Walk In The Promise - Jeremy Riddle | The Loft Sessions
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Channel: Bethel Music
Views: 794,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walk in the promise, loft sessionssweetly broken lyrics, jeremy riddle and steffany gretzinger, all hail king jesus, be enthroned, holy ground, way maker lyrics jeremy, the send way maker, on the shores jeremy riddle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 27sec (267 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2012
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I love Jeremy Riddle. His songs and leading style totally match mine (usually), and I think a lot of his songs get overlooked because they stray from traditional worship styles, this being one of them.
I don't think the church I used to lead at would have accepted this song as wholeheartedly as some of his other songs, but I love the transition from full on spooky minor to that uplifting bridge/ending.