''Walk the Talk'' with Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz

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[Music] so charles idiom is going for a walk during lockdown yes i did uh i basically spent all my time in front of a computer where you were into simulators yeah exactly exactly so i raced online quite a bit and uh we were allowed in monaco to go for a run once a day so it was always uh an hour i think so it was allowed to either run or walk i guess yeah but you couldn't run further than one kilometer i think away away from your home so you had to do one kilometer up and now yeah exactly did you do it yeah yeah i did but monaco is not that big so i could take another road every day but uh but yeah this was a very important moment in the day as it was the only time i could get out so get some fresh air yeah exactly what did you do in spain it was full lockdown the only reason you could go for uh outside was to shop not even for physical activities not even for physical activity so all my training was done in a treadmill indoors i mean i'm lucky that i had a garden to go out as it was good weather spring in spain so i spent a lot of time in the garden um but no i missed a lot the the golf going for a walk playing golf yeah which is a sport that there's not much virus going on but uh for whatever reason we were also not allowed to be do you normally do you prefer to go alone or with some people for long no i'm i'm always unless i have some good music or maybe now i'm a bit into podcasts but i mean yeah i am too much yeah yeah yeah since since uh very short like a week i i've it's good yeah it's entertaining yeah exactly because it's different than music you can learn also with what you hear exactly so what i do is i thought about it but i said no podcast music i will have a lot of time to do it while i'm in airplanes when we start traveling again so uh always with my family with people i mean lockdown was a bit intense because you spend a lot of time with people you know because you are in the same house locked down with my sisters my family whatever but uh i need some pressure sometimes what will constitute a perfect day for you [Music] i mean some things you cannot talk about but the things that i can talk about i would say um play a round of golf 18 holes uh probably first thing in the morning wake up early i'm gonna do it in order i like waking up the feeling of waking up early i don't like waking up early yeah but i like the day that you wake up early and go and train because you feel better with yourself yeah sure so in my interview you had a good eight hour sleep you wake up you train you have the coffee some breakfast then go and play 18 holes um some lunch with girlfriend or family or friends or whatever and then yeah maybe have a drink with them in the afternoon whatever then movie night something like that right fairly easy fairly straightforward yours uh a perfect day for me ideally there will not be any gym for me in a perfect day you know more like outside activities like paddle at the moment i'm a lot into paddle so paddle probably uh waking up early to then paddle then in an ideal world i would like to go and ski for two hours in the morning you go to a mountain here exactly yeah then lunch and then going back to the sea next to the beach for the afternoon family is there any place in the world you can do that you are in the sea but then you go and ski and then you come back well in monaco at an hour away you've got the space station you could do that but yeah it's a bit short but you can make it happen ski and come back maybe maybe where and when do you feel most like yourself uh very inspirational very profound i woke up very philosophically [Music] i don't know i will say probably at the track uh at the end it's where i've stayed most of my life it's where i live of my passion uh and in the piano uh you know that i was thinking about giving this answer but uh i don't know i'm not an artist i mean i like playing piano for myself and to have a bit of relaxing time but i don't know whether it's it's my true self i think it represents me a bit more when i'm at the track when i'm really enjoying what i do and and yeah everything is very quick during the meet the the weekend also so yeah this will represent me better i would say you me i have a obviously a racetrack it's where i enjoy myself the most but there you are very focused in performing very focused with yourself uh i feel a lot you know when i uh when i go to a countryside and i go for a walk with my dog there i it's the only time of the day where i don't remember to check my phone check my emails uh check my whatsapp or i have like some time that all of a sudden my brain doesn't go to first thing that it goes that is the phone yeah and uh so i like that feeling of not having the necessity to check constantly a phone and that happens to me in the countryside working with my dog what's up too of course other than racing things that you consider yourself to be very good at i mean nothing gets to the level that we are performing at a race as a race driver of course we did that's all of our life dad we are very good at it yeah like very very good and we work day and night to be good at it exactly maybe not nine so everything that i say apart from this i am worse i did that at racing cars of course yeah i consider myself uh gold and yeah more than golf uh a bit of a fast learner in sports yeah so whatever sport i try i kind of get to a decent level and i say decent because of course i'm not an expert but i can get to a decent level pretty quickly so a goal of puddle 10 tennis um uh i don't know whatever you say i try and i immediately defend myself so maybe a bit of a fast learner in sports you i don't know i uh i get what you say about sports and i think i also try and and uh do the things that if someone tries to learn me something i try to uh how do you say that do that straight away so if they ask me to change a movement or whatever yeah exactly so but uh probably more my creative creative parts i'm always thinking about new things new projects new whatever so yeah i'm very correct you're quite into art i saw music music even businesses yeah i mean businesses it's still very early days but i've got a lot of ideas then i don't i don't really get to do them because i haven't got much time but yeah every day i've got new ideas nice so would you prefer to fly or to be invisible to fly depends well invisible what what's your idea i mean yeah i want to see things it's a bit creepy being invisible you are very creepy because you're in places where you are not supposed to be yeah that's actually quite cool flying but i would like to fly fast transport myself very quickly to places and not have to travel for sure i mean if i fly at one kilometer per hour it's like okay i'm flying but i'm not going to work for what in your life do you feel most graceful my selfish me wants to say being a former one driver and achieving your dream but realistically what i think i should be grateful for is to have uh good health that my family is healthy we were born in with a very good life very lucky life and that's the first thing that that is the most important at least for me being happy with my family everyone being healthy that's the first thing that should be most important health and then if i become a bit more selfish i would say achieving my formula one dream yeah agree i'm not going to ask you what because i think you're going to say very similar thing yeah yeah you know very similar just grateful also for my family to have give me the opportunity to now live from my passion i mean this is i think such a chance one thing brings the other right [Music] but but yeah to be able to live from your passion is something that we are really really lucky to have do you have any family traditions yes actually in spain i don't know if it's the latin culture or what but uh we have a lot of family traditions for example before go with every sunday uh my family does some like a lunch with my grandparents my cousins my uncles aunties so it's a lunch of 30 people every sunday of the year every sunday yeah every sunday of the year obviously now like there's not anymore this lunch and me personally i couldn't attend to a lot because 22 raised 22 races a week a year means 20 two weekends that i cannot go but that is a very spanish traditional thing that you have lunch with your family and then maybe you go with your cousins to do to the cinema or you do that kind of nice yeah sunday family day yeah cool what do you think it separates true friends from just normal people that you meet you have a good relationship with but you don't really feel that connection or that attachment that you feel maybe to true friends i don't know to me in monaco we are a group of eight we are best friends since since child and school or yeah yeah yeah and we've always been this group of eight and we've always stayed very connected throughout the years and it's still the same um [Music] and then you get to know other people in your life where it's just natural and things happens naturally and but i think what makes me realize if someone i if i can call someone a friend is whenever you are going through a tough time normally all the true friends are there for you in this tough time you have the confidence to tell them or to exactly exactly so uh so yeah normally especially in formula one with our sport there's a lot of media and a lot of people around us and whenever you are having good good times it's easy to find yourself with a lot of people around a lot of friends yeah but then once things are going uh when once things are tougher then there are a lot less people around you and this i consider my friend i will say have you met any what do you consider new very good friends like over the last few years or are your true friends always from the past no no i've actually had new good friends new good yeah yeah yeah i did did you ah i actually asked you because i was thinking that to myself like i have the same situation but i can count them yeah one yeah with one yeah yeah same i have the same situation as you i all my friends are from from school and i actually have two friends that are um that are twins and they actually came to my birth like right after i was born and since then we are best friends but um [Music] new friends that i consider new friends yes i think i've made made new friends but i can count them with my with one hand as you said do you speak your mind or do you speak with your heart very philosophical today yeah they are working incredibly philosophically yeah you know i was thinking about these questions last night it depends where i'll say maybe in interviews most of the time i speak with my mind because we have to but in the radio sometimes but in the radio sometimes with my heart and this but in my personal life probably more with my heart um yeah you always use a little bit of your brain it depends for which for which decision you need to make but i will say mostly with my heart and and sometimes with my mind you i would say [Music] just approx 70 mind 30 i'm not i don't open myself i don't tend to open myself up like i always think twice before speaking or saying something um especially all the important stuff yeah unfortunately i think as an athlete and and as people in the spotlight it makes us more mind speakers rather than hard speakers while i think the sport and and the world would benefit a lot from being less less judgmental you know judge less by what you say and open up a bit more your feelings choose three people that you would go for dinner with important people or famous people or three people i don't know uh difficult question one that i want or alive let's put it like that one that i liked but just for my personal interest because i think is is probably elon musk he's got so much going on in his life so many different projects with spacex by example and all the things and it's so interesting that i would love to speak to speak with him and have maybe a dinner with him um elton sena will probably be the second person because he's been my inspiration for um in racing um so yeah these are two persons class one stable of four u plus three there's definitely a place for someone else nobody comes to my mind now specifically but already these two i will be extremely proud to have at my table you it's a good good table ah i'm very interested in meeting one day tiger woods oh yeah because he's such a special character and obviously you know how passionate i am about gold yeah his career and everything he has a very particular career and yeah i think i could i don't know i'm super interested in him and i'm a big fan of his um muhammad ali because of why yeah i mean his life in sport but also what he what he created also of himself outside the sport you know he became a legend worldwide and um third one could be art on senna it could be a lot of people it's like you don't want to those two are the first one that came to my mind so mostly sports table but very interesting yes because i would i think i could use it to my to my own benefit going for dinner with them i mean if i choose people to go for dinner with is to try and also get something from them that i can maybe apply to my own sport yeah and if you could go anywhere in the universe where would you go that's so romantic if i know i could come back i would like to go into a black hole and come back i'm super interested have you seen interest uh oh yes i did yes yeah super long film that goes all about the yeah uh time and uh and black holes and all that yeah okay so that if i know i can come back to my normal life i would go and come yeah yeah what is going on yeah yeah no definitely carlos if you had the attention of the whole world for 10 seconds what will you say easy stop all this judging in social media and wait to meet people before judging make it a better world with that don't consider everything it said in social media and twisted and look at the bad side of it that was insane yeah that was a quick 10 seconds um you 10 seconds 10 9 8. hello [Music] follow me follow me on instagram no i don't know i i don't know i don't know how much i mean it's a great message and i completely agree with you but i don't i don't know how many listen to that and follow this so i'll just i'll just probably share some love and and and tell them to take care about themselves i'm more like more ranked very politically no no more romantic i like
Channel: Mission Winnow
Views: 99,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i11s4rtPnxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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