Walt Disney Studios Lot Full Tour | Disney Files On Demand

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] yeah foreign you're here great to see you good to see you what is this this is so cool this is a newer exhibit that we've been working on it's some Kim Weber Furniture an animator's office from all authentic from that era every piece including that iPad well that's mine I thought it would be really fun on our tour to look at some historic photos so I downloaded a few cool let's go lead the way you got it [Music] foreign I gotta tell you I know you work here every day so this is old hat for you but whenever I walk into Legends Plaza this is a place I just have to sort of stop and and take a breath this is like the Hall of Fame of Disney [Music] foreign [Music] I know you said you have a lot of stuff we need to see but this building team Disney which is the corporate headquarters the Walt Disney Company is such an iconic part of this lot explain the meaning of the seven dwarfs holding up the roof well you know the studio was built on the funds that came from the enormous success of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs so this is kind of Representative of that idea that this you know the Seven Dwarfs are holding up the the roof of the company so it's it's whimsical and a lot of fun and very popular very cool all right let's head out okie doke [Music] thank you so this is the main entrance to the studio here it's here now it wasn't here originally the original entrance was right over there where that gray building is which is the Hyperion health club and the original gate set about probably 20 yards that direction but that's where that famous shot with Walt Disney was located right there as you see the the casting building in the background in the guard shack and so this is the new entrance it's fun to think about all the people who have driven through this gate indeed a lot of very famous people have come through this gate so it's pretty cool cool so shall we move on let's see more okay [Music] foreign am I correct that this was actually one of the buildings um it's original to the Hyperion lot right the fact building was relocated here it is exactly it's it's that's why we call it the Hyperion Bungalow because they actually picked it up and brought it over the hill to Burbank in 1939 and put it on this lot it wasn't in that location it was actually over there where the commissary deck is now but it is the original and it's a California bungalow architecture it's amazing to think about that coming down the freeway probably something you couldn't do in current Burbank traffic no probably not and I would love to have seen that but unfortunately not but you know this isn't the only building that was brought over here from the Hyperion Studio there were several buildings there were some box cars which were where the original model shop was that actually were situated right here where we are so this grassy area held these two long they look like freight train box cars and that's where the model Department was originally that's amazing and yeah they demolished them quite a long time ago and so this area now is a kind of a grassy area for the employees and the employee Center of course is right over here next to it we can see some the other relocated buildings today I'll Point them out to you as we go through the studio awesome [Music] so when they redid the theater recently they redid All the lighting in here and I think this is just beautiful now isn't that pretty and it changes colors it goes from Blue to red really really lovely saw the advanced screenings will happen in here and yeah we do publicity screenings we do Advanced screenings we do screenings for employees we also do events in here sometimes we've had panels and discussions beforehand we have big meetings in here so the corporate Synergy meeting usually happens in year every few months and it's used for a lot of different things and it used to be used a lot for mixing but they decided they wanted a screening theater again so they took out all the mixing equipment that was in here previously and kind of turned it back into a deluxe theater quite a facility yeah it's the biggest one here on the lot it's a little different from my local Cineplex just a little bit and the seats are very comfy I have to say So speaking of lovely colors they redid the lobby as well and added this in and this was a really fun project to work on they was familiar it does it should it's from The Nutcracker Suite section of Fantasia and we did that in honor of the fact that one of the first films that opened in here Pinocchio was almost completed when the studio opened and so it premiered in here but it wasn't actually animated here on the lot but a great deal of Fantasia was and so we chose images from Fantasia to put into the theater to pay homage to that film it's pretty that beautiful I noticed similar etchings out in the yeah as we go through the lobby I can show I can point those out too let's check it out so this is the lobby of the theater and as you can see more Fantasia artwork I just love that on the glass that great and another fun historic thing in this facility is something that even the employees here at the studio don't really remember or catch but this plaque right here is dedicated to Earl o'hurd who they say is our artist inventor and Pioneer he was the creator of cell animation he and his partner Paul Bray actually invented the idea of putting celluloids and filming them with paint on them to make characters and so he died in 1940 which was the year the studio opened and in honor of him he was working here on Fantasia with Walt and in his honor of the studio employees here gathered up a fund and created that plaque and put it there for him that's cool so when they redid this theater and redecorated everything somebody was going to take that down and I said absolutely not you're going to leave it there and you're going to put a light on it so now people as they come in and out know that this this theater is dedicated to Mr heard ever the protector of History absolutely good work my friend thank you [Music] so here's a really fun Corner this is the shorts building which is another one of those buildings that was brought over from the Hyperion Studio this is a two-story building which is pretty insane I think about moving coming down the freeways exactly we've got some photos I'll show you of that it was pretty wild them putting it in here but the shorts building is actually where they filmed you know Donald Duck was created in that building and this is where all the early shorts were done they were the animation building when they were over at the Hyperion Studio brought them over here and then they used them to do all the shorts so the animated films would be done in the animation building behind us but the shorts building is where they would film all the shorts so this is a great shot of the cam the cutting building and the water tower in the background which is the other iconic thing I hear on the lot that everybody takes pictures of it's kind of fun though you can see the vaults behind it those are the old vaults when you look down the street here you can see the brand new film Vault that just opened uh just recently and a couple months ago they dedicated it but this is the old one so all you really see are the different architecture in these buildings are other than that it's pretty similar yeah it's very similar the cutting building is the same and then there's the new building on the corner but those film vaults are really interesting they were thinner on the top and thicker on the bottom the walls at the bottom were very very thick and the top the roof up here was very thin so that the nitrate film that was stored in there if it happened to explode which it did and it's nitroglycerin based it's very volatile if it got too hot and exploded and some catastrophe happened that all the force would go up through the roof and wouldn't blow out on the sides and that way they could you know prevent injury to people if possible sounds horrifying but that's the way all the studio film vaults were up until recently and and they recently took those out just about a year ago [Music] thank you [Music] well here we are inside Sound Stage 2 which is the largest stage on the lot and this has got some pretty historic significance to the Walt Disney Company this is not only the biggest stage that we have it's about 32 000 square feet but it is also where Cherry Tree Lane was filmed it was all built you're right where it happened yes this is it and also we've done Pirates of the Caribbean was done in here of Armageddon there's a there's a big crater under our floor here that they dug out to make it the crater of the asteroid in Armageddon and then they used it in Pirates of the Caribbean they filled it full of water and that was the Ila de la muerta caves where the treasure was and also the Blue Bayou from the second Pirates film so this is a among a lot of other things including Princess Diaries things like that the connection is so important to Julie Andrews for both Mary Poppins and Princess Diaries which were both filmed in here that they actually named this the Julie Andrew your stage so it's dedicated to her well we've got a lot of stuff to look at so let's keep going all right [Music] so right about here is this shot right there and you can see there are a lot of trees there now that weren't there in 1940 but the you can't even see the the Griffith Park Hills which are in the background there they're covered over with the vegetation right now but this is mini Avenue and the interesting thing about this is that you can really see the process of Animation here by looking at just these buildings so these are the oldest buildings and the most important buildings on the lot so they're really laid out in sequential order of the animation process right absolutely and in fact not only are they laid out in sequence as the buildings but the buildings themselves are in sequence so if in the animation process you would stop start on the third floor of this animation building so you can see right there on the corner is Walt Disney's office and it would go from Walt Disney and the producers and directors and everybody who had offices on the third floor and then it would wind its way down to the third down through the second floor where the art layout artists and composers had offices through there but then it would end up on the first floor which is where all the animation was done so the animators would then draw the drawings and then they would go over to this building which is the inking and painting building over on this side of the street and then they would go from the income paint building to the camera building where the painted cells were shot and then they would go from the camera building to the cutting building where the editing was done and then of course you would have the other buildings nearby like the sound stages the stage a where the orchestra recording was done B and C where the dialogue and and special effects and sound effects recordings were done and so all of these support buildings would support the important functions of these animation buildings now is it true that there are actually tunnels beneath us that connect these buildings so animators could move art from one building to an X without going outside yeah it really is true because here in Southern California we usually have glorious weather like this but often it gets windy and raining sometimes it does rain in Southern California so they actually when they built these buildings they put a tunnel that went from the basement of the animation building over to the basement of the income paint and the camera building and so the the guys would push trolleys of TR of cells and animation artwork they would push it over to where the cells were Inked and painted I don't suppose we could see the tunnel if you're very nice to me I'm always nice to you that's true okay let's do that cool okay we're gonna go in here and see the tunnels awesome I think there's some place I want to stop and take you in first and introduce you to some people that are really great all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] so Ryan I want to introduce you to somebody very special here at income paint this is Antonio Palio pleasure Ryan nice to meet you Antonio is an anchor and a painter and the head of special effects here at La campaign in future animation very cool what are you working on today working on a Mickey Mouse cell I'll take you guys through the process great so I'm wearing these gloves because we don't want to ruin the cell we use the gloves to help us Glide our hand on the sail and we don't want any fingerprints as well so what we do here is um we do two additions a year which are so lonely to employees and what we use is a cleaned up version of the animators pencil and our job is to transfer those lines onto the cell so we have a cell there these are the tools that I use and then what I do is I pick out a section to start off with I use this stick to help me hold down the cell because it tends to Bubble Up and I also use that stick to get help me get the ink flowing from the nib so what I do is I push the ink to the tip once I do that then I I start inking yeah boy that takes a delicate hand I hate to take you away from your work but would you mind showing us around this is such a historic building I'd love to see the place not at all great foreign [Music] process basically what happens is once we do all the line work on top of the cell we flip the cell it goes to the painter in this case Sherry vandoli and uh we paint the cell on the back what's like to work in this space I know this is where you come to work every day but for me when I step in here it's amazing do you get a still get a sense of that history and the Legacy you're carrying on in this building absolutely I mean this they painted some feature films here well since 1940 so it's it's kind of special yeah I feel privileged and honored yep everything from Pinocchio and Fantasia to Little Mermaid and a Walt Disney walk these Halls he hung out in here quite often oh yeah privilege to be here but these aren't exactly off the shelf paints you guys are actually developing the paints here correct absolutely can we learn more about where the paints come from yes let me introduce you to Jim Lusby great foreign [Music] will explain the paint process and I'm gonna go set up special effects great thank you well welcome to the paint lab back in the day we used a gum based resin paint it took the artist's a long time to do the features maybe four and five years the paint dried so slowly each cell took about eight hours to dry in 1986 with Oliver and Company the thought was let's make a fast drying acrylic paint because we have a lot more stories to tell we want to get the features released so much quicker so that's what we've done ever since I have all my base formulas up here we have anything in our paint lab here from Ariel from Little Mermaid we have Roy after Roy Disney but we can make any color in this lab there's 4 000 colors right now and um I have my master chip for every color that I have in cases over there and I do all the matching by eye you must have an amazing eye well I call in another group a cast member to come in and help us out on that when there's a color that I think is not exactly correct but when we get a couple of different eyes in here since everybody sees color a little differently then we agree that that's close enough and we write CE on the cell it's close enough so it is as much art as science exactly Jim thank you sir really appreciate it we're gonna go catch up with Antonio thank you Jim well looky here Antonia we are back so what we're going to do here is we're going to show you guys How We Do Tinkerbell's wings and in this case the wings go on the back of the cell we're using these uh mask frisket we put it on top we have the paint inside this little cup here and we start spraying and this process was used back in production days as well so this was actually done in Peter Pan and all the TV shows everything with Tinkerbell in it yes that's why I used to take five six years to produce a film you could imagine yeah at how many frames per second 24 24 a lot and just for the special effects um we end up with a bunch of these masks because uh because of all the pieces but as you can see look at that just a little sample hey look at that well thank you so much for letting us into your space this has been such a pleasure thank you great to meet you thanks for coming thank you thank you sorry it's under the income paint department and this is them this is the entrance from the this is so cool income paint side so what these were for was to bring animation uh from the animators building the animation building over to the incontained building without having it exposed to the elements so they would use this underground tunnel the Steep incline it's very steep in fact Roy Disney once told me a story about when he was a kid they had lots of cells left over after the filming was done and they would store them down here so Roy said that the animators for fun would grab these cells and they'd throw them down on the floor in these tunnels and they would slide on them and see how far they could go before they fell down by today's standards Priceless artwork being used as toboggans and you know what's really funny is that they actually used to grab Roy and they would stand him on them and two animators would grab each hand and slide him down the hall as far as they could go I don't think anybody ever explained to his dad what they were doing and as far as I know he never cracked his head open so I guess everything was okay so as you know these uh these buildings have been used many times in our own movies as locations for many films most recently for Saving Mr Banks so fans of that film will recognize some of these locations including my favorite one which is right over there next to that tree the really touching scene with Emma Thompson is where she's sitting there you know playing with the little leaves and and sticks building things out of Twigs yeah and I was really lucky I got to come over and watch this and it was really really cool because they set up the cameras right over there and I got to stand right there and watch Emma Thompson it was really cool right Ryan come on we're burning daylight actors my hand's a little dirty yeah yeah wash your hands we're going to Walt's office [Music] Ryan and Becky enter the lot's historic animation building where Walt Disney's personal offices occupied Suite 3H from 1940 to 1966. following Walt's passing the offices were meticulously photographed and inventoried down to the last paper clip by Disney Legend and Walt Disney archives founder Dave Smith while numerous Executives and producers occupied and altered the space in the decades since Becky and her team have now painstakingly restored the suite to its original form the Furnishings accessories and artifacts you're about to see are original appearing exactly as they did when Walt passed away in December 1966. welcome to the Beating Heart of the Walt Disney Studios welcome to Suite 3H come on in Ryan so this is the reception area of the offices it still uh hasn't been restored completely but it's reminiscent of what it used to be when this was Tommy wilk's office and Dolores Vaught was in here there's a few things in here those are some Walt's real Awards in the cabinet we had that made and then this is set up here just to kind of give you the impression that it's a secretary's office this is an original Kim Weber desk a little smaller than the one she actually used and then it's propped out with some real pieces and a few pieces from Saving Mr Banks that we brought up here but this isn't what you came to see I'm going to show you the real deal so here's what you've been waiting I think I'm ready you ready so okay [Music] here we are you've got to be kidding me [Music] it's pretty cool huh I think I need a moment [Music] it's unbelievable thank you [Music] this is just you know I always say that there are times in your career where you stop and you think how did I get here and as the kid who grew up you know worshiping the guy who sat at that desk and to be standing here it's unbelievable [Music] I get that way every time I come in here and I come in a lot [Music] it's crazy it's different seeing it behind glass huh and seeing it in photos and on film but there's just something about being in this room that's it's hard to describe to think how that piano changed pop culture history is exactly in fact one of the most interesting things is that when I brought Richard Sherman here the first time he came in and had the same the reaction he kind of stepped back and said oh my gosh you know this is like walking back in time and what was really wonderful is that he walked immediately over to the piano and the first thing he saw was the Annette Funicello music there it was strumming song and he says that's the first song I ever played on this piano and he sat down and started playing it and that is the piano that Richard sat down and played feed the birds and you know he tells the story of how Walt would stand and look out the window while he played feed the birds on Friday evenings or late in the day and Richard said that's it he would sit down right there play the piano and while it would look out the uh the northern and Walt didn't even have to ask for the song he could just say play it just say play it Richard knew exactly what he meant come over and look at the desk this is a obviously the most important piece in the room Walt Disney's desk and the items that are on it were you know originally there I think one of the things that's really interesting to me about Walt Disney's offices in general and specifically this little corner is that you really get a feeling of how much he adored his daughters you just you can see his Miniatures and you see everything but but I mean look at this there's there's all these photographs the baby shoes you know those are Diane and Sharon's baby shoes they're on display and his baby picture of Diane there and you know the Norman Rockwell pictures of Diane and Sharon that were done for for Walt and you can just see throughout the whole office you know how much his girls meant to him you know there's photos of course over on the piano as well and there's other photos in the working office even the fact that someone like Norman Rockwell would draw pictures of your kids speaks to who Walt Disney was and the Miniatures was another fascination of his he did he collected Miniatures he made Miniatures he collected them he had a Miniatures room in the other part of The Suite he had a room where he kept cabinets of Miniatures but he also had these a lot of them he collected but a good percentage of them people found out that he collected Miniatures and so they would send him gifts people would bring him a miniature or they would send them to him for you know gifts most of them have nothing to do with Disney characters you can see there's some glass Pluto and Mickey there and Donald Duck and Tinkerbell and so forth but most of them are not you know they're not Disney miniatures so there's a couple other really interesting pieces here on the desk this piece right here is a an award that was given to Walt it was a thank you gift from the the U.S Coast Guard while Ted worked on a film called men against the Arctic which was a people and places film in the 50s and they gave him this Bell as a as a thank you gift for doing it and so he was very proud of that he kept it here on his desk and there's a funny story Tommy Wilk who was his secretary at the time sat in the outer office there and she said in an interview that Walt would often have meetings in this room and it would get very you know intense and they would get focused and they would be working away and one of her main jobs was to make sure that Walt broke you know would take a break for lunch because otherwise he wouldn't get anything to eat and you know we didn't want well you know Grumpy in the afternoon and so she would come in here and interrupt him when it came time for lunch because he had to take his lunch and she said that one time she came in here and there was this big meeting going on and she kept trying to get Walt's attention and he wouldn't listen and he kept ignoring her and finally she walked over to the bell and she grabbed it she rang it as loud as she could and everything stopped dead and she said it's time for lunch and fortunately Walt thought that was funny and started laughing and so he got so tickled by it that he told her that I want you to come in and ring that Bell for lunch every single day and so every day after that she would come in and ring the bell when it was lunchtime so that's the Bell so we didn't have that in our collection that had gone back to the Walt Disney Family after Walt's passing and so the folks at the family museum were really gracious about loaning it to us to display on the desk because it was such an important piece in this office so we really appreciated that that they loaned it to us the other piece that everyone asks about of course is this Gulfstream jet model this is the Gulf Stream the Grumman Gulf Stream 2 Jet and this particular jet was on order Walt had this jet on order and it was going to be delivered and sadly you know when he passed away uh Roy decided they didn't need another Jet and so he canceled the order but Walt was expecting that plane to come so this would have been the follow-up to the with the Mickey wine was out on display at Disney's Hollywood Studios for many years exactly yeah and so we had actually we had four planes over the years there was a king air and a queen air beachcraft and then there was a golf Gulf Stream one which is Mickey Mouse one and then this would have been the fourth plane so what was anxiously anticipating its delivery and then it didn't happen so we never did get that one but he had it very proudly on his desk I mean huge credit to the company and to Dave and then obviously credit to you and your team for pulling this all back together but and this stuff could so have easily been just created up and lost to history absolutely and he they very cleverly you know brought in a photographer and photographed every angle of the room so we knew exactly the way it looked when Walt passed so we could very you know easily pull the books out and put them exactly where they belonged and the scripts are back where they were because we could see in the pictures and every single part of the room was photographed and Dave did that that was yeah it was pretty special obviously handled with a tremendous amount of care these are some pretty delicate oh yeah yeah there are some remarkable conditions yeah took good care of them they were on display down at Disneyland for a while and then we showed them briefly in a couple traveling exhibits at the Reagan library and at MSI but other than that they've been carefully tucked away for a while one of the things I wanted to point out to you in here too that's pretty special is you see the little mechanical bird here I don't know what this is yes that one is broken one of the grand grandchildren knocked that off and broke it one time I think Victoria knocked that off the counter but that one doesn't work but the one that does work is hanging up in the corner there and that's the little bird that inspired Walt to make audio animatronics not just in New Orleans I believe he bought one in New Orleans and we think he bought one in Paris we're not sure which is which he always just said he bought a little bird and we don't know which was the first one or which one he bought in which place but it was one of these two birds that was the inspiration for audio animatronics people ask me all the time about the books and I think this is a fascinating thing these are the original bookcases we put them back in and all of the books that are here were just as Walt left them really so if they're leaning it's because Walt left them leaning and if they're upside down it's because Walt left them that way they're exactly the way he had them up here and I find them fascinating because a lot of them are signed to Walt they're inscribed but just the choices of you know what he had on his bookshelf it's really fascinating to kind of look at it and say okay you know I understand maybe the Kodiak bear that makes sense he made movies about bears you know and then you look over at something else that doesn't seem to make so much sense like you know why are there Croatian Tales or or you know I'm trying to think of some of the the very strange ones in here there's a couple um you know Maury Fontaine scientist of the sea and you know the birds of North America or birds of the birds of the gauntlets that would be about falconry some of these books are really cool I'm here this is a fun one I'll bring this out you can see it up close this is undercover cat this is the book that um that Darn Cat was based on written by the Gordons and if you look inside you can see that it was inscribed to walk to Walt here and it was to Alt from one smart cat to another and it's and his humans Millie and the Gordons in 1963. I think the variety really speaks to his curiosity right so you see literature and history and politics and nature it really runs the gamut and some things were just I were obviously I think probably gifts from visitors who brought books some of them were people that he knew you know there's things about Richard Nixon here he was friends with Richard Nixon Salvador the dynamic laws of healing what was that about you know I'm Salvador Dali exactly um and so there's there's fun you know really interesting that you read in Kipling so things that he based his his stories on and his movies so it's kind of cool and so this is this is just a fascinating Glimpse at what was you know in Walt's head and what kind of things he had around him it was kind of neat and then over here I get asked about this quite often I think this is really cool this is a Fiat does that look familiar to you it sure does looks like Mr Toad's Wild Ride exactly so I don't know if he bought this when they were talking about doing Mr toads or whether that was the inspiration for what ultimately became Mr Toad's car but one way or the other it's an interesting little uh little piece who knew Thaddeus drove a Fiat exactly he was British he didn't remember we'd be driving an Italian car so fun really fun stuff and this cabinet is really fascinating um you open it up here oh my gosh and this was a script cabinet that he had built specifically for the scripts that he was working on at the time so you can see there's labels there's a new Merlin Jones so I think this is probably a sequel that they were looking at maybe doing family as a menagerie that would be my family is of Menagerie uh nothing boy called nothing so a lot of these were TV scripts some of them were features you know Willie and the yank that one got made it's really kind of fun John Lasseter was in here and he said I want to look through every one of those scripts and I want to look at every one of those books and see what Walt was thinking I said okay you can come anytime you want [Music] foreign so now the next place that I want to take you in this was the formal office and this is where he did all of like I said his big meetings and his formal occasions and formal VIP visits but where he spent most of his time and what to me is the holy of holies is through this door thank you foreign [Music] it's amazing you walk in a room like this and you think about uh the decisions made in this room and how they changed our lives and everyone's lives watching this and this is the room where they develop Disneyland this is where audio animatronics were first conceived this is where he came up with you know it's a small world and yeah everything everything was from right here and everything from 1940 to 1966. was conceived in this room so Disneyland at project Florida Mineral King you know his projects that didn't happen like the St Louis project and things like that all were conceived in here but also you know the movies this is where he worked when they were making Sleeping Beauty in Cinderella and this was his office during World War II so all of the World War II stuff happened in here this is where he came up with television this is where they discussed it and they would sit at this table and you know there were times the secretary said there were times when this was wall-to-wall people that there would be people on every every chair every couch but there would be people on the floor but it it just it was the Beating Heart of the Walt Disney Studios this is it this is where he created and I I think that this has a really special Aura and Vibe about it I I come in here sometimes when it's completely quiet and I just I feel like he just walked out of the room and sometimes I feel like I'm intruding like oh oh dear you know Walt's going to come back and catch me he does have that sense like I kind of feel like I'm not supposed to be here yeah yeah you feel like you're intruding on something and and like you know he's gonna you know come down the hall and cough any second and walk in on us and I get that feeling often especially when I'm here by myself and and it's just it's it's a wonderful warm cozy place to be it's it's a it's you know intimate and it doesn't look like like the office of a movie Mogul you know Louis B mayor's office had a gigantic desk with the big Spotlight on it and it was very intimidating and there's nothing intimidating about this office right it's strikingly approachable and he didn't even have a big desk in here that's more of a table it's more of a conference this was originally going to be a conference room and Walt decided he wanted a more private office and so he set it up so that they could get down to the nitty-gritty in here and they would sit around Walt's table here and and Marty Marty scholar told me that they would you know move everything off of the table and they'd lay out whatever plans they were working on so if they had a drawing of of a new attraction or they had you know scripts to go over or they were talking storyboarding things they would bring in the drawings and they would lay them out on Walt's desk and discuss everything and so that's what this area was and then of course he was surrounded by just things he liked little little things you could see all the little pieces over there on top of the script cabinet and things that he liked to have around him you know there's the The Mickey Mouse one the the plane that that Walt flew over when he was doing the project Florida research and flying over Florida and also that's the plane that they took to you know the New York World's Fair in 1964-65 that plane made lots and lots of trips and a lot of people have seen it on the Backlot tour but uh it's a lovely little model and he he was so proud of that he loved his Planes and then over on the other side there you can see the the King Air was the predecessor to that one explain the the sculpture that's on the windowsill oh I think I believe that's a yadro sculpture and that's the Little Mermaid and there's actually several Little Mermaid statues in the office there's one around the piano yeah and that I don't know if it was a gift to him I think one of them was a gift from from Copenhagen I don't know if he just collected them but but The Little Mermaid was something that he was very interested in Tivoli Gardens and and had been to Denmark and liked the Little Mermaid and you know of course that he had worked on a version of Little Mermaid with Kai Nielsen and and they had intended to do a version of it earlier back in the 30s and that never happened but then of course we did it later with Ashman and Menken yeah good idea Never Dies at Disney just exactly just wait it waits for its its time but um yeah so there's a lot of really interesting little tidbits around here of course you know little little pieces from Alice in Wonderland and and I mean another lady you notice there's another one there but he loved the plane you can see how the pictures of the plane and then he had pictures of the interior of the plane up here on the bulletin board bulletin board is kind of interesting um this aerial was probably the closest I can guess on this was probably about 1965. six maybe early 66 but I think 65. um what he did is is he would change us out he would change the aerial out and and use it during his meetings and they would point out where they wanted to put things and and it's all color-coded so the red things are recent things that were recently worked on or put in and then the yellows were coming attractions well you know small world was in before Walt passed away and New Orleans Square did open Pirates of the Caribbean hadn't opened yet but they but so this is a little the it was a little out of date even when Walt passed away he was probably going to put up a new one soon The Haunted Mansion opened but with a diminished capacity right but it didn't open until yeah future home of a Thousand and One ghost they knocked it down to 999 by the time it opened well there's always room for one more um this I find interesting this is a brochure for what eventually became Cal arts and that's actually but the brochure has it being located at the Golden Oak Ranch and It ultimately got uh built over in Valencia which is several miles away I feel I don't know the Golden Oak range is still a working Studio Ranch one of the last really remaining in yeah one of the few I mean and we do film up there still we just put a new uh put some new residential areas and we built a new business area and yeah we use it all the time and people people don't know it but they've seen commercials and TV shows and everything filmed up there and yeah there aren't very many movie ranches left it's where the Golden Oak development at Walt Disney World got its name exactly and you know the Golden Oak is where gold was first discovered in California so right there in that spot and it wasn't it wasn't actually discovered at Sutter's Mill it was discovered first at the Golden Oak didn't know that yeah so let's take a closer look at the desk over here because there's some really interesting stuff over here so this is exactly what was on the desk when Walt passed away and Dave came in and inventoried everything in here like you said down to the last paper clip so those are the paper clips you know his little red grease pencil and you know letter opener and and things like that a magnifying glass this was his Rolodex laughs and it says right there Sherman boys so he really did call him the boys all the time so Harry title Don Tatum um Marty scolar so he would just change he would close it and then open it up to D says Mark Davis Don de Grotti Roy Disney it's amazing seeing the personal extension phone numbers of so many people whose hands are now in bronze exactly in Legends Plaza crazy pretty true it would be interesting to match them up and see how many of them are actually in there tag the plaques with their phone numbers see a production budget yeah this is a production budget for Blackbeard's ghost which was in production at the time won't passed on and then down here is his briefcase apparently did some International traveling recently there's still the residue of a U.S customs you know the interesting thing too I have a Dave Smith story to tell you about this um it used to be that telephones belong to the telephone company they didn't belong to you I know that yeah you didn't buy a phone that you you just kind of rented one from the phone company and if you moved and left you gave it back well this is Walt Disney's telephone this is Walt's phone so when they started taking everything out of these offices the telephone company was going to come and pick up the phones and they've cut the cord and hid them again credit to Dave so these are the Real Deals so this is that's the phone that well talk to people on and the same with the one in the formal office so Dave snipped him and hid them so they couldn't find him when the phone company came to pick them up funny there's one other very special thing in this uh in this office that I want to share with you and this is also something that people that saw this office on display down at Disneyland never actually saw so this is pretty special back here behind this light there is a little push button and when you push it wow it's like Tomorrowland it is indeed that's Walt's kitchen if I go through here and for me this is the one of the most fun things about this office of course you know you've got Walt's stove here an electric stove and what's really cool are these cupboards because they were built by General Electric and so if you look in here you can see the GE logo and they light up when you open it they've always done it exactly exactly and so not all of them light up but this one does and this one you can have spam or chili or frozen vegetables or Jello pretty much it you know it's cool that we're talking out there about how the office isn't pretentious and it's not showing it's warm and once again that supports that right just absolutely even Walt Disney at his stature regular guy oh he had very plain tastes he liked stew and chili and red Jello and that kind of thing he really did and these are the kind of things that were kept in here because if he didn't get lunch like I said sometimes he was so busy he didn't wasn't able to and so he'd come in here himself and make himself a pot of Joey on the stove to say thank you seems like too little I mean obviously you're the very first person I ever met in this company and you've opened a lot of doors in my career but opening these doors and letting me in this space is something that you saw my reaction I didn't expect to have that level of reaction but this has just been one of those unbelievable days so I feel like we should sit and have a bowl of chili and while it's honored oh well there you go I could make some in here but I think it probably would be better if we went over to the commissary and had a bowl because they still serve Walter do they really every day tell you what it's on me okay you got a deal all right well my friend here's to a great day on the lot and to Walt [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Disney Parks
Views: 556,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Disney Studio Tour, Disney fan, Walt Disney, Walt Disney Archives, Disney Archives, Dave Smith, Behind the Scenes, Walt Disney Studios, kem weber, kem weber furniture, kem weber Disney, dinsey legends, legends plaza, Disney legends plaza, team Disney, Disney cast, Disney casting, Disney casting building, The walt Disney studios, hyperion studios, hyperion studios Disney, Disney screening, Disney fandom, Disney Vacation Club, Disney Files on Demand, Disney magazine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 18sec (2898 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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