Walking Into Japan's Most Feared Yakuza Slum (#135)

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thank you to a very different part of the world welcome to Japan [Music] Osaka and it's an absolutely beautiful day got lucky for once and uh this is probably the busiest part of the city it's along the river I think it's called The Don booty River let's get somewhere a little more quiet so I can tell you our itinerary for today so to kick off our adventure here in Japan we got to do something interesting and what would be more interesting than going to the biggest most notorious most dangerous slum in all of Japan did you know that Japan had slums I didn't either until recently but we're gonna go check it out it's called nishinadi and it's here close to Central Osaka it's a neighborhood with a very unsavory reputation a few Yakuza crime families have offices there historically been a place for the disenfranchised the poor of Japan and a lot of Japanese people will warn you against going there but we're gonna go and see what's up I have no idea about the place maybe it's changed let's go find out okay okay thank you okay Pro tip whenever you're in Asia and somebody starts laughing nervously like that not a good sign now before we head over to nishinadi I just kind of stumbled upon probably the best storage pet Don Quixote it's like an everything store and by everything I mean everything let me go show you all right so you walk in here you got all your Kawaii cute stuff for the kids or grown men and then right next to that we have a giant liquor collection right here on the first floor in the open air Gotta Love Japan okay okay whiskey wow okay later bye bye later big one with Pharmacy I think there's some fun stuff on the other floors as well thank you okay now we're on like fourth floor where uh and Halloween was like two weeks ago clearly in Japan you come here at any time ah no way I think I heard about this they have like a ferris wheel in this store it has like a little view of the city put it open no it doesn't look open music at all gotta come back first though let's go to nishinadi First foreign [Music] [Music] see you later bye there you go make a friends already very different geopolitical environment here you gotta give him a little bow to let me through nice change in Pace in the traffic coming from Uganda so if you're wondering how well do I speak Japanese I would say my level is kinda I mean I've been here a few times I've never lived here but um yeah I don't really know I'm about to find out but I can tell you that I've been secretly learning it pretty hard for about a month before I came here started back when I was in Africa so we'll see if it makes a difference I mean to be honest it's probably still pretty bad but as long as I can get my point across that'd be nice and here we have the uh chica sets the Metro I'm gonna take the metro down to nishinai [Music] the biggest one in the country [Music] here's the line but where's the ticket machine [Music] basically you have to choose like your own price depending on how far away the station is uh I'm gonna go with 2 30. it's like less than two dollars I've come to Japan at like a very good time I'm sorry to say this for my Japanese friends uh the yen is at a historic world take your ticket and you're all set to ride the cleanest most organized public transportation system in the entire world let's go okay okay wasn't that nice all right let's uh think we know where to go let's get down to the train [Music] yes we're here trash on the escalator I think we're getting into a rough neighborhood [Music] [Music] it's completely expect them to have to pay for that take it again but just let me through it interestingly even in the hood here in Japan you can still find these lockers you got these Lockers in every different Metro Station okay 600 again it's like about three or four dollars per hour and uh the stuff is safely secured it's really helpful for traveling it's got a big luggage or if you're homeless Maybe you know if I don't get shot as soon as I walk out thank you not exactly sure what's going on with the building over there across the street it has both the cross and the Star of David it's a church or Senegal no no I guess it's not quite as nice as downtown but pretty quiet though that's right yeah I don't think it's normal to just greet people on the street in Japan like that but that's one habit that I picked up from Africa that will never die yeah [Music] about to have some ghetto soccer yeah [Music] look at that got some Fork skewers got some ghetto sake compared to that tastes exactly as I just described it it's a very interesting feeling to be back here in Asia I guess you didn't know I lived in China for over six years it was only because of the pandemic that I left grant that Japan and China are two very different places but they do share a lot in common they're both generally a lot more introverted than uh most other parts of the world take a little bit more to get people to open up but we're gonna try um foreign Osaka is known for having supposedly the friendliest people in all of Japan maybe that's why people actually respond to me you know this is easily the sketchiest place I've ever walked through in Japan trying to figure out a very discreet way to show you and tell you about what I'm walking through right now and I just had a British guy walk past me on the street and say you should really put your camera away they tend to get pissed let's see if I can walk into this creepy looking Park looks like it's straight out of the sector seven slums Final Fantasy VII can't go in the park said it's for Kids Zone not homeless people okay oh okay foreign [Music] but I think this is a Shinto thing small Shinto shrine it's weird like Japanese people are non-religious but at the same time they still pray to things like this [Music] foreign graveyard there were some general commonalities the slums all around the world Japan is no exception they're often under a bridge they're often next to a graveyard people are not uh particularly jumping up to talk to you oh no hand Mark you can't just go um foreign this neighborhood nishinadi is actually home to two Yakuza crime families and the Azuma and I don't know that because I have some kind of Insider knowledge no this is actually public information the Yakuza actually have their offices publicly listed in a company registry they're well known people know where the offices are don't think they'd want to be filmed or anything like that but uh very different way of doing business night is falling [Music] a little socking machine different sizes I absolutely cannot tell the difference between them you also have one of Japan's most infamous drinks strong zero nine percent alcohol fun stuff does not smell good in here this might be the worst smelling place I've been in Japan got a hotel I kind of want to see how much room costs there Japan's biggest Hood IES [Music] so today how do you speak English foreign that's about 15 dollars for one night pretty affordable place can't complain about the price of a hotel in Thailand granted it's a dormitory bed but hey Japan can't get too choosy don't go another number hello [Music] I kind of see how this neighborhood works now you have like this long pedestrian street which is filled with normal ish bars like those kind of like host bars or whatever like the ones where like the dudes go and the woman talks to them and they have to pay for just that uh but then if you Meander off here then you get into like the really sketched territory with the old lady smiling at you anyway let's go back I'm not about that life [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my God they're just going through all the European countries foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] hi hi [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] oh my my homie right here is trying to give me like raw chicken if this was any other country I don't eat that but because it's Japan okay we gotta add onions [Laughter] [Music] I thought yeah um a little dangerous okay [Laughter] in Japan like uh yeah yeah [Laughter] yeah yeah [Music] thank you all right so for some reason my camera just died so I gotta say thank you to these guys gave me a bunch of free chicken there's something wrong with like my camera battery at the moment so for the first time ever I'm filming on my iPhone not really used to this so but how amazing is Japan that I can just whip out my iPhone and the most dangerous neighborhood in the country and still feel comfortable it's pretty nice right okay so that's at least for today that's it for my little adventure to Nishi nari the biggest slump of Japan and to be honest uh kind of reminds me of Rwanda even the worst place in Japan is still 10 times safer than anywhere in your country not a bad place to come at all a little sketchy uh maybe not some place to take the kids but wouldn't worry too much about coming here even at night anyway there's something weird going on with my camera's battery I gotta go figure that out gonna get back to my hotel I haven't even checked into my hotel yet anyway if I can get my camera working again maybe I'll show you a bit more of Osaka so give me a minute together together [Music]
Channel: Sabbatical
Views: 2,116,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sabbatical, polyglot, japan slum, japan danger, japan scams, yakuza, osaka yakuza, osaka vlog, slums, favela, hood vlogs, ghetto, speaking japanese, gaijin, japan travel, nishinari, 西成, 日本, 大阪
Id: ygqxPqBSxC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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