Wall Street Trap Investors?

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well it's finally happened the stock markets around the world have started to fall and with big red candles like this it might be showing us that things are just getting started remember the close is key and for investors and Traders around the world it's time to pay attention to these markets we saw Tesla hitting massive highs as the squeeze continued in calls is that over we'll be talking about it and of course we also know that there are several concerns by the markets on what central banks are doing Canada just Rose rates Australia's done it this week does that mean the FED will do it next week we've got the latest Economist news on that fear and greed topped into greed at this point a 75 reading on the clock and we know that that usually spells disaster for markets so let's talk about what's happening and really look at the positives and the negatives for stocks Commodities and cryptos well welcome back everyone to The Daily Show it's great to have you here if it's your first time joining us we cover the latest news macro data lead indicators and of course the hottest charts make sure you subscribe for all of our daily content and of course if you enjoy our content make sure to smash that like button it really does help us out let's begin with the discussion of why the markets were down over the last 24 hours a simple question and answer would be probably Central Bankers both The Reserve Bank of Australia and now the Bank of Canada both put their rates up in Surprise moves 25 basis points we've been following that recently and we know that economists have swung between the Federal Reserve raising rates to not raising rates and now they're going back up to next week's rate decision being a 25 basis point hike let's discuss some of the other problems in the market right now everyone's talking about treasury bill issuance as you may be aware we've got a trillion dollars coming up in terms of new issuance and some people are concerned over whether the Market's going to take it I believe they will I think there's a lot of cash on the side guidelines and I wouldn't worry too much about treasury bonds however we need to of course pick the right prices and we'll look at those a little bit later on another one has been gold so Gold's in the stories at the moment we've looked at bullish case scenarios we've obviously looked at bearish case scenarios these raising of the rates especially now from Bank of Canada and now possibly the fed put a lot of downward pressure on gold I've talked a lot about how gold is actually very susceptible to interest rates not in the way that you think and sometimes if you have a rising interest rate it can be negative towards gold and I believe that has a lot to do with what moved the markets over the last 24 hours especially in that metal what about the fear and greed index well right on time we hit extreme greed and on the same day we sell off close to two percent on the NASDAQ any surprises probably not we're hitting those types of peak highs and of course we're about to see some interesting survey reports watch our next Daily Show as we break down what retail trade have been thinking throughout this week and whether we just hit a Max Payne level in terms of everyone getting too much fomo in these markets if it's your first time here or even if you haven't followed us I shared some interesting options observations over on Twitter one of them was of course potentially the end of the Tesla run so many calls over the last 24 hours we mentioned this first over on May 23rd and it's been basically just a huge amount of call runs and that's been really really what's running this market right now zero dtds ruling the world 220 got hit first Target 230 just got reached in the last 24 hours could this be close to the end here for Tesla we'll look at the stock a little bit later on another thing that's really notable is of course the amount of puts coming in over the last 24 hours we'll look at this later on but it has been mostly zero dte's pushing it down you'll notice of the kind of top six five four of them are puts which is usually you know a negative sign and obviously markets move that way so why could Market actually be in for a proper turn here well a lot of it has to do with Peak fomo we saw this Goldman Sachs report for spy call volumes which we've been talking about and we hit all-time highs this week and last week 700 billion you know that's a ton of calls going in and we saw upwards of 62 percent of all of the options trades being calls that's a huge difference from where we were only a month ago where puts were really reigning Supreme so sentiment has certainly shifted the other thing that we've seen is a massive non-commercial e-mini Futures short that's been going on by the big Traders I've mentioned this several times I always put an update in our weekend videos and we've been talking about how they're just super short they're now so short that they better be right because otherwise they're going to be really really wrong and you can see they're shorter now than the time during the global financial crisis now you might be saying well wait a second if everyone's short how can the market go down traditionally this is a different way of trading it than and of course the puts and we do need to remember the puts currently are sitting at 400 the market is still much higher than that so really there's a lot of room to potentially drop here into the most hedged event which is next week and we'll show you the most hedged event by looking at this chart this is what we basically call a vol curve and we're looking here at a volt structure on this Market showing you that this week is not necessarily super hedged but next week into basically the 16th is super hedged so whatever drops here you've got to kind of expect a bit of a pickup as we go into a super hedged event and then start to drop Hedges after the middle of uh of course June and I've been talking a lot about this in our private Community I do a macro kind of private look ahead where I really focus in on medium and long-term kind of investing and we've had this Vault curve for a little while and basically been talking about this being super hedged so remember there is a big hedge but the Hedge is longer than the current market valuations so 4300 remains a critical big resistance at this point if you're an investor and you've chosen to watch this channel then of course I always say to investors you've got to be very patient and you've got to wait for your zones now what that means is of course if you're looking at technology right now you might say damn I missed some of these good buys I'm not really too worried about that neither I don't think should anyone really be generally markets do come back to Ford PE valuations we know that 16.8 is the average and just remember standard deviations away is not really a great way to invest you want to usually be looking at the low end somewhere around 15 15 and a half is an excellent kind of Ford PE valuation to have a look at and you don't want to usually be buying these points as an investor as a Trader or a swing Trader or anything like that you don't care but of course investors do care about these numbers is it cheap right now not really is it expensive I guess you would say it's it's probably a little bit too much especially in some of the AI tech stocks let's move over to sentiment votes we'll get an update here on this one I'm suspecting that bears have dropped neutrality is ruling Supreme and I think bulls will be somewhere around 30 to 32 let's see how good my predicted powers are on this one when we get the report back this week that'll tell us I think a little bit about whether this Market could actually enter into a swing trade short or not and while it's only one piece of the puzzle it does help us predict in some ways whether a swing is on rather than just more of a scalp or day trade where are we in this time of year well we're sitting in the June kind of period we know that we don't have usually much more to go until we enter the Q3 which tends to be the really bad time of year four markets is it going to be horrible this year depends what the Federal Reserve does remember we do have a central bank indicator that we'll share later on when we look at the federal debt limit changes you can see here that uh we're basically sideways to down usually after they change the debt limit that's something to keep in mind and we always bring it on the stat so where did we get the inkling that markets were probably going to sell off this is the chart here and this is uh basically a whole bunch of the biggest tech stocks and I've built them together into a chart to show you the indecision all of a sudden we saw a monster sell-off and that pushed right into these lows now have we seen a swing change of trend no did we see a sell-off yes and if you were going to take this one whereas it broke through that low here that would have been an excellent kind of pickup for the rest of the session you can see how aggressive the sell-off continued to be S P 500 also gave us a first time frame change of trend which we'll look at later another thing we've been focused in on is the switch from technology into other sectors we saw that about a week or so ago and it's been one of the better trades in the market going into other sectors has been much more profitable than technology and the reason is we're just hitting those kind of peak fomo levels we've also got the skew now the SKU got crushed which was great that was certainly a predictor that maybe the Spy signal was pretty good for at least the day trade but I don't want to see see this go up too much more we basically want crushing that continues similar to some of the other times here's August here's April of 2022 we need SKU to kind of turn back around to not go up too much more and start turning to the downside and that to kind of show us that we don't have this instantaneous put reflex in the market the problem at the moment is every time the market sells even in one day like this is everybody is by the dip on stocks but everyone is that's bearish is always so let's jump all over the puts and get inside of them and and you know really really push it we have to hope that a lot of bears got taken out otherwise it's going to be difficult still to sell off some promising signs this one here PCC now we've seen the put call ratio continuously be low this happened usually where one to two weeks before a swing trade kind of started to come through and it's a good first signal along with the skew that markets are actually considering a turn and that doesn't mean we need to be negative on everything in the market it just means that maybe the tech stocks have found their temp highs here for now we'll look at those later the volatility of the volatility continues to show us that td13 we know that that leads into usually a vix kind of Spike at some point in the future though we don't expect the vix to spike until that Vol structure changes so we really need a pretty large movement Bowl structure I'd be looking for something around the market to basically do it sometime probably after the hedges are off next week's Opex so next week's going to be an interesting point we could easily go to 410 but I don't think the market can get crunched underneath 400 very easily and we'll talk about that soon also I'm not sure whether the vix will be unpinned so at the moment it's very hedged up remember the last time we hit this level we saw a super volatility coming to the markets that could be more of a coincidence than anything else but our analysis on the Dow Jones Transportation index and DOW itself usually showed us in the last two times over the last 14 years since it's happened we ended two times and both times we got a squeeze into a dump well it does sound familiar at this stage are there some positive signs yes percentage of stocks above 200-day averages are improving so that's breadth starting to come through as we see rotation certainly for Bulls they'll like that for the Bears it's good to see at least one day down in central Banker liquidity these Central because while they've been tapering off and will show on our weekend video the difference between the tapering and where they're at the moment you know they're being sneaky there's no doubt both indicators here even though the queues are way too disconnected from reality we do know that the FED is still back ending this Market a little bit too much and we really need to see that drop off if you're going to get some type of substantial move to the downside what about spy well when we take a look at spy versus the dollar the Dollar's been quite strong it's actually holding an interesting point here we saw a cell into a buy we'll talk about it later but generally if the Dollar's been strong it is precursored the market usually having a bit of a flurry to the downside no signals yet coming from that let's look at some of the individual stocks we've focused on over the last week Disney's been one of them we saw that nice Island reversal and it was up in a day that was down so it just shows you that being in the right single stocks or sectors right now has paid another one we've been focusing on the last couple of days thanks to members in the community you guys that join us on the Monday live streams join us one hour before the Market opens we always do a free public live stream for that you suggested so far this week and I kind of agreed that it was in a bit of a ramp and we've seen some nice zero DTE options that's what's happened buy calls have come through we've kind of hit like what I would call a Target there which is about eight bucks that's going to be a hard well at least a soft target the next level if we continue to see huge breakouts on this Market is 982 but I did notice over the last 24 hours for pltr Traders that we started to get a significant number of puts come in and we targeted this zone so see that big sell-off there that happens let's measure the switch here from the top to the bottom that's a 15 switch that is symptomatic of blow-offs so I'd be very very careful myself in this type of pltr trade you do whatever the hell you want of course it's you're up to you but I've seen that play out before and uh yeah that's not really the sign I I think you'll probably see some recovery but it'll be like kind of like that or maybe like a tight highest deal I would say pltr is over based on the options that we solve you nasty puts coming through from the bigger players out there let's move over to utilities a nice defensive move here and it took out the high bodes well for defensives finding some strength over the next couple of sessions and again if the markets do take a new low here and then start to recover if defensives keep doing well other than just utilities that you'll see soon that's usually the markets going in on some kind of defensive turn which is something that you're looking for in these markets we mentioned that 4300 is most likely a bit of a structural issue for the markets to get through this is one of the ways we did it we saw all these cell call options basically people were opening them to get credit and these weren't just normal human beings these were wall Street's nasty robots look at them floating all over that 4300 level and we've talked about that quite a lot let's move over to the slot show which is options at the moment and there are a lot of significant trades that have gone on in the last 24 hours you can see here relative to 90 day volume average there's a couple of big standouts we're still seeing pltr getting a lot of movement on it but notice the call volume sitting about 800 000 then we've got 454 000 puts I think the bigger players may have started to move into the puts over the last 24 hours time will tell obviously risky trades there huge volatility spikes Etc we also saw Disney kind of finding itself some large puts continuing to come in on the 160 strikes which we'll look at and won 10 strikes they could be still forming a base I believe for Disney and of course we've been following the stock a little bit and no doubt that Tesla was the the trade of the last 24 hours it went all the way to 2 30 and then sold off but it was a big level let's go down still 56 calls great news if you're in the market a 48.5 wow options day that is that's a big day guys 48.5 compared to of course 40 mil General and if if it's all calls and their calls on a down day that's usually showing that you've gotten rid of that instant reaction as much to buy all the puts by the puts that's what they say but uh yeah it seems like it's buying the calls everyone's on the call Wagon let's move over to the biggest trades on the indices you can see here the positions put call ratios across the board just so you can pause it there if you're interested and we'll move over to this one here which is of course the Spy now I shared this on Twitter again of the top ones there was a decent smattering of puts I'm looking for some longer dated puts on the Spy there's not too many coming through you can see in here you're starting to just get really more of those zero DTE kind of things and for the end of the week we'll be watching that very closely over the next 24 hours and of course updating you Tesla was the strike though this was wild calls everywhere 230s 235s there's a call Fest and the biggest volumes were mostly calls this helped to push the position up you'll notice there was this little solitary pltr call but if you scroll down further there was a bunch of puts coming through on this Market as we scroll down so we had 16 puts another large position coming through and then it keeps going for pltr we have a little bit more puts coming through here again they add up to more than the call more puts a little bit of calls so again counteracting I think there's another put you know the bigger players definitely stuck on the puts I would say over the last 24 hours we'll see what they do Disney also 160 long date puts interesting uh to see those appear on this chart not the first time we've seen it what are the economists saying about this Market well they've switched again from one month ago eight and a half percent chance of a rate hike to 60 chance to 20 again and now back to almost 40 so no one has any idea let's face it on balance I guess you would say the FED would probably hike I mean Bank of Canada of course RBA maybe the FED need to do it I'd be interested to see their Dot Plot we'll update you here I mean it's going to be a very interesting uh next week inflation numbers how sticky is it every other Central Bank seems to be struggling so at the same time will the FED show the same things let's have a look at the LA last 24 hours it was some of the most hated sectors recently doing well we had of course Regional banking coming through very strong on that re-pickup utilities being the standout defensive but the other defensives notably weren't coming and of course anything to do with gold and Technology was in the uh the sin bin for the day it wasn't doing so well if we go to the five-day moving app like kind of volume you can see here it isn't what you might think technology is actually down on five days Staples barely up utilities doing pretty good which is my favorite of the defensive sectors at the moment and then a whole bunch of markets that that have been actually selling off due to demand destruction starting to come back a little bit stronger I'm wondering what happens with metals of course I've been short medals and short energy and I told everybody here about it a little while ago that or coming into June I wasn't so sure about that trade obviously the end of May was kind of the drop for that I still think that they will sell off due to demand destruction this is probably more of a dead cat bounce but uh nice moves there on energy and metals over the last couple of days we will still focus on those moving forward so just before we jump into the charts and we take a look at all of the key levels we should be watching right now I want to say a big thank you to the sponsor of today's video which is Tiger Brokers now as many of you may be aware we always talk about Microsoft on this channel it's my favorite stock and I've managed to secure for the Australian and New Zealand audiences out there an additional 50 worth of Microsoft fractional shares but wait it doesn't really stop there why do we like tiger Brokers well not only have they won many awards here in Australia and around the world but they also have a really robust desktop and mobile trading platform and the most important thing right now that we've been discussing on this channel is rotation I mean let's be frank it's one of the biggest things of 2023 and if you've been a bear then medals and energy have been the places to been to except for recently and then of course we've been bull it's been semiconductors technology Etc now something big happened over the last 24 hours we often we actually saw all the technology stocks basically get sold off and you can see it on this big board but more importantly things like utility and defensives in general we're finding some greens so remember there is the tale of many different markets out there and as you go through the last 10 days you'll notice that semiconductors are still up a hell of a lot from where they have been but realistically there were some sectors that even five days ago were starting to show the signs of recovery most likely utilities was one of those and we've been discussing it here on the channel so how can you find this you can go over to the us a platform section of your tiger Brokers you can go to the heat map you can also go to Industry codes and Concepts and what I really like is often we don't know what stocks are actually in these industries so if you want to know what some of the biggest stocks and best stocks are in semiconductors you can click on the semiconductor sector and then notice all the stocks see how they've changed and then of course have a look at them on the charts within the platform so what are you waiting for check out tiger Brokers today links in the description down below for everyone around the world and in the available countries alright well let's jump into the charts and we'll start here by discussing some of the things going on in the markets right now here is a basically a chart overlay of treasuries versus the S P 500 and if we scroll back a little bit you might notice that back in 2011 we saw a very interesting point of course you saw this issuance issue where everybody was freaking out over the markets and the debt ceiling and everything and then all of a sudden treasuries went wild now that's going to require for treasuries to go wild you're going to need rate cuts from the the central banks and I'm not sure whether we're going to see them anytime soon but it's an interesting kind of overlay and I'm not too concerned about treasuries I do think that they're probably going to come back down and Float around 100 I do also believe that they are not a trade instead they are more of a multi-month concept if not investment concept and you've got to be very careful about these zones I think these are the three kind of zones here somewhere around 96 40 100 and possibly 89 being a super low and the super low would push us into these points points and at that point you know I'm going to have alerts set there and I'll mark that up on the charts in the future if it was going to occur let's have a look at the US dollar so the US dollar is kind of struggling to short this is certainly still in our short Zone we've talked about this quite a lot I wouldn't blame you if you didn't get the perfect price on it potentially being broken even on a short we took a low which is usually a positive sign but then we reversed that and came back up here are we in some kind of distribution or accumulation right now for the dollar I still think this is the if it's going to turn it's still the turn point but have a look at these dojis and rejection weeks the market has absolutely no idea which direction it wants to go in just yet we know it's a critical Supply and we'll continue to follow the story of the dxy because yeah really it's it's probably in some kind of distribution but we'll have to continue to follow along with it let's move over to Gold so this was probably a disappointment from some people over the last 24 hours I think a lot of it has to do with yields so we'll look at those in a minute we drop back down to here we took this High we are unable to break through the critical resistances yet and we do want to be looking also at the largest players have they actually started to pick up gold yet and we will have that result on the weekend so we'll know whether the big big big big big commercial players are actually buying this stuff and we don't know yet price action would dictate probably not but uh if we take the low again then I believe we're going to like kind of that 1920 Zone on uh gold and at this point we sold off from taking this high and we're kind of finding a little bit of a bounce dollar Index will be important to Gold also next week I expect it to be very volatile into inflation because and also the Fed rate because those are going to have a lot of impact on gold so that's probably why it's holding this Zone at this point a heavy traded Zone remains still the supplier resistance and down here obviously is where the buyers are at the moment so Gold's kind of at that that Pinnacle Point a lot of people have asked me about oil oil tends to do okay if we stabilize on rates and go up if I was looking at this I would say oil is trying to bounce and go maybe towards most traded Zone number one that is find further strength I'm not trading it I'm just waiting for a moment uh so yeah I'm updating you here but yeah I don't always have to have too much of an opinion on it and I think this is uh mostly if I was going to pick a direction I'd be going up even though I'm negative biased on it and that's just because that smaller time frame Stuff shows you and the way it's been sitting here shows you that there's a real chance that this is too noticeable as a supply or a short now and because it failed here it really pushes towards that idea of maybe branching out I think it'll sit until we get inflation numbers or unless the market preloads them let's move over to metals good rejection on copper so Metals could be turning back down again nice shooting star obviously need a follow through on that one and we're waiting for this to to come on down let's have a look at the smaller time frames we'll go 15 minute here what you'll know so I just drew a trend line through these and actually breached that trend line so looking for for basically copper to continue to find weakness that shows us demand destruction with weak Chinese figures coming out you would think they're going to probably stimulate the economy again and most likely weak Chinese figures should put pressure on the the downside of metals and uh something that we've been talking about quite a lot oh Tesla Tesla Tesla so it hits the 230 level I've got a mark out here for 237 as well just in case it gets super extreme yeah this this could be a very interesting point you can see how it's just super extended away now when it extends like this it's not unusual for Tesla it loves doing these types of runs if you go on a weekly you can see that is one two three with an extending large kind of candle base that usually points towards a rejection very soon and 230 was a big Target to 21st huge Target I've warned against this technically other than just following that zero DTE now for a couple of weeks do we now enter the technical turns again now the reason I say that is because we came out so strong we gapped up and we built a position we saw those calls wild everywhere if we gap down on the session do we get an island reversal is that worth a go fighting trend is always like a 50 kind of coin flip but in these situations because of the extremes the chance of a two to one payoff is probably fairly high if it does happen you've got to proceed with caution I'm just showing you a technical if it does open with The Gap low then it technically is an island reversal at a very good resistance so we'll find out whether that does it what about Apple It's usually the canary it took the high giving us the Good Love Story there were goggles there was three and a half thousand dollars plus probably accessories of 700 charging cables that's what that's what Apple came out with I'm actually excited to use that product but I think it's probably just like the iPad one it'll take a little while to uh to find its footing uh be interested to see if anyone in the community is trying one if you've even been able to try one yet I'm not sure but over in this action in terms of the markets we've seen a bad looking candle that's a nice rejection no new low yet obviously swing Traders are waiting for 170 to be taken to the low but uh yeah this is pretty much in line with what we've been discussing a rally which we got into a cell now the rally didn't quite go maybe as far as you'd hoped actually no it didn't go quite as far as you'd hoped so it just came up here and just instantly sold new lows though could be forming and if we get remember we had a gap here so if we get a gap and the markets start to sell off in Futures that could get us back down to our trend line and then we'll have to talk about what happens there because yeah Apple's certainly starting to show a little bit of weakness after so much great news coming out for it same kind of thing for the Dax floating around looks weak no movement there just kind of floating XJR still looks pretty bad but no new low being formed we need new lows so we can get 69.50 still negative on this Market bad day close for it in the previous session Metals did okay so if copper fails expect that the ASX 200 will struggle if we move over to the iwm the us-2000 congrats if you were bullish on this certainly an interesting TP Zone this is our our stack that we had from the last 24 hours and uh yeah it's but build up like this Goldman Sachs coming out and saying this this is worth nothing that's what they pretty much said these these stocks are terrible and we shouldn't be buying them is that just them wanting to fill the bags I don't know but um yeah certainly we're we're in a Zone where if the Bear's gonna take control everything's kind of lining up notice how over the last 24 hours you had a strong Russell a weak NASDAQ and a semi-week s p i mean the tale of the three markets continue news this is the funny thing about 2023 you don't usually see this much differential I mean this was up a lot I mean you take the percentage here from the low to the high you're talking about 2.26 and as you'll see in a second the NASDAQ wasn't showing anything like that the rotation was real 2.42 on the NASDAQ I still think that mean reversion is more than likely which is back to the 20 moving average that would actually push this Market at some point soon down about another nine so yeah I'm sure some of you be salivating over that wouldn't be that exciting we're in the back about a month but anyway that would push us back into this demand range and of course you would have to expect buyers to be around that level now do we take a low yet we haven't done it let's have a look at the Futures let's check those Futures out you can see here fourteen thousand two one two if we get a new low well then we're starting to talk about swing turns we're starting to talk about that daily or that Weekly 20 moving average and obviously they've got a couple of key levels you've got to run this 13 000 level and then you've got all the way back down here when it comes to a very interesting structure around everything that was built through twelve thousand I'd be surprised to get through that very easily so markets showing signs of sell-off showing closures which is more important as well look at the closure on the low closure is on the low are significant they make a big difference when we close on the low on The Daily then you generally will get a follow through you can see here closing the low follow through in the Futures uh close on the low no it didn't happen there okay so it doesn't it's not always but in general you are looking for these closes on lows to kind of show you that the marketed means serious business now the s p had a good one it actually came back up and almost stopped out our first time frame change of trend but it didn't get us okay that's pretty cool I saw a few people sending me messages and sending people around some of their their trades congrats to people I guess that hold their nerve I kind of had a 4306 on this as a stop to make sure that Gap was protected and of course you know this is more the entry point not necessarily up here but I saw a few people to the PIP kind of selling this thing with like a two-pip stop loss or two two point stop loss that's wild you guys are going to lose that a lot but you know congrats you know making your tender ones or whatever you're doing and uh the market sold off into the lows so no new low yet if you get a new low then we should be able to quite easily I would think go to 4240 there's a little uh doji here so that's gonna probably be some kind of buyer and then the real turn for a swing would actually be around 41.75 so it's going to be difficult to you're not gonna like that because that's over 100 points down but I could see something like this occurring Opex kind of expires comes up after something like that we'll see what happens with Central Bank liquidity obviously it's a very real possibility we are at an extreme if we took if we didn't take the low let's say we moved back up 43.25 would be something I'd want to see taken and then this would would also instigate a short so again it always pays to be patient and react to the market showing us what it's doing at this stage you'd have to say with the weight of evidence we'd like to see a new low being formed and that dip reflex of buying the dip is certainly in you can see it with the options the PCC Etc it just didn't explode the way you would usually see it during most of the other months so people really really like buying the dip right now let's move over to 400 puts which uh next week we know that is that's a wall That's impenetrable but we have 420 410s with a Max Payne at 410 this is the only week we use Max Payne three and a half million contracts that's a lot of money there's trillions expiring there's serious amounts of news and uh there's a lot at stake Bitcoin found weakness off the most traded level not much to report on this one I guess I'm still negatively biased on it I want to see 24K so we'll find out where that happens a lot of people are messaging me look at that big bull candle wow you know yes you could say this is the turn for potential Bulls but at this stage I'm going to believe the daily close and say you know that thing looked pretty weak let's go through some of the news and it's not really for this week that I think is important there's not much going on it's next week that matters we have so much not only do we have bonds being auctioned all over the place but we all treat tea bills then we also have core CPI Thursday of course is also a t-bill day fomc rate statement and funds rate all that stuff's coming through then we get the PPI and the core retail sales and then for just to top it off we get the prelim uon consumer sentiment plus a bank of Japan press conference plus an ECB I mean next week is economic news 101 and it is one of the most hedged events of the year but of course it's pretty well hedged down in those 400s and four tens not necessarily hedged that much up here more more so the 4300 might be might be hedged off a little bit more than anything else if you enjoyed today's video and you found some value in it then of course make sure to subscribe join the community you know welcome welcome we'd love to have you here and I hope that you also enjoy some of the free things that we offer a few cheat sheets our Twitter service of course where we can tweet some of the interesting charts of the day come and follow us in the links down the description below and remember as well that we always say thank you to our sponsor of today's video which is Tiger Brokers so they help us out to produce this show all the time and if you enjoy interested especially from Australia and New Zealand then yeah I managed to get you some extra is that you can't get anywhere else so check them out links in the description thanks so much we'll see in the next one bye for now
Channel: FX Evolution
Views: 39,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stock market, Technical analysis, S&P 500, Trading, Investing, Day trading, Stock market analysis, Stock market news, S&P 500 technical analysis, NASDAQ, Stock market for beginners, Swing trading, S&P 500 today, Bitcoin, fxevolution, Investing for beginners, Forex trading, Market analysis, Trading strategies, Candlestick charting, Technical indicators, Trend analysis, Moving averages, MACD, Volume analysis, Support and resistance, Trend lines, Fibonacci retracements
Id: EY8PtXuOvvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 32sec (2072 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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