WarCraft III Reforged Tutorial #4 - Happy's Undead vs Human build

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hello everybody and welcome today we're recording a tutorial for undead versus human this is my first tutorial for non-human matchup and the main motivation behind it is that I was watching my man death cow the other day playing someone dead and his bill alder looked whack everything was out of sync and then also I got a request to do a replay review from an undead player and I was like you know what you guys don't really need it to be honest and that is too good against humans but I'm still gonna help you I'm gonna make a tutorial and we're gonna take a look at the best and Dead vs. human that's happy and one of his recent games against blades because he has a very specific build order that he does really well we're gonna take some notes along the way so let's get started so very important is to open ziggurats into alt are you obviously immediately start the double acolytes so we're gonna right that's Zig we're even gonna right near goldmine or near haunted mind + alt are I'm not gonna write that you need to start double acolyte and that you need to send you ghoul to the wood that's pretty obvious so we're gonna only take the essentials in terms of the actual bill loader here and I think I'm gonna try staying at 1x speed for the most part so this might not have been long I mean it's a long game I feel like from a certain point is kind of going to become irrelevant what happens because it's mostly about the starting build order and just general decisions so then as soon as you have so the feed cycle I come out fifth acolytes coming out makes crypts and now this is very important as well is the building positioning you know the altar needs to be a little bit outwards but not super far away either because this your base bill is very important and ziggurats are gonna be in the line over here and crypt can I can be here you always save space here for graveyard you want the graveyard to be close to trees so then you get extra woods coming from there and the goal by doing this build order is that you get your destination on the map as quickly as possible and you start applying pressure you don't let the human creature easily starts a six acolytes so we're gonna write that down to six hour and you know six psycho lights makes shop and the shop is kind of safe you see he had a safe spot so you had a safe spot here for the shop because if you put it at the front it can get sniped easily and he has a safe spot here for the graveyard so all of these details again are super important she's gonna get the shop and then he go Scout but it doesn't go Scouts the exact way that he's gonna head across the map happy plans on creeping this year which is also one of the standards on this map so what is he gonna do here this echo light is gonna search for corpses so go find corpses near camp you wanna creep then go Scouts it's gonna be all note for this again I strongly encourage you guys to take your own notes obviously you start this night as soon as the alt hour finishes I'm not gonna write that on the notes it's fairly obvious you guys can write it if you want but I think heading into this we all knew that's it was gonna be a death knight into fiends bill back to work off with a host thank you very much Neil appreciate it welcome everybody I'm currently recording a tutorial of undead against humans so welcome to enjoy that if you guys wants and then it's okay so 13 out of 20 make graveyards so I think he found the corpse here I kind of missed it but he found a corpse that he killed or like so another corpse he found a creature that he killed and then he's sending the acolyte across the map so as soon as the test night comes out again I'm not gonna write that because it's fairly obvious you guys should already know he's gonna buy the rod head there make a skeletons and then go for the creep you're only gonna get three goals with this as well go up to three goals on woods well I guess we're gonna write that because I feel like sometimes it could be four sometimes it could be - I mean - below four will be too high three is the perfect sweet spots and on maps with a big camp or a mercenary camp like sometimes a lab you want to be careful that you see the arc mage headed there if he does that first this might affect the decision of happy and how quickly is gonna harass you know maybe if he sees the human headed there he might head there we can have a look actually he's gonna buy the rod you see the intamin click is test night here this is also important he clicked it here because he knows he can buy it from here so now as soon as it comes out he's already selecting this buying the rods and he's paying attention to where the human said it see you would block him if the human was headed there but then he sees that human starts this so now it's just gonna creep the camp finds the corpse that he created earlier it's actually gonna clip this one first so no not needed he's up to three goals now he's on 17 out of 20 you don't start a second ziggurats this is important where's the sound gun how did that happen all right that's better in the meantime the Acolytes is just trying to scout exactly what's happening you can be annoying like this but try not to lose its he sure clouds about to die the best thing you can do is decide it and then now he leaves two skeletons so before you're done with the whole camp you head across the map and now it's already gonna start coding everything he started Tech before I started to faint so 17 out of 20 starts Tech I'll start here too I guess we can right then make a field which obviously you will rally on top of your desk night I think getting a nerubian tower here is fine too especially if there is a footman like this and you want to be safe and this is of course the part where you expect you men to go for the creep on the expo and if that was the case you might have you might end up playing quite a bit differently so I plan on making another tutorial in the future but against an expansion play but just not this game because obviously there is no expansion play here it's gonna be one days and then start the cigarettes ten cigarettes then ii see i guess and like you guys are gonna see everything lines up perfectly for him to be on the exact right supply counts to start everything his leash additional fins statues and the goal of the strategy is to just have a solid strategy overall but basically rich leech with orb as quickly as possible and go for that chair three with very few fiends and then you have a lot of potential to either push or either creep that's a nice little deny here so he's kind of staying on the human here and I think that this is the right way to play early on but you also need to mix in some creeping of your own some great guessing by the way where the human was here he was kind of staying on his trail he had the acolytes and he suicided di coli just now and that's because he's getting close to getting chair to finish it finished and you see right now he's on 22 out of 30 supply after he makes one morphine is gonna be on 2530 I did it 25 out of 30 that's five more with the Lich and he's gonna want to take very quickly as well so this acolytes you don't need him anymore you know that there is no more Expo so you just decide it at this point if let's say happy makes the one morphine after this and he will and then it's on 26 out of 13 you can start leech that would be a disaster he gets a fin surrounded here so you see like it's not even going that great like it deeds do pretty well up to this point but now losing a fin is definitely a big deal that was like literally is only fighting unit fall this time so I'm not even gonna rights like to supply according to like the fact that he loves to fin I'm just gonna add that and assume like you would not have lost a unit by then so as soon as tear through finishes make Lich and then techies gonna start immediately after basically you might get a rod first it gets a rod and buy new rods let's that's just assuming that you're near your base you know he's adapting to everything that's happening in the game if you had been across the map now we wouldn't talk about rods you would have started just way quicker so that's slightly gonna delay steer three to actually buy that I like that he gets sacrificial skull let's assume that you're playing against one base opponents let's say go creeping for a while and rely on skeletons for scouting Hugh Expo and again like that's because the humanics started the game on one basis here for a very long time he was only on one base so you're gonna be scouting a bunch with skeletons but you go into creepy mode and that's why I kind of like that he brought sacrificial skull because that's gonna help the regeneration its fishing on the desk night to kind of have that is obviously counting on getting on getting all right very soon start tier three as soon as you can either on 27 out of 30 or 30 out of 30 we're just gonna put it that way just in case you haven't lost a fiend you did better than happy somehow I mean not everybody can do that well against blades then make slaughterhouse actually wait let's just do this plus slaughterhouse I think it's clear enough everybody will understand what it means so knock me it gets a little bit overeager he's gonna punish him and send him away five hit points and I finally get Sora the building positioning also important I think slaughterhouse is like a pretty tanky building you see 1,200 points 1,300 on this 900 on this so you can kinda put it at the front like this and then third Zig so you see really delayed the additional Finn is literally right now he's on two feet and it's just gonna rely on rods to creep with for the time being and also item management a lot can be learned like all of these kind of items you have damage Glover faced everything you put on the Lich every time I think you can buy actually another rods very soon yes because he's completely run out of this one so yeah we don't advise like don't forget about reloading on some of these role of necromancy I always get new ones he did make the extra thing he's gonna wait for the cig to finish to get the first statue so he gets another rod and again you saw it like he scouted here with skeleton saw there was he's gonna see that there is no X bogey and against the one base human you can just kind of creep you don't need to go out there and fight him he's on one base he's gonna have a lot of units to fight you it's gonna probably creep close to his base and have militia to counter you with you can just creep a bunch this is a very important part of creeping as well like right now it's kinda easy because the skeletons are attacking everything but let's say one of units is talking is starting to take a lot of damage and he's being targeted by creeps you're gonna pull it back you want the damage to be spread out evenly between you units so that's unholy aura helps with the replenishment of hit points and the statue that you're gonna make later on so I'm gonna write that as well and third sig finishes makes statue and right now he's gonna be on 36 out of 40 and he's gonna want to make the extra Zig I guess pretty soon and one more things like this well you see couldn't me couldn't stay on this supply like now you only has four supply available so if you wants to grab third here oh he couldn't so that's why he's gonna have to make the extra cigarette in a bit and I think that against against two days because you play more aggressive the timings are different so again this is very you need to remember that this is a build that's designed to play against the one base right now I'm guessing it's gonna sell the vampiric it doesn't really do much when Tier three finishes try to have DK buy or immediately and then if you get something like a vampiric or idea army that you're going for is mostly arranged and you're not going to be going for gold frenzy not everybody's mad frog so just sell stuff like vampiric I think this you can keep the Menace stealing but vampire can you to sell for sure and then now this is gonna be a giant power spike of undead because even though the multi kings or hero 3 and it's kind of scary like you don't want to fight this guy he's gonna have orb to work with and keep in mind it doesn't even have test night level 3 right now so he's out leveled and I'm guessing yeah so he gets second statue get second statue and fourth Zig yeah it's kind of the order seems to be getting it in and then and start plus one I think he just had absolute by the way like this is not super clear-cut like he wants to get everything in this exact order it's more like he's probably asking at the time what do I need right now well I need a second statue because I wanna replenish health points and mana at the same time and then he stops a ziggurat after that's because he wasn't the highest priority but now because he's got a little bit of extra gold because he can't make additional units because he started that only now he's like well how can I spend that gold well let's go plus one I'm gonna need some grades obviously and then a very important part of this is gonna be getting a third hero and it seems like Happy's third here of choice a lot of the time is dark Ranger so he's already thinking about how he's gonna grab the dark ranger here it's cutting a lot with skeletons I like that a lot because even if your blade here you're getting scouted by these skeletons and it does feel like he was kind of zoning him out from the middle like I'm dead right now we'd love to be able to buy dark range already but in reality he cigarettes not finished yet but he's gonna have to buy that soon for sure for silence I don't actually know what spell he went for first and we can't really see in the replay either sadly he only sent one skeleton sees that it's clear in the area and when you have orb and you have four fiends like this creepin most big camps is actually pretty easy especially with skeletons at the front tanking so now he's already going onto this one just because orbs gonna do so much here she's gonna get dark Ranger get dark ranger + burrow and burrows pretty important it can save fiends sometimes you can burrow when a bolt is made err if you had a fiend running and you can tell that undead was gonna throw stone bolts he still scouted with skeleton he sees the size of this army he knows that there's most likely no expansion yet this is strengthened in Telugu to put on lych because you get more damage more mana and more hit points all of which lead she's great with and you cannot wanna like so let's say you're in this situation if one of units is taking a lot of damage don't don't call it safe Matt on your desk I pull it back and then send it back in I think knowing to pace yourself when you're double statue like this with the mana is very important if you start a fight you would much rather have you test night already on full mana so behind is upgrades destroy a form and gets temple so here there is multiple different choices you could have gone for you could have stayed on statue tech and gone for this is cloud and a bombs but happy style is to get destroyers and is to get benches with anti magic because he knows that the main point of this human strategy is that you go for tri hero and then you create them ideally to get any level 3 and pala level 3 and that's very scary when he's gonna have this much nuke plus the orb right let's say star getting units so like let's say targets a hero and then he goes holy light stone bolts it's gonna be very hard for the desk night to keep everything alive or even to keep himself alive in those fights so happy knowing that he wants to go foreign team ajik shell I don't know why he's getting a cargo actually what the maybe he was worried about some sort of Zeppelin play maybe my two Scouts I can say okay that was a mistake yeah and then he starts +2 at around 44 out of 50 so it doesn't have to be 44 out of 50 exactly that you start +2 sometimes it's gonna be 47 so don't take these notes now literally or like - literally I think and then now like always try to think about like you need to micro properly obviously like he's gonna want to start to Banshee as soon as this is done and get research and everything I always try to think where is human like you see the mini-map you know is already done based on this probably done this but apparently not this time you know that is either here or doing this or doing this you're going for tech or for benches with anti-magic you're getting +2 so you don't really have to go for a fight unless you like supremely confident that you can do well in the fight it's like a little bit tricky a position right and also I don't really know what spell II went for on the dark Ranger and I can't see it because the Ruthie booster is done with the spells for some reason I'm gonna restart it and then see me if maybe the spells can appear I'm really curious about whether he made yeah I think he's just decent right now with Walker 3 I really curious whether he made dark arrow or silence but it's probably silence I would assume but you go for these two spells basically so right now happy as a choice does he go and creep safe do this and then this or does he go in contest at the bottom right you can I wanna get some info usually ya involve is like the main thing because your heroes can get nuked in particular the death Knights but sometimes you'll keep it on the Lich because the Lich also can get Newt the test night can TP I guess as his involve his drill in danger supposedly in one stock bolt and one holy light to deaths night is not gonna melt and unless he's really out of position and he's already taking some damage before and you can see he was getting close to four - who is like well I'll use one of the cords on the creative - creepy creepy quicker so when she had to finish sorry when the temple finish he started training get Banshee at that training and again every game is different but I guess one base here you still want to be creepin and now he's finally gonna go fight I didn't mention that but it's actually going frost on wall by the way so how can I write it under side notes leach goes Nova frost frost amor Nova usually does the order and then I think on level 4 a lot of people they take dark ritual dark Ranger silence is it black arrow dark arrows black hair alright sounds like her sign is I mean it depends how the fight is going if you're fighting now and you're completely trashing your opponent and he has no priest left maybe go dark arrow level - but in general I think silence would be better if you start fighting now morph one destroyer then we're gonna pay attention to what he has his statue on I'm gonna guess healing so he course a rifleman which actually though ants ends up doing a little bit of damage on the ark mage don't go into fights with a specific hero units you wanna actually with a specific hero you want a nuke but rather seek opportunities so I think when you're at this army against this army a few men ideally what you would like to be able to kill is the priests first because if you get them out of the way then silence is even more powerful they're also not dispelling frost or more any more but it's a lot about the position happy came up there and what did he see the first unit at the front that was somewhat exposed is this rifle so he's like I'm gonna kill that first let's say the the priest would have been here would have targeted that so you have to be very opportunistic with what you target here you can I want to target what's at the front but ideally not the mountain king all DiPaola because they're like super tanky Maul tanking and everything else it's 875 eight points 800 a rifle only yes 535 arc major only has 575 we're gonna even still be down here it's this Knight gets targeted a bunch it's gonna pull it all the way back he has healing warts by the way which can help a lot by the way that was pretty crazy that ain't even panning and TP here a lot of people would have so now I see that the arc mage is taking quite a bit of damage means like you know what let me get you out of here you look like you don't want to be here anyway well you do that Hank so again you see super opportunistic he saw that here sometimes you can even use pearl on time I mean if you get bashed here so that's gonna die and then again we're back to targeting whatever's at the front if you feel like you're not doing that great maybe disengage like now the death knight is he's not doing too hot so it's gonna can I gonna run away and of course you can I want to replace the statue like replace statue when morphing destro and get some damn cheese if you can do that that's great it actually made blades use the holy light to make sure that he could kill that but if you're far away and you can tell Istanbul is gonna be thrown use Perot immediately and in this case there was even flying machines to detect in the meantime she's remaking fiends he study +3 attack and then he cancelled it and he made +1 hour more I think it's maybe a would matter where like if he was getting +3 attack he would have used up all these woods and he wanted to save some to rely cream egg destroyers and keep making some of these units text is cut off yeah I mean we're not really gonna use the notes I think going forward anyway I'll put them in the description under the video on YouTube it was up until now and again I encourage you guys to write notes in your own way if you want to write them in your own language it's also obviously a fine I'll write notes in my own way cuz I write them in a way that I will understand them but you guys don't have to write exactly what I write or like copy my notes I really think everybody should just take their own notes with the words that they prefer so that it's easier for them to remember the bills so this is really the only camp that was left on the map on his side of the map there's still this one down there so happy goes for it and this is a part where I think you want to save a little bit of gold and we're now gonna write that down it's just general thinking that's you should apply in most of your games here especially if there is no expand just save a bunch of gold and then go and make a bigger army so he sees that there is flying machines he gets web you know obviously if you had seen a fence or whatever you like you would have also also already made web I think it's just gonna head on chill for bids let this one banshee build up on mana and now the question is always when do you want to break up keep right the whole map has been crept he sees that there is an expo so this is the thing now you need to decide how you're gonna play against this do you get your own expanse and camp or do you attack the expand and happy he's gonna decide to actually attack so the first thing he does his cell is out are he wants maximum gold here before he's gonna break up kid he sells his alt are this actually that was bad by blade SSE Delta he gets the extra ziggurats remember what I explained in the past of couple times is that when somebody expands the perfect time to attack it's not when the expand is only starting I mean ideally if you can go there kill the peasants and then get out is great but it's shortly after the expand is going up so a human expand goes up pretty quickly because they can force them with five peasants you don't want this expand to run for like ten minutes and then attack because humans just gonna have too much then so what he's gonna do is he'd intamin weights like you know somebody's out are he broke up keep immediately he made fiend banshee and statue and he said you know what I'm gonna attack you as soon as I've spent all of this gold and I have a big army he didn't even have to use the involved by the way in the previous fight which is nice because now he still has that it feels like it does have a quite a bit of collection a they six rows every sequence really nice I guess the goal is to just get seventy supply and then attack and then you can expect the opponent will have somewhat equals supply and the extra statue is obviously to make a destroyer he did lose the preview destroy that the previous destroyed that he made and I saw about getting the perfect composition I think three to four benches is enough and also if you can have four statues it means you're gonna have two destroyers and two statues on the ground healing everything or maybe one which is good enough as well you want to start the fight with everything on full mana and you see because there is priests I don't know actually if he gets a rod I get to scroll because he has a big army you can pull back two units that are getting a little bit of damage he can code whatever is taking a lot of damage so now instead of letting his men she's go to like super high in mana and by the way you don't need to get master with this you see he went up to three banshees he's gonna use anti magic on everything he's to cut to one of grade 65 supply and he's gonna go for it now we're really gonna observe how it takes the fight and everything because that their sister there is nothing he knows that the army is probably already set down there and this is the basically the big fight that's usually gonna decide the game and he left himself space by the way to morph destroyers which is like actually do I did him off just four days two years actually it can't hurt to see when your post you see left himself room supply wise to morph to destroyers and he pulled two of the ghouls two out of t is three goals does he need wood behind this not much I think one goo is enough to have as a back-up plan so that you don't go to zero wood and then you're screwed so I kind of like pulling the ghouls because they're gonna take some of the extra shots as well remember aunty magic is not dispel anyway so it's gonna be great for him II can't really gets you can't really get stone bolted holy lighted too easily blade is on 67th supply with rifles to zero it's got inner fire so it's very important those two destroyers they're going to work over time here they're gonna use dispelled and pull back and again what do you want to target it's kind of tricky make sure you always come in from a good angle don't just be there and then do attack move in and your desk night is like going in headfirst and getting nuked into oblivion you just kind of want to set up a pre concave like this and then you start targeting units properly and positioning and setting up armies before the fight even starts is very important he lends his silence on everything we're gonna slow it down even and then now flame machine are gonna come but it's only so few of them and there is like two destroyers already and make sure you destroy so I'm not at the front just dying instantly in like getting wrecked you sustaining words really really well you see like he never wasted a healing word that I used them too early he puts the destroyers on the flying machine because he knows if he gets them out of the way like this destroys I cannot important if you want to keep them alive here to really keep removing all the inner fire and the water elementals as well whatever gets targeted you can pull back like played goes for the fiend that's not got any magic the core is actually gonna miss and now the priest that's where they kind of start derping you know he sent them a little bit forward to maybe try and dispel silence maybe now would be a good time to target them but I think he's just focused on babysitting the one destroy that he's got left here and he's just kind of pulling back everything that he can you see that's not it that's not it's not even at the front attacking he literally talked the dest night away here so that he can just stay alive and coil everything that needs to be called now fine that he goes for the priests look how fast they die from all those fiends and again once you get all this priests out of there that's when the skeletons and the silence is really gonna shine like he's not even wasting time targeting heroes yeah I mean there's obviously involved there's rune bracer there's a staff taste paladin ready to heal so you don't want to beat you open and zeroes here you want to beat his army you want to say I got things I got or band I got banshees I'm gonna kill out of your rifles and then I'm gonna be left with an army plus tri hero against just your heroes and then I'm gonna win from there guess what he's smashing his army so mighty magic finally runs out but everything's already been killed here on the other side and now that he has expansion you can just leave skeletons there and kind of change the army by itself he touched another bolt that was secret it's it's so funny too cause like if you're a blade you've got high-level heroes you've got divine syllable true you're like please attack my hero but happy is like no how about I don't need to attack you here I can just kill you answer army and then all of a sudden we have happy on 49th supply against 39 he's gonna kill the peasants here is gonna kill this exponent with it it's just infinitely ahead now this is usually the time where you start getting heroes out of control as well four point six four point four and then dark Ranger is three and as you can see it's minion stable too so not silenced able to actually which I might have written wrong on their notes I think I either is fine but it seems if happy those minions Table two against go minions of the tubas listen to me I don't know what the I'm talking about and now he knows that he's ahead you still got mana to work with look what he's gonna do is still gonna save a little bit of cold before I break bricks upkeep again it's trying to see exactly what's played us left blade still did rebuild a little bit he escaped with a few of his rifles so more anti magic he's like well you can't nuke me let's have some fun goes in karnov on one of the priests hey do you don't want overextend though oh my god is passion I melt one of these they're happy as I come out of here he's ready to burrow if there was a bolt see selecting it in advance I actually he didn't press it and the always active so actually this wasn't even worth it I guess you could have just pull back you could have just pulled back and can I cover destroyer scouting around maybe sent one skeleton use this silence you actually broke up keep again now okay they canceled it you see you still want to save some gold if you look here there's 1,400 so you want to get that exact 1400 I think you might have checked that and realized consider all your options you know he only has 1400 left 1300 now so it's not worth it to get more grades either I think maybe if you already had 80 or like 70 and he knew he could go to 80 and get one more grade maybe do that but now it's not necessary and by the way I didn't mention it but because he already sold his alt or if happy lost a hero I'm 100% convinced that his plan was to instant revive just rewrite it in the middle send when you need their rebates and then keep fighting you can't afford to remake out or and then but obviously you have to be very careful with your heroes the whole point of the strategy is to get a team magic so that you can't lose your heroes so yeah it's not supposed to lose a hero and that's why also he felt comfortable and summoning is out or so it's saving gold it's just waiting for this to mine out then he's gonna go to as much to plastic as he wants and like right now you don't even really know if you're at the end at how much wood human has like does he have enough foods to remake an expo like it's hard to tell I never really realized he do that he doesn't read by rods of necromancy because I did where we are the stage in the game where they don't even really matter that much there's just too much I mean there's so many priests he has to here he's got a third one they got master like they can just get skeletons out of there so it's not the best way to spend 150 gold at this point it's Teddy's like I'm just gonna make it as many units as I can oh my god he cute so much he's actually gonna go to 80 this is insane and it seems like he doesn't mind going up to five banshees either wait does you have to okay I thought yet 3 Rd so he eschewed everything inside of those buildings he made the extra cigarette even did before he mined out I think that's maybe because he's scared that there would be an expo back on the way or maybe you just realized he could go as close to 80 as possible already anyway because even though he's mining less now he's already queued at Donna units she's still gonna go pretty high PI and supply and this time it is going to be even more statues and destroyers and because he has this many fiends you're not that worried about flying machines anymore you're just gonna put them down and kill them you can even bring the acolytes I think to like you star creature all alone or like tank and block some of the unit's away it's know you already absorbs the goal man being on someone so there's still a bit of extra goal that you're getting out of this I kind of wanna see so usually you would group everything on one and then statues in two but now and maybe destroy us on one as well but now yes banshees as well so let's try and see exactly how he grew up this so he groups everything on one plus we're actually not the benches so just the fighting units and the try hero I muted my dad yeah in the fights you're mostly anyway doing attack move and then using pressing control one and then right-clicking units and then using cordova whatever silence and then you press two and then you control the destroyers and if one of them is being targeted you manually select it and then pull it back we can try and pay extra attention in the next fight as well so you got up to 73 how do if it would be worse maybe sell this thing so he doesn't even want to expand here he just wants to go and fight speed it up to the fight so you see even before he moves out like let's say started moving out and he made the humanity will be pretty bad an anti-magic she'll last a very long time so as he's moving out of his base is already using all anti magic and it's already absorbing man as well he took literally all the mana from a lot of the statues he just kept two of them with mana I can't believe these groups so he put statues destroyers banshees and acolytes in to I think it's just a lot about having his armies his army clumped up together and ready to fight so he finally reaches the human base sees that there is in a fire rifle is like all thanks for the free mana absorbs a little bit and now here's the if the open it has a ton of flying machine you need still need to pay attention to that what you're gonna want to do is engage web everything and then pull back so that everything that's weapon maybe is not attacking and I like that happy is not rushing in there because even we absorb mana if you attack through there that could have been a bad angle for him melee shock would have come in and then it's very hard for him to micro micro anything back so now I just pull back he's just kind of circling around him like a shark sharking around if you will he gets double hanging scroll I don't even know they sold everything at home this is really sick because he knows that all he has to do is win one big fight and he's won the game anyway so what does he need a base for it could even on someone is main for we care he knows pretty much that there is no Expo I'm sure like he flew around a bunch and he knows that blade is broke sorry it's just all about that last fights blade go back to 66 supply in total happy s 75 so he's got an advantage here these acolytes are pretty annoying as well like they can block a lot of stuff but blade ball time pretty nicely so now finally blade loses patience he's like I'm gonna fight I got militia here that I can send in maybe it's gonna make a difference he's got a shitload of flying machine so IP again he's gonna attack whatever's at the front here in the first place my machines come in a nice cold safe look what he does he pulled back the destroyer so that all of the flying machines got webbed and then is manually targeting them why because he knows that if he kills all of the flying machines those destroyers are gonna help so much they're gonna keep removing what elementals they're gonna keep removing in a fire and then he's gonna do great so the positioning that he started to fight with and the way it's dealing with this fight is really nice again he pulls back the death knight especially because there is no NT magic on him right now to make sure it's not the one thing that's at the front getting nuked and smashed and remember he adds multiple hitting Scrolls to work with he's got I think he might have used one already and he's got the one on the design right now with an inventor another quarry misses but you can see it doesn't even make that much difference manually targeted all the flying machines there's one left and now one's not gonna be enough against triple' destroyer and now it's like dispel dispel dispelled remove Allah in their fire they get extra mana from it as well he pulls them back when they start being targeted now's a good time to target this priests I think yeah there it is get them out of there get skeletons and now there's no more dispels you see there is not only no more dispels actually well there is one priest left but it has no dispelled so not only is he taking dispel out of the equation again skeletons you also need this spell again silence silence can be very important here in those fights arc match kind of in the middle is like very tempting to go for it here let's use this in one last second arc match in the middle again opportunistic style whatever is in the center and targetable is what you go for here you always want to call your Lynch I think that extra alone here was super key and of the sacrifice are blocking so much stuff here all you have to do here is escape properly as well and I know it's happy and it's very hard to do sometimes to escape like with the leech level 5 against Heroes 4 and 5 but if you can do it you pay attention to your heroes your army will do the rest and you will beat the other army so again I love the disengage here because his that night was like really low and then you happy with the game really well he sees this army he sees that there is one priest he's like oh you can never heal this properly so it just gets out can I let the statue replenish here this is your brilliance and this is your priest here those statues sometimes you can even sell items here like yeah maybe sell this and get an involuntary try you know one more kill for blades if you would have had export this would have been a lot scarier but he's broke even used all militia to fight you the one I love that by the way he left an acolyte back at home this is really sick you could have actually gotten some extra gold if he sold a bunch of stuff but you also don't want to be eliminated but in his game there was no tanks so he wasn't really at risk so you see let himself replenish for a little bit let those banshees get back on the mana to use NT magic and then we go again for the fights this is a very important concept that when you're running low on mana and hit points as I'm dead you just pull back and replenish and then you go and we engage and happy is like a master of that was for the cordon around the arc mage and this time he gets it and that was key here because you know that the opponent doesn't have the goal to remake that he could sell everything that he has as far as items but that's gonna take a long time so for that blade actually manages to get one more of the Banshees but now core Nova is very strong we love the statue still it just sends up nuking all of the units and that's it so obviously you know it this looks very hard and it it is very hard to execute here if you're happy but I think you get the general gist of what it is you're supposed to do and again not everybody is played like played played amazing in this game but if you're happy or like if you're the undead here just learn to prioritize correctly make a lot of the same decisions you know don't buy rods of necromancy late into the game against a ton of priests just get a big army know when to break up keep like hit it and in the fight just corn Nova silence and enjoy nuking everything really and I think you will do well I think the desk knight placement is also very important so we definitely recommend watch that Vaudrey watch it again a couple times really take a lot of notes from what happy is doing is by far the best undead versus human and it keeps bidding them and I think you will be able to do well and I think the part where the early game build order is like so important you know being on 25 out of 30 making the lid starting the cherry and then the slaughterhouse you have to get all of those things in the correct order and as soon as possible so focus on that a lot and especially in this kind of game where you're creeping it's not like you're fighting all the time with the open and so it's much easier to just kind of creep look away macro go back to creeping and all of that I hope this helps you leave me some comments and I'll do a follow-up one against fast expansion in the future this was Undead against two men on one base hope you guys enjoy enjoy the NSE you next time
Channel: ToDGaming
Views: 3,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tod, tod gaming, todgaming, tod war 3, tod wc 3, tod warcraft 3, blizzard moba, human build order warcraft 3, Warcraft 3, WC3, WarCraft3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 56sec (2756 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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