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[Music] ten times all right made it jamestown looks like normally this is a fountain headed in to get my ticket [Music] all right okay here we are jamestown and this is a really nice museum i'm going to attempt to do a walk through it's not busy right here but it's pretty crowded in there and there he is chief palatine in his youth and this goes through some of the tribes in his confederation and they were familiar with uh colonization there were many lost colonies uh before jamestown stuck a famous one in the area they believe it was off the york river was a spanish jesuit uh mission um failed i know uh offhand the guy who led it purposely didn't bring any soldiers with him because there's a stigma of what the conquistadors had done in south america so he wanted to come in peace and it didn't work out too well for him and i can tell you off the top of my head of course saint augustine florida that was a settlement that stuck of course roanoke island there was another attempted colony i knew there were two up in maine that didn't stick off the top of my head i know the french one time attempted to colonize in florida anyway oh this is a pretty good representing uh representation of what things look like when they arrived one of their dugout canoes and over here uh africans uh first slaves came from angola which had been colonized by the portuguese [Music] yeah did metal work over there pretty cool looking pipe had combs little doll statue okay and here's 15th 16th century england london and at the time london wasn't a very desirable place uh it was smelly it was overcrowded uh rats garbage sewage this is a pretty neat setup [Music] so [Music] i guess she slept on the floor here's a little setup i guess of your your basic home [Music] and it says uh the the room facing the street was off and often uses a shop to sell goods [Music] this is a little bit nicer uh something uh the gentry may have had i don't think commoners had spoons at that time salt shaker so [Music] recreation william shakespeare a little bat gaming set [Music] oh yeah anglicans i think this just goes through the reformation king henry breaking away from the catholic church oh and queen elizabeth uh that's who virginia's named after the virgin queen and yeah after her uh reign of power ended king james took over he was more of a business-minded uh king and uh at that time also the english had defeated the spanish and uh it freed them up and uh it allowed for the uh the settlement they then had the uh the time and money to uh to dedicate towards it and kind of a tudor style house i guess hmm [Music] oh wow yeah a lot of colonial sites it says st augustine roanoke jamestown [Music] of course the spanish portuguese [Music] oh yeah mr walter raleigh first attempt at roanoke and a lot of controversy about that uh some say they were wiped out by the natives others say they just got up and uh got up and left i need to take a trip down there sometime that's sir walter raleigh okay i've never seen that picture of him [Music] pretty cool porcelain bowl spices and of course looking for that looking for that eastern pass i'm sorry western passage and remember uh jamestown wasn't settled by the english it was technically settled by the virginia company an english company that was chartered by king james uh joint stock venture i believe they had up to 700 people contributing um hoping to profit from gold in whatever was found [Music] and i knew the virginia company which was the london company i guess it just changed names and it lasted until 1625 i believe after there was a big massacre things weren't going so well so the king didn't renew their charter and that's when it was it was run by england [Music] pretty cool looking crest up there i don't know who these guys are [Applause] yeah economy was not established by england uh privately in business called the virginia company [Music] i'm not sure if i should take a left or right okay this way [Music] so i guess this is kind of walking aboard the uh one of the ships yeah probably not a good place to be for five months [Music] okay tobacco and that's what really uh what really helped get things going uh john ross brought it over somewhere around 16 14-ish he brought over a sweet strain of tobacco that was really popular in europe and that's when things turned around um that's when the economy started making money also john roth had married pocahontas and that kind of created a little era of peace with the natives so what we do kind of funny because king james actually despise tobaccological data from site excavations all right i guess i'm going to kind of wander there's uh just trying to avoid people and here's opie can canoe chief palutan's brother palatine palutan died 1618 his brother took over and his brother wasn't that nice of the guy he formed a big uh a big attack 1622 and it wiped out almost a third of the uh of the settlers because in 1619 the things they kind of settled in they started bringing women over started spreading out into the native territory and there was a second attack 1644. yeah yeah over 400 colonists uh died in that one and then i think there was fighting for about two years and then the native science signed some treaty that they were under the king's control yeah and this is the phrase wasn't really an english it was pretty much a massacre a sneak attack and uh yeah it killed women children um yeah it was pretty you know the settlers in jamestown jamestown actually had gotten word they had fled um but uh several small smaller new uh settlements that popped up bermuda 100 henricus they did not fare so well and sir thomas dale there was a another important moment he came over i want to say 1611. and he really tightened things up kind of created kind of a martial law i had a real strict set of rules and he also helped spread spread the colonies out because uh he was in power when john roth came over brought tobacco and he helped start up like i say bermuda 100 henricus and he's also important for helping the settlers own their own land because they came up with a system where settlers could own x amount of acres if they contributed an x amount of tobacco per month i believe it was and so yeah you'll see jamestown right there and then all the little settlements began to pop up yes a lot of people starting to uh come in pretty cool looking canon the gunner [Music] and sorry i think there's a little kind of clearing over here okay these are the first africans brought over and what happened was they are actually stolen there was a portuguese were importing slaves from angola to the kind of the mexico area and they were pirated by some english who took them up to cape henry point comfort and i believe four of them were sold or left three [Music] and i think there's some sort of movie that's gonna start what's your name and this lady angela it was one of those first four slaves that were left at point comfort and the first slaves were kind of some were kind of indentured servants i don't know if they were allowed freedom after their indentured but i quickly just turned to straight slavery 16 1661 uh slavery was legalized in 1619 that was a big year in the colony by then all the dirty work had been done and things were settled and comfortable so they started to bring over women to encourage families and i know of course first africans were brought over and also first representative government the house of urges was formed and this is a cool fireplace backing pretty neat jug all right looks like a movie going on in there too watch those later uh bacon's rebellion another big turning point uh kind of a short story with this um originally uh labor was performed by indentured servants they would work five maybe to seven years they would pay off their indenture they were allotted land all the good land was quickly taken up so they started moving west as they moved west started getting into conflicts with the natives and governor berkeley didn't support the columnist because he had some trade relations going on with the indians and uh so nathaniel bacon stepped up and he formed a little militia of men and they actually stormed jamestown burned it down uh but ended up the rebellion was it was quickly squashed it's kind of funny there's governor berkeley um nathaniel bacon through marriage was actually like his second cousin or something but anyway oh and that was a turning point because after that they just realized the whole entire indentured servant process was just kind of a mess and too much of a headache so that's when they switched to african slaves all right king charles first well this thing 1670 is a pretty good job for uh for that time and surveying a popular occupation at the time we will never forget who we are our children's children will know our history and our culture i'd like to share it with you too come inside to learn more and this would be uh representing a representation of a slave spaces are dwelling by sub-floor pits called root cellars look at the reconstructed roof cylinders to see some of the objects archaeologists quickly find and early on the uh settlers and slaves kind of lived near each other doing handicrafts kind of a storage seller root cellar notice the musket on the wall i guess to keep things cool [Music] and i guess they slept on the floor because we are a threat [Music] and here would be a planter's house dwelling that belonged to thomas atkinson kind of a middle class middling of middling status [Music] this small wooden structure for no glass windows a dirt floor and a mud chimney is a typical all the household items you see are typical of the possession typical bed warmer we know this from archaeology and from historical documents called probate inventories these are lists and looks like this is a mock-up of some of the aristocracy some of the upper-class gentry king james [Music] oh [Music] and an indian cabinet uh based on archaeological discoveries at the camden site in caroline county [Music] we still govern ourselves koski all right i'm going to see if i can find some of the stuff i missed and she was a queen of an angle and kingdom starving time and another big moment uh the winter of 09 in 2010 and uh only 90 out of the 250 uh colonists survived there's a big drought [Music] okay here's a map of the voyage in the standard route people would take they would leave england they would shoot down to the canary islands i guess kind of take a little pit stop a little break they would shoot over to the caribbean stop at one of the islands looks like they stopped several times and then they went up to uh point comfort uh which is like say hampton uh stayed there for a little while and tried to decide where to settle and uh yeah i chose jamestown yeah and they chose jamestown several different reasons um for one it had deep water anchorage i mean they could anchor right by the shore um also was a good defensive location it protruded out into the james they could see all sides um they had instructions not to disturb the indians uh didn't want to disrupt trade and plus there was kind of a stigma about colonization because of what the spanish had done in south america so and john smith and uh had the reputation very flamboyant full of himself character very rebellious guy he was actually arrested on the ship right over he was jailed on the ship for mutiny and it was kind of funny when they landed they read some sort of charter that he was to be one of the leaders but uh had a very storied uh career as an explorer and he they think he was born in 1580 they're not sure of his exact birthday but he was uh baptized january of 1580 anyway so yeah he started out his career as a mercenary soldier he spent some time in the mediterranean where he did some pirating um ended up fighting the ottomans uh they think it had i believe it had to do with the crusades but at one point he ended up in hungary where he was captured and enslaved and yeah some of these stories get embellished but supposedly he killed his master in some sort of altercation but he did travel from eastern europe all the way across europe all the way down to spain crossed over to morocco and took a ship back to england so after that he had the reputation as a hardened soldier so he was added to the uh he was added to the uh to the adventure uh to jamestown and uh yeah he served as he was only in jamestown for about two years and i'll skip through his time in jamestown but uh went back to uh he was injured and in some sort of a gunpowder explosion 1609 october went back to england and then and i want to say 1614 he came back uh well when he was in jamestown he charted uh he went up and down the chesapeake bay charted mapped out the whole area i went back to england when he came back i want to see 1614 he mapped out the new england area the map he drew out he called new england and that's where the term new england came from but uh yeah very storied career and a little setup here for pocahontas and this is right before she died this was when she was over in england 16 and they say that she really didn't look anything like this and it's kind of strange a lot of those older paintings that people always have that [ __ ] eye that chameleon eye i don't know if that's just artists somehow accidentally do that or anyway but uh yeah chief palatan's daughter um unlike the movie she she didn't fall in love with john smith and you know of course story goes that she jumped on his body when he was about to be killed by chief palatine's tribe odds are that didn't really happen but she ended up marrying john roth and that was a big turning point in jamestown it brought peace for several years between palutan and the settlers and her original name was matoka and i don't know how it turned into pocahontas because when she was christianized her name turned changed to rebecca so but um yeah so as she married john wolfe then she ended up going over to uh to england and uh she died over there i believe it was consumption got her but she was only 21 years old so they did have a son the son stated from england john roth came back to the colonies [Music] for two more details all right so that was the museum tour hopefully i didn't ramble too much and i'm headed down to the uh settlement now then after that onto the ships [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] floating in the top uh [Applause] very nice they so yeah i do my other colleagues will do everything from what the governor might have had on his dinner table uh we have the actual cook books and uh lord delaware actually bought his own cook with him not a very popular piece um so you've got investors the men are coming here working for the company um you're planning the english flag influencing spanish catholicism spanish expansion in the new world i think the original palisades were actually a little bit higher [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] feels pretty good in here up [Music] to the patreon is i like them looks like this guy's about to do something i'm gonna follow the crowd and here one of the three corners of the fort and that's why they're over there because people chase them and they know on this side of the road people don't chase it but you want to kill them weapons as fire arms and a gun powder doesn't just magically go off when you pull the trigger you have to set fire to it that pretty much pretends [Applause] your pace [Music] says [Applause] so [Applause] number one and two from baseball [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] we are making did you see the musket demonstration this is what he's using to fire the musket this is the slow match we're making our own we're treating the rope this is what it looks like before he gets treated so we have to make our own slow match their slow match would have been manufactured treated in england shipped over already treated and made and ready to use we're not making anything here so we're gonna burn down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh it looks like this would be the church so uh all right so that was james ford and i'm headed down to the three ships susan constance this is the flagship captain by christopher newport it's the one john smith was on 54 passengers on 17 crew so 70 some people and then you'll have the godspeed over there and the discovery this discovery being the smallest [Music] the boys are down well it's really nice to breathe i can go down here i [Music] and the person on the crow's nest was their primary those are platforms and you're looking for um [Music] that doesn't look too safe on a rocking ship walk in here it's pretty cool i'd love to take a ride on one of these not four or five months all right so we're on the gun deck would you be interested in learning some navigation skills storage down there i guess rudder back there yeah don't can't go any lower um all right so that was a susan constant and yeah they pretty much dropped uh she and the godspeed dropped the passengers off set sail back for england the discovery uh stayed so john smith could explore the chesapeake bay and yeah these are much smaller all right this goes through what i was saying earlier left london pit stop canary islands made lots of stops just so they could bathe to get fresh water fresh air stretched their legs then they shot up to point pleasant hampton cape henry and uh that's when they uh decided on uh decided on jamestown so yeah december until may so yeah basically um yeah five months okay so yeah [Music] would you mind taking a picture of us working off of the uh not a problem [Music] there's a little ferry taking you across to surry county if you want to visit chip oaks plantation right across down there to the left all right i'm going to uh going to take some pictures and i guess i'm going to head out of here so and yeah that's gonna be it for jamestown settlement not to be confused with historic jamestown uh yeah there's two places to visit down here i'll be uh checking that one out at a different point and uh anyway yeah i'm out of here so i'll see ya
Channel: VA Travels
Views: 419
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Travel, Historical, Virginia, Virginia history, JAMESTOWN, Powatan, Cheif, John Smith, John Rolfe, Settlement, Colony, James River, Susan Constant
Id: CxRm3OhokAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 3sec (2943 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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