Wall Street is Gambling with Your 401(k) - Robert Kiyosaki, Ted Siedle, and John MacGregor

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This is the rich dad radio show, the good news and bad news about money. Here's Robert Kiyosaki. Robert Kiyosaki, the rich dad radio show, the good news and bad news about money. And today we have some really, really bad news. I like that's it all saying? He was just saying the Marine Corps stand up, bend over and kiss your butt goodbye because I think what we're going to be talking about today is the biggest crash in history coming. And the question is, I mean, it's bigger than what's happen. And the question is, how is it going to affect you personally? What are you going? What are you going to do personally? But I think the biggest issue is how's it going to affect your family? And so we have this pandemic sitting out here, um, it doesn't seem to be getting much better in Florida where Ted is. And in Arizona, where I am there's keeps shutting down the economy. I don't know how much longer we can sustain that. And you know, the bills bills are backing up. The unemployed are happy. They're collecting their 600 a week. And, um, pensions like buying broke. We can't live in a better time, but sorry, I guess today is Ted Siedle, he is my coauthor on the book who stole my band passion. And the reason Ted brings such wealth of knowledge. And God said, well, I don't really have a pension. I don't run a pension fund, but you've got to know how they steal from when you read, who stole my pension, if you don't get upset and say, how can these bastards do this to me legally, that's really the issue. And then you got to say, well, how what's the ripple effect from deaths? You know, that pension goes down like a lot of, a lot of California, CalPERS, the biggest pension in America goes down. It's going to be like an asteroid hitting planet earth. And that's not, we're not that far away. So the real purpose of this show is to prepare for our other guests, his dear friend, Phil, a Hawaii resident who saw the light and left the communist Republic of Hawaii, John MacGregor. And John has been in the financial planning business, talking to people about 401ks and IRAs and trying to get them to say themselves for years is the author of 10 reasons. The top 10 reasons the rich call broke. Cause they can't hear a thing. He tells them anyway, they keep the same old thing. So today we're got to be talking about big pensions and small pensions, but more portly. I want you to think about who is, how is it gonna affect? You know, I have family members with Jack, nothing, nothing, but they've got college degrees, all of them, they're all smart people. So with that said, let's start with Ted Ted, please introduce yourself and why you and I got together with the write this book who stole my pension. Yeah. Thanks Robert. Yeah, you and I decided one of the things that we said early on was we wanted to do a book about pensions, but what the world didn't need was, was a book about pensions that no one would read. So we didn't want it to be an academic study or actuarial report, but something people could really get their hands, uh, get their minds around. And I think that's exactly what we gave them. A very, uh, uh, insightful, uh, action plan on what they can do. Yeah. But you, you made it a human. You're not, would you mind telling the story Mark now he was a ups driver and everybody thinks, you know, UPS drivers are set. He was set for life. And what happened to his USP? Pension? Yeah. Mark was Mark Green was a, uh, is still a ups driver has been for 30 years. And uh, he was looking at, I think about a $5,000 a month pension when he retired and he was going to retire pretty young. And he was, uh, I think early fifties. Yeah. He's still a young man. I was surprised when I met him. Yeah. He still is, you know, a good looking young guy and uh, early fifties I'd say healthy. And uh, so he was looking forward to a nice, uh, retirement and upstate New York. And uh, but he was, his pension is what's called a multiemployer pension, which are some of the most vulnerable of them. All. They're over 150, I think that are scheduled to run out of money in the next 20 years. And his was one of the first, it got taken over by the federal government and his pension benefit, the PBGC, the pension benefit guarantee corporation. And now its pension is, I believe less than a thousand dollars a month. You can't live on that. Yeah. And it's only not happy. It's not a happy situation. So again, you know, the, I think what happens for people as well. I don't have one of those pensions, but somebody around you does. Yeah. And the thing to remember is state and local pensions. You're if you're not a participant in a pension, you're still paying into it. If you're a taxpayer in the United States, you are paying into some state and local pension. So it should matter to you. Even if you're not getting a pension benefit, you're paying the cost of that pension. Well, it's going to affect your families. I may. And I already know, I have surrogate family members there. They're going to be on my pension. Or maybe even moving in with you. God help me. I buy him a house before I did that. Anyway, it's gone. The ripple effect is really what I want people to listen to. You know, because we brought about it in a, who stole my pension there isn't it affected me. My poor dad lost his pension and it affected the whole family because the guy was almost on the street at 50. You didn't have anything, the teacher's pension. And then my poor dad wanted me to fly for United airlines. If I had flown from United airlines, I have joined my fellow pilots because what happened to the United airlines? Pilots, pension. Yeah. Same thing. It was taken over by the federal government. It was one, it was the largest, uh, takeover in history back in, I think 2006. So the government took over the pension and the, the pilots, which had, you know, pretty good pensions because they made the most money versus the flight attendants or the mechanics. Uh, but they saw, they took the biggest hit. So their pensions went from, I dunno, maybe a hundred thousand a year to 40,000 a year or even less. Um, so one of the concepts we talk about in the book is gross malpractice, generally practice. And uh, most pensions, uh, are mismanaged, grossly mismanaged. The investments are mismanaged. So they just don't have that. The kind of return they should. Yeah. So just hear me, is that I talked to my peers, we're all United pilots. They were in retirement and they lost it. So now they're working and they're all guys and they got families, they got kids and that the movement with the kids. So it's, it's a huge hit that you don't think about it until it happens to you. The reason I want to write the book with Ted, it happened to my father and it happened to my friends who flew for United airlines. So. Qualitative, rough, because there was, you may remember this Robert, there was a mandatory retirement of 60. So I think they changed that. They bumped it up a little, but it was, if you, uh, at eight 60, you were not legally allowed to work any longer for help. The concerns was that pilots would, would, would die in the cockpit. So that was a real issue for the pilots. That's why you, I want you to read Who Stole My Pension because you're going to find out it's going to affect a lot of people around you. Especially today. I would want to be an airline pilot. I think they're going to furlough like 35, 40% of them. They're gone. They're toast. So anyway, it's, that's how it is. In fact, we have John McGregor cause I dear friend neighbor from Hawaii and all this, but he saw the light and left like me a people's public of Hawaii, John, which gave us a little bit of background. And why you wrote the book, the top 10 reasons why the rich go broke and that you've been a financial planner for 25 years. And you've been wasting your time for 25 years. Other than that, how's it going. For 25 years working thousands of individuals trying to get them to change their financial behaviors to, to no avail. Um, so I wrote the book purely out of frustration, just witnessing thousands of people that had everything and then lost it all. So although the book is about the rich, very alluring stories of people that I knew that had everything and then lost it all. It's really about why everyone goes broke or why so many people struggle financially. And it's a storybook. That's why I think it's been so popular. But you wrote it before. COVID my question to you. John has coal will Covid effect the rich again. I mean. It's going to put this crisis on steroids. I mean, we're already suffering financially as a society before COVID 78% of people were living paycheck to paycheck. I mean, I don't know what the statistic today is given what, what COVID COVID has done, but it's a rippling effect. And, and I say, my, you know, there couldn't have been a better time for my book, but I will say, I don't think there's a better time for your book who stole my pension and whether you're sitting out there thinking, well, I don't have a pension. So how is this going to affect me? I'll tell you whether you have a pension or not. It's going to affect everyone in society worldwide. This isn't just a U S thing. As, as Ted points out, there are 2 billion baby boomers retiring right now, worldwide and pensions all over the world. I'm broke. Correct. And the other, the only way they're going to solve this problem is by raising everyone's taxes. So our taxes are going to go through the roof because of this crisis. So it will affect everyone regardless of your income, your age, or whether you have a pension or not. Are you, uh, are you a Democrat? You come and vote for Biden. So come on over. Oh my goodness. I'm independent, but I will tell you a Biden presidency will just, our country will be unrecognizable. Sadly. Let me explain something that res and I got involved in. This is because when I started looking at pension is due to the United airlines pilots, my class, my classmates, and then my father. The thing that I thought was really strange. And I, um, I enjoy talking to them at Ted a little over a year ago. Now it's what I didn't understand was how could the stock market, since 2008 be going up and pensions were going down. Other words, it was the best 10 years, 2008 till approximately 2020. Today is when I started looking into it was 2018. How could so much money be going into like the S and P 500 and all this pensions are being depleted. And that's why Ted has the sophistication for those who really want to understand how pensions got looted. How was, how were they able to do that, Ted? How was the stock market going up? But pension laying. Yeah, we had the. Longest historic bull market in history, 11 years, and a pension benefits throughout that 11 year period were being cut after Oh eight, over 50% of all the state and local pensions had their benefits cut during yeah. During the greatest financial Mark bull market in history. So one of the things I tell people, and we tell them in the book is that if in the good years, your pension benefits get cut, guess what's going to happen to them coming back years, you know, things are only going to get worse. And I will tell you that probably 99% of the people who have a pension can look forward to having their pension cut in the future. Someone is sitting down right now, figuring out how to screw them out of their pension. Either the corporation trying to cut costs or look, state and local politicians trying to cut costs. Someone is actively working on it right now. Okay. So, so, so I want you guys to solve this puzzle stock market, going up pension going down. Interesting. So, John, I mean, you've been in the market for years. You're very, very good. Uh, do you have any idea how that's happening? Well, in terms of the pension. A significant portion of the pension assets are invested in fixed income or bonds. And a lot of these are high yield bonds, which means they are junk bonds. And when bonds are paying next to zero, that's like a 300 pound jockey on a horse. So you're never going to get the assumptive returns that these pensions are, are assuming that they're going to get. I mean, I think Ted correct me if I'm wrong, CalPERS still has a seven and a half percent projected return on their pension. I think that's right. It might be down to seven and a quarter now, but it's way up there. Yeah. It's amazing. And I just read, they're going to increase the leverage. In other words, they couldn't get seven that they were getting, let's say two. So what they're going to do is back up, you know, that's like saying I'm going to mortgage my house because the price. Possibly go, what could possibly go wrong? Correct. And then when they, when they make these promises to so many retirees to retire at 90% of their final pay at age 55 in a declining market, the math just simply does not add up. Well, it does, but wait, it gets worse. Also the pensions that we're talking about, at least Ted's talking about are police, firefighter and schoolteachers, and the police are retiring in droves, right? Yeah. But the real reason that the pensions are in such trouble, again, gross malpractice, generally practice. The management of the investments is terror. You're saying it hasn't, you're saying it hasn't changed. It's gotten worse. Oh, it's gotten worse. It's gotten worse because the gambling is, is getting more extreme. The more underfunded they are, the more risk they take on. Right. And the reason that's important to know is I'll say it again. And the one when I got together with Ted a couple of years ago, now the stock market was going up. Mom and pop were really happy. That was John's gang. You know, the 401k IRA gang. Well, when I was talking to Ted, my friends are getting ripped off left and right. The police officers, teachers, firefighters, airline pilots, I got sucked out. And so John sitting there and he's talking to affluent people, I mean his book, the top 10 reasons why they're rich golf broke a lot of them called bra because our kids are idiots, right? John well, and the parents. Everyone's financially illiterate. And it just transfers down to generation after generation, after generation. That's the problem. And people assume everything's going to be right. I mean, we talked about United airlines. I've worked with flight attendants, pilots and high level executives at United airlines. And they all thought this is United airlines. Are you kidding me? This is the greatest airline on the planet. We're worldwide. We're going to be, we're going to be traveling, transporting people forever. And then what nine 11 hit and all chips were off the table. I had a very high level executive as a client at United airlines. And they spent money like they were invincible. And then again, nine 11 hit. They had an employee stock options. They were ruined. And I'm still hearing this today. You know, as a result of my book, I got people coming up to me all the time and say, well, I've got a pension. It's guaranteed. My husband's a firefighter. I'm a teacher. It's in writing. It's a contract. They promise me. I just say, look, if there's no money, there's no money. So that's why Ted is here is because why, why it got worse? I think at one of the Kentucky state pension, let's say they need a hundred dollars to cover the pension. They only had $15 in there. So to pay that you don't have to, if the pension had the backs of kids today, it got 85 bucks short. But today I think is down to six bucks. Now I may end up, it's gotten worse. So it's bad news, but it actually makes who stole my pension and John's book why the rich are going broke 10 top reasons more valuable today. And it comments on that, Ted. You're right. The, uh, we had, uh, Chris Toby who was a former board member of the Kentucky pension system fellows that it's, their funding is now going below. He estimates it will go below 10%. So they have whether it's 6 cents or 9 cents on the dollar that they, that they owe. And so that, uh, is probably going to be the next pension collapsed you hear about will be Kentucky. But if you're in a pension, if you've been promised a pension, you should know at this point that those promises are worth little or nothing. Half of these state and local pensions have been cut already since away and corporate pensions are being cut. So you really need to watch that pension go on. It's more than the pension. It's a thing you say, the PBGC, the pension benefit guarantee corporation, which is a quasi insurance that says, well, if your pension goes broke, the PG PBGC cover the future pension, but there's one big problem. What's the problem with a PBGC Ted. It's $54 billion in the red. That's the problem. Yeah. The good news is you've got an insurance policy. The bad news is your insurance company's broke. So, so it's a really a worthless a guarantee. And then that problem is only going to get worse. When these multiemployer pensions over a hundred of them get taken over in the next few years. So we'll wait, come back. You know, we got some more bad news for you. And the reason I want to give you as much bad news for you is hopefully some of you will get off your ass. I wouldn't be a writer. I wouldn't write the book with Ted and I wouldn't be encouraged John to write the book. Cause John is from modern pop and Ted writes for the big cooperations guys. They're in the same problem. So I want to scare the hell out of you. So we're going to come and we're going to say, I'm going to ask Ted, what does his crystal ball say? And John's going to say, what does his crystal ball say? We're not going to Patty KQ and blow, smoke up your butt. It is hard and as bad as possible. Well, bill right back. Welcome Robert Kiyosaki, rich dad radio show, the good news and bad news. It's all bad news today. So pay it, pay attention because this is what the rich dad radio show, anytime, anywhere on iTunes, Android, or YouTube and leave us a review whenever you can. All of our programs, all of our podcasts are archived at rich dad. radio.com. Several reasons for that is because it's important. Number two is that if you listen to this program again, y'all pick up even more because repetition is how we learn. Uh, three more importantly, if you have one of these people, I say, well, my pension is guaranteed. Oh, I have a 401k living with you. I would just tag them, drag them down to rich dad, radio.com and say, we're going to listen to this. How am I going to discuss this? Because that's why we do this show. We don't need to scare the crap out of you. So anyway, you can, if you have a question, you can also use hashtag askrichdad on my social media, but we'll do our best to tell the situation has gotten worse. Since I helped John write his book, the 10 top reasons why the rich golf broke and the situation is much more worse when Ted and I wrote, who stole my pension. And that book only came out in January, but Colvin hit in January and the whole world economy changed. So if you think, Oh, don't worry, happy days are here again. I don't know what you're smoking, but it may not affect you. That's the biggest point here, but has gone to affect somebody nearby. And that's why I want you to pay attention and all this. So like most people think their pension has Garren teed, but really what many pensions have as an insurance policy. And that insurance policy is the PBGC. The pension benefit guarantee corporation, which we all knew was going to go broke eventually anyway, but it went accelerated pro. But could you tell the audience what it was like to negotiate with the PBGC and my friends United airline pilots? Yeah, we met, uh, I was invited by a two Congressman and the USERRA white pilot union. I'm sorry, the United airlines pilots union in 2006 to meet with the senior staff, the PBGC and the pilots wanted to know what caused their pension to class. They wanted a forensic investigation done, and the PBGC told us that they had taken over over a thousand pensions. This was back in 2006. They had already taken away. 2008. Yes. This was before, this is 14 years ago. They said they had taken over over a thousand over or over 4,000 pensions and never once investigated what caused these pensions to fail. And we said, well, we want to do that here. The pilots want that done. They believe every debt pension deserves an autopsy, right? And it's, you know, their entire retirement dreams were held in this pension, which is now would be, they were being told as debt. So they wanted an autopsy done. The PBGC said they had no interest in finding out what caused his pension to fail. And so they denied the request. Oh, is that, is that kind of why Jeffrey Epstein is dead because nobody wants to know who he was doing business with. So they, you know, I couldn't believe that they wouldn't want to know what the best way to keep pensions from failing is to know what causes them to fail. Right. But they said, we don't want to know about that. We that's not our job. Our job is just to take over these pensions and let the off the hook. Yeah. And FYI, FYI, Ted is a biggest West. He was a former FCC attorney because he saw it from the government side by one, he realized that the sec or the PBGC was going to do nothing. It became the largest whistleblower in America. And now he lives comfortably on his pension that came from pensions. I don't know how many millions you put on your pockets swing. Those bastards. You did. Doing the work of doing the autopsy work. The forensic investigations of failed pensions. You see all the bad actors. So I was able to over the last 25 years, accumulate all this knowledge about who's ripping who off what wall street firms are ripping people off. And then when the sec created financial incentives under the whistleblower program in like after Dodd Frank, I can monetize all of that knowledge that I've been accumulated over the years through doing these autopsies. So if you, if you are, by the way, in a pension, that's being cut or eliminated, you should demand them. Not autopsies. I'll contact Ted. And he'll, he'll either he'll do it or feel T and he knows who's going to do it, or are you so anyway, that's, that's why Mark Green is part of who stole my pension is because they called Ted in to say, well, how did they steal our money? Okay. So now we have John who was on the other side, which is a 401k IRA side. And like, I was sick. You know, the thing I was wondering, how could the stock market be going up, but pensions going down. So, John, um, what do you know about that? How many people would fall? One Ks and IRAs are now in more serious trouble and they were, they looked pretty rich a few months ago. Cause of COVID 19. Yeah. Well, we've seen, we've seen the market come back quite a bit since COVID and it's really because the fed has been printing monopoly money and the stock market is just betting on the fed to continue to do so. I see a train wreck coming at the end of this month, if not early on early August, when you have the $600 a week benefit, ending student debt relief, ending mortgage debt relief ending. And this COVID crisis, which the media will just will not let go. I see a collision course headed in the market very soon and that's going to affect again, of course the pensions, but of course also 401k balances as well. So this, this false sense that your, your, your 401k balance has increased, I would just be very prepared for what's about to happen, especially as we get closer to the election. Anyway. So crystal ball time to add about a USA. I could make it up. I mean, it's just look on Tuesday and you think about the is not a lie. It's just your crystal ball. You've got state and local governments who have been taking a huge hit as a result of COVID. And so those pensions are going to be in real trouble. And there are tax collections down. Yeah. Their tax collections are down. All of their, their revenues are down and they've got to fund these pensions. So that's a, that's a real issue. The same thing on the corporate side, the corporations are not earning as much as they used to because of COBIT. So they're going to try to trim their pension costs. That's a fixed cost. They can cut that costs even if they can't boost their revenues. So you're gonna see COVID hitting corporation and their pensions and governments and their pensions. And so it's going to be a very difficult time. So let's say, let's say I'm working for ABC corporation and 50 years old, and I got 10 more years to retirement. What would you say about the corporate pension? Well, if you've been promised a pension and you're counting on a pension, you need to be watching that every minute now, more than ever, and strategizing about what to do, because I can assure you, there is a consultant at that corporation or at that municipality who's, who's advising them, the people running your pension, how they can benefit. But also the point is that's where they contact somebody like you, because the smoke screen, they're going to run into some massive, I mean the smoke screen and John's business with mutual funds and ETFs and all that stuff, he'll never get through you'll they don't give a crap. So the point here is this. That's why I just want to prepare for what's coming. So, John, what are you seeing your crystal ball with your rich clients web? I think an overall theme of this and which ties into your book is what you're aware of. You can control, but what you're not of not aware of will control you. And the more you're aware of what's going on in the economy, the pension and stock market, the more you can prepare for plan plan B. And I seriously think people should really be thinking about plan B. If they're 50 years old, they've got it. They think they have a pension. They need to start planning for a future where they're generating additional income somewhere else to offset what they're not, not going to get with their pension or their 401k. Okay. So it's crystal ball time for me, you know, like, uh, Jim and I on about 8,000 rental units. Now, if, if that all that all hand out those $600 checks a forbearance kicks in a forbearance means that they're going to keep rolling the mortgages forward and then forbearance leads to foreclosures on, on houses, especially. But if I want, I'm saying as if that don't bail, this whole thing out the trouble is how big, but that bailout have to be, how big would it have to be? There's a thing called CMBS is commercial mortgage backed securities. There are like the loans on the, um, office buildings and shopping centers and all that they're broke. Can the fed bail them out, plus the pensions plus mom and pop who lose our jobs. Then it could be 40, 50 years old, three kids, a mortgage. How big is this tsunami going to be? And the idea John. We just saw on June 30% of mortgage payers in mr. Mortgage payment, is that number going up or down? I mean, I think anyone would say that number is going to get even worse. So I think, I think people really need to waken awaken up to what's going to happen, particularly when you have the media that's going to pile on and make this crisis as worse as they possibly can to destroy the economy. It's going to be Trump's fault anyway. So, yep. Well there. Ted, how bad, how bad can it get far mom and pop. Your things I've mentioned Robert. Yeah. One is gay back to the 401k problem. Uh, the average for Onk balance for a 65 year old was something like $35,000 pre COVID. The numbers, the numbers are thrown around anywhere from, from zero to maybe 65,000, but very little, your average, 65 year old had almost nothing saved and his 401k for retire pre coded. And so that's only going to get worse. And now the sec has just proposed new rules to allow riskier investments into 401k, which are called a private equity investments, which have the highest cost, highest risks investments ever devised by wall street. It'll cause 401k costs to go from maybe a half a percent or 1% to four, six, 8% a year, huge costs. So that's a big concern. Equity guys are the ones who went to the fund managers of the States. And so these private equity, basically, I don't let you call him anymore, but that's what drained the public pensions anyway. Exactly. And here we have the chairman of the sec, Jay Clayton, Trump's appointee approving private equity for mom and pops in their 401ks. This is a real prescription for disaster. And it's coming at a time when over the last 10 years, private equity has been devastating to pensions. Oh, there's a bottom blind. Yeah. It's this is the track record here is, is just horrendous. And to expose mom and pop to private equity is what I, in my article reports, I called it that the sec was throwing 401ks to the wolves. And another thing that I went with John said earlier was that the CEOs of our biggest corporations have taken their corporations from AAA bonds down to beads and CS. So the credit rating of the biggest corporations in America Dow like Ford, a T and T they're toast. So anyway, it, huh? What's that? I wouldn't be surprised to see the FCC approving buying lottery tickets. I mean, why not? Why not? You know, if I could share just a little behind the scenes, I've done a lot of pension consulting and working with company pensions, nonprofit organizations and union plans, they'd hire me to either provide overall consulting or manages sleeve of their investments. Most of the committee, mostly investment committee have no idea. They have no knowledge of investments. They couldn't, they couldn't tell the difference between a stock and a bond. And too many times they get together on a quarterly basis for one big boondoggle. It's a nice fancy lunch. And then they go off and play golf. And almost every single time when I came and I had to present the performance of the portion that I was managing, I can't tell you how many times I was told, Hey, John, you've got two minutes for your report because we've got a tee time at noon. The amount of mismanagement of these funds like Ted says is just criminal in my, in my opinion. And it's only gonna get worse. So if I could give you a, um, a little commercial plug here is, you know, you can go to my Twitter account at the real Kiyosaki. And I always recommend the same thing, you know, as save gold silver Bitcoin, because I think they're going to print. That's the only reason I say that. But I, but also I think you need plan base. How, how are you going to generate income so on Twitter? You know, I cover some ideas and all that. The problem is most people are like deer in the headlight, right? There's just, no, no it's going to come back. You know, Trump will say, may Biden will save me cause he'll Cortez will save me. But I think that we're heading into the biggest disaster I've ever seen. You know, when, when the pensions that Ted talks about are underwater $7 trillion. Let me give you an idea how long it takes to print a trillion dollars takes less than a minute, 12 keystrokes. But if you were to spend a trillion dollars at $1 a second, so let's say I give Ted a trillion dollars so he can spend a trillion dollars, but you have to spend that a $1 a second. It would take him 4,000 years. And in the last few months, the pensions have gone short just for the public eyes by $7 trillion. That's a lot of money to me. So that's why it's gold, silver Bitcoin right now. But just as a pure hedge, a defense mechanism, but really as time to be more creative and figure out how you can generate more, you know, something else. So anyway, well, I'll tell you how I got ahold of Ted and John, John. How's the best way for people to get hold of you. Thanks, Robert. I'm a real pleasure today. They can reach me at my website, johnmacgregor.net and it's johnmacgregor.net. Okay. And Ted. And they can reach me through my, either my website, benchmarkalert.com or the siedlelawoffices.com Is my other website. [inaudible] dot com. That's spelled S I E D L E. This is the book. So I encouraged them to go out and get it. We have actually a chapter on John's point, which is called the people running your pension, have no investment training. That's the name of the chapter. It's horrifying. Yeah. You're looking at a picture of your buck, John. I do. Thank you, Robert. Yep. Right here, the top 10 reasons, the rich go broke powerful stories that will transform your financial life forever. And I, and the reason I'm pumping on meth has gotten worse. The books come out, the books are terrifying as it was, but it's gotten worse. And I think a little terror right now might be useful, not for long, but a little bit of terror would be useful. Another thing, Ted, you also just wrote an article in Forbes. Yeah. I wrote an article about, uh, the, the, for the private equity and 401ks, which I really a couple of articles about it, which I really encourage people to read because this is brand new. It's never been allowed before in history, high risk. And it's something you should pay attention to. Cause it'll sneak into your 401k through a target date fund. You may not even notice it's there, but there's some big changes going on. 401k's that investors should be worried about. And what Ted is talking about is, was drained the public pensions. So what they did to the public pensions, they're now doing to 401ks and IRAs. That was what was so remarkable about the sec chairman's comments in approving this new investment. He said, ordinary investors should have the right to invest in the same crap. He didn't say crap to save investments that the big boy pensions and I was in my head almost blew up. Yeah. They, the big boy pensions invested in these terrible deals and they exploded. So now in fairness, we want to let mom and pop get into this game. Ridiculous. And the only winners wall street, well as Ted, Ted, and I send that back and who's told my pension, what's America's number one, export toxic assets. That's TLO your wealth and they're doing it more and more and more the next part of all over the world. So anyway, I want to thank you guys. You know, I've done my way. We've done our best to scare the crap out of here. You know, for 20 bucks you can buy John's book in 20 bucks, you can buy Ted's buck. You don't have to rate, I just put it under your pillow and you don't have nightmares all night, but at least, at least you'll be more aware that mom and pop right now was one room when they're $600 a month check will show up. Okay. So thanks. You guys. Thank you so much. Great to see you guys. Okay. Alright. And we'll be right back. Okay. So this is the final rate cap. We just shut down, but Ted had brought up another point while we're on the break. I want you to understand they robbed the pensions of police officers, firefighters school teachers on a government employee, and they robbed them via the same call private equity. And now that the Corona virus has hit what's happening, Ted, that's the final word on this one? Well, what was amazing in the press release that the department of labor and the sec put out, they said, we're going to allow mom and pop to invest in private equity as Corona relief. The idea is mom and pop can recover from their Corona losses by going to Vegas and gambling on private equity. And it was such, such a disingenuous lie to call it Corona relief. Hey, John, John a call up all your 401k clients and tell them relief is on the way. Okay? Geez. Unbelievable. You put a 10 on it and call it a circus. It's unbelievable. Okay guys. Thank you. And thank you all for listening to always say, I hope we scared the crap out of you. Just get two bucks study a little bit and you may take evasive action because this baby is coming down. Thank you very much.
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Keywords: TheRichDadChannel, robert, kiyosaki, rich dad poor dad, motivational speakers, business ideas, how to make money, ted siedle, ted siedle pension, ted siedle whistleblower, wolves of wall street, wall street is gambling with your 401k, pension, 401k, john macgregor cfp, who stole my pension robert kiyosaki, securities and exchange commission, robert kiyosaki, edward siedle whistleblower, pension time bomb, defined contribution plan, defined benefit plan, pension crisis in america
Id: mOV7lcSMxa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 0sec (2460 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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