might be back in the desect by then oh that would be fantastic that would be fantastic for those of y'all that don't know we have been playing our volleyball games in the old high school gym because when they got in there there was damage to the floor yes yeah when they came in this summer to to redo the floor to redo the wax they said we got some damage there so a little bit postponed so let's see they have really they're moving they're moving stuff everywhere the chain gang's moving we got everybody moving out there yep uh and the further they move that way the more i cannot see the ball is resting on the 10-yard line warhorse is going to take possession they need to get to the 32 i want to i'm going to watch it off the monitor here let's see what happens just like people at home hack in the gun clock is rolling motion by gus is going to be hacked oh big hole nice move by hack right there he's still on his feet out past the 35. great run by hack all the way out to the 40-yard line 30-yard scamper tell you what you keep watching on the monitor i need to hats off to scott herring that was that was some awesome camera work right there you keep watching on the monitor if we're going to get a 30-yard game because we need another one of those hey got to text in ffa had their area green hand camp that's going to be tomorrow on fredericksburg that's right that's exciting well and that's you know that's again that's a shout out to ffa teacher week that's it and then uh well we'll get to it after this play here by the horses first and ten gabe esquivel around the left side there i got a text in from kenny and glenda allen uh the ac guys commercial stars divine 2002 x jessica allen and her husband trey oh there you go yeah so so yeah it's nice to see some some former students i was talking to some people they said how about a where are they now version maybe at halftime with some of the horses and i just wish i had time to be able to do that segment the right way don't know that i'll be able to but it's a great idea we'll see if we can maybe incorporate it at some point hack with the ball up the middle he's gonna get out over the 45 maybe the 46. no i guess i should say that uh ffa has their area green hand count tomorrow in fredericksburg i think i think i said hat so yeah they'll be in action doing that tomorrow spotted that ball right on the 45-yard line so that will bring up third and five and as i mentioned earlier i drove the fccla kids family career got to do some technology when you got there didn't you i did we were setting up projectors and doing all kinds of fun stuff you just never know you don't you just never know hey that was another you drove a bus again anybody want to drive a bus we got all kinds of activities going all over the place absolutely third down and about six for the horses here hack hit in the backfield still driving forward though gets back to the line of scrimmage that's about it about all he was gonna get was back to the line of scrimmage it was just one green shirt after another i'll tell you what watching some of the hits these guys are taking i think my legs are going to be sore tomorrow morning i agree with you that's going to bring up 4th and 5 for the horses and with the 335 you got to go for it here jimbo yes you do absolutely so fourth down looks like well it's going to be uh right at five ball rest at the 45. need the 50 here for the first down why do we have the flashlights going over there i don't know see those i do yeah flag on the play throwing from way back here i think that's going to be the delay actually it's going to be a timeout by the horses before you can get before it yep all right we're going to step away we'll be back in just a moment this is wars football hungry if so stop by rj's a family owned and operated business since 2019 where all food is made to order rj's proudly supports the war horses arabians colts and phillies open monday through friday from 11 to 7 stop by at 205 state highway 132 north in divine or call 830-521-9967 rjs stay hungry my friends the bushel on a peck is a christian-based gift shop offering a variety of unique affordable christian faith-based inspirational items like jewelry home decor clothing and candles with a large section of bibles and books they are located on 516 north teal and open from tuesday through saturday from 10 to 6. find them on facebook or call at 830-663-8144 [Music] all right we're back here fourth down timeout so no penalty there fourth and long hacks going great throwing catch first down that x i believe that's xavier contreras i'll tell you what jim i know this is a little off topic and the people are certainly going to believe this but that rj's commercial i sure am missing my rj's i tell you what yeah yeah we kind of got spoiled the last couple of weeks with some rj's delivered up to the press box again looking for x and that ball is just out of his reach i thought he ran just past him was going to catch it and be off to the races i thought so too yeah hey quick while we have a chance here scott herring the gentleman that's kind enough to do our camera tonight just text us and said send out uh some prayers for one of the all-time great horses randall kendrick he's in the hospital right now fighting covid and randall was a little bit before my time but i've heard many a story about him on the field as war horse and pretty impressive stuff so prayers to the family there second down and ten here for the horses three minutes left hack looking to throw and that ball is tipped and it's gonna be intercepted there is a flag on the play i think that's gonna come back i think that's going to be pass interference although i'm afraid it might get waved off because that ball was tipped at the line of scrimmage it might be one of those when exactly the foul occurred exactly because the war horse uh you saw his receiver went down yeah yeah so we'll see what happens here as it stands ball returned back to the 30-yard line for the eagles so another busy and successful week at divine high school while the officials figure this all out let's see and we got some other stuff coming up pretty soon i think we're going to be hosting some cross-country meets coming up shortly maybe not next week but the week after the next wednesday on the 29th we will have a homecoming festivities next week so that'll that'll be a full week the flag is being waived off because the ball was ticking because the ball was tipped as we thought so that will be a turnover for the horses yep if that's the case then pleasant and will take over possession on the 30-yard line nobody's moving that way though and it was a no-brainer pass interference call oh it was a no-brainer ball just happened to be tipped at the line of scrimmage yeah that's part of it yeah i had had uh had the tip not occurred right that would have been a no-brainer it would have been first first and 10 inside the 30-yard line for the horses as it is we're gonna be on the other 30 yes for the eagles yeah 2 48 to go here as they try to sort out where they're going to spot the ball yeah looks like they're going to move it down to the 30-yard line yeah i'm getting my third phone call since we've been on the air broadcasting from alex wee-wee i don't know if alex just can't text in and he's trying to get a shout out so we'll throw him out once shout out and uh you know if you gotta get if you give alex a shout out you gotta give his boy troy tuttle a shout out so t-roy yeah alex and troy told me that they plan on retiring at the end of the year do they really and apparently that's retiring from coming to the football game oh yeah oh i thought they were talking about seriously i know i don't know i would miss t t roy come into my room every day yeah i know you got to have that i mean troy's 25 years at divine high school or divine isd one of our custodians and and how do we know that because you and i are right at that same which means that divine isd would have hired anybody 245 years ago absolutely so hurting for teachers apparently in the 90s i'm telling you all right looks like a new quarterback in for pleasanton here and new running back and this is going to be um warhorse defense with a not so kind introduction to number 34 there that was number three joe a revel no adrian garcia the quarterback and seth harrison got the ball carrie and hayden dubose got the throw down they also got a text in from hank say and hank said that the uh little the smaller football guys the pop warner guys they're starting their seasons tomorrow that's right that's right scott was talking about that so yeah good luck to the vine broncos there i think that's what they're called i think that's what they're called well hope they come away successful tomorrow great to see those kiddos getting after it there's gonna be a flag i'm not sure if the center didn't snap the ball or we just jumped but there was a lot of activity before i saw a ball go i think our half our guys were moving and half their guys are moving yeah this will be an interesting one minute 58 to go here has not gone the horse's way 35 to 12 right now and you know jim we had some opportunities we really moved the ball well several times and then kind of just shot ourselves in the foot with with some laundry on the ground yeah you know one thing obviously it's not in the spot where the war horses want to be right now as they are going to be penalized for being offside here with a minute 58 left but you know saw some different things out of the war horses here threw the ball a little bit more some nice throws and catches there by the horses and uh you know like like we were talking about that third quarter a lot of momentum a lot of good things by the wars offense just got to clean up some of the penalties there yeah you know we saw some good things on the horse defense you know a couple of big stops get caused a couple of turnovers you know the the run defense that the war horses have right now is solid we we just have to like you said clean up a few things here and there and yeah so here we go minute 40 left to go second down and about seven for the eagles that ball ball is gonna be loose here and let's see what happens as the warhorse is trying to get on it it'll be covered by seth harrison and since we see 34 seth harrison out there we apologize to number 44. we don't know who that is not on our roster obviously not seth harrison obviously not assuming that 34 is seth harrison that is that is true that ball is back to the 40 and that is going to bring up a third and what is that about three quarters of a mile third and about 20 i believe goodness gracious the clock ticking down under a minute to go in tonight's contest yep next game will be from war stadium homecoming for the war horses that will be the last preseason game it will whoa the hayden dubose was back there the bullet he was horse wars will knock that ball carrier out of bounds sammy guardiola thirty four yard line clock continues to run down under 30 seconds they don't even have to say i don't think they do i think that is going to be it i believe it is from pleasant stadium so the final is going to be the pleasanton eagles 35 the divine war horses 12 war horses will fall to uh three and one on the season and the eagles go move to three and one as well on the season yeah as we were talking about next game will be at home warhorse stadium homecoming as the divine war horses will host the luling eagles so that is going to be it for tonight we appreciate everybody tuning in on youtube for coach gary schmidt i'm coach jim sessions we appreciate you all watching and until the next one we'll see you on the flip side good night everyone
Channel: Jim Sessions
Views: 1,753
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Warhorse Football, Devine Warhorses, Devine Football, Devine High School
Id: 2Tt8qJAx4zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 3sec (10863 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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