Walking On A Dream - A Pacific Crest Trail Film

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foreign [Music] [Applause] Crest Trail a 4 270 kilometer trail that leads from Mexico to Canada it's a journey so big that most people you tell are gonna think you're crazy and it's only achievable if you allow yourself to live a little the PCT is a dirt path that beats you down but picks you right back up and dusts you off your home becomes what you have on your back and the people around you and you're tested each and every day but that's what makes this walk so special my name's Jack and I'd like to share with you my experience on the Pacific Crest Trail yeah in 2022 I decided to set off on the adventure of a lifetime and walk the PCT I don't have some crazy story about how I've dreamed of hiking the trail since I was a kid or even that I knew what the trail was a couple of years ago but like most I stumbled across this Trail one way or another and haven't been able to take my mind off it ever since [Music] PT requires taking a leap of faith and embracing the unknown and like many before me I was all in the idea of walking across an entire country sounds crazy and it is but as Helen Keller once said life is either a daring Adventure or Nothing at All so I decided to go on a daring Adventure and before I knew it I was here at the southern terminus goodbye see you soon Canada I feel like there's been so many months and moments leading up to this and that's yeah it's happening huge you can see the Terminus in the background there maybe yeah I guess it's the time for the next five months here with my boy Toby getting the touch of the wall crazy what do you reckon oh it's a beautiful morning to be out here lots of nice people and a long way to make two of Canada [Music] huge [Music] this is the first marker on the PCT first of many I just got to my one in the 2649 to go free isn't anywhere else but on that dirt path beneath your feet so it's afternoon one on the PCT yeah it's been a wild day we're just cruising into Lake Marina it's only day one and I feel like I've experienced so much stuff and yeah so excited for the rest of it rest tomorrow ways unfolding the night ones not one pitch the cool thing about the trail is that no one really knows what they're doing and everyone has their training wheels on no one knows what trail life is like just yet that's the beauty of the beginning everything is new and everything is exciting and everyone is just as nervous as you are [Music] you're using New pieces of gear for the first time you're starting to make new friends and every step you take is one you haven't taken before this is stats my first proper friend I made on the PCT friendships can be weird out there and you can go from complete strangers to best mates pretty quickly [Applause] going on here Garden Tire box Pop-Tarts Propel mashed potatoes Oreos [Music] four dollar packs of tuna just got done with our first proper resupply at the Mount Laguna General Store so far the Trip's like yeah it's been unreal I love it out here so nice and relaxing and you're rid of all responsibilities besides waking up and walking and that's that's kind of it so yeah I'm excited for it to keep going forever hopefully what are we about to do it's our first hitch first hitch baby let's get it [Music] after walking the first 70 miles we made it to our first town Julian Julian is your first taste of a proper Trail town and it's where you get to catch up with most of the people who you met at the start it's pretty cool everyone's sharing stories about their Adventures so far and you can see most people's nerves have faded on me we got that free pie drain never to sightseer me free the way you're moving are you [ __ ] serious [Music] ly [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah yeah thank you thank you next to me [Music] and tried to avoid snakes you're about to hit my 100. [Music] better than the first week flew by and after the novelty of starting wore off it began to hit me damn I'm out here for the next four to five months oddly enough it wasn't a scary thought at all I was loving life on trail and me and stats were in a Groove we'd often chat about how crazy what we were doing was but never once did We complain or talk of stopping there wasn't anywhere I'd rather be and I was having the time of my life [Music] day started to pass by quicker and quicker and before we knew it we were at our next town Idlewild me and stats split up for a bit and I started hiking with my partner Courtney from here it wouldn't be till almost the end of the desert that I caught up to Stats and his new little Trail family who we called the boys and we ended up hiking the rest of California together day 11 in the middle middle of Idlewild with the boy it's not waste time take this slow we've got miles behind us but miles court and I set off on our first adventure together climbing San Jacinto San Jacinto Peak is at 10 834 feet which made it the highest mountain I'd ever climbed you can tell by the grin of my face that I was on top of the world or Southern California at least foreign [Music] [Music] and I never wanna go back a long time hitching to town was starting to feel easier and getting a hit usually meant one thing Town food this is what my plate looked like almost every town day but we had places to be and a desert to finish so we tried not to hang around too long [Music] [Music] [Music] just about to get to the four famous PC team McDonald's [Music] which is the only McDonald's actually kind of on the trail [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what's just happened is we've just been told that McDonald's is closed for today only the only day it's actually fully closed is today and we've been looking forward to it but a long time so this is fun it was a disaster McDonald's was closed but it wasn't all bad news because it was around here that our little Trail family began I'm not sure if 15 people classifies as little or if it's normal for people to feel like your best friend after only a few days of knowing each other but on the PCT it just happens that way and you soon find a group of lifelong friends not making friends on the PCT was something I thought about a lot before starting but once you're out there those thoughts kind of disappear Ed is this great I swear it all begins [Music] [Music] to water cash it was literally oh you're kidding I'd kiss you guys if it wasn't weird thank you [Music] guys reckon [Music] mate what the [ __ ] there's more over there if you want absolute Legend okay no worries foreign [Music] so for me to get water [Music] the temperatures were starting to rise so by the time we hit this quirky little place called hiker Talon Walking In the Heat of the day was brutal this is where but the end of the desert felt so close I mean Europe priv was waiting in the Sierras getting to hiker Town meant we were about to take on the LA Aqueduct the hottest and most exposed section of the desert but we're excited we are at Haka town [Music] we left hiketown at 7pm to catch the sunset over the aqueduct and we not hiked away the Heat this is still one of my favorite memories on the entire PCT [Music] [Music] so gang [Music] I met Pops in Yoshi on day one of the trail and had pretty much been walking with them since Idlewild although he had a bigger Trail family we found ourselves walking with these two more often than not a little group made up of two Aussies the Lord Manor of Utah and one of central London's baddest would end up walking the rest of the trail together [Music] all right [Music] this Justin we're about to [ __ ] send it we've got an army of people and there's a big send inside and it's uh dangerous day to be an aqueduct that's for sure would not want to be an aqueduct in this climate I'll tell you that for free [Music] thank you [Music] currently on arguably the most iconic part of the uh SoCal section of the PCT La aqueduct kicked off tonight at 7 pm gonna get a big night hike in avoid the heat because the Heat's going crazy today I mean when they say Trail you don't really picture yourself walking on an aqueduct that supplies the whole of LA water so that's pretty cool happy to be here happy to freaking be EP what's this Twisted Tea get twisted baby [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] now we're our first stretch the desert section um so from here our next stop is Kennedy Meadows and then Sierra Nevada and I'm excited let's get it [Music] forgive me I must be life I think that worked that way they put all the wind farms you give me just enough to keep going I'm reaching for you and to keep you close how long do you think this can go tell me how [Music] how [Music] don't let me treat you like I don't know you are the milkshake shops closed on Tuesdays [Music] out don't reach for me can you let me go before we finally go up in smoke tell me [Music] hitching is a necessity on the trail and the kindness of strangers is something you rely on but you're still so surprised every time someone's kind enough to give you a ride by now we're almost professionals and hitching was more fun than daunting you begin to learn what increases your chances of getting a hitch and what doesn't and you learn to lean into the fact that some rides are just going to make for a good story where are you guys going we're gonna walk apart are you going that way Onyx yeah that works yeah that'd be great [Music] it's our second last day of the desert second last morning and we're ready to get out of the freaking desert body's feeling broken morale kind of broken no morale's high tomorrow's high body's broken though [Music] we've seen a road in the distance which we'll be Crossing and we've seen a car on the side of the road with a little Marquee and those of you that have walked Trails before you probably know what I'm thinking now and we're thinking there's a chance that there's some trail magic there now don't want to get our hopes up because there's no traumatic there obviously but if there is Jesus Christ [Music] I'm never someone you get around to so we just had a little 4am wake up for our last morning in the desert and we're doing our last little climb so we can watch sunrise over the Sierras and then we're going to cruise into Kennedy Meadows [Music] myself what did I do before you you're not here oh enjoy those last meters we did it [Music] why do I think you come back home I should have known that the door's been closed and finally the place you've been dreaming of for the past 700 Miles Kennedy Meadows the end of the desert the end of the beginning [Music] new shoes and [ __ ] Brothers get it awesome [Music] [Music] these bad boys got me over 700 miles I mean they don't look that bad but when you shoot is held together by leukotate and you can put your finger through the bottom I think it's time for a new pair leaving Kennedy headers after our little zero after finishing the desert and now we're about to head into the Sierras [Music] this year is I'd heard Tales of endless snow-capped mountains roaring Rivers icy nights and Views like no other and that's exactly what the Sierra was entering the Sierra felt like a new phase of the PCT had begun the desert was finally behind us we replaced long water carries with long food curries and dry shoes for Wet Ones empty space in our bags was filled with a bear can and we were ready to take on the mountains [Music] and I'm nervous the first few days of the Sierra went by much quicker than I would have liked them to which meant it wasn't long before we were at Mount Whitney Whitney is the highest-speaking Continental America but isn't actually on the PCT but since we were so close we figured we'd regret not climbing it so it's currently 1am and run away to Summit Mount Whitney for Sunrise so let's see how we go say it all to you if I could [Music] summoning Mount Whitney felt like a dream we hiked the hours Under the Stars while watching the headlights of other hikers flashing in the distance the Summit is at 14 505 feet making it the highest mountain I'd ever climbed [Music] foreign probably the nicest view I've ever seen in my life definitely the highest point I've ever been and definitely worth the um when I wake up keep this time on time they've got all your magic tricks now you've got my mind by now we were deep in the Sierras and the outside world was starting to feel like a distant memory mountains returning around us and there were frozen lakes everywhere a new base altitude was around 10 000 feet but the effects of altitude were easy to ignore when we had views like this in front of us the Sierras are the most talked about place on the PCT and they were definitely living up to every expectation I had [Music] [Music] wrapped up [Music] [Music] Friday and just like that we're at the highest point on the PCT for us to pass hell yeah [Music] currently coming down the north side of Forester pass and it's a town day heading into Bishop do a little resupply and eat ourselves sick [Music] [Music] admittedly I was pretty bad when it came to filming in towns because most of the time we were pretty busy resupplying washing our clothes catching up with friends and of course scoping out the best bakery in town and you quickly build up a list of what we call Town chores [Music] in case you're wondering what I got at that Behemoth Bakery this is it and this might be my longest shot in this whole video and for good reason it was delicious and I couldn't help but enjoy this moment for as long as I could I know Maps [Music] I'm still out here tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] I am not lost I'm still just wondering double pass day this morning we did Glenn pass and now we're about to do pincho pass [Music] so yeah some days it's just harder to get up than others but once the Sun's Up and you're warm and you're moving everything kind of seems all right again so [Music] yeah let's have a good day [Music] at this point three and a half miles of snow I'd say okay yeah some people like we saw holes that were like Waist Deep they were just down there we were just it was kind of crazy we're like walking in between like giant pits of post holes I'm thinking like [ __ ] yeah definitely a bad day in the afternoon [Music] [Music] I will be fine [Music] [Music] [Music] we're about to head up mere pass about 6 A.M and we're laid in bed this morning reading all the comments on far out most of them were like good luck this place is hell um after five hours of suffering your life will get better yeah if all this goes on but didn't seem so bad stay tuned [Music] I don't care [Music] it's always the days what do you think you're gonna have a [ __ ] time see you have a good time I say that now but we'll see when we're up the top [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] begin to grow it's telling me [Music] I'm coming up here [Music] [Music] all right we gave you guys we're pretty much out of here [Music] [Music] back on trail after a little break in Mammoth and we're going to punch out the last 180 miles of the Sierra in a new heart [Music] s [Music] good morning from day 53 on trail we're gonna hope to do a little side quest today into Yosemite so let's see what happens [Music] [Music] [Music] that's pretty handsome okay [Music] which ones are bright our hitch has just decided to go in and find her uh Camp spot which means that we oh driving in the car get home foreign [Music] has been very good to us but we must go back [Music] you've had me all along [Music] take it home just like that we're finished with the Sierras kind of currently at Kennedy Meadows North which means I can get rid of this guy uh I probably referred to it a lot in this video but this is a bear can and basically what it is is a ancient Roman torture device that the Romans make um or made people carry through the Sierras with all their food in them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hard to find what is you officially finished with the Sierra section on the PCT it's kind of bittersweet because it was so nice and I wish it kind of just went on forever but it's also nice to be making progress and we're looking forward to getting to a knockout so how far did we walk today miles 43. 34. and delusional I'm [ __ ] where are we headed South Lake Tahoe baby oh thank you you guys are the best places [Music] sometimes it's nice just to watch just reflect on kind of everything that the PCT is and the people you meet it's kind of cool just had a day in Tahoe and now we're um jumping on some scooters and heading back the trail to get started with Norco back on trail baby [Music] finally [Music] she's giving up [Music] [Music] [Music] child [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you oh that's gonna have a consequences [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what'd you say so let's start putting rocks that's perfect all I needed is that dude he hasn't he you have like half of this I don't even need that you just need a food bag I put my backpack at the bottom all right foreign [Music] on trial and we're gonna hit the halfway point today [Music] on it self [Music] it's kind of hard to believe that we're past halfway already um yeah it feels like I've been out here forever but at the same time like it feels like I started yesterday and I know the second half is going to be so much faster than the first half which is kind of sad because it means kind of just counting down the days now here's to start [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ly in Bernie California little town day got some Essentials staying at a church tonight and they provided us with some Town clothes check the fit throwing some rocks tonight Donnie [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] what's beyond those heavy eyes pour it out pour it all into it it's 44 degrees Celsius and it's 11 30 A.M I think that's one of the hardest things about the PCT honestly just like constantly feeling disgusting [Music] just to steal some peace of mind I it's quarter to nine and we're about to hit the 1500 marker had a big old day well broken [Music] shake you found yourself it's a Saturday indeed throwing away my second pair of shoes out here and I got over 800 miles on these bad boys no chill day [Music] [Music] said it was wrong but I [Music] love you I want to brush my teeth now but I don't want to be on camera and this is [Music] down to our last few days in California got about 40 miles left little town stop in between and then we're on to Oregon finally we've been in California for almost three months now where eight days short of three months so yeah I'm excited for Oregon [Music] just cruising into side Valley the last town stop of California just gonna eat some pancakes gonna wash some clothes you're gonna send it to Oregon let's get it [Music] [Music] It's a beautiful morning today and it's also our last morning in California because we're hitting the Border today we are finally about to hit California Oregon border after almost three months 1692 miles oh yeah [Music] foreign [Music] damn so stoked to be in Oregon um it's kind of sad to be out of California to be honest um happy sad I guess because it's so nice to be in a new state but at the same time like so many memories and you know that's where it all starts in California and so we learn everything about the trail and get your Trail legs and all of that jazz but I guess yeah you can't stay there forever you know sorry I'm just filtering more so yeah onwards and upwards and let's let's kill it in Oregon foreign [Music] [Music] officially back on trail after our Ashland stop yeah after town days it's hard to get a bit of momentum up sometimes it takes like a day or two to get back in the swing but it's meant to be 41 degrees Celsius for the next couple of weeks so let's see how we go with that [Music] girl all right have a good chat to the driver about where we're going tobacco [Music] not even scary yeah it's like I hope I'm on the right side of the Hill [Music] [Music] we're about to get water at what stats has described as the best water so far on the PCT got high expectations [Music] it's pretty good [Music] coming down the street the car wash them all over [Music] things [Music] so we've just hit the highest point on the PCT in Oregon if it weren't for the patches of snow on the ground you could tell me we're at sea level and I'd probably believe it because it's so flat [Music] somehow we managed to fight our way through the mosquitoes this morning and Against All Odds we've made it to Shelter Cove as uh you said before it was sunny when we got here now we're leaving Shelter Cove it's raining some wildfires happening right now kind of everywhere in Oregon but yeah hopefully this rain might need to cause more Show Goes On the rain [Music] Oregon he's literally mosquito hell I can't even compare it to anything huh it is so bad [Music] [ __ ] promise [Music] [Music] there was an existing trial closure from 2021 called the lion's head fire closure which we had to skip around so we thought it'd be a fun idea to head to Portland for a couple of days [Music] just got to the Airbnb it's pretty similar to the duplex I've been sleeping in for the past two months but I'll give you a look anyway in Portland we did what any other through hiker would do ate more food than should legally be allowed and had a few too many Reds [Music] it felt really weird to be in a big city and to be honest I felt a bit out of place it made me realize how peaceful the trail is and in the few short days of being away I started to miss it so after sorting a few resupply boxes for Washington we headed back out to the trail to finish off the last stretch of Oregon [Music] smell of the evening air will you take us [Music] full disclaimer I've never actually seen The Shining but everyone talks about it so it must be pretty cool [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] 4 AM start today so we can try and get the Cascade Locks before the post Office closes and that also means it's our last day in Oregon today they're inside a picture frame everybody loves the same dirty clothes and dirty feet last ever again [Music] we were free after cruising through Oregon we made it to Cascade Locks the Gateway of Washington the fires who closed a lot of the trail behind us many hikers had skipped Oregon and jumped straight to Washington which meant Cascade Locks was stacked with hikers where were some of the lucky ones moving just fast enough for us to miss the fires we're about to uh Walk The Bridge of the Gods straight into Washington Bridge of the Gods one of the most iconic landmarks on the PCT and one that I thought about a lot before I set out on my adventure I would watch videos on YouTube just as you are now and I would try and picture myself there walking across it on my own two feet but I always found it hard because it seemed like such a crazy task but I was there what Bridge of the Gods and I'd walked over 2 000 miles to get there I felt proud as I limped my way across that bridge and into our final state Washington [Music] [Music] Late July [Music] you crushed into me it's a bit of a surreal feeling being in Washington to be perfectly honest it feels like Washington's always been so far away building up to PCT like you think about Washington a lot like crossing the bridge and you're like damn that's the last chunk when you're in the desert you just think like oh my God Washington's ears away now we're kind of here [Music] colors on the sea the tide Drew us into a dream a star set fires across the Deep your eyes lit up the depths of me and you are like my way to life and you shine like summer Skies [Music] [Music] looks like today might be our first rain day 106 days in it's taken us to get proper rain so I'm kind of keen [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that's sick it's so damn beautiful [Music] Skies [Music] I saw a new colors in your eyes [Music] a world so vibrant in the life [Music] like fire flies in Late July [Music] Washington is sick today we woke up literally getting smashed by mosquitoes like some of the worst we've had and then we got rained on heavy and after like four miles we just opened up into some of the most beautiful country I've ever seen had no idea this is what today was going to look like huh it's so good so damn good [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign currently on a long descent down into White's pass where we have our first resupply and then onwards [Applause] [Music] [Music] of our dreams [Music] don't worry see you guys have a great day we didn't even have permits those horses and I walk in the PCT ridiculous today was kind of weird we're at White Pass and everyone was sitting around on their phones like starting to book flights and kind of pinpoint the exact day they're gonna finish what they're going to do when they get home yeah it's kind of really starting to feel like we haven't got long left physically only just started Washington but like looking at the map but definitely well into Washington now and our day we're just chipping away at it in a big way so yeah it's kind of scary kind of exciting kind of sad I don't know it just it is what it is I guess [Music] [Music] only and we'll be free [Music] to see foreign what's for dinner your own houses and donuts that's not good television [Music] [Applause] [Music] Washington about to hit halfway through Washington today and we're getting into Snoqualmie Pass these things are moving too fast out here yeah it's kind of sad oh good things come to an end hey [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] Washington and we're back at it baby we're back to climbing State mountains and I left my sunglasses two miles back where I stopped to take a poop so I had to run back and get him and now I'm sweaty but Washington stays beautiful [Music] there's a great big world to see it's waiting here for you and me let's go Adventures round the bend nothing like we've seen before let's get outside and go explore because home is here with you my friend [Music] [Music] find a place to make our own we Mark a spot that no one knows it's ours off in the unknown cause This is Where I Wanna Be With You right here next to me don't know but let's find out where it goes as you can see a little sweaty basically just climbed up now and everything one go did like a thousand feet over 0.5 or something ridiculous guys it's Washington eh straight up straight down [Music] tonight at the Stevens Pass it was a hot day I'm not even say my shirt but disgusting [Music] [Music] is foreign [Music] ly sitting in Safeway on the floor I'm trying to uh contemplate Live status decisions I'll give you a look what's in front of me here do I go the taco rice the cheddar Brock the Spanish rice all the Mexican rice all sound pretty thrilling especially after eating only them for three months but I'm working on a decision [Music] feeling good yeah feeling good feeling nervous to hit the Border but you know I've just come over a rise and there's a big fire to our East kind of close but at the moment the wind is blowing favorably for us so hopefully it stays that way and we can just shoot through but yeah it's so weird like there's a big fire going on and then the backdrop is snowy mountains yeah well [Music] it's often ends like these that you realize like it's yeah you're gonna like really miss it out here [Music] like it's very hard sometimes but at the end of the day like it's you can't really replicate this experience I'm gonna miss it [Music] this is why I like I don't know I like I don't I like hiking at sunset or not getting to camp at like 6PM from your first steps on trial The Hourglass starts ticking each step like a grain of sand ticking away at first there is a lot more sand in the top than you think you have forever but soon time starts going faster and faster and before you know it you're down to just one week left I know one week still sounds like a lot of time but on trail a week feels like a day in a day feels like an hour and an hour feels like a minute just when you think Washington couldn't get any more awesome [Music] foreign [Music] thing I can tell you about Washington is it's bloody beautiful but it makes you work for it no handouts in Washington [Music] it sounds like a Broken Spoke along [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] behind me bloody hell [Applause] [Music] you don't have to be perfect broken bones are worth their waiting cold they prove you're alive holy hell no you can't put into context how big this is good to be alive [Music] morning a hundred and something of the PCT heading into stahekin today which is our last town kind of sad but it's got one of the most famous bakery stops on the PCT so let's get it [Music] don't feel so alive [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign hey guys we're on the last stretch [Music] foreign [Music] our final stretch of the PCT [Music] foreign [Music] 56 miles till Canada and today has to be one of the most beautiful mornings I've had so far kind of a bit speechless on the whole experience [Music] [Music] good morning for the last time because today we hit the Border after almost four months we're finally gonna get to Canada [Music] a few weeks ago I was joking about how it would be kind of cool if it was raining when we got to the terminus because it's been so dry for most of our trip and I think maybe our drinks does it's kind of a Vibe though honestly [Music] finally after almost four months [Music] down to our last mile we're doing it but actually doing it [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my God yeah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] it wasn't until the very end that I realized that this walk isn't about the northern Monument or how fast you can go or what gear you carry it's about everything in between the People You Meet the countless number of strangers that are so giving along the way and the stories you'll have forever thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Jack Keogh
Views: 198,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pacific Crest Trail, Thru Hiking, Adventure, PCT, Pacific Crest Trail Film, Elina Osborne, Darwin on the trail, short film, adventure short film, Hiking, Appalachian Trail, Continental Divide Trail, Adventure film, Walking the pacific crest trail
Id: fIr9Z16NvMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 4sec (5464 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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