walking stick making demonstration bending buffalo horn handles series 4

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oh and welcome to wooden sticks part 4 in this video what we'll be doing is bending buffalo horn to try and either make a crook or a market stick so that's the sort of thing we're looking to achieve no shape nice little handle comfortable and it's a a buffalo horn not easier to work than ram's horn because you've got no always to contain me so that's what we're actually after making today so what we need is the buffalo horn is quite a dense solid or so it needs a lot of heat to actually get it to bend and more heat source my camera can get in on to it I'm just using a gas boiling ring an old pot stood on the top boy run away me horn is inside air hit Nelson hot that's been in there for about 45 minutes now so that's about ready now to actually come out and Bend so I'll talk you through a few more bits so that's how we normally get our buffalo horn to start we'd say very dense hard heavy so we need to trim it down we don't want to try and Bend all that so shuttle down to take it back off if you want to he'll lift on your handle like on the back of that one oh yeah not the square is for you if you leave a little bit of buffalo horn sticking out proud you've come out there with your saw that will end give you a feel when you bend so take some of that thickness away so you've got nice so that actually sort of round about the thickness of your your stick already finer so it's they do a little bit of work and then pop it into boiling water boil it for about three-quarters of an hour so once I spoiled then we can bend it and what we're actually looking for is only a horseshoe shape once I've got the horseshoe shape and it's gone cold we can alter it we can tighten it in further do a nose do all sorts of things but most important thing that's getting the horseshoe shape now the other thing is this is my former and it's it's better to have a left and a right because a lot of horns especially Buffalo they're not straight they go off on an angle well rather than put it in and the nose goes down so you've got to try and lift it up it's easier if it comes up in the air to start with then a system air upon a clamp on to there pull it back down and it makes it a lot easier to work if you've got a form like this which I've got made up so these are just bolted on and there's two of these made up for each each plate so the straight piece can actually come this side and I can bend it around so the nose are sticking up rather than down the other little thing is a little smoother of wood just laid in there so when we built that when we clamp the horn in it's actually off of there so it helps us to Bing because when it starts to bend it's a bit like your finger bender and s Wells the horn will do exactly the same it will blow out here so by having that just that little piece of wood in there that gives that horn somewhere to go to instead of pushing up in here so that's another little tip that's quite a handy button the tools we need ah loads of sash loads of G clamps sash crammed I'll use a piece of pipe to do more Bend and I'll find us a lot easier really than a lot of other things say sash cramp hot air gun because heat is the most important thing with buffalo horn once it comes out of that boiler it's got to be kept hot and it's got to be bent and really there's no stopping you just have to keep down so you everything ready all laid a ready for you for when you start so once it comes out as a sable you use the hot-air gun we carry on eating once it's all clamped into here and then we'll start to bring it around the sacks crack you using it a good size crap put a little bit of sandpaper onto your face so when you pull on it round when you've got in there and you need your size crap don't just stop that's from slipping off your haul and give it a good grip so at that ready have all your clamps retton's that all open up ready to go in a way we go so what we'll do is I'll get the first oh I'll get a hornet and we'll have a go up bend in a roy way so I'm going to clamp it straight in onto there and then keeping it hot I might need my cameraman to give me a bit of hand to keep it hot while unbend and read so I'll deal if you've got two people used to people can be a bit fiddly on your own who say you need to go fairly quick right so I'll take it the whole eight-man so there's me horn notes and hot so then we go hang on I'll get the other one cutter that's the wrong hand at one try some go in there with that so we clamp it on and away we go I'll take these off again it's still fairly hot foam onto the top that's in place then we let will healers come on to that corner or put another clamp light em up so now we can't move anyway so they've already got a bit of giving the hall so straight in with the hate hate all around but Dan pleat the back you hate the back that's where they tend to take so get it really hot again so you can't overheat it you just gotta be careful you don't want a lot of burn they burn and they'll sort of crackle and pop and go ahead so you don't really want to get a lot of burn on a date you'll see it while I'm doing this I say the thorn has already starting to flex of it the same you pot and point four spins over there and I can start to bend that way systematic getting really that'll go minutes late those slaps turns a little attack so here we go so don't get my camera man they become the other side of me coming or so sure hold it into there Oh oh gee say where you need one pair of hands to do this job oh yeah state papers it's coming nope see Bishop commode Pushkar Oh type so look they say know-it-all Belgian up there and half as much so the toilet just just million don't let it go shouldn't let these go while they're under pressure if you do you'll find out crack so once you start to bend it there's no turning back really don't burn my fingers just will push that nose down if you see the nose going down trying to get it all onto the plate all right so we're into that so my lap all right thank you yeah tell who you know put a clamp at the back of this to stop my head and back up so the most important we're here is to not let her open so put that one into there now tightening slash crap off there's not a lot of room in the middle of your hair we're popping it today hit them hey shake if you smoke alarm yes I it's a big leap actually know how to that sandpaper will get a grip start to bend the nose Oh going to come up a bit what you burn and I believe it here do turn right so nice just amount of wine and that knows right in to there so now if a camera wants to come and have a look at the over the top you actually see what what we're done about it so you can see where where it's all bulged up onto that corner that's where that little filler of wood comes in handy it just holds out all so really yes all we're looking for is the horseshoe shape which we have achieved there once we've got that we're home and drawing no the most important thing is leave it leave it overnight to go cold do not try and do anything to it while it's got the slightest bit of heat in because it will open up and you'll end up with cracking in here and in here once you get that cracking you won't get home it seems to want to go in deeper and deeper as you're trying so we'll leave it that now will let me cold and then we'll bring it another video and actually show you how to round all that off shape it all up and bring it down to make a nice little market stick or little crock so we'll leave it at that for now let this go off so the next video that come along you'll see will actually do that the shaping of the handle and fitting onto the stick so look forward to seeing you then so sir we'll see
Channel: woodlandsticks
Views: 191,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sticks, Walking (Sport), Bending, Stick, Racewalking (Sport)
Id: IAxCsA19xLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2015
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