Warframe (Guide) - The New Damage Resistances & Vulnerabilities (Change Your Builds)

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[Music] hey guys welcome back as always e my name is lasar and today we're going to be talking about the brand new resistance and vulnerability system in Warframe before the J Shadows update ten were supposed to know the details of each and every individual enemy type for example let's take DEC corrupted faction or or what was the corrupted faction within this faction you had two heavyweight units that everybody knew the corrupted heavy gunner and the corrupted bombard to very different units with two very different attacks while both of these units had clone flesh as an underlying health type their armor was different so the type of damage you were supposed to hit them with was also a bit different for example the corrupted heavy goon had ferite armor and ferite armor was vulnerable to corrosive damage while the corrupted bombard had alloy armor and alloy armor was vulnerable to radiation damage now there weren't a whole lot of weapons that could do radiation and corrosive at the exact same time a bit more after the uh Whispers In The Wall update but still most Teno would simply build corrosive because corrosive will be reducing the enemy's armor Therefore your subsequent shots will be doing more and more damage the degree of resistance or vulnerability before the patch would range in increments of 25% as stated corrosive would have a 75% damage bonus versus ferat Armor but radiation only had a 50% damage bonus versus infested after this patch everything is down to 50% so you're going to see modifiers such as 05 so you're doing 50% less or 1.5 so you're doing 50% more one thing of note here if a damage modifier is not specified within the damage epicac screens that means it's 1X let's say you want to find out the damage bonus or resistance of puncture versus the sentient it doesn't show up in the efficacy screens that means it's 1X it doesn't have any bonus nor resistance so therefore puncture for a sentience does 100% of the damage now all of this all of these aspects that we need to keep in mind in order to mod our weapons properly is gone now the biggest thing that you need to understand is that the system has been changed so that resistances and vulnerabilities are no longer tied into the previous self types which don't really exist all armor has become Armor All Health has become Health all Shields have become Shields and now overguard is recognized as its own thing resistance and vulnerabilities are now tied into the faction a unit belongs to with that in mind let's take a look at how faction exists post Jade Shadow starting off with a grineer everybody's favorite you will see that no matter what unit I choose from the grineer it will be vulnerable to impact and corrosive what kind of damage bonuses am I looking at 50% and look at that no resistances whatsoever what as before different targets would have different resistances and vulnerabilities now everybody is vulnerable to the same thing as long as they belong to that specific faction so all you got to remember nowadays is that that X faction is vulnerable to this and to that now things get a little bit poooky let's take a look at the aoin the corrupted aren't exactly corrupted even though you have Prime bane of the corrupted it's actually should be prime bane of theorin but I digress here are the corrupted heavy goon our favorite targets but you will see that the corrupted heavy goons are no longer vulnerable to corrosive what does that mean they no longer have armor of any type while they do still have armor and yes that will be contrib ited obviously to the ehp that they have they are now vulnerable to puncture and vital damage so while as before I was building corrosive on my weapon versus the ferite armor that corrupted heavy goons had so I can get that 75% damage benefit now it's no longer the case instead if I'm after a contact damage bonus I want puncture and I want some vital instead normally vital would be relegated to your Sentinel as a primer but nowadays I'm just going to build it on my weapon if I know I'm going to be fighting the aoin but here the thing it doesn't mean that corrosive is useless now far from it that corrupted heavy goon still has a whole lot of armor if I manage to remove some of it my subsequent shots will be doing more and more damage what it does mean is that corrosive and vital are simply changing places in your setup whether as before you will build corrosive on the weapon for the contact damage now you build vital on the weapon for the contact damage and corrosive well kind of takes the place of vital on your little primer I don't need to Prime on with vital anymore instead I'm going to primum with corrosive and the only change I need to make is this boom corrosive on my primer now that we know that let's assume you're the kind of Warframe player that likes to play the game on easy mode check that super easy mode therefore I'm going pull out my giant incarnate toret now let's take a look at the build is this the right build what is this corrosive and radiation ah this is a build meant for the murmur before the Jade Shadows update but let's see I'm going to be fighting some Oro the corrupted heavy goons to be more specific what do I need to know I need to know their resistances and vulnerabilities which you look at that the corrupted heavy goons now I know they have armor they're vulnerable to puncture vital and resistant to radiation these vulnerabilities and resistances will be shared across the entire oroian faction if they're bombards or wardens or Lancers or butchers we're going want in corrupted heavy goons because they're a bit more tough if I sneeze towards butchers they die so therefore let's make some modifications to the build they're resistant to radiation well that radiation needs to go that's not good corrosive they do have armor but they don't have any damage benefit to corrosive and my little Sentinels are procing them with corrosive oh this works out perfectly it's almost like I planned it all I need to do is build vital what do you know Prime cry rounds now I got a whole lot of vital on the weapon and the final mod slot will go to the effect modifier Prime bane of the corrupted which actually should be prime bane of the oran but there you go now let's see what this little build can do versus level 205 corrupted heavy goons with the SE modifier enabled I'm not even going to go in for because what you need to know especially after the weapon Stacks is that the normal form of the incarn Tor or torent incarn what whatever a hell was that a 5 million is absolutely incredible the normal attack absolutely murderize whatever stands before you actually when you're fighting the acolytes it might be a smarter idea depending on the acolyte to use the normal attack of the Incarnate tet instead of the Incarnate version Look at that one shot Galore no problem whatsoever primed or not primed or almost primed but I know what you guys want to see you want to see the incarn form laser how fast can I vaporize the entire room well my friends this F don't blink cuz you will probably miss it obviously I'm using the Incarnate th and the Incarnate th is a goddamn Beast totally not overpowered and it should never be nerfed ever ever ever ever ever now of course that's one example but let's take a real world example of taking an existing build and changing it so it fits the brand new changes brought with Jade Shadows take a look at the Exel trop Prime now this is one of the most popular primary weapons in the game it doesn't mean it's one of the most powerful it's one of the more popular as you can see this build had corrosive and radiation corrosive and radiation was fantastic versus the murmur which again is currently our whole endgame content any murmur unit I select will be vulnerable to electricity and radiation so technically I only really need to do one thing take off one mod and you also notice the following the murmur are resistant to vital damage so no way am I making contact vital damage I still want the proc definitely especially if you're going to be using something like Hunter Munitions but I don't want to build for contact vital damage yes now all of these units have one exception of course I'm talking about the XMS xmss will have overguard and against overgard if you want to you can build a brand new magnetic rock which will have bonus damage versus it normally magnetic is still to be used like it was used before the Jade Shadows update as in one additional element for galvaniz aptitude shot and so on and so for so the only thing I really need to do is take off the infected clip and boom radiation and electricity again it doesn't mean that that corrosive was worthless you do have cerin which do have armor so removing some of that armor will mean more damage versus them but then again the colerin are pretty easy trash targets to take out your sneeze and they basically died you can definitely go for an electricity build and make them a little bit more jittery if you know what I mean but the question becomes okay fine what should be buildt in the remaining slot here's rifle Elementalist rifle Elementalist got people a little bit too worked up for what it is 90% status damage what does it help with with damage over time so slash heat Etc honestly it's not a bad mod to have but if it comes a discussion between a faction modifier like bane of the murmur or we should be getting Prime bane of the murmur and that one just go for Bane of the murmur now Papa's got all the sarons which one do you want actually this red fail one is kind of fetching especially in HDR level 205 murmur battle group with the steel path modifiers enable now let's see what missr can do versus them look at that beautiful beautiful now of course it buff are also helping I'm talking about her glorious free but look at that here's the thing the Accel is not exactly an endgame weapon per se I mean it fails in comparison to something like the toret but the honest truth is that one change to the build and you will have no issue whatsoever in essentially demolishing anything and everything that stands before you because that's the whole gist of the thing you just got to change your builds a little bit and in case you don't know or don't want to memorize hey I don't want to memorize that that faction is vulnerable versus that faction I would like to remind you that nowadays you need to remember a whole lot less than you needed before you can access all this information in the simulacrum by simply viewing all the enemies or you can go to the univ first stab in your codex and simply stare at a faction to find out the resistances and vulnerabilities honestly Warframe has never been more straightforward than it is right now as always SP as M lasar thank you guys so much for watching like sh And subscribe only if you enjoy the content if you got any feedback for me let me know in the comment section down below also in the comment section down below if you want to find out more about mechanics like hey lasar do a video on this stuff and the other stuff or of course the other other stuff I'll catch you guys in the next what [Music] [Music]
Channel: LeyzarGamingViews
Views: 54,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warframe, Guide, How to, Damage, Builds, How to Build, Damage Changes, Factions, Resistances, Vunlerabilities, Jade Shadows, New Meta, What To Build, How To Build, New Damage Vulnerabilities, New Factions, Faction Damage, 2024, Update, Gameplay, HDR, Best, Warframe Gameplay, Warframe Guide, Warframe Tutorial, Warframe Jade Shadows, LeyzarGamingViews, LeyzarGaming, Leyzar
Id: GEba7w-XuMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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