Want a $1,000,000 TAX FREE? Do This...

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a million dollar roth ira you gotta be crazy only the rich people can do that with some crazy loophole the average person isn't gonna be able to make that happen wrong i'm gonna show you in this video the steps to get there even the dollar amounts to put away weekly what types of structures yes even if you're over age 50 what are the numbers to do it can i put away 20 000 a year yes you can i'm going to talk about the structure to do it and the crap wall street isn't going to tell you we're going to break it down so buckle up now be patient i'm gonna try to hit all the topics you're gonna want to hear about in this process but if not write them down below and i will respond okay now number one what is a roth ira how do what's so cool about a roth yeah i heard in the news peter thiel had like a billion dollar roth or five billion or whatever it was right crazy stuff what is a roth and why are they so special okay we're going to go to the white board here but before that i want to just say if be patient be patient if you don't like what i'm saying or i don't cover all the topics that i promised and more write those comments down below and i'm going to hit it and i will respond i want to give you the answers you're searching for so what is a roth ira i got an easy way to explain it okay concept number one is you can have a roth ira at any age no matter how much money you make so we talk about these vehicles the first point i want you to know is you can have a roth ira at any age no matter how much money you make and right there that probably flies in the face of half of the things you've heard from your account or stock broker so the diagram that best explains this are kind of these three quadrants and let's break these down and i think this is going to help you out in big time all right so number one i'm going to scroll up as we go so don't worry everybody okay the first one is think of an ira or a 401k maybe at work you've got a 401 and i know this may be simple to some of you i'm going to give you complex stuff so be patient but let's just get all on the same page an ira or 401k it's it's a retirement vehicle think of it as this little car and here in the trunk you can invest in all sorts of things and if you go to a day job you might be able to put away some money and the company might match some or if you don't have a 401k work you can open up what's called this individual retirement account an ira now when you put money in an ira you get a tax deduction or at work if you put money into an ira it it's not included in your paycheck so it's like a deduction so you've got this you get this tax deduction on the way in now you can invest it in all sorts of goodies you can put stocks or mutual funds or things like that that's what everybody's used to i'm going to blow your mind with other options here in a moment but you can do mutual funds or etfs or you know interest type bearing bonds or whatever stocks you can put those in your trunk of your ira or 401k and it grows tax-free no no it grows tax deferred so you can invest it and it might double in value and you don't pay tax until you pull it out and then you pay taxes and so you're like well there's half the problem mark i'm young i don't want to leave it there forever i'll come back to that just chill for some of you that are in your 20s and thinking i need this money right away this ira 401k stuff is crap i got an answer for you so be patient but let's just get the the tools out on the table here all right so we got our ira or 401k you pay taxes when you pull it out and you can't pull it out until you're typically 59 and a half and if you pull it out early you can you're going to pay a 10 penalty plus tax and even when you pull it out at 59 and a half you're going to pay tax so it's okay you get this tax-deferred growth it's kind of awesome uh even if you invest in real estate it's going to go up in value and then when you sell it someday you're going to generally pay tax unless you do a 1031 exchange or some charitable trust or some other interesting strategies but let's just stick with the iras and 401ks tax deduction tax deferred growth all right now it gets better the roth ira and you can even have a roth inside of 401k which many of you may have not heard of that's how we're going to be able to put away even more money i've got a mega backdoor roth ira where you can put away over 60 000 into a roth ira in any given year yeah i know it's true that loophole exists we'll get there okay so you have a roth ira or a roth 401k okay so now here's the same concept it's a little vehicle and you can put money in the trunk and invest it the way you want same thing but here's the cool thing about a roth you don't get a tax deduction on the way in you gotta use after tax money so you pay taxes first now if you have a day job they're gonna put the money on your paycheck because if you received it you're gonna pay tax but it goes into this roth account and that roth account grows tax-free that's right it's like a tax-free atm it grows tax-free no matter what the hell you invested in it could be crypto it could be real estate it could be stocks bonds mutual funds etfs bonds blah blah blah which we're going to come to you you can invest in all those goodies and you don't pay tax you never pay tax when you pull it out in the future there is no tax you still have to wait till you're 59 and a half and that's okay i'll come back to that concept of waiting that's all right but this it grows tax-free forever now wouldn't it be sweet if you could get all three back three boxes i get tax deduction i get tax-free growth and i can pull it out tax-free what kind of vehicle is that that's like a supercharged whatever that'd be amazing guess what it's called a health savings account and you can pull out money tomorrow at any age for any medical expense now that's another video for another day well we're but it's crazy people now what we're focused on here is how do i build up a million dollar roth and i know and let's go off the whiteboard for a moment now let me look in my eyes people now i just got chills about this now i know some of you are older and you're freaking out i've got retirement in 10 years or 15 years mark i just turned 50 and i'm looking down the barrel here and i'm scared to death i get those calls i talk to people and then i got some of you some of my own kids they're 20 25 years old and they're going this is ridiculous i'm not going to you want to put money away till i'm 59 and a half i'm going to live forever i've been there you think that but the day will come and it comes faster than you realize where you're gonna need money in the future and you're gonna pray pray to god above that i would have listened to mark kohler and just put away freaking 12 a week that's right that's maybe all it takes to have a million dollars tax free down the road i promise you someday when you turn 40 50 or 60 years old you're gonna pray you would have started a little roth ira somewhere and put a little bit of money away every week out of sight out of mind so that money's there in the future okay next naysayer will mark a million dollars isn't enough i couldn't even retire in a million dollars right now if i wanted to maybe depends on you know how you spend your money is a million dollars 30 years from now gonna be worth less sure so let's get started now and i promise you with these strategies i'll teach that might be two or three million dollar roth ira if we get started now and we do it right and i can show you and i'm going to show you right now so i know a million dollars may not seem what it's worth it but let's get started we can get started okay so let's just let's jump into some numbers because some of you are like mark get to it so let me show you some numbers let's go back to the whiteboard now i've done the homework i've done the math you can go to my website mark j kohler dot com i've got it if you go to tools there's a little ira calculator and you can put in your age and how much money and depth that up but let me let's go through the table i've got i've done the homework here and you're going to love this now let's say you're in your 20s you're in your 30s you're in your 40s or you're in your 50s okay now you want a million dollars here's our goal i want a million dollars when i turn 67. okay even if you're 50 years old how am i going to have a million by the time i'm entering 67 and for those of you in 20s going i'm never going to be 67. oh yes you will be patient trust me you're gonna wanna and if your parents are making you watch this video or an uncle or someone andrew you go watch this okay all right now here's all it takes to have a million dollars when you turn age 67. and i'm going to do the rates of return here in a minute and you so hang tight okay but first here's all you have to have in a week all you have to put away is 12 a week or 45 a month it's 45 a month or 540 a year right now if you're in your 20s you start doing that right now you're gonna have a million dollars when you turn age 67. 12 a week people okay now if you're age 30 that's 36 a week 145 a month or 1740 a year now if you're somewhere in between if you're 25 years old i'm you're gonna find the average of these two numbers if you're somewhere in between okay this is exactly when you're 20 and exactly when you're 30. so this is a table you're going to find your right spot and try to figure out where those numbers are you might be putting away you know 25 a week if you're somewhere in the middle okay now age 40 it's going to be 115 a week 450 a month that's car payment let's say and this is fifty four hundred dollars a year now some of you are like well that makes sense mark because this year you can put away six thousand dollars in a roth i could do that okay so that's about 450 a month or 500 a month okay now if i'm age 50 you've got to put away 412 a week or 16.50 a month or 20 thousand dollars or it's 19 800 a year now of you are going to go how do i put away 19 000 a year in a roth ira i will show you do not go anywhere this th this is legally i could do three times that legally with loopholes that's what tax lawyer tax lawyers are for that's what you pay me for okay all right now now here's the big question mark what's your i'm gonna talk about investing here and getting the maximum rate of return in a secret weapon i'm gonna share the secret weapon here in a moment but right now these numbers that's a 12 rate of return to get to get that million dollars now already some of you are like that's not possible mark what are you smoking there's no way s p 500 maybe eight percent etfs on average said it we're not going to invest our money maybe in wall street i'm gonna give you the secret weapon here in a moment now some of you are like well hold it there's no way you're gonna get 12 on average every year to get there chill i'll run some another set of numbers here let's go i'll change it to red let's go ten percent rate of return okay you say mark what would it take with the 10 rate of return to do this okay you're looking at about in a given month with getting an average of 10 you're looking at 90 or 250 so that's this number okay or six hundred and fifty dollars or right here two thousand dollars a month and now some of you i have clients that are 50 years older 50 years or older and they're saying i'm starting a business right now to make two thousand dollars a month so i can put it towards a roth and have a tax-free million dollars 17 years from now yes it's doable and i'll show you how to put away 2 000 a month in a roth okay so if you say mark what's your roi your rate of return on investment or your roi return on rate of return is going to be 10 and then or it could be 12 in this scenario now okay so let me address this rate of return or apr or roi all those little metrics how do i get 10 or 12 percent you know how you do it is you may not use wall street to get there it's called self directing now you're like well td ameritrade said i can self self-direct i can buy the stocks i want to buy no it's better than that so when you've got your vehicle here so here's our little vehicle and we talked about what you're going to put in the trunk you know what am i going to invest in self-directing is the concept that you can invest in real estate you can invest in small business so you could buy a rental property in your roth you could invest in your sister's cupcake business down the street you can invest in your brother-in-law's landscaping business down the street you could invest in crypto you could buy directly not a fund we're state we're away from wall street we're going to go out and self-direct and invest in what we know best now the example of this is when you hear in the news that peter thiel had a 5 billion roth ira is because when his buddies called up and said hey you want to invest in paypal or facebook he's like yeah let's do it he put his roth ira in the deal you're saying well mark he got lucky he was able to do it well the way he did it is he didn't call up his stock broker at merrill lynch he took his roth ira at a self-directed trust company or custodian and said invest in that llc that zuckerberg just set up that's the theory that's the possibility for 20 years in our law firm we have been creating llc's that go out and do business in real estate and all these different types of money making operations and i have clients with multi-million dollar roth iras because their roth ira is a partner in the deal this is what mitt romney did at bain capital in boston he went and did fixer-uppers in business they would he bought staples and resold it and made money his roth ira was a partner you can do that you don't have to be rich to do this you if you want to learn more about this we hold webinars free webinars every month are all recorded on our website go to directedira.com okay now this whole video is not about self-directing i've got tons of other videos on that you can go to directed ira i have a podcast called the directed ira podcast thousands and thousands of downloads go check it out but this is the concept my self-directed ira clients get 10 20 and more rates of return apr ror roi apr whatever you want to call it they're investing in what they know i am doing crypto mining in my roth i own a rental property in my roth i do this it's not illegal it's possible but you can't do it at td ameritrade or merrill lynch or oppenheimer or smith barney you've got to get your money into a roth ira that lets you do that so you take your roth and there's no penalty and there's no taxes you're going gonna transfer your roth to a self-directed roth and do that or a self-directed 401k that's how you get the bigger rates of return that we're talking about here okay so all you naysayers and i've gotten the emails and the messages in my youtube channel there's no way you can get 10 or 12 yes you can go learn what peter thiel did go learn what mitt romney did and thousands and thousands of millions of americans out there that self-direct their iras and we do it all day long and you can go to directediary.com and learn more okay now all right the other naysayers are out there going how in the hell do you put 20 000 into a roth ira okay let's go to our next little principle here and i love teaching this i call it the mega backdoor roth where you can get up to 60 000 or more we won't go all the way into that if you want to just google that type in the magic of the mega backdoor roth and i've got articles and other videos you can just they're right there in fact we've got them down there in the the description so go read those articles they're legit i'm a real cpa a real attorney in a real law firm an accounting firm doing this and teaching it okay so here's how it works if we were to look at a cylinder here so let's put this um in kind of a cylinder type format to build up a roth ira you can do it in different ways the first cylinder is you can say you know what i'm gonna have a regular roth ira and a regular roth ira you can put in six thousand dollars if you're under age fifty or you can put in seven thousand dollars not under age 15 but or 50 or older i can put in 7 000 okay so that's a regular roth ira now some of you said well mark i make too much money i can't do a roth that's where you use the backdoor method i've got articles on this it's very common what you do is you set up a regular ira in step one and you don't get a tax deduction because you make too much money and then on day two step two you convert to a roth anybody can convert to a roth at any age or any income level so it's called the backdoor roth strategy and we help clients do this every day we've got a whole product at directed ira.com where you can pay one account setup fee to do this so i don't care how much money you make you can do step one now here's what's cool you can have a 401k at work and have a roth ira at home again no matter what income level or age i have i i started my kids with roth iras when they were under age 10. they started working in my business and i got them a roth ira i have teenager teenage girls of clients that are babysitting that fund their roth ira you can do that okay so this is very doable i have clients that are like well i'm too old i'm 70 years old nope you i have clients that are 70 still building the roth ira because it's tax-free when the money comes out is this crazy people it's real it's doable you can call my tax lawyers at the our law firm and make an appointment and set this stuff up and do it affordably you don't have to be super rich to access tax lawyers to help you do this to start listening to my freaking podcast watch my videos and i will help you do this this is the real mccoy this is it i don't even know who mccoy is but it is this is a real mccoy okay now stage two is you do your 401 k at work now a 401k is like a honeycomb it can be part roth and it can be part traditional which is the match so if a company doesn't match i call it matching out so at work you're going to set up a 401k and then you can put in money that's roth and guess how much you can put into a roth in a given year this year 19 500 if you're under age 50 or 27 000 if you're 50 or older so you can have a roth not a roth ira a roth 401k on top of your roth you can do both so if you're 50 or older you can have a 401k and put in 27 000 and put in six seven thousand dollars in your personal broth you just put away thirty four thousand dollars into a roth in one year yes you can do that now you say well mark i don't have a day job with a 401k all right i got a solution for you what we do is the trifecta and if you want to go google the trifecta oh this is my baby you're going to have your trust at the foundation you're going to have your rental properties over here in an llc you're going to have your operational maybe a day job okay or your operational llc or maybe it's graduated into an s corp and you have your small business well guess what your small business does it sponsors a solo 401 k so you can have a 401k in your small consulting business your side business even if you have a day job with a 401k you can have two 401ks you can have a 401k at work where they're doing a match and you play in it just up to the match and then you get the hell out and then you contribute the rest of your 401k contribution down here which is part roth so you can have a solo 401k that's part roth you can have your personal roth down here and then you can have your part roth up here at your day job so you can be building i'll put it in red you can build be building a roth up here right here and right here you're building three pieces of an overall roth so when we get back here and you're saying mark i want to build a super mega roth package there's not one roth ira it's made up of several roths so you have your personal roth down here you have your 401k roth at work at the day job then you have a second 401k maybe that's funded by your small business i've got to ask my guys in the studio is this resonating is this rocking this is it okay all right i want to make sure this is making sense so you've got your small business 401k maybe you got your day job work 401k maybe and then you've got your personal roth down here now we're stacking we're stacking and this year you're allowed in your day job 401k or personal 401k at work to put into it up to 61 000 if you're under age 50 or 74 000 oh i've got to pull it up on my laptop here and you can put in even more if you're 50 or older and i've got it right here on my laptop so this is the cool stuff that we're helping clients do every day and i was just talking to my i've got an article right now on the web and i want to show you this this is real live crap here go off the white board i i'm gonna just show this right now jack so let's go off the whiteboard right now here on my website marjaycoler.com it's called the magic of the mega backdoor roth and i build the these little cylinders right here and stand behind it as a cpa and attorney okay you can do if you're 50 or over 74 500 in a roth this year it's right here you go look it right on my website i stand behind it i'm the i write all the tax articles for entrepreneur magazine you can go this is legit and you can do sixty seven thousand not sixty one sixty seven thousand dollars if you're age uh under age fifty okay so people this is legit this is how you build it and if we go back to the whiteboard jack please okay so this trifecta this is what i call it is the trifecta even if you're age 22 or age 72 your mindset about money is what matters and i just got a ting of emotion here you can build your own trifecta a trifecta is built on a small business an llc for your rental properties or investments a small business or a side hustle and it all comes down and you've got your day job over here the trifecta is bringing together your ops your assets and your your trust and i have clients that are age 22 doing this and clients that are 72 doing this because they believe they know they control the money your thoughts about your money is what matters most i want you to know you can do this i want you to know that these numbers are real you can build a retirement account and put money away right now today in a roth ira look at this this is just a basic roth ira here or we put it on steroids with the 401k down here and the sooner you get this and the sooner you're doing it the numbers get off the chart in fact i'm gonna we're gonna cut right now and i'm gonna show you the numbers here of just what more you could even do in my entire career i have never seen a two-day workshop dedicated to real estate taxation now that may sound very boring but no it's totally exciting because if you're investing in real estate if you're selling real estate if you're involved in the real estate industry at all this workshop is going to give you every tax tool known to man to help you better succeed and make more money now maybe you're just thinking about investing in real estate short-term long-term rentals commercial storage units okay that's cool let me just tell you you're on to something you're thinking wisely because real estate is an incredible tax preferred investment tool i've been teaching for years and there's so many cool tax strategies that go along with rental real estate 1031 exchanges opportunity zone passive losses short-term capital gains long-term capital gains installment sales charitable remainder trusts the lists go on and on so whether you're experienced in real estate or just getting started in real estate knowing the tax strategies are gonna make you a better real estate investor they're gonna make you more successful now we got two days ten speakers plus i'm still looking for great speakers we're gonna have a lot of fun and after tax party at the end of the two-day event we're gonna be networking learning from others and talking real estate taxation for two freaking days straight just getting hot and bothered thinking about it you gotta be there you're gonna love it so look at the information below look at the agenda look at the speakers and get there you want to make more money in real estate you got to know the tax strategies see you there okay with that quick break i'm we're going to scroll up here i want to just show you what i did on my calculator and i just i just got chills and i'm going to give you a real life example and bring this all together okay i just went to my calculator at marcjuller.com i put in age 25. now for you that are 50 we're going to we're going to i'm going to do a second example here because i know we got both you know categories here if you will um and of young and old okay age 25 i want to retire age 67. this is going to blow your mind jack i have zero saved right now and i'm going to put in 500 a month and i'm going to get a 12 rate of return and i'm going to get practical example of how you can do that here we're going to talk about the llc and a real estate project i'm going to do two of them i'm going to do real estate and i'm going to do some crypto just for fun i know crypto's down right now but it's not going away everybody you know there's it's it's out there so be patient okay we could even do a small business i could do three of them but this concept's the same okay i did 500 a month annual return of 12 which i don't think is crazy at all guess what you have at age 67 7 million dollars that's right 7 million you can go do the calculator yourself that's tax free seven million is tax free dollars does that rock your world that's at 500 a month you can do okay now here's a real life example okay what you do is you create let's say you find a cute adorable little rental property okay but what you're going to do is find this rental property and let's say let's say it's 100 grand now i know you're like mark i live in southern california you can't buy anything for a million dollars or less chill buy around the country the the country is smaller than you think get on a freaking southwest flight and stay in a hampton inn and go look at a rental property near your grandma in duluth minnesota shop around the country learn about rental property learn about real estate my wealthy clients own real estate that's what they buy i buy rental property the studio is a rental property i built this last year we i've got all sorts of videos on real estate and we're holding the real estate tax summit in austin texas in three months register for it the link's down below come learn how to freaking buy real estate okay now we're gonna come over here to crypto too if you hate real estate we held the crypto tax summit in miami two months ago we love crypto too we help our clients make money that's what tax lawyers do we don't go to court and fight battles we help you avoid irs audits and build wealth okay so you found a rental property for a hundred grand and and let's say you're you need a down payment of 20 grand 10 grand we have i have people chris alvin comes on my podcast the main street business podcast i have two podcasts the directed ira podcast and the main street business podcast it's down below there click on it subscribe i have chris alvin come on every year how to buy rental property with zero down five ways to buy rental property with zero down but let's say you're gonna put down twenty percent here and you're gonna put down 20 000 to go buy this rental property and you're like mark i don't have 20 grand in my roth ira okay so you form an llc and maybe you and your mom and your dad and your brother we all put in five grand from a roth ira roth roth roth and we go raise money with our my family and we say we're going to put together enough money to go buy this little rental property this is what our law firm's been doing for 20 years we set up a freaking llc here for around 1500 bucks it's going to have all the provisions you need for ira ownership we walk you through it and this is just one example we do this with millions of dollars we do it with 100 grand whatever we set up the llc and you can be the manager of the llc you're not going to get paid to manage it but let's just say this 100 grand little llc kicks out maybe a 10 cash on cash return just making 2 000 a year from rental income on this little rental property and let's say you're doing that on a regular basis and you're buying rental properties and llcs and you're the all that cash flow is going tax-free down into your roth iras and you start generating a 12 rate of return a ten to twenty percent rate of return because the property is going up in value as well as creating cash flow and i've got other videos out there on why buy rental property but this is a very common example i can't guarantee what you're going to get in rental properties but i have many clients that are doing 30 to 40 percent in rental property when they look at appreciation and they look at mortgage reduction and then they look at cash flow that i have what i call the four quadrants to rental property and it's beyond the scope of this video but i'm teaching it constantly it's out there on youtube it's out there you can learn about it but this is how my clients are getting 12 percent and more because they're buying what they know they're not buying some stupid etf with fees buried in it they park money in wall street until they find a better deal i even have a financial advisor who i love the co-author of my book the financial freedom book go throw it in amazon financial freedom kohler randy lupke of licensed financial advisor i love it he just said this last month to be on a phone call mark my wealthy clients put money in wall street until they find a better investment and it's going to be small business real estate private equities crypto whatever okay now in crypto you can do the same thing now the guys in the studio said mark can you be more specific can you break this down i'm going to use red here to break this down because i don't want to gloss over this okay what you've sometimes heard of cap rates when you go out and invest in real estate when i invest in single-family housing and a lot of my real estate investor clients they want to see at least a 10 cash on cash return for their investments meaning they put 20 grand down and now they want to see at least a 10 return on the cash investment in now some of you're like well that's not possible well they shop around until they find it right you might put some equity you know sweat equity into some of these projects so you find it a creative deal or an off-market project if you're buying off the m last you it's going to be harder to find a deal that gets a 10 a 10 cash on cash but it's very common that's the deals i look for so let's do the math here so you invested 20 grand as a down payment to buy a property for a hundred grand you might have a bank loan in here you might have private lenders in here but you're gonna have a loan in here that's cool and i invested 20 grand now if i get a 10 cash on cash that means i'm gonna make twenty thousand dollar two on twenty thousand i'm going to make two thousand dollars in cash flow for the year and you divide that by 12 you're looking at about 180 a month or something like that okay so we want to make sure we're going to at least make two thousand dollars in cash flow doesn't count the appreciation it doesn't count that we're reducing the mortgage every year my internal rate of return is going to be a lot more than 10 but at least i got a 10 cash on cash return now what does that mean for my little roth ira with five grand here i am over here well if i invested five grand with my roth and i get 25 of that okay i gotta split it up four ways okay what did i get i got five hundred dollars that's what my roth ira got out of this well i invested five grand and i made five hundred dollars that's a ten percent return on my investment just on cash now let's this is where the power of leverage comes in right let's say the property just goes up you know five percent in value okay a year let's say the property appreciates five percent and let's say we paid down the mortgage with some of that rent throughout the year and we paid down the mortgage let's say um two thousand dollars which is very common i might pay down the mortgage two thousand dollars uh over the hit time of the year and what did we invest we invested 20 so i made it 10 return on mortgage reduction see what happened is the property went up value 5 and then the property also the mortgage went down by 2 grand because we paid down the mortgage throughout the year so i just increased the property went up to a hundred and five thousand dollars property went up to a hundred and five thousand in fair market value so i made five grand there and the mortgage went down by two grand so i made a 10 return there see i invested 20 and i i made the property went up by five percent which is five grand and then the mortgage went down by two grand so that's at ten 10 um rate of return on there and so this is this is adding up so real quick if i look at this i made an extra 2500 on this property throughout the year the mortgage went down by two and the property went up by five do you see that that's called equity my equity increased on the property and i didn't put any more money in i still made the cash flow of two grand but the the equity also went up by twenty five hundred dollars so if i take that twenty five hundred dollars who benefits from that so if i do the math here let's get legit i'll ask siri my favorite friend here 2500 divided by four okay that's 625 so look at this not only did i make 500 in cash flow i made 625 in equity that's tax-free it's just growing out there well wow if i made here's where it comes together jack right 500 plus 625 there's my just my return on investment just in those three categories appreciation mortgage reduction and cash flow i made a thousand 25 1125 right there now what is my return on investment i invested five grand and i just do the math 1125 divided by 5 000. that's a 22.5 rate of return and i did it in my roth okay now that may have been painful for some of you to go through all those numbers but i want to summarize it with this i bought a rental property that appreciated the mortgage went down because my tenant paid rent and i made a little bit of cash flow that's what went into my roth ira either in the form of equity in my ownership in the llc or with cash flow that stayed in the llc and just grew so my little roth ira with five grand made 1125 dollars in equity and cash flow in a given year that's a 22 plus percent rate of return that's how the rich get richer that's how you build a million dollar roth so when you see me go out there and say you can make 10 or 12 i'm low that's low you can build a multi-million dollar roth ira right now no matter how old you are no matter how much money you make by just starting to save even twelve dollars a week 36 dollars a week 150 115 a week or 412 dollars a week if you're 50 year old you can do it and you can do it in a freaking roth ira game over now i thought that was a great ending to a video but the guy said you didn't finish your crypto conversation so let me throw this out what's easy here is some of you might just take a roth or a roth 401k and you can go directly out there and start maybe setting up institutional accounts in crypto exchanges a lot of times we have clients form an llc and then go form a cr an account like coinbase and you have a crypto exchange and then i go out and buy some of those more um like what should we say long shots in cryptocurrency um what would you call them you know we could do alt coins and we could go out there and buy a coin that maybe is not mainstream it may not be bitcoin or or ethereum and you go out and buy some of these that are 10xing 100xing guess what all of that crypto and i'm not saying crypto what do they say in the crypto industry i'm not a financial advisor i'm saying if you believe in it and you want to go out in the metaverse and buy some altcoins go do it but don't do it in your own name do it in your roth maybe your roth has that exchange or that metamask wallet or maybe your roth or is part of an llc and you go out and open up an exchange and you go out and buy crypto if that's what you believe in but if it's not crypto what is it do you believe in gold do you bleed them in silver do you believe in a small business down the street a good friend that's opening up a little construction warehouse um you're going to start buying and selling on ebay or some sort of import export or whatever form an llc now there's prohibited transaction rules on how much of a role you can play in this you can be the manager of the llc but you can get over to our podcast the directed ira podcast and learn more about how to invest your roth ira and what you know check that out and that's kind of the secret weapon of this whole process is opening up the accounts stacking them so that you're building up roths in multiple areas and you're investing in what you know and you're getting started now okay now i want to finish with a motivational point please don't stop this video this is so important your relationship with anything are your thoughts about it and your thoughts are going to create feelings that are either going to motivate you or discourage you so for example if right now you think of i don't have any money in a roth ira i can't do this i don't make enough money okay your thoughts about that just created feelings of guilt shame inadequacy futility i'm i can't do this and so what are you going to be motivated to do nothing because your thoughts about your roth ira created feelings that are crappy and now you're not even going to take action i'm emotional about this to say this right now i want to tell you you can do this you can create an account and start investing and saving and learning and empower yourself that is a thought that maybe you haven't had about your bank account or your roth ira maybe you're learning this for the first time take those thoughts and go oh ooh i felt something there maybe mark kohler isn't crazy i can do this and those thoughts about building a roth ira now give you feelings of excitement empowerment energy belief in yourself trust in yourself and now you're like those are pretty damn motivating feelings i can do this and what's crazy is you take a little baby step in the into this realm and you go open an account and you start investing even with a little etf or a little stock or a little mutual fund just to get started until you can open up an llc and do some other fun things but you get started but let that feeling of excitement and energy and empowerment guide you motivate you to do this change the way you think about your wrath change the way you think about your money and i'll be here right along your side telling you you can do it and you can believe in it and know that it's true i've got clients that have done this i'm doing it my kids are doing this my mom is doing this don't give up on yourself change your thoughts about it get excited about it and let that excitement and that feeling be the energy you need the fuel to run that fire for you inside people keep studying keep learning keep dreaming the american dream is real thanks
Channel: Mark J Kohler
Views: 285,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tax, legal, entrepreneur, asset protection, wealth building, cpa, attorney, lawfirm, Mark J Kohler, Mark Kohler, Crypto, Bitcoin, Retirement, Saving
Id: l4_WmgQhE4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 38sec (2558 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2022
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