Wall plate death-dapter tests including fire and 1kV.

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this is a very common style of multi socket wallplate that seems to be appearing on eBay these days and I should mention that this one a key with a nice big divot off the edge I'm not sure if that happened during shipping or if it's air during the storage but the gold-coloured plate in the front I have done a high-voltage test this I've done a 1001 conductive it must be just a sort of in a destined pigment that is not conductive that's that's good result the socket is designed to accommodate a whole selection of different standards of plugs plus old it's also got 2 USB outlets with a combined current supposedly of 2100 milliamp we should test with that with the tester we'll see what it goes up to and the shuttering it does have shutters which is quite good on both the this pair of it holes and the traditional sort of square pin socket holes down here but it's quite easy just to poke something past that and in Britain we have this fairly safe socket arrangement whereby normally the shutters you can't just defeat them you can just fry them open and you have to generally either push something in both the holes at once or in the case the proper plug insertion there are spins longer so it actually pushes down a little catch in here and when it pushes that catch down I'll have to use this to push it down it unlocks the sockets down below and lets you the other pins grinnin it's a very safe system it's a nice chunky robust thing this is definitely designed for use the British system because this is what we call a standard one gang sort of plate it is for the standard Patras box and it has the specific hole spacing and it does match up to the hole spacing on the back of this so am I've already done some plier two checks that is the correct polarity i plug it in fact let's plug it in right now and I'll keep your fingers away from the connections on the back so if I plug into the USB outlet here I'm getting quite unusually low voltage about 4.5 see about 4.6 volts and when a plug are loaded into that and up about one amp it goes up slightly and it passes let's see what currents could pass nine hundred milliamps which is good and if I switch that to the other setting it goes up to one point seven six amps and that this at this point it should really be drawing about two amps and the voltage also rises up slightly but not quite going up to the fool The Fool five volts so I don't think it's a very well regulated supply but it can supply modest amounts of current and doesn't seem to go well so far doesn't seem to go above the five volts so let's open it up and take a look inside and see what the secretaries like and the general construction fact you know what I may actually just pop those wires out the back I have unplugged it wasn't overly thrilled now it's terminating this it didn't feel pleasant but I will take a look inside and we'll see what it looks like it might just be me being a bit fussy it's also notable there is just a single earth connection you'd have to either loop off the back if you're using meta box loop off the back the metal box into the cell terminal or loop another wire out this terminal onto that box so I'll just put this over way and open this and catch just prise off like that okay so there's the the front plate comes off to reveal the two mounting holes well that's that oh that's it screwed know that I have actually just pushed that in permanently that's not good oh no it's no it's fine that there is popping down all the springs have just popped out so they're the shutter plates they are just spring-loaded ramps fundamentally so that as the Pens are pushed in or retract has put it will stop casual lightweight objects being pushed in but a persistent child with a knitting needle it wouldn't really do do the biz having said that these things are to be encouraged because they're how many kids air-popped knitting needles and sockets and then laterally pursued a career in electrical engineering just because they were odd the force that electricity that blew him across the room that does actually happen same with the pyrotechnics industry kids who have huge pyrotechnic instance when they're young often go into careers in that industry so the construction of this see if we can get that hair alright that just lifts out right that is the construction that it's going to be I notice when I was tightening up that there was these little tangs going into the EM the screw receptacles at the back can I get how completely is that just gonna well that should actually just slide right down shouldn't it oh I've just they're caused a mini avalanche on the floor Latorre a second there it goes yeah it's these brassy colored icy brassy colored it for some reason it doesn't look quite right brass color and a track star magnet so these are gold colored steel contacts which are pretend to be brass when you put the wire in it actually just grips this at the back and that's what makes the connection onto the actual the internal circuitry and this is not generously sized I've ticket that it's not just copper colored steel is it that is non-magnetic stainless I think that is actually have copper alloy I'm not sure I would rate these four I could just be being a bit pessimistic but I'm not sure I'd rate these for the 13 amps it just doesn't look generous but you know I might just be being pessimistic as I usually am I like to see things generously rated I wonder how these metal contacts will malformed over time they seem quite rigid that's good yeah so here's the USB socket the Bell power supplies let's say can we get this there's not I'll just leave it like that and it's got a the mains going on goes through a usable resistor rated to point 2 ohms red red gold - - and then divided by 10 for the gold separation where it comes closest they have put a little separation slot here but it does pass quite close here as well to the mean side and that's about just over a millimeter so not really what I'd call up to British standards but actually by Chinese import standards it's not that bad that I see let's see we get the incoming supply going to that fat capacitor for a volt 10 micro farad which is quite generous bridge rectifier little air looks at a metal oxide varistor oh no that's that Tom talking crap that's the class y1 decoupling capacitor from the low voltage side to the mean side quite a small one but then again it's not a high value and then we've got the output smoothing capacitor we've get these heat sinks they're just glued onto the top of diodes and they've got two diodes are the two diodes just in parallel I shall check that out quite short USB sockets and the chip is our I shall cylinder data sheets it does have text pn 8 3 5 9 pn 8 3 5 9 you know what i'm going to check this up and i'm also going to take a picture this in zoom in just to take a closer look at her and will assess what you whether you think it's actually got enough separation so back in a moment so here's we've got the pn 8 3 5 9 is a very standard chip and it relies purely on primary side sensing it doesn't have any feedback from the secondary to regulate that voltage which is why it was just a wee bit up and down and it has that fairly typical their circuitry with respect to one of these one of these things and let me just show you the the socket board itself so it starts off with the mains commune in this case it comes in here it goes through this 2.2 ohm resistor goes through this bridge rectifier here and charges this capacitor and that's effectively the bridge right farther and this is the capacitor here and that gives the supply to the pope to the chip the chip should i say that actually gives supply to the secretary for the for the whole circuit in that side including the transformer the chip itself has its own little power supply namely this capacitor here and a diode here and what normally happens is when chip throwing this extra winding on the it's almost like an extra secondary winding just acts to power this chip and that's all it does and it does that via this diode charging that capacitor but to start up initially some current because the transformer isn't running initially some current flows through the primary winding and it trickle charges that capacitor via a current limiting em probably just a resistive network inside the chip until the voltage of the capacitor is high enough and then it when it's high enough then runs the primary and that then starts generating the current that will sustain it so that's funny that's why when you turn something like this on there's a small delay before it starts up and also wide when they're overloaded or something's going wrong they tend to just fire impulses so in this case there's an extra winding on this transformer there's the diode there's capacitor and that's what's powering that trip itself the chip has a current sense which detects the current flowing through the coil through the switching component here and then down to the negative real and that's these two resistors here they've got two resistors in parallel so they can fine tune it so one of them is 1 point 4 ohm and one of them is 1.3 or we've got various support resistors here which correlate to the circuitry over here the feedback circuitry which has a tap from the it uses the bootstrap winding also for feedback and and the snubber Network it's shown in a snubber here you can see one of the components is under the transformer but all the components a diode a resistor and capacitor underneath and that's designed to take the spike off the transistor in here when it when it turns off after it's driven this transistor fully transistor transformer it's full magnetic charge into it so to speak and it when it turns off that little circuit just stops any sharp transient from damaging the transistor in the circuit the output it's quite odd at this side of the circuit board we've got these thick solder pads underneath and what it's actually doing the oprah is they've instead of using one diode like this they've taken that out and they've put one diode that direction one diode that direction and then they've calmed them together and then go on to the to the capacitor and that's just purely to split the load between the two diodes but they've obviously thought maybe it'll go off with using these large solder pads as to help with heat dissipation but laterally these two diodes they've glued small heatsink onto the top of them just to actually help dissipate the heat so they've used this up white goop and they've just a stock that heatsink on the back of the circuit board there anything else worth mentioning in this side not really um let me think is there anything worth mentioning else mentioning here there are what looks like resistor networks but having said that other the proper resistor networks to set a voltage in the pintle o the devices that are being charged to detect and why much currently can draw because it can supply theoretical about two amps out one socket the middle pins are Shanda together though but there are a couple of facilities for resistive networks they've left that options open here and that's these resistors here but there are unpopulated positions it's obviously just for such fine tuning it and guessing that resistor there may have been at just a slight load resistor but if not used it no LED that's about or do you think that are just stuck an LED in the back of the circuit board so it has an attempt at a tracking separation here of sort of antique wreckage and tracking but then it's got this bit here and you know they could have actually they could have just added a bit there are just two kinds of because you know this space is kind of okay asia it's not great and it's better than average of starting to get near this at three millimeter mark but this it drops down to barely over a millimeter if that particular at these points here and that is effectively the main side of the circuitry it's that's one side of the DC and it's in the vicinity of the negative the casings of the appliances connected via the USB sockets so it's a bit disappointing that you know they put a bead slot in there but they didn't actually put one here on why they did that it would have really helped bear with the isolation though thing we're going to do then here's a dirty high-voltage test on this so I'm going to grab by slightly patronizingly named socket and see high voltage tester and I'm going to do a high voltage test from the primary side the transformer to the secondary side so let's turn this on yeah they call it socket and see what a patronizing name it just a you know you spend a fortune and test equipment and they give it weird names having said that quite like these little testers and test faults let's put it rate up 2,000 volts we'll leave it in a certification mode which does a longer test I think that should do Fame so let's say test from I know the middle pin is connected to low Pitons former so let's go to there and let's go to here try and hold these on without actually get my fingers in the way of 1000 volts not high current but at heart and test I heard a slight is it from that what about that was it's showing 999 mega ohms at showing open socket let's try a different way around just out of interest noting that I could be charged up the past or anything I'm not I'm not like to be charged up capacitors let's try that test again yeah definitely heard a quick this is it as if something was charging up yeah but yeah it does seem to be passing it's high voltage test oh I should calibrating this you know you don't why there's this thing in Britain that you're supposed to send your meters away and get them calibrated every year which is a lot of bunk it doesn't see anything about that in electrical regulations whatsoever but there's a bit of an industry about it and what happens as you send your meter away and they just test it they say for instance they put it across a 1 mega ohm resistor and test to see if it displays 1 mega ohm you know what I'm I'm good 1 megaohm resistor right eye 1 megaohm resistor hey I think that's a half what is that one what it's carbon film it's probably half word let's say see where that comes out huh I don't think that resistor were rated for one of those in votes though should be interesting let's see what happens in fact let's test it at yeah it's not rigid for that so let's say I go down to the 500 volt test which is the normal in solution test and let's test this one mega ohm resistance it we get spot on 1 megohm so M yes instead of sending your missionary to calibrate it you can get a standard 1 mega ohm resistor and you can test it yourself so M yes so final conclusions about this would I install this in my own house you guys already know the answer to that because a couple of things I don't like about it I don't like the fact that you steal contacts at the back though ultimately they're just acting as a support structure to go onto these contacts here it's got that universal flimsy you know put the wrong plug in or it's going to open the contacts we've it waves are not going to make great connection I just don't like these Multi multi sort of forums sockets they're not compliant with anything are they really but that may just be me being fussy and pernickety I'd rather use an adapter even it was something horrific like this just for a temporary connection I also don't like leaving active circuitry like this just permantly connected I'm not sure how flame-retardant this plastic would be would it support flame no that would be a test wind it occurred as an Idolator yes I have a later I wasn't planning on doing this test but hey you know what let's do the test is puffing up um it's making lots of smoke for I want there I thought it was kind of self extinguishing I'm not sure about that what do you reckon it can a burnt from audist length of time so let's say not guaranteed to be 100% self extinguishing plastic was out on protest let me know in the comments below if you think that was an unfair test this though has not got good enough separation it's active all the time it doesn't pure a regulated five volt supply would I put it on my own wall in the house no I wouldn't very stylish but not really my thing but interesting interesting nonetheless take a look inside and I'm not going to be too harsh on this module it doesn't promote 5 volts it doesn't want to the voltage but it still looks like they've put some thought into they've user a decent chip it seems to have the modest electrical separation of saguaros passes one thousand volt test that's no great deal because i think the test and i'm not horrible to just get perseveration but it does they've kind of made an effort with the cooling and stuff that they've intended it to drive the best part about two amps so certainly when i plug the test room it was drawing about what it was about 1.75 amps even though because it was below their 5 volt threshold the level that it was should have been aiming for but em so that side of it it's kind of okay but still i assays as i say i wouldn't actually use one of these myself i don't just don't trust something like this promptly hooked into the whining of the hose for furnace I have had a few goes at lighting this and you can make it flare up up to a modest degree but it does appear to be self extinguishing it does it's only dropped one blob of plastic which also self extinguished and but it does it burns for a bit and then it's self extinguishes it puffs up and then it's a blowers I hope so for fairness sake I'm going to say that yes the plastic probably is self extinguishing let's try this not with the front plate would also be a fairly critical component here guessing it's problem into the same plastic it's also puffing up and producing lots of black smoke and strong smells and wispy flirty things but it also seems to be self extinguishing it's not really supporting combustion easily so a blissful furnace I just thought I'd mentioned that that it does actually appear to be fairly decent plastic in that regard
Channel: bigclivedotcom
Views: 442,952
Rating: 4.8537183 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor, wall, plate, deathdapter, multi, socket, shuttered, USB, universal, fire, flame test, flames, high voltage, insulation test
Id: g0iFNKvkT6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2016
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Big Clive is boss.

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