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favorite with the 23 months and more as well with the 73 moles as a tear teresa morne oh my god how are you doing it insane man just insane 73 months that's a tier 3 sub happy 73 months good morning morn look guys his hero power is too mana whenever you play against demon under guys look over his hero power there is currently a book where if this menaces increase it it means it is imposter rogue he is mvp he definitely is i see me spoiled announcement why did you do that why did you do that see me oh that's better right because then we just normally overgrowth and we save the coin for the goof oh yes oh yes it's falling together i said i'm pregnantized and they believed it are you believing what people type on the internet wait you cannot believe everything people type on the internet what is happening with the internet um wait what is happening on the twitter guys i'm getting a lot of follows lately of hearthstone cards penn flinger is now following you hey loser wasn't me and karil rome is also following me i keep getting these new follows from hearthstone cards vardan doesn't grasp following you hey loser hey loser ah yes let's goof this up and friends let's gain a mana and let's coin something or not probably not we have nine mana next oh yes oh he is pepka rogue but what a problem he has because this deck is a counter to pep garok hey guys long time no see peppa guy hey chess how are you doing man i understand you were watching more peppa guy streamers but it's good to have you here man you're always welcome here contract accepted ten dollars win three in a row contract from nick let's go pepe get ice win three games in a row okay starting now can we do that can i win three games in a row let's go peppa get tires i'm not a peppa guy did you know my love that they keep spamming your simi emotes i think your emotes are getting more spammed in the chat than my emotes people like your remotes a lot maybe i should put good emotes on the channel you can't always trust what you see okay this deck can still do a lot of damage out of a big surprise so i can do this but he's just gonna go i think he might already go skeps anyway so i prefer this don't like this one that much that's a good one chips on it with the lunar though don't even just get the armor in right [Music] four dollars treat from joy dash b-r-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-uh joy okay underscore hand dash i really don't know if i want to keep this sound it wasn't me guys really keep your enemies close okay as i expected he would sketch this so now we just either send gg him we won oh wait maybe i have to huh so this gives back one of the strong mans at the moment i really wanna yog but i'm a bit worried it's a troll guys let's get a viper for 3 oh i got it how oh i got it just hit it lol i mean i called it and this was the plan how does he have 12 mana pepe ihs the game is not complete peppa guy now okay you have cards like goof that gain you additional mana flying cat that jj mode is pretty creepy man 13 i mean he's gonna hide right yep all right town and armor is all we need actually armor because he will not kill me with this weapon la you lost you lost my greetings i told you guys this deck counters the pep guy rogues yeah cycle for nothing he's trying to uh he's trying to trade his conceit six months in a row google x6 status do you think anyone ever brought a bot a g2 choker yes i do think so contract accepted three dollars victory contract from irby will be win a game by playing yogg-saron and landing on rod of roasting sure i will play yogg for you now actually if i can 404 jude cheered x-100 holy moly 404 dude with the 10 000 bitcoins i didn't even know you could cheer that many bits a cheer for 10 000 holy moly wait we are not dead no no no no no no no no wait am i dead how i'm dead right no how much life was i sixteen plus twelve plus twelve twenty four plus sixteen forty i was at forty wait how much did they do 4 8 12 24 24 16 40. okay so from next on we now know you have to be above 40 lives man this pep guy wrote book this pep guy rogue deck oh not funny 48 how did he do 48 he cannot deal 48. snap man snap that contract accepted five dollars win with specific class contract from resident sleeper play control priest and rope every single turn until you have one second left on the timer you want me to let other people quit the game bro that's not cool i'm not gonna do that that's so not cool did you love simmi of course she laughs she always loves when i get wrecked everyone always laughs when i get wrecked no one is like bible thump everyone is just enjoying it enjoying my sufferness we need to get overgrowth there's only one pig that's the boy is good sham is a bit hard because when they get the otk you can't do much about it another win a bg game wasn't redeemed and when the odd number minions win a game without a complete deck okay i guess he's also eating i have to win a game by turn 10 while i don't rope a single turn so let's not rope a single turn this game sounds like a plan we don't like roping hey stop doing that dollar street from zulul bruh joy oh man how am i gonna do this maybe i next don't have to do this on one of the minions i need to get spells in for york to be ready and then we just jog him in lol damn i'm just dying he always eats one of the big ones right rush i have rush i have towns i mean he only has freeze i think i need to risk it though nice okay because with only freeze it doesn't really get there because freezing this is not a solution we're eating bad guys he eats mine i eat his okay really four spells for york i don't really trust this life total what does this car do guys what time is the announcement i think i will do it in uh between about an hour or two hours from now till the end of uh that stream a bit more when did thais get starting so bad at hearthstone what makes you think i am so bad now to mark your words i might want to start drawing at this point kind of worried he's going to get junk tank and medic in my face soon oh yeah baby oh yes oh yes natalie no i don't think so still guys we haven't seen a rope yet can this be the game where i will win at turn 10 without seeing a rope and again uh dude thank you so much for the 4 for the 30 gifted subs today and the 10 cheer that's super kind can we get some love in the chat for jude guys gifting all these subs to you today he doesn't really say much in the stream be tough between just kappa and random emotes but he's been giving a lot of subs ties do you know when the next nerds will come okay if i know when the next verse will come i can't tell you if i don't know it i can't tell you either because i don't know the answer is i don't know but i know there is a patch coming and there is a discord call that i called joined if i wanted to coming this week so what that means normally is that next week will be a patch the thing is i don't know if they're gonna patch much about constructed i'm kinda more expecting a bg patch though let's get the joke in extern chat are you ready for the joggers cause this game is gonna be poggers they're gonna do a mercenaries patch wait it's gonna come out finally standard patch in the middle of top of a season where top 50 matters you never know man i wanna be the very best ah come on who was it ucl xqc don't join and just do farts here man do that in your own stream free sub redeemed by igor are you ready for the rod of roasting rot of roasting it's the box so [Music] two dollars treat from w-a-y-t-o-o-d-a-n-k no oh i roped ripped the rope challenge oh wait that doesn't work either that's fine i already have 20 mana huh i mean it was mainly because of york animation way too dang thanks for the rng spin you made the yogg rng spin that sound works perfectly with the york okay is this lethal guys this has to be lethal yep i should have yawked misplayed that why did i kill him it was a perfect jog moment [Music] you
Channel: Thijs Hearthstone
Views: 12,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone ranked, thijs new decks united in stormwind, new hearthstone expansion, thijs meta breaker, classic hearthstone theorycrafting, hearthstone classic streams, hearthstone new decks, hearthstone expansion highlights, thijs classic hearthstone, thijs plays new hearthstone, thijs hearthstone, New Cards, Thijs new expansion, fractured in the alterac valley, Fractured in the alterac valley new cards, Mage, RNG
Id: yhGFNPgqMPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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