WARBRINGERS: Jaina - (Nixxiom's Live Reaction - Battle for Azeroth)

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hey guys what is up it is Knicks iam here and Blizzard just released the first episode of the war bringers series this is Jaina Proudmoore episode and if you don't know this is kind of like the Lords of war series back in warlords of Draenor the harbingers series for Legion and now we're getting war bringers for battle for Azeroth so I loved all the previous ones I thought they were great I love the artwork that they do for these and let's just let's just watch it and see if it's any good here we go [Music] beware beware the daughter of the sea beware I heard his words carry upon the ocean greens as he sank beneath the tide [Music] mate those birds so true we're sailors [Music] [Music] [Music] why Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] but there distant shores me face to the south [Music] betrayed [Music] to his [Music] big boat ah [Music] I heard I cross and see the old voice warning beware the daughter of the same lira beware of me [Music] okay Wow holy Toledo talk about some Warcraft 3 vibes going there you guys guys never played Warcraft 3 and you have no idea what that song was about in Warcraft 3 pretty much Jaina Proudmoore allies with thrall and friends and whatnot she allies with the Horde in order to defeat her own father and ends up dying and so she sort of you know betrayed her family and that's not good and apparently while she's been away the cult earrings have you know created a nice happy little sea chantey about the death of her father admiral Proudmoore and pretty much saying yeah watch out for that that Jaina chick because she's a traitor that that's pretty cool I can tell the blizzard had a lot of fun making that song harkens back to Warcraft 3 relates to the modern game who knew that the voice actress for Jaina Proudmoore could also sing she had a great job I liked it man what else could I say here let me mute this real fast I don't the only the only thing that I have to say is um she like raises a boat from the ocean you know they and I'm kind of like you know how to cheat I understand she's a mage but you know how she you know oh yeah it's just magic and [ __ ] you know whatever you're right it's it's just magic Nick see him I know I know that the comments are gonna say but yeah she lifts up a boat I like that you get to see her father you get this whole kind of Ferryman's vibe you know he's taking her through the remnants of the fleet that was destroyed by the Horde the ghosts of the past or following her across the ocean you know you could see that she regrets all that happened and you can see there's a lot of a lot of anger in her eyes from her past decisions which she sees is a big mistake but if I was great I mean Jaina is not like my favorite character in Warcraft lore but she's definitely interesting I'm more excited for the Solanas one I'm pretty sure we're not gonna get a c-stand I'm pretty sure we are not gonna get a sea shanty with Sylvanas but I'm excited for Solanas Sylvanas is gonna be good but I loved it blizzard well done absolutely glorious and hope you guys enjoyed it too if you want to go watch the video I'll link it down into the description down below so you won't have to watch it with my big old face and you know miss miss miss piggy in the background that's my piggy anyway but if you want to go watch it I'll link it down below in the description thanks for watching guys I'll see you soon and farewell
Channel: Nixxiom
Views: 145,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nixxiom, Warbringers, Jaina, Warbringers Jaina, Warbringers Jaina Reaction, World of Warcraft, WoW, Battle for Azeroth, BFA, Warcraft, Alliance, Horde, Jaina Proudmoore, Jaina Proudmore, Warcraft 3, Admrial Proudmoore, Rexxar, Kultiras, Kul Tiras, Jaina cinematic, Hearthstone, Nixxiom live reaction, Reaction Warbringers Jaina, Nixxiom Jaina Warbringers
Id: 9bBwT1LG1sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 24 2018
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