Warcraft III: Reforged - 1vs1 Insane AI I Alza Gaming (Gameplay)

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well easy yes milord yes milord well easy yes milord more gold is required really more work writer ready to work well easy off I go then ready to work yes my lord your work ready to work jobs done yes my lord what yes my lord job done ready to wear work right oh yes me Lord what easy go then yes me Lord job's done what yes my lord if I go then whoa job's done right Rob's done yes me Lord yes me Lord I live to serve all I am not afraid for my people ready for action what do you need at your call for honor as you wish jobs done preferential what writers or work jobs done yes my lord well easy what if I go then I can't build there right OH ready for action whole gold is required what would you ask of me it shall be done ready for action as you wish for honor it shall be done for honor for my people it shall be done for honor for my people justice will be served poor Lord does require what would you ask of me I am Not Afraid let me face the better well yes be lord I can't build AI - I am Not Afraid as you wish [Music] for my people research as you wish it shall be done for honor it shall be done for honor as you wish more lumber is required what would you ask I've done for my people research camp as you wish it shall be done at your call for honour it shall be done as you wish what yes milord I am Not Afraid for my people it shall be done for my people defending me as you wish jobs done for my people [Music] for for my people for my people I'm in Lord horses are under attack [Music] yes my leash research come my way right of course I'm a lord what planet on my way right yes my lord off I go there I live to serve all the leaders more lumber is required I saw were easy at your call [Music] won't work all right [Music] let me face the better I am Not Afraid what would you have done research complete what right oh yes my lord ready for action yes Lord I am Not Afraid let me face the terror as you wish I call ready Christmas land required what would you ask of me for honor I am Not Afraid for my people orders [Music] at your call as you wish for my people as you wish for my people [Music] it shall be done well easy walk upgrade complete jobs done right oh let me face the better for my people what would you ask of me for honor strike wish it shall be done or honor as you wish it shall be done for honor defending your name it shall be done as you wish herbs done for honor it's hammer time [Applause] is someone injured at your call is my aid required I am Not Afraid it shall be done as you wish it shall be done for my people it shall be done for honor for my people it shall be done for honor strike with great changes it's hammer time of course let me face the dinner I am Not Afraid what would you ask of me let me face the terror as you wish I am not afraid for honor as you wish it's hammertime for my people it shall be done [Music] build more fire yes my lord all right well easy off I go then more lumber is required summer time I come to cleanse this land what ails you jobs done jobs done yes my lord right Oh research complete more lumber is required or number is required research complete what is your blood or work jobs done more lumber is required it's hammer time yes my lord off I go then you can count on me I can't be in at your call for Mike people it shall be done I am Not Afraid I'm your you're the boss I'll count me in death comes for you the boss I'll count me in to the skies it's hammer time I'll do it at Ikes job's done right sir ah count me in you're the boss new problem ah to the skies new problem you can count on me what would you ask of me for honor aye sir by Muradin spirit you can count on me ah you're the boss that's great new problem I'll count me in I'll do it takes a scrape research complete all gold is required let me face tonight sir you're the boss [Music] I'll count me in research complete by Muradin speed I'll count me in war word yes be Lord I await your command do you see something no problem what would you ask of me research complete it shall be done aye sir I am not afraid I'll do it at Ikes our gold mine is running low you're the boss jobs done I'll count me in the sky's new problem that's great the sky's new problem that's great let me face the dinner new problem that's great what would you ask of me
Channel: Ondřej Zeman
Views: 23,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft III: Reforged, Insane AI, (Gameplay), Alza Gaming
Id: Mdu3xoCj84A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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