War on Paganism

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[Music] judges chapter 1 but before I read the text which I'll just go through chapter one of the night what is a judge a judge is a savior a judges a deliver Israel had no king except God and when Israel gets in trouble because this is this is the sequel to Joshua they've taken the promised land but the rest of it is a mop-up operation they're there to take the land their right to rise up and possess the land God gave them and the judges and there's a sequence of them our saviours because they get in trouble and when they get in trouble God gives them an anointed one a savior a messiah and every one of these judges teaches us something about Jesus Christ you'll decide and you had recurring images in this book one that I've seen over and over again in the book of Judges is the image of the crushing of the head of evil you get you're gonna see in a couple of chapters a woman takes a tent peg and drives her right through a man's head and she gets the same blessing that the angel gave the Virgin Mary blessed are you among women for doing that okay can you imagine having a man's head on your lap driving a tent peg right through it and the angel says that the Holy Spirit says blessed are you jail for doing that and you know it heart gets back though to the original gospel the seed of the woman should crush the Serpent's head and he shall bruise his heel okay and you got this notorious Antichrist named Abimelech who is almost unopposed everywhere he goes but he's besieging a tower and a woman drops a stone and crushes his head once again you see that original gospel promise the seed of the woman shall crush the Serpent's head he should bruise his heel and you got of course anointed ones this book is about one anointed one after one after another one knowing one after another 91 off Neely who'd Barack jephthah Gideon okay and you get Samson the mighty bridegroom you get one after another of these judges but one of the themes is that there's the tension between being a god-ordained judge or veering over into becoming a king that these judges don't want to just be judged judge judges is something God ordained well Israel gets in trouble Israel Scott King is God and he raised this up a judge to perform a service of deliverance but but the king is God but if by the middle of this book each one of these judges comes closer and closer to becoming like a worldly King they want to establish dynasties they want to have 70 children so they have a lot of wives they want to do this because and it's the same tension we face today God's Way or the world's way okay and the world's way just as it was then is today it's incredibly tempting incredibly powerful and it's got a powerful image you had mighty kings in those days and these guys were just judges okay and you got you got to get the picture too in the law of God when Israel wage war the other nations had chariots horses Calvary's metal implements when you read these stories about the wars in the Bible by the law of God they couldn't have horses they're going out on foot King David went out on foot Saul went out on foot people save us all as a coward Saul's no coward he was a hero he went out on foot against pagans on horses and chariots and things like that okay look this is the real picture and that's what I strive to do in these Bible studies give you the real picture God has a message for us and why did God forbid them to have horses there may be a number of reasons but one comes to mind immediately which is Psalm 20 I believe it is some trust in chariots and some in horses but we will remember the name of the Lord our God so the children of Israel they're marching out against chariots and and then the judges of Israel are not Kings but by the middle boy do they want to be and do they ever get in trouble for trying their hardest to be Kings this is the tension in the book and by the time the end of the book you get to Samuel the book of Samuel where they said we just demand the king we want a king we don't want to judge any more we don't want God to rule us anymore we just demand a king okay worldliness is powerful worldliness is our problem right now people don't want to be Christians they don't want to be on foot when everyone else is in chariots they don't want to be weak when everything worships glorifies power see if one of the things this book tells a great job of his teaching is God's Way you've got these other images that are recurring the mother and you'll see Deborah the prophetess is a mother of Israel but then she's got an evil twin the mother of Sisera who is just like the opposite and then you constantly see Brides in here and the one that comes the one that's prominent to me is the story of Samson which I call him the mighty bridegroom by the way Samson is no morality tale that's a big mistake people make Samson is a type of Christ he's God's appointed judge and deliverer you can't get him around the detail of Samson it's a mighty bridegroom and you got the fake brides the harlot she shows up in judges several places but the one that comes to mind is Delilah and you've got this pattern which really runs through the whole Bible but you could see it particularly striking through this book which starts off with creation and then fall and then decline and the judgment and then in God's goodness recreation how many are glad you can start all over again now I don't mean by creation I don't mean what's described in Genesis 1 I mean there's always a beginning like the beginning for judges is Joshua finally conquering the land getting the children of Israel together and saying look I don't care what you do but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord okay you decide for yourself what you want to do and how you want to live which I like that verse because you can't tell people what to do people gonna do what they want to do I tell you what it's that's why the biggest prayer on the beach God gave me the right want to give me the right love and you got that pattern though there's always a creation and then there's a fall and you can see this fall right away we'll look at chapter one and then there's always a period of decline okay and then ultimately it leads to judgment actually it's the story of America right now okay a beautiful beginning right then a terrible fall terrible decline terrible deep degradation headed for judgment but in the mercy of God always there's a recreation there's a new start or you could look at it this way God gives a word and then you see the various human responses to the Word of God some positive and some negative and then you see the judgment the evaluation and then in God's mercy restoration actually that sounds like the patterns of God in my own life god is good amen let me read this and walk you through this verse chapter now after the death of Joshua it came to pass that the children of Israel asked the Lord saying who will go up for us against the Canaanites first to fight against them now they'd already been fighting actually what happened in Joshua is they actually broke the back of the pagans they broke through the whole Canaanite power completely so why are we still fighting because it's like d-day it broke the German German Reich but then there's another year and a half of mop-up okay basically everything after that was just cleaning up which was very severe by the way so they got the land Josh was dead and now they're saying now it's time to possess our land our inheritance who goes first you know how they know who went first by the Lord there's a high priest head up a breastplate with 12 stones and he had two stones also in his hand called the Earlham and Thummim lights and I think it's shadows and when he held them in front and they asked that question the stone for Judah shown illuminated and the stones locked it up and that's how they were able to divine in a godly sense the will of God who will go up the Lord said Judah shall go up behold I've delivered the land into his hand and Judah said under sea me and his brother come up with me into my lot that we may fight against the Canaanites and I likewise will go with the into thy life so Simeon went in with him and Judah went up and the Lord delivered the Keenan i'ts and the perizzites in their hand and they slew of them in Bezeq ten thousand men let me stop right here okay Judah goes first what tribe did Jesus come from Judah Jesus first as he's called in the book of Hebrews the captain of our salvation believe me every battle we find ourselves in and we're gonna find ourselves in more and more Jesus is right there in front of us Judah goes first but then Judas says to the tribe of Simeon come on come with me you go with me now here's the thing about this that you'd have to remember Genesis 49 to understand what's going on here Simeon and Levi were the two tribes that Jacob on his deathbed prophesied neither one of them would get an inheritance in the promised land not either one would get be given a share you know why because their sin what was their sin they used the holy ritual of circumcision to trick a village into into submitting to it and then they slaughtered all the men the village in their rage because their sister was raped okay so they were not given a place in the promised land because of sin they had no inheritance so what's going on here is that Joshua or Judah is saying you come with me I'll let you share my inheritance okay isn't that the gospel we're sinners we don't deserve anything but Jesus the Lion of Judah brings us into his victories you come with me my victory will be your victory my inheritance will be your inheritance and so he took Simeon up the sinful tribe and together they went and took the inheritance and Judah went up and the Lord delivered the Canaanites and parasites into their hands and they slew of them in Bezeq ten thousand men so right off the start it's a very promising start and they found a denies of basic basic and they fought against him and they slew the Canaanites and the perizzites but at arrived ayzik fled and they pursued after him and caught him and cut off his thumbs and his great toes that's mutilation what's going on here well they catch a king a denies Abed and I basic adonai basic means Lord lightning Lord lightning what did Jesus say about Satan behold I saw a lightning fall from heaven and I give you power over serpents and scorpions okay adonai basic is a type of the devil that in thy basic escapes but they catch him Judah catches him he one day Jesus is gonna put an end to the devil one day Jesus got humiliate the devil cuts off his thumbs and his toes well that sounds cruel until you realize something I had a nice basic flat that twisted after him call him cut off his thumbs and Beto's and that in my basic said threescore and ten Kings having their thumbs and they're great toes cut off gathered their meat under my table as I have done so God have required me and they brought him to Jerusalem and there he died now this is written this is rich with prophecy here as the devil had done to how many kings 70 in the Bible 70 is the number for all the Gentile nations the Book of Isaiah says that Satan has actually destroyed the nation's all the destruction you're seeing in Europe in America the decay the degradation the humiliation the rot this is the work of Satan Satan has destroyed the nation's Satan is destroying the nation's and in this adonai Bezeq to humiliate his defeated foes had 70 kings under his table crawling around eating scraps of whom he had cut off the toes and thumbs now I have no idea what what it'd be like to have my photos and thumbs cut off but I think it'd be pretty disability and be debilitating totally and then but look at when Judah called him he made him confess adonai basic made a simple confession as I've done to others I guess it's happened to me what does the Bible say will happen at the end every knee will bow and every tongue will swear in heaven and earth and even under the earth that Jesus Christ is Lord even the devil will have to admit that Jesus is Lord and is righteous and so he says they brought him to Jerusalem and there he died well Satan's final final confrontation actually two confrontations that were final to him the first one was at Mount Calvary which is outside of Jerusalem that's where Satan was defeated on the way to the cross Jesus said now is the judgment of this world and now is the Prince of this world cast down and in the end the final confrontation the second coming of Jesus Christ to this earth his feet will land on the Mount of and Satan will be cast alive with the Antichrist and the false prophet into the lake of fire well what you see in here is real history this happened this is what happened when they took the promised land but it's not only history it's prophecy now the children of Judah had fought against Jerusalem but had taken it I've smitten it with the edge of the sword and they set the city on fire and afterward the children of Judah went down to fight against the Canaanites that dwell in the mountain and in the south and in the valley and Judah went against the Canaanites that dwelt in Hebron now the name of Hebron was before kerchief are bar and they slew shesh I and ah ha maan and tell my Cheshire ah ha maan until my are giants these are the very Giants that the children of Israel they made him afraid to enter the Promised Land about 40 years earlier these are the very people but Barry went against the inhabitants of Deb ear and the name of Denver before was killed Jeff's a fear about Debbie er it makes a point I mean there's a lot of battles but he picks out he hand picks these Deb ear means the word Deborah means the word okay debar I deny the word of the Lord okay so what does it mean that they took a city called Deborah and they burned it they basically they totally destroyed it okay it's there's two words there's the Word of God and then there's the word of man alright David was a learning city a library City it was all the philosophy all the things what's he telling us here you know we got our own promised land to take okay as Christians were born again and God has given us a great inheritance but you got to go take it well one of the things you've got to deal with is the false word you've got to get you reject the false word you got to recognize the false squirt you got to shun the false work you got to be willing to go to war against the false work and you got to be willing to destroy the false work because it's by philosophies such as humanism post-modernism and existential these are the that by this how Satan rules the world and Christians have to come to grips with this the part of the conquest of our promised plan just like theirs is they went to the city of Denver and destroyed the city of the word because it wasn't the Word of God it was the false word of Canaan which was totally perverted now our universities are like deber they're full of the false work our media is full of the false word anyway let me go on Caleb says he this might skew Geoff's a fear which is Deborah and takes it to him well I give out some my daughter to wife well let's stop the first well Caleb remember him he's past eighty now but he's famous for what happened forty years earlier he was one of the only two people in the whole company of Israel that wanted to go in the Promised Land the rest were terrified by the Giants but Caleb says we could do this we could do this he'd been waiting all this time to get in there so at 18 years old he sees the city of the word he knows what it means this is very this is a literary masterpiece as well as the description of the Word of God Caleb knows what deaf ear is all about he says I will give my daughter ax ax to anyone who could take this city the city of deaf ear and I feel the son of Kenai's Caleb's younger brother took it and he gave an accent his daughter to life and it came to pass when she came to him that she moved him to ask of her father a field and she lighted from off her ass at caleb said to her what do you want and she said unto him give me a blessing for thou hast given me a Southland give me also Springs of water and Caleb gave her the upper Springs and the nether Springs now I used to read them the judges and think what in the world what did you put this in here for and I've read it and read it and read it and read it and also they saw it one day a father is looking for a son to marry a bride the son wins the bride by conquering the world by destroying the false word by going to battle then the bride comes back to the Father and asked for Springs okay Jesus went to war to purchase us the bride and then when he bent back he said ask the father he will give you the Holy Spirit and what you see in this vignette is a portion of the gospel this book is full of them actually sandals full of them Kings are full of them chronicles are full of them it's it's the gospel verse 16 the children of the kenai Moses father-in-law went up out of the city of palm trees with the children of Judah into the wilderness of Judah which lies in the south of arid and they went and dwelt among the people and Judah went with Simeon his brother and they slew the Canaanites that inhabited zff and utterly destroyed it and the name of the city was called mom that bar was not the original name ma was the name is given afterwards because mom means utter destruction it's like Jericho was ma in other words it was to destroy that city was an offering to God that sacrifice to God they got rich off all kinds of farms all kinds of land silver and gold and everything but when they went into the Promised Land there were certain places that God said you give that City to me let it be korban or ma let it be utterly devoted to me and all the silver and gold and everything they heaped it up in the file and they burned the city and everything in it okay so that's for ma and everything he's telling us so far is how successful it started this whole journey okay and verse 18 and Judah took Gaza with the coasts thereof and Ascalon with the coast there of an egg crown with the coast thereof wait a minute verse 18 is subtle because you can't see and you know that he's starting to tell you where it breaks down gays are Gaza Ascalon and their crime on the coast which by the way gays is always in the news now to this day they were three cities out of the five that the Philistines held the Judas would do so good Judah and Simeon and the Kenites they go from place to place the winning victories they're burning down the city books but he tells us in a subtle way you got three out of five Philistine cities this is the right the very beginning by the time the end of this church is this book the Philistines are a major pain because they didn't get five out of five they got three out of five okay think about your life God wants you to be wholly devoted to him you want you to utterly hate sin and evil not part of sin not half your sins all of them he wants us to go to war with that which is false that which is evil but they leave two out of the five and then the next thing you know I mean by the end of this book they're dominated by the Philistines what it's never ever quite done and the part you leave out is be the part to come back and get you that's what he's saying here and the Lord was with Judah and he drove out the inhabitants of the mountain but he couldn't drive out the in happens to the valley because they had chariots of iron well Wayne right you can't use chariots up on a mountain so they did do that they got the mountain top but they could not clear the valleys well yes they could they could have cleared the valleys do you think I can handle chariots of course he can handle chariots not gonna deal with any problem at all okay but you gotta be utterly devoted because he's the command wants to utterly destroy this land not partially absolutely and they evidently figured they couldn't clear the chariots iron chair is this the top technology of the day can you imagine being on foot we're basically sharpened wood and the long come a bunch of chariots okay and they gave verse 20 bran onto Caleb as Moses said and he expelled from their the three sons of anak well Caleb himself personally he said I want that mountain right there in her Branagh LeBron is his biblical city of this day his brothers were Abraham first came to the promised land ron has a great ancient ancient in history huh bran has the tomb of Abraham Isaac Jacob Leah and Sarai okay currently the book though you ain't just gave her bran and the tomb to the Moslems but it's an incredible City probably important city always has been and Caleb took his mountain that he claimed and it says he expelled three giants from the opponent eighty year old man he'd been waiting to come into the land he'd been waiting for 40 years and the children of Benjamin did not drive out the Gebbie sites that inhabited Jerusalem wait a minute see there's all kinds of subtlety in here we already read that Judah took Jerusalem I know but they lost it again it became Rhian habited by Jebusites it wouldn't be taken again for hundreds of years Jambi sites took Jerusalem it wasn't until King David today that Jerusalem was taken back they took it and lost it what's he saying here in the spiritual life you're always moving forward and if you don't you'll lose what you had like Jesus said to him who has more will be given to him who has not what he thought he had will be taken away you're supposed to be more into prayer more into God growing in the knowledge of God marbled than you were when your first day you can't stay static they took Jerusalem but then they lost it again and the Jaypee sides took Jerusalem so the Benjamites could not drive out to Jabba side sin and ham to Jerusalem but the gem besides dwell with the children of Benjamin in Jerusalem for this very day now wait a minute that sounds good to modern ears but that's not good at biblical thought monitors oh yes good their will they found a way to dwell together Oh peace love great fantastic now this is the first real step in their degradation and decline you find a way to live with what God is absolutely utterly against but you make peace now this is what the church is doing today with homosexuality is what the church is doing today with Islam the blad handed religious politicians have found a way to make peace with evil and to be very political with their words so they won't ever offend evil when you're supposed to hate evil no matter what it costs you uh turley hate it so modern ears might look at that versus saying wow this is great they found a way to live with the Jebusites no this is a condemnation in this chapter this is him saying no they weren't supposed to do that and then it says in the house of Joseph they also went up against Bethel and the Lord was with them so they had a good start the house of Joseph went to describe Bethel now the name of the city before was loose okay so Bethel which means house of God but before is a Canaanite city which meant lose which I don't I don't even know what that means if someone does I'd love to know and the spice aw man come forth out of the city and they said unto Him Charles we pray thee the entrance into the city and we'll show you mercy it's very similar to the destruction of Jericho and when he showed them the entrance into the city they smoked the city with the edge of the sword but they left the mango and all his family and the man went into the land of the Hittites which is up in Turkey build a city and call the name thereof lusts which is the name they're oven to this day that's interesting but why is it here what's he actually saying oh this book their gods at war with paganism and gods at war with Canaanite paganism which is a particularly vile sexually perverted beast eale godless idolatrous expression of it's so bad he said wipe every man woman child out now they did same thing with Jericho only this guy didn't do the same thing as Rahab he didn't become a Christian he got away and he set up another city in Turkey called lose and what this is saying is that they got it they got it out of the Promised Land but he wanted to establish Canaanite culture somewhere up there in Turkey now that's better than it being in the Promised Land but it's saying that he just was through duplicating the same culture now neither did verse 27 Manasseh drive out the inhabitants of death xi'an and their towns north Taiana and her towns nor the inhabitants of door and her towns nor the inhabitants of Librium and her towns northern heavens of Megiddo and her towns but the Canaanites would dwell in that land I'm God said get them all out of here drive them out kill them every one of them or drive him out of this land town after town after town after town this is I can't light still there they didn't drive him out well then what'd they do he came to pass when Israel was strong that they put the Canaanites to tribute you know what that means this is the second level of degradation well they're gonna find a way in their strength they could kill them they could have wiped him out but in this strength instead they put him to tribute means they're gonna get they're gonna make them slaves taxes out of them or something they're gonna use their labor now that's not good see that's not what God said but they're saying well let's make it work for us keep them alive and let's make them work for us now see if this this book of Judges when the whole rest of the Old Testament is severely tainted by these mistakes right here it is the worst thing that ever happened but it all sounds so innocent okay we're gonna be real rough on I'm hit and this is what they were did when they were strong okay well we're gonna we're gonna make him work for us we're gonna make him into slaves or servants or whatever but they did not really drive them out neither did he for him drive out the que nights at dwell the gazer but the Canaanites twelve engaged are among them they've learned that the Canaanites were allowed to live with them this toleration it was fine neither did Zeeb Yulin drive out the inhabitants of Kidron nor early in habits of now halt but the Canaanites twelve among them and became tributaries oh they they had the same idea no we don't have to kill him we could just make it work for us if we could get something out of them neither did asher drive out the inhabitants of echo norlian hams of zion Nora Velib nor of axiom nor of Heber nor of effect nor of rehab but the asteroids dwelled among the Canaanites oh wait a minute even in the wording there's a shift here up till now it's like they tolerated them they let them live with them but the way this is worded now it's the Canaanites they're gonna let us live with them yes it's this against the switch it's exactly what's happening in the Western world that big uns now have control of areas of it is they lose their areas this is what this tells us it's amazing it's uncanny how we're living this so now they now the asteroids get to live with the Canaanites that cool okay we were so tolerant when we were strong that we let them live with us and we'd put them to work we were real tough know before you know it they're the ones in control and you're allowed for the time being to live with them what verse 13 either didn't afterlife drive out the inhabitants of that service northern happens of Beth Anna wait Beth Shemesh Beth enough two towns that have a meaning in their name Beth Shemesh is the house of shamash which is the Lord of the heavens or the look of the Sun the house of the Sun it's idolatrous towns with idolatrous temples you mean they didn't tear down the temples no they left the temples they learn to live with the temples death enough the house of the female fertility god the worship of which is totally degrading and what's what caused God to say these people make me sick I'm gonna vomit them out of the land they saw it like when you really understand this stuff and you read this it's not just humdrum I mean this is like are you kidding me neither did Natalie drive off Ian having some best man or the inhabit Sabbath on earth but he dwells among the Canaanites now look notice the sweet to shift there's nothing Canaanites being allowed to dwell among them that's bad enough no now it's everything shifting and you're allowed to live for the time being among the Canaanites see this is what compromise does he said in Deuteronomy 28 if you compromise you were the head you'll be the tail strangers will come up and before you know it they'll be ruling you if you tolerate their gods you tolerate their practices tolerate their abominations I mean who ever would dream 50 years ago this stuff like honor killing or being the female mutilation or would just be happening in Western countries what happened well same thing you let idols in you let evil people in and the first director there supposedly you're being the tolerant one you're the powerful one yeah but not for long then they get the power and by the way they're not intolerant and the amur eyes verse 34 this is the final stage of the degradation the arrow rides force the children of Dan into the mountains no-go areas but they wouldn't suffer them to come down to the valley wait a minute you're supposed to be conquering the promised land oh we can't go down there why they won't let us what right they won't let us God told the children of Israel back in the days of Moses I'm going to war against the amorite I'll be fighting them forever to the end these guys found a way to make peace of them blows and make peace with what God says he makes war on now it's totally reversed they're not so they can't they're not a position to be tolerant anymore now they're the ones that are being told where to go and what to do you can't go down that you can't come down from the mountain tops the Emirates would dwell in mount Airy's and in aijalon and then show them but the hand of the house of Joseph yet the hand of the house of Joseph prevailed so that they became tributaries all right they got some of the Emirates to be slaves but that's not what they were told to do you're not told to make slaves out of you told to kill them and the coasts of the Amer rights was from the going up to Accra them from the rock and upward so they had their own territories now I'm gonna read the first five verses of chapter 2 and then I'm gonna close but this is the intro to this book this is what's going on this great start always a great start but then point by point you take three out of five cities leave the other two those cities all five come back one day and they ruin you tolerate or you think you're clever I can make this work for me not for long it won't work for you sin won't work for you you will work for sin sin won't be your slave you'll be it slave sin doesn't work for us some people do these amazing rationalizations and you see this in here and then you think you could be tired they can live among us today I'll come where it'll be them trying to decide whether they'll allow you to live among them doesn't take long and then in the end I mean they dominate no-go areas this gets so bad that the angel of the Lord who is the very person who brought them into the Promised Land the angel of the Lord is none less than the Lord Jesus himself the angel of the Lord comes to him an angel of the Lord came up from Gilgal the Bochum and said I made you go up out of Egypt but I brought you under the land which I swear into your father's and I said I'll never break my covenant with you and you shall make no League with the inhabitants of this land you should throw down their altars but you haven't obeyed my voice why have you done this that I can show you versed in the law do not tolerate their said their temples do not tolerate their altars tear them down tear every one of them down their statutes tear them down you know what's the weirdest thing that I've seen happen in America in the last 10 years is and if you watch you could see it - if you don't mind me indulging let me just give you a little breakfast background Isis destroyed a town in Syria called Palmyra anyone ever hear about that and Palmyra was like an archaeologists dream isn't that ancient relics in perfect preservation and one of the relics Isaac Isis damaged was called the arch of Baal be a I'll remember him he's from the Bible God's rival okay now after Isis was driven out of Palmyra and the world mourned over these destruction of these relics the Gulf state emirates and the italian mission to the UN and something called the Institute for digital archaeology went back into that our cabal especially and digitally repaired it and created it again in a replica and took it on a city by city tour yar Chabal every New York London Paris France why would a modern city have the archon ball okay then they did the same with Athena who's Isis who's Ishtar who's the Queen of Heaven who is Diana of the Ephesians same goddess massive goddess hideous-looking idol one of the great idols of the ancient world one of these ancient gods doing coming back and they're back well they did it without a lot which is Allah's name before he became a Muslim now that wasn't always a did you know that he used to be a total pig in God all a lot 15-ton lion the God they've created him now they're going on the city they have a city by city tour called the spirit in stone in modern Western cities they're taking a tour from city to city odds the Empire State Building which by the way there's a picture from 1956 skyline of New York City and you know how godless New York City is right in 1956 three buildings on Easter Sunday night arrange their lights to show three crosses in a row now recently the goddess Shiva the destroyer was superimposed on the Empire State Building okay on the mall in Washington DC Shiva was erected and so was a six headed dragon what in the world is going on look we're modern these people think this that they know everything and they're going on that what's going on is these ancient gods are actually entities now the statutes are nothing except what they symbolize but there is an entity behind it and the world which is rejecting Jesus Christ especially the elite world is resurrecting these ancient entities the world is becoming demon-possessed remember the teaching of Jesus if a house is a spirit in it and it gets driven out if the house is empty for any reason swept garnished but empty seven were spirits will come in the world is being demon-possessed right now and I just gave you five of I should give you hundreds examples of modern day idolatry the most expensive scientific equipment in the world is called CERN and it is a hadrian Collider in Switzerland that it's huge it's like miles long and in front of the entrance to it is the many ARMs goddess of India Kali the destroyer Bible says all the gods of the nations are demons God was not kidding when he said you take those altars and tear them down you take that house of the Sun that beth-shemesh you utterly destroy it do not leave one brick on another you take that God and I set that abomination that horrifying sexually depraved consort of Baal destroy it children of Israel oh what a beautiful building keep it why can't you know you know why you know how when God made the children of Israel and I won't turn you there tonight because I've kept you long enough but Deuteronomy 18 it's just detailed instruction about the occult don't go to a seance don't talk to us a charmer don't be hypnotized don't have a Ouija board don't Devine I mean he is this sir detailed list of the cold you don't worry because he knew that there was a reality behind it he knew that it's almost irresistible some part of man's curiosity wants the occult and he knew how dangerous it was and how infectious it is and how it's utterly destructive of the human beings so he gave very explicit instructions to him because he said you're not going to be like any other nation you're gonna be holy you're not gonna have the madness the depression the sorrow the remorse the confusion that's just common in the rest of the world and they didn't have you but they couldn't make the connection though so here is the angel of the Lord saying man I mean this is Jesus talking to Israel saying why didn't you listen to me why didn't you listen and then he proclaims a judgement verse 3 therefore I said also how that drive them out from before you I'm not going to drive these people out from before you now Joshua is one victory after another victory after another victory after another victory don't matter how powerful they were well no matter how weak Israel was one victory after another what God was driving him out now because of their disobedience he says I'm not going to drive these people out from before you these people are gonna be a thorn in your side man I think about that when I think about how our Western leaders just despised our Christian heritage so they decided to baptize us with some of the worst idolaters in the world Moslems are flat-out idolatrous Allah is ball there is perverted as any I dog they're filthy because idolatry is filthy and they just baptize us with him he says these people they're gonna be a thorn in your side you know how good it could have been I'll give you houses you didn't build feels you didn't clear when you read judges you see the fulfillment of this now one good thing about it though is it drives them to God it drives me he's a two-fold judgment comes on them these people are going to be a thorn in your side verse 3 and the second part of the judgment equally bad their gods are gonna be a snare to you I mean when you got Yahweh why would you want some filthy idolatrous adulteress despicable religion how about Moloch where you put a baby on a fire a living baby but play music so no one hears you know how long we've been trying to get rid of Planned Parenthood this country we can't do it it's like something stuck to our hands we just keep trying to throw it off we're never voted for it we can get rid of Moloch take get rid of their godson borrow a strut their sexy perverted and those if we can worship then become like them you know ho Centro is a curse man it in itself is a judgement I don't care if I'm politically correct or not it's true it's a judgment from God just on a national health standpoint it ought to be against the law but look they were so blind now I mean they even strike down protections like they'll they let gays give blood now what yep politics is religion and trumps everything else you cannot separate politics and religion any more we now live in a time where politics is religion he says their gods will be like its snare to you you're walking along in the woods in it's a nice day and there's leaves everywhere you step down and snap you're in a bear trap what they're gods you tolerate them you didn't mind him I was a big snare came to pass verse four this is out close when the angel of the Lord spoke these words will to all the children of Israel who must been some kind of an assembly well this is positive people lifted up their voice and wept well if you can still cry if you can still blush if you can summons any shame then you're still alive you're still viable they called the name of that place Vulcan which means weepers and here's the answer and there they sacrificed unto the Lord Father in the name of Jesus these books are more relevant today than ever before in history and I pray that we'll be able to communicate that and by your spirit you will yield to us the truths in these books in Jesus name Amen god bless you you
Channel: Believers in Grace Fellowship
Views: 2,725
Rating: 4.7468352 out of 5
Keywords: judges, paganism, bill randles
Id: GsGC3b36buE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 7sec (3007 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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