Walking the Via Dolorosa - Jerusalem

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[Music] hi we're at the Damascus gate which is one of the entrances to the old city of Jerusalem and it's the entrance to or one of the entrances to the Arabic quarter and when they're gonna go explore if you're along our way our first stop will be the way of the cross okay all right um [Music] movies [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the first Station of the Cross right here now we're on our way to see the second station [Music] whatever this is the third Station of the Cross where Jesus fell for the first time and soldiers of the free polish forces built this Chapel you see here after World War II and very interestingly enough these rocks on the pavement outside could have been where Jesus fell because they're from the second temple era so where which is when he lives they were uncovered and three meters below the existing level uh that um existed when they were uncovered in the 80s and uh they excavated it and these are from the Temple Times the third station's right next to the fourth station so what happened with the four station Mary embraced Jesus Mary Embraces Jesus [Music] this is station five where Simon of Cyrene picks up the cross and then we go up okay this is where the um we continue up toward Calvary this week Smart Tours to your right [Music] The Sixth Station of the Cross is the Veronica wipes the face of Jesus which remains on the cross at this point here yes see that [Music] Jesus falls for the second time at station Seven this Chapel contains one of The Columns of the Byzantine cardo the main street of sixth Century Jerusalem [Music] Merry Christmas a great crowd of people follow Jesus including women who beat their breasts and lamented everyone Jesus turned to them and said Daughters of Jerusalem do not weep for me leave for yourselves and for your children as far as they do this when the wood is green what will happen when it is dry [Music] uh [Music] what I think the end of a lane is a column maybe it's up here this is station nine where Jesus falls for the third time the last stop before the church we're together [Music] so we're about to go upstairs and see which station 10 through 14. um station 11 Jesus is nailed to the [Music] crossing there what station is this station the cross [Music] the first bust of Mary represents a station 13 when Jesus was taken down from the cross [Music] instead okay [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you
Channel: John Seng
Views: 31,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zAHX9O02ERw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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