Walking around the new property (and why I'm not turning the barn into a shop)

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- Hey everyone, my name is Matt. Welcome to the new backyard, probably like what? 10 days ago or so, I posted a little video, announcing that we bought this property here. And this time want take you around a little bit, show you the land a little more, and hopefully answer some questions that came up in the last video. Such as what kind of crazy person, puts a shop in a garage, when you have a perfectly good barn. (laughing softly) So, as I mentioned in the previous video, this used to be a horse property. So we have a few of these, horse shelter things throughout the property. This one here is in the kind of middle of the property. And we'll kind of keep that as a focal point, as we're walking around, so we know our bearings. So I have some slabs that I brought over here to the stack. I'm gonna make use of these little shelters, as a slab storage areas. And yes, it's only October and somehow we have very early winter this year. I'm not really sure what's going on with that one. Anyway, backing up a bit from where we were. That's the shelter we were just at, and to give you some perspective on the land, I got excited last time. I didn't mention how big this property is. This is 22 acres. It's a mostly rectangular lot. And that a big old needle-bearing evergreen tree right there is roughly in the dead smack center, of the parcel. Now it's really hard to show this on camera, but the property is very rolling, which is what we really like about it. So it's very hilly, and well, that's the definition of rolling, is it not? So it makes a really interesting topography and landscape. So if I spin around here, you can see I'm not even at the bottom of the lowest spot of this property. And the property line is those needle bearing trees back there, along that line (chuckles). So from. this has got to be, if I look at this tree here, if I look straight across, I'm like right there. So this is probably a 30 foot rise, to this little mound here. And then the house, and the barn, and all that stuff is over there. And there's probably another 30 foot rise, to get up into that area. Now, one of the things that's kind of nice about that, is it sort of shields you from the neighbors, but we still have neighbors nearby. So one of the things as we were looking at rural property, is we still wanted to have neighbors, who still wanna have people close by, in case you need help with anything, it's nice not to be like so far off by yourself, but there's two neighbors just over this hill. And at least from down here, you can't even see their houses. The other neighbor, is right up here, on the front of the property. They're actually been renovating that house, and I was down there. They'd been closed and that place has come a long way. So they're doing an amazing job on that, that property down there. So from this view, you can kinda see the house now. It's just peeking out through there. There's the storage shed and the barn, and there's that, that big old tree, which is at the center. So the driveway comes up through, all these pine trees over here, which is a really nice scenic drive up this big hill, to the house. Now down over here is another one of those little horse shelter things. And then this is the old front area of the field. As I was thinking about that place to put the arboretum, I'm thinking this is what is gonna become that. One of the nice things about the houses, is it's perched up on a hill. It has a really nice view, looking this way, that's the sunset to the West. So we wanna try and keep this area, somewhat open to reserve that view. So this right here would be a nice spot for a tree collection. All right there, there's my stick pile. I've been pruning the trees already, getting rid of all the dead stuff, make them look a little prettier. So I think we will head up to the barn next, and there's that big tree. And there's where we started. Here's my sticks (chuckling). And we will walk up this hill, just to get an idea of what the hill is like. I'm looking straight ahead, and now we'll look up at the barn. So yeah, pretty good hill. So the, yeah, the lower area of the barn is set up as a an area for livestock. And then the top section, the hayloft, the old hayloft, has been fished to a finished space. It was previously used as a art studio. And speaking of livestock, I have a small steer in here currently. (door rumbling) (laughing softly) That's my, hopefully only bad joke, of this video. (laughing softly) So we have a couple of stalls, I guess technically four stalls, two on either side of the barn. The barn is 22 feet deep, as I'm walking through here, and it's a 30 something wide. Total square footage down here is 748 square feet. So the stalls are all just that, they're horse stalls. So we have a dirt floors, in the stall areas. I got some pallets. There you go, Paul Jackman (laughing softly). Yeah free pallets. So yeah, the floors in here are dirt. And this side is left as dirt. The opposing side, on this side of the barn, has a deck floor. (wood clanking) So it's been replaced with a wood deck. And I got a few things that the previous owners left me in here. Got the old-timey tool collection. And I also got this Shopsmith. So that's, that should be fun. (laughing softly) Oh man, that's a weird angle. Oh my gosh. So to answer the question of why I'm gonna be converting the garage, into the shops and not the barn. The garage is much, much closer to being moving ready, and is a much nicer space to be in, than the barn is. Now I think the assumption, was that the barn is a lot bigger than the garage is. When in reality, the barn is 748 square feet, and the garage is 650, right around there. By the time you actually fill out the walls for insulating, you'll probably be around 700 square feet. So for an additional 50 square feet, it's not really worth the effort, to get this converted to a really working shop right now, when I have a pretty little garage, that is basically ready to go. Through here, we have a little tack room, area, closet situation, and we come through to the shed, and then the driveway and house. So coming over the shed, we're starting to see some nice views, as we're getting towards the sunset today. Over here, a little sitting area, and there is also a little shop room in here. This was the previous owners pottery studio. So the concrete pad there, is where the keeling used to be. And then the rest of the floor is wood. And this is not an insulated space. So let's go up to the loft real quick. (soft thuds) Around here we have my favorite thing, the diesel tank. (laughing softly) I love that thing. (door creaking) Okay, so this is the finished loft space. (door sliding) Whew, so this is probably the equivalent of about, a one and a half car garage or so. It's probably 12 feet wide and 20 feet long. It is set up for like a deck. So there's this nice door here. You can see the property and the sun is starting to set. There's our center tree. So this was previously set up as an art studio. Not really sure what we're gonna use it for quite yet, but it be a nice space for sure. We got this big old Cottonwood here. Thing is a really, really massive tree. And I love it. One of the things that I noticed, when we toured the house, was this tree has an old a pulley up there. So I guess at some point, people were trying to lift things, using this tree. So that could be utilized for something, in the future, I guess (chuckles). But there is the garage, it is a three car, three door, three stall style garage. Tuck under, so there is living space above it. So it is extremely similar, to the shop I'm in right now, just 50% bigger. The nice thing about the garage, and one of the reasons why, it's so much closer, to being moving ready, is that the walls the doors, the ceiling, and the floor are all insulated and it has in-floor radiant heat already. (doorknob clanking) And we just finished painting the floor in here, and it's not quite dry yet. But that is the space, which will become the future shop. So it has a couple of additional advantages over the barn. The barn has two support posts in the middle. I currently have one in my shop, and it's a limiting to say the least (chuckles). So having a nice big open space, is a plus. The ceiling height in here is sort of interesting. So the wall height, to this area here is eight and a half feet. And then we had the support beams, with some duct work in them. And that is seven feet, from the floor at the bottom of the beam. The current shop we're in right now, the ceiling height in there, is the bottom of that beam. So it's gonna be nice, to have the added ceiling height in here. Now, one disadvantage of the shopping, in the garage is noise. And this is where, things get kind of goofy for me, because I'm more worried about noise coming into the shop, versus noise, leaving the shop. So at the current shop, because there is living space above it, you can hear the kids screaming and yelling and running around and dropping toys, and whatever they're doing up there. And it's loud. But the difference here is at least, that in my current shop, is this open joins to the sub-floor below. This one is insulated with the drywall there. So I should actually deaden the sound, which I know it has, because I've been here with the kids. You can still hear it, but it's muffled. So it was a little bit better than it was, or it is at the current shop. So that is, this shop. And we'll see more of this thing here, in the future. Walking down the driveway a little bit, and we'll head up into the woods over here. The wooded area, we have the section of pine trees, which the driveway runs through. And then there is some hardwoods, just on the other side of the pine trees. That area is about, I don't know, probably maybe two acres, or so. (soft footsteps) I'm gonna head up this hill here. You got some little baby Red Oaks. (soft rustling) So we're just up on this little ridge here. Well, it's not so little. But this is the... I guess technically the front side of the house, and then this a little wooded area. So there's a lot of stuff is down. And we turn around up here. You can see the last of the horse shelter over here. I got one more of these things over here, and this is the highest ground of the entire property, up in this area. So as I was talking about doing the garden and the vineyard, and the orchard, I figured that's what this section over here could be. Fairly of all high, and it's fairly flat, until we get past this little fence scenario here. And then there's the house again. You can still see it, way over there. Behind the diesel tank is our center tree. And this is the area of the field of the dips down. The really nice rolling area, and then if we spin back around. There's our center tree again, and the barn, and the house. And then now we're back to where we began. And for some more context here, this fence line is where I was walking, during the announcement video. So there is our center tree once again, back at the house and the barn. We're now at the back corner of that first pasture. I was gonna spin around here, and show this area back here, which would, drops off, and then it's kinda flat down there. At this point, this is where we're thinking we're gonna put the shop, when that actually happens. One of the things that I really want from a shop, is to have a two level shop. So this hill here will give me the ability to put the shop right into the hill, and have ground access on the second floor, which would be really nice. So there's enough elevation rise here, or it looks like there's probably gonna be enough, to put that thing, right where I'm standing right now. I'm kind of down to the bottom of the hill now. I was standing kinda up there, somewhere. So this would be a nice little spot, for the shop someday, when that comes around. I'm not really sure, where the permanent spot for some of 'em might go. It'd probably be down here in the flat area. So I'll have this, kind of area back here for the shop, and that's some of one of the thing's supposed to be like, I guess, the area of the property that is the business, I suppose. But back here, is actually where my two Walnut trees live. So I have two of them that I know of so far, there's one right back there. And then there's one, down in there somewhere. Both really small (chuckling). Well, I got two of them that I know of. It's like we're just in time, for a beautiful sunset. (laughing softly) So that is a quick walk around the property. And what's to come I suppose. One thing is sort of changed, from the last video, is our sort of our timeframe for renovations on the house. I think originally, we were a little too aggressive on that. So a more realistic start date, is gonna be you know, maybe next late spring, early summer, or something like that, based on how delayed everything is right now, and all the backlogs and everything. Which is fine, it's gonna give us more time to plan. But it also put us in a position of well, if it's only four months, it's not that big of a deal when I move here, but if they give you that long, we might as well, just move here and start enjoying the property. And by move here, I guess, that's probably strong, we're gonna live here. So we're not gonna be like totally emptying out the old house and bringing everything over. We're gonna bring over, you know, the things that are needed to be here, but we're not gonna be too crazy about it, because then we'll end up moving back to the other place, to live there during the renovation. So it's gonna be a very interesting few, well, it's gonna be a fun winter out here. That's for sure. I'm really looking forward to it. So that kind of brings it back to the garage, workshop, question thing. With that in mind, or with the move in mind. That means that I am going to be moving my shop, starting immediately. Which is why I have already started painting, in the garage, to get ready to receive all the stuff for the shop. So that'll be coming soon, as well. That is a beautiful sunset. So that is the property. And I wasn't, of course I was really planning on moving my shop right now, but that's how life goes sometimes. So I guess I'm now moving the shop. (laughing softly) So hopefully that will go as quickly, and as efficiently as possible. I am literally gonna move the shop, and it's like transplant it. I'm not gonna really change very much about the shop, I'll set up now, we'll see. But my plan is to use exactly the same layout, and just put things where they were, in the current shop, and just have more room to actually, you know, move around. Which is one of the things that I have been wanting, for a long time. I'm looking forward to having aisles, wider than 18 inches, which would be super nice. So that's a little more on the property, I guess. And hopefully it gives a little better idea, of what's all here, and what's maybe, well's to come, sort of. (laughing softly) Whow (chuckling) (metal clanging) So hope you enjoyed, this is quick little Walk around the property. Hopefully that answered some questions, and all that, I'm still, I think I live in our boat still, in disbelief that this is it now (chuckles). So thank you as always for watching, I greatly appreciate. For any questions or comments, on the property, or anything back in the current shop, please do fill in your comment as well, as we'll happily answer every question, you might have. And until next time. (laughing softly) I'm woodworking. Oh I wish, I wish I was woodworking, and not moving a shop.
Channel: Matthew Cremona
Views: 124,204
Rating: 4.9547 out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, woodshop, furniture making, matt cremona, matthew cremona, fine woodworking, period furniture
Id: gFB8xnADK9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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