War of the monsters | all secret triggers walkthrough

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hello everybody my name is chell clone welcome back to the war of the monsters wealth just war of the monsters anyway you guys seem to love the fact that I covered well I guess almost every single move in the game because apparently there's more but I've looked online there's no secret moves anywho so today I'm actually gonna be covering how to trigger the special events I guess that's how you said I mean they're not entirely special events they're just advantages so anyway I'm actually gonna get two players in even though I'm not actually with anybody well part of this plate of chicken and a waste this bottle so I'm gonna go onto plate because what about one player it's really annoying because the other character keeps attacking because the other monster is annoying because he just keeps attacking and attacking and attacking attacking all the goddamn time I'm gonna be a dragon for this one because I can fly around and actually get to places faster and I'm just gonna be with them I'm just gonna give him the alien oh so the special events were the first special event anyway it's actually atomic island now this island is electrifying and I'm not just saying that because it's exciting I mean because of these little buggers now when you actually play in the story mode game you have to kill all of them and destroy those little tanker things right they're not really tanker I don't know what they are actually but inside those things are little conductors and that's all you can air however you have a little button over here and the way you press this is well you have to do the slam dunk moon so that's X and then up and triangle together oh my I didn't do it shut up no you didn't so anyway once you've done that the reactor starts event wait reactor yeah they react to starts venting and this thing does a lot of damage let me show you real quick see already down past half health and this is a very good advantage for when you're actually doing the story mode excuse me other thing as well as that you can use this blow it up and this will give you infinite energy so you can just through this once that thing is out of energy all you have to do is give it one of those knocks again bra then you can do whatever you like with it actually you just have to throw something at it something that that makes power or takes power so in exactly not doing anything to it will take quite a long time see that took very long however doing this and then here boom it's back on in no time so again I guess another advantage for if you fighting the electro dudes you just like this I thought we had to get on yeah now next trigger is in Baytown now a lot of people don't actually know how to trigger the earthquake well I say earthquake it's like is that boat I say earthquake but let me tell you this when you trigger this earthquake it's this place is gonna be the next Grand Canyon now the way you actually trigger this is by destroying all the trees and these buildings now a couple of these trees are kind of hard are quite hard to get and or almost impossible to get enough time and patience where I say patience you just got to hit the hell out of it these runs pretty easy just this one here I always have trouble with oh no it wasn't this one where was it it's this one look at it look look at this look I don't even think that did actually just dry place time there we go kill those trees and if I remember for a treat this is why I got the flying character get the small trees up here that kind of scared me where are you there you are right so then that's all the trees up here also your grumbling wondering why there's no people around while there's no cars going well the thing is is because of this you ever know it's that before the entire city is in devastation well and now all you have to do is to destroy a couple of these buildings [Music] yeah I must have missed some trees because you only have two destroying these normally offers destroying some of them anyway nobody actually triggers so let's actually have a wand around but this guy I see about missing trees you stop scaring the life out of me oh yeah look there we go there's some trees here come on more it's really because I can only hear the right side I can only hear the right side of the come on do is it's really annoying as well because I can only come on it's really annoying because I can only hear the right side of the stream and my right ear and I can hear the left side of my screen in my left ear and it's really weird and I hate it but not about you guys when I tweet music where they have like well I have to sing it in one ear and then based on the other like the music in the other or if they have bass higher than another instrument or something you know if they have one instrument that's louder than the other and you know like so loud instruments on the right ear and the quiet instrument is on the left here I really hate that it makes my eyes build I mean I don't know why I yeah I destroyed this tonight well I'm invisible now but I didn't do doodles squad okay well I did this last time excuse me for the voice crack I did this last time and well it was completely gone oh I know now I remember you're supposed to destroy a couple buildings before this happens [Applause] there we go now watch this I think I may actually be in the blossom and there we go goodbye now there you go this entire area now looks just my god I've done something wrong to the species yeah so you got destroy a couple buildings around that area and then the world then that happens so every single tree the buildings around that area over there you don't have to destroy them you just gotta just for a couple of them and you got destroy all of that over there excuse me there's we may want to get a manager here now this thing here not not the green thing this thing right here you see all the steam pipes going up however if you do the lunge attack on this and cloud let me get a sky in front of something so you probably see some steam pipes as I'm wandering around this place you see some big pipes like this one here now if you do the slam attack [Applause] nice big steam will come out and it'll come out of the quiet few holes comes up from ones up there comes up from ones down there and over here so this is basically just a big trap to kill loads of monsters it does quite a bit damage doesn't do as much damage as the lava with a reactor leakage whatever you do do as much damage as that one but it does do quite a bit of damage it just gives you some of an advantage catch suck now this next one is a club caldera the big volcano now for those who haven't played war the monsters before or know how to trigger this event unfortunately the volcano does not explode and you don't get lava like that you don't get any of these sort of things you don't get fire however you do get massive heat-seeking asteroids that come out of the volcano I'm sooo spy so heat-seeking this thing follows the player around until they finish their objective to punch you in the face now the way you do this is that you see these little openings in the volcano like this one over here and you can also go in the volcano now this volcano doesn't hurt you you can't slip through the cracks nice big van just went through your legs now these don't hurt you because you can for some reason you can't even get down there but it has does have a nice 100 health boost now the way you do this in fact let me get the character out of the way first this guy I fell off again camera is so weird so let me show you what I mean by heat-seeking if I go up here and then I'll show you as well if I go up here and do this watch this look come straight at me and over here I'm on fire as well by the way oh my god oh yeah these two there we go these do rise up after a while but yeah if I and then if I go over here what does it do it comes straight in my face again I'm sick and tired of you give me the goddamn googly eyes get the hell out of here next up we got tsunami palace I think that's the way you say it and that I can't read now the first thing you're gonna hear is just rushing waves but also in the background you can hear this beauty also don't touch it because Sheila water electricity doesn't mix now this thing you can't actually shoot it you can't shoot it at all you can't shoot it and it mops um but you can't actually do it again even if I do my special okay it's not working [ __ ] up now the way you have to trigger this is that you have to have a throw something at it will throw somebody at it [Music] Oh so you got option one which is just go behind it we got option two which is dodged out of the way right so you got time this sort of right but don't worry if you're a little bit too late it damages you but it doesn't throw you up in the air so I guess it's not really dodging it but it does stop you from getting thrown up in the air so maybe if one of your buddies like hit the floor just in time you'll be able to get some more knocks on oh yes soon our palace I think that's how you pronounce it now the UFO doesn't have any triggers neither does capital and neither this mini Baytown unfortunately you don't get a mini you don't get a mini earthquake in mini bay town and the volcano you can actually destroy the outer edges of the volcano's mouth and you can do the same thing on that you can on Club caldera so what do you guys think did I miss some did I get all of them what else do should I actually cover and why not tell me in the comments below what your favorite monster is what skin it has and why so yeah that does it for this video guys if you liked it on Cretu leave a like and subscribe some awesome videos the reason I did this video is because you guys seem to really like the video I did with all the combos so I decided to cover all the events I'm gonna call them events because they are sort of events because it says reactor venting and volcano erupting that sort of thing so I guess they are events I think it even said earthquake as well so yeah thank ice watching and I'll see you guys later bye bye [Music] my whiteboard is marked up with expose planning there all of my next moves expose the most early artists to make it out of the west coast [Music]
Channel: Arkane Shadow Claw
Views: 25,396
Rating: 4.6973414 out of 5
Keywords: #PS4share, PlayStation 4, Sony Interactive Entertainment, SHAREfactory™, {5859dfec-026f-46ba-bea0-02bf43aa1a6f}, noodle310303
Id: g4YrNNavDa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2018
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