Warframe Sisters Of Parvos Guide 2024 - For WARFRAME Beginner's Guide

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let's go through farming the sisters of pavos this is very similar to kver lers but does have some differences and I'm going to go through this as if you haven't done any cver lies so everything will be in this one video before beginning this you will need to have the call of the Tempest Ari Quest finished to start with we need to start Gathering some reum relics this is so that we can gather the symbols I'm sure these have real names but the symbols and we need those to be able to defeat the L in the first place as you can see there are two to each Relic giving us a total of eight I would recommend having at least one of each before you begin doing this and they are primarily acquired by coming on over to the couver event you can see just here and if we zoom in we can see the blood has a guaranteed Relic while the rest of them have a chance of Relic so for the purpose of this video we're going to go ahead and we're going to do this spy mission right here and the only major difference is going to be this cver siphon right here and you can see we have four different braids on either side and what we need to do is wait until one of them raises we'll see in a second and once that happens what we're doing is we're waiting to see and once it raises you can see it's starting to suck on stuff and what we're aiming to do is hit these black clouds once it raises you'll see once you hit the black cloud with the operator's weapon that is what is going to break the braid on the cver siphon do it for all four of them so we have one left here right now here's another example of the black cloud right there once that's done we can go ahead and complete the mission as per normal of course if you want to do more of these missions feel free to cver can be pretty useful especially if you want to start getting into rivens that is how you get more Rec relics we will get more once we actually start going through the sisters of parvos process itself cuz we'll get them from the actual enemies that we're fighting but that's just going to get you your first set of them to open up those relics then if you come on over to the fissures tab you're going to see that we have the couver FES right here these are identical to all of the other fur apart from they take place on the cver Fortress so they should not really need all that much explanation if I'm honest so that's something you guys can do in your own time now they have all the symbols for us to go ahead and spawn our sister of pvos before we go in there let's talk about progenitors I'll Flash the thing up on the screen so you can see which war frames add which element to your weapon so you see on my tenet arop plasmo here we're actually going to get another one of these cuz I need to uh Power It Up we have Toxin and this is generally speaking going to be my recommendation especially on something like this does radiation cuz radiation damage is already good against vineer stuff and toxin penetrate Shields and we can even just add on a little bit of cold so that we have viral on there as well which just does like Mega amounts of damage or if we wanted to we can put electricity on there so basically we can switch between electricity and viral we can switch between corrosive and viral depending on on our needs we got armor we can do armor stripping we can do Shield penetration all this kind of stuff so I do recommend getting toxin on there heat is also good you can do good stuff with heat those are the two elements that I recommend putting on basically everything we're going to go ahead and we're going to switch to a Warframe that is going to add poison to me we're not going to level the one we already have because they do get reset once you start m merging them so I recommend leaving them base until you are ready to work with them properly and when it comes to actually facing off against the sisters then this isn't going to matter for the first mission but after that you might as well have this set up and ready to go I heavily recommend having yourself a build that switches out your usual Loadout for some magnetic this may not even be like a perfect load out that you might normally use but the magnetic here is going to do extra damage against Shields and this is important because we can't penetrate the shields of the sisters or the hounds that accompany it in addition to that they also have some kind of damage gating so rate of fire and multi-shot are also completely essential because that is how you're going to strip down their Shields the fastest lastly I also recommend having a combatant on call mine obviously has Max health and combat skill here I've have equipped with this Ultra this is actually really really useful for spawning the Lich mostly but I just wanted to make sure I showed that before we continued going on with setup out of the way it's time for us to spawn our sister of parvos now the best method I've had for this so far has been for the capture Hydra here on Pluto we're going in private we don't want to get mixed up with anybody else for this one what we looking for first off is one of these hands and we are going to need to put in a Zenith gram coin if you don't have one the enemy that actually drops these does spawn in this Mission so if you just wait around a little bit wait from to spawn you can grab one and then bring it back to the hand and once we're inside we're going to go ahead drop our on call crew member and we don't even need to do anything now we we we obviously will to make it a bit quicker but he will sort out most of the enemies in here and technically speaking 25 kills is a passing Rank and should allow us to spawn the sister of pavos if we don't happen to make the 75 our 75 kills were successful let's continue on with the mission capture the Target and you can see my sister pavos has already spawned so let's go ahead and take a look at that very obviously marked I don't believe you'll miss this then asper KES take a look over its head if it's what you want go ahead and collect it if it's not what you want leave it alone and we can keep on rerolling this until we get the thing that we want before we leave the treasurer can also still spawn so we do kind of want that as well there he is just give him a minute he'll arrive take his coin and then we can rinse and repeat until we get the tenant weapon that we want I want an extra arip plasm more because mine is only on 36% at the moment and we want to get that all the way up to 60 you'll see at the end as we merge the weapons together how that works once you have the Nemesis that you want and you have selected the weapon that you want to hunt down what we're going to find is out in the system we now have one of the planets covered in blue this is obviously going to be one of the Corpus planets we we want to hunt down the rumes as quickly as we can but I do have some tips so they don't keep on powering up the Nemesis unnecessarily before we go in we are going to make sure that we have the parazon set up so that it has three different symbols on just because it's good practice to have this set up and ready but if the Nemesis comes and sees me early and you guys will will see this if it should happen we're just going to stun it or put it down or whatever we have to do and then we're just going to leave it alone and continue the mission as normal the reason we're doing this is because we can actually get all of these requium if we want to before we actually power up the Nemesis but we want to get at least one of the reims but we should actually be able to get two on Venus so let's start out with this Mobile Defense here so you can see what the major differences are and so as you can see standard Mobile Defense Mission toart up from we now have these hounds and these hounds do hit pretty hard so be very careful but you can see there with the piranha because we have so much multi-shot and rate of fire shouldn't be too much of an issue for us as we go through hopefully that just kind of gets across the point that I was making before that they can be tough if you like try and shoot with like a sniper rifle or something like a really high damage weapon you'll be like what the hell but something that's got high fire rate and high individual hits that is what's going to do well for you dog number two let's get you down where'd you go little hound think we got two we've got two I've not seen two before that's hilarious and as you can see now so we've taken down two hounds and the reum is much further round than it would be for standard cver L just so that you guys can see we probably need like eight of these instead of like 10 or 20 or whatever it was and of course the Corpus like to take all of the money so instead of taking like a spread of resources they take like 90% of your cash so just be aware of that when you're getting into this at this point I'm going to make my way across a load of these easier non endless missions then I probably won't do an excavation and if I do encounter the Nemesis early I'll show you what I do just so you guys can see that happening if we now look at my Venus we haven't even done that many we still have more left we could do you probably actually get all three here but I like leaving the defense till last we're going to go ahead and we're going to do the defense and then do the execution but because we now know two of the symbols instead of one and make sure that both of those are in fact on the parizon Fass and Z so let's get that on there and then we can go ahead and continue there's no guarantee that you're going to be in that order this just can speed things up a little bit for you and make things a little bit easier but as you can see I did actually face off against the Lich once now so we now need to change the order of this we know that at least two of these are correct cor this one is definitely not at the front so 50/50 chance this one's at the front but you can see the recum is already a quarter of the way round next up then we get to chase the Lich around the origin system next we can see it's going to be Phobos and it's very unlikely that we're going to get past the next one which I think is Europa we're going to head into Phobos and we're going to attempt to hopefully get the third code before we actually do the execution so if she spawns in a mission we might stun her or kick her out of the mission run to extraction we're not going to actually do the execution until we have the third code and if you've been doing it the same way as me leaving defeating your Lich for a while you can by the time you've done a couple of missions on Phobos have all of the symbols that it's going to be on display this should mean in terms of odds if this is the wrong one that goes to the end we need to put foam on there so let's do that we need to start doing process of elimination to find the correct code as per the cver lies next up we're going to go ahead and do the execution on fobos after that last execution then we now know that this is correct this one is not correct which means we now actually know the combination that we need to have that is solved we just need to encounter it one more time on the next planet and we can go and hunt down our Lich next planet is going to be Jupiter and we'll just pick any where we think it's going to spawn a good exterminate is probably a good idea or a Mobile Defense let's go with that first and then once we have finally executed our Corpus Lich it's time for us to move move over to the railjack section here zoom on out and we should find ourselves a little blue spot on Neptune time for us to go and clear this Mission it's very simple it's going to be a quick little exterminate with some ships I don't even know if I'm going to show much of it all we need to do is blow up two cruise ships and two security nodes it really doesn't take very long and then we go in and assassinate the Lich main differences between this one and the calich is on the way in we are going to have to defeat two specters before we can actually face off against the sister and then when the specs are down we can go ahead and attack the Lich itself of course we go in for the execution once they're down we'll be faced with the choice of either store it for later with convert or take the weapon and destroy the Lich which is what we're doing here so I can get my second copy of the tenant arop plasmo with all that done we can extract as usual with the Lich down we can come on over to The Foundry and if you come into your in progress part right here we can claim our ooplasm and in addition you will also have a pre-built Hound very nice for if you want to be grinding out that Infinity there are three in total so you're probably going to need to do this a few times we can in fact go ahead and build our own so we can build all the different parts and stuff you'll see them in your mission rewards and if you have multiple of the same type of weapon we can come into the upgrade screen whatever action button is for you down at the bottom and then we can Valance Fusion to add them together and you can pick which outcome you would like so for example if this if you had heat and toxin you'd be able to choose between the results here obviously I just need to confirm this and we can do this all the way up until it reaches 60% if you ever decide that you want to just check on what percentage it's on if you come into your preview tab here you can see that mine is now on 39.7% and that is how we continue to power up our tenant weapons for the hounds if you'd like a specific guide on those let me know down in the comments and I'll see if about get something like that made on the smaller video channel and that concludes how we deal with the sisters of pavos I hope that helps out and I'll catch you all in the next video
Channel: Joe Hammer Gaming
Views: 23,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sisters of parvos, sisters of parvos guide, warframe sisters of parvos, warframe sisters of parvos guide, sister of parvos, warframe sister of parvos guide, warframe sisters of parvos update, warframe sisters of parvos weapons, sisters of parvos guide 2022, guide, sisters of parvo hounds, warframe sister of parvos, best sisters of parvos hunting guide, warframe sisters of parvos guides, warframe sisters of parvos guide warframe 2022, sisters
Id: AyDOnykN6YY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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