Wakeup! Wakeup! - Charles Spurgeon Sermon

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wake up wake up this sermon was originally preached on November 15th in the year 1857 by Charles Haddon Spurgeon the text where this morning comes from the book of first Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 6 so then let us not be like others who are asleep now let us be alert and self-controlled sin has done some very sad things this world of ours was once a glorious temple every pillar of it reflected the goodness of God and every part of it was a symbol of good but sin has spoiled and marred all the metaphors and figures that might be drawn from Earth it is so disturbed the divine arrangement of nature that those things which were unique pictures of virtue goodness and divine abundance of blessing have now become the figures and representatives of sin it is strange to say but it is strangely true that the very best gifts of God have by sin the sin of man become the worst pictures of man's guilt look at the flood breaking out from its fountains it rushes across the fields it covers them for a while and then it subsides and leaves on the plane of turtle deposit into which the farmer will plant his seed and reap an abundant harvest one would have called the flooding of water applying picture of the abundance of Providence the magnificence of God's goodness to the human race but we find that sin has appropriated that figure to itself the beginning of sin is like the initial flooding of waters see the fire God has kindly bestowed on us that element to cheer us in the midst of winters froth fresh from the snow and from the cold we rush to our fireplace and there by our hearth we warm our hands and are pleased fire is a rich picture of the divine influences of the Spirit a holy emblem of the zeal of the Christian but sadly sin has touched this and the tongue is now also called a fire and we are told that it is itself set on fire by hell and it is often evident when it others profanities and slanders and Jude lifts up his hand and cries out when he looks on the evil caused by sin consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark and then there is sleep one of the sweetest of God's gifts wonderful sleep tired nature's sweet restore balmy sleep God has selected sleep at the very picture of the death of his Blessed Saints saying in Scripture those who have fallen asleep in Jesus David calls it the special gifts of grace saying God grant sleep to those he loves but unfortunately sin could not even leave this alone Sinan even superseded this heavenly emblem and though God himself had used the word to express the excellence of the state of the Blessed yet sin must even profane this sleep is used in our text as a picture of a sinful condition so then let us not be like others who are asleep but let us be alert and self-control first this but the text isn't evil to be avoided in the second place the words so then are employed to show us that there are certain reasons for avoiding this sleep and thirdly since the Apostle speaks of this sleep with sorrow is to teach us that there are some whom he calls others over whom it is our business to grieve because they sleep and are not alert and are not self controlled we begin then in the first place by endeavoring to point out the evil which the Apostle intends to describe under the term sleep their evil which the Apostle intends to describe under the term sleep the Apostle speaks of others who are asleep if you turn to the original manuscripts you will find that the word translated others as a more emphatic meaning it might be rendered the refuse the useless but worthless let us not be like the refuse who are asleep let us not be like the useless who are asleep that does not be like the worthless who are asleep the common heard the shameful spirits those who never think beyond earthly troubles let us not be like others the vile immoral multitude who are not alive to the high and heavenly calling of a Christian that does not be like the refuse of mankind and you will find also that the word sleep in the original has even a more emphatic sense it signifies a deep sleep a profound slumber and the Apostle suggests that the refuse the useless the worthless of mankind are now in a profound slumber we will now try if we can explain what is meant by it first the apostle meant that the refuse of mankind are in a state of deplorable ignorance they are in a state of deplorable ignorant the ones that sleep no nothing all there may be laughter in the house but the slugger does not share in its laughter there may be death in the house but no tear wets the cheek of a sleeper great events may have transpired in the world's history but he knows nothing of them an earthquake may have tumbled a city from its greatness or war may have devastated a nation or the flag of triumph may be waving in the gale and the heroes of his country may be saluting us with victory but he knows nothing the sleeper knows nothing at all look how the refuse of mankind are also like this they know a lot about some things but of spiritual things they know nothing of the divine person of the adorable Redeemer they have no idea of the sweet enjoyments of a life of holiness they cannot even make a guess they cannot comprehend the enthusiasm and the inward raptures of the Christian talk to them of divine doctrines and they are to them a riddle tell them of uplifting experiences and to them it all seems to be enthusiastic fantasies they know nothing of the joys that are to come and sadly for them they are also oblivious of the evils which will happen to them if they continue in their sin the mass of mankind are ignorant they do not know it they do not have the knowledge of God they have no fear of Jehovah but blindfolded by the ignorance of this world they march on through the paths of lust to that sure and dreadful end the everlasting ruin have their souls brethren if we are Saints let us not be ignorant as others are let us search the Scriptures for in them we have eternal life for they testify of Jesus let us be diligent do not let the word depart out of our hearts let us meditate on the word both day and night that we may be like the tree planted by the rivers of water let us not be like others who are asleep again sleep pictures a state of insensibility a state of insensibility there may be a lot of knowledge in the sleeper hidden stored away in his mind which could be developed if he only could be awakened but he has no sensibility he knows nothing the thief has broken into the house the gold and silver are both in the robbers hands the child is being murdered by the cruelty of him that is broken in but the father sleeps though all the gold and silver that he has and his most precious child are in the hands of the destroyer he is unconscious how can he feel when sleep has utterly sealed his senses look in the street there is grieving a fire has just burned down the house of the poor and homeless beggars are in the street they are crying at his window and asking him for help but he sleeps and what does he know though the night is cold and though the poor are shivering in the freezing wind he has no consciousness he feels nothing for them there take the title deed of his estate and burn the document there burn up all that he has in the field kill his horse and destroy his cattle let the fire of God descend and burn up his sheep that the enemy fallen all that he has and devour it he sleeps as soundly as if he were guarded by the angel of the Lord such are the refuse of mankind how sad it is though that we should have to include in that word refuse the great majority of mankind how very few there are that feel spiritually they feel acutely enough any injury to their body or to their estate but unfortunately for their spiritual concerns they have no sensation whatever they are standing on the brink of hell but they do not tremble the anger of God is burning against them but they do not fear the sword of Jehovah is drawn but they are not fees with terror they continue in their dancing they drink the bowl of intoxicating pleasure a party and they riot they still sing the lustful song yes and they do more than this in their vain dreams they defy the Most High God but oh if they were only awakened to the consciousness of their state the marrow of their bones would melt and their heart will dissolve like wax they are asleep indifferent and unconscious do what you want to them that all their hopes be swept away everything that might cheer them up when they come to die yet they do not feel it for how can a sleeper feel anything so then my friends let us not be like others who are asleep but let us be alert and self-controlled again the sleeper cannot defend himself he cannot defend himself look at the prints he is a strong man yes and a strong man who is armed he has entered into the test he is wearied he is drunk in the melt that the woman gave him he has eaten her cheese in a bowl that was fit for Nobles he laid himself down on the floor and he slept and now she draws near she has with her a hammer and a tent peg warrior you could break her into atoms with one blow of your mighty arm but right now in your sleep you cannot defend yourself the peg is at his ear the woman's hand is on the hammer and the peg has pierced two skull for when he slept he was defenseless the flag of Sai Sarah had waved victoriously over mighty foes but now it is stained by a woman tell it tell it tell it the man who when he was awake made nation tremble dive by the hand of a feeble woman when he sleeps such are the refuse of mankind they are asleep they have no power to resist temptation their moral strength is departed for God has departed from them there is the temptation to lust they are men of sound principle in business matters and nothing could make them swerve from honesty but their sexual desires destroy them they are taken like a bird in the snare they are caught in a trap they are utterly subdued or purr it is in another way that they are conquered these are men that would not do an unchaste act or even thinking immoral thought they scorned the idea but they have another weak point they were entrapped by the bottle they are taken and they are destroyed by drunkenness or if they can resist these things and are inclined neither to immorality nor the drunkenness yet perhaps greed enters into them by the name of prudence it slides into their hearts and they are led to grab after treasure and to heap up gold even though that gold was rung out of the veins of the poor and sucked out of the blood of the orphan they seem to be unable to resist their passion how many times have I been told by men I cannot help but serve whatever I do I resolved I rear azov but I do the same I am defenseless I cannot resist the temptation oh of course you can't not while you are asleep whole spirit of the Living God wake up the sleeper that sinful sloth and presumption both be startled for if not someone would come their way and finding them asleep one would hang them on the gallows of disgrace forever now I come to give another meaning to the word sleep I know there have been some of my congregation who have been tolerant why I have described the first three things because they have thought that they were exempt in those matters but sleep also signifies inactivity sleep also signifies inactivity the farmer cannot plow his field in his sleep neither can he plant grain into the furrows nor watch the clouds nor reap its harvest the Sailor cannot hoist a sail nor direct his ship across the ocean while he sleeps it is not possible that the stock exchange or at a place of business that men could transact their affairs with their eyes closed tightly in slumber it would be a remarkable thing to see a nation of sleepers but they would be a nation of idle men they would all starve they would produce no wealth from the soil they would have no clothing and no food but how many we have in the world that are inactive to sleep yes I say inactive I mean by that that they are active enough in one direction but they are inactive in the right direction oh how many men and women there are that are totally inactive in anything that is for God's glory or for the welfare of their fellow creatures for themselves they can rise up early and stay up late and work very hard for their children which is an alias for themselves they can toil until their fingers ache they can weary themselves until their eyes are red in their sockets till the brain whirls and they can do no more but for God they can do nothing some say they have no time others frankly confess they have no will they would not spend one hour of their time for God's church but for this world's pleasure they can work an entire month for the poor they cannot spend one moment of their time and attention they must have time to spare for themselves and for their own amusement but for Holy works for deeds of charity and for religious activities they declare they have no spare time but the fact is they have no we'll look how many professing Christians there are that are asleep in the same way they are inactive sinners are dying in the street by the hundreds men are sinking into the flames of eternal wrath but they fold their arms they pity the poor perish and center but they do nothing they do nothing to show that their pity is real they go to their places of worship they occupy their well cushioned comfortable pew they want the minister to feed them every Sunday but there is never a child taught in Sunday school by them they never share God's Word at the poor man's house there is never anything done which might be the means of saving souls we call them good men some of them we even elect to the office of Deacons and no doubt they are good so are we all all good if they are good but these men are good in some sense good for nothing for they just sit and eat the bread but they do not plow the field they drink the wine but they will not raise the vine that produces it they think that they are to live only for themselves forgetting that none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone oh what a vast amount of sleeping we have in all our churches for truly if our churches were once awakened so far as material is concerned there is enough converted men and women and there is enough talent within them and enough money with them and enough time with them God granting the abundance of his Holy Spirit which he would be sure to do that they were all zealous there is enough of everything to preach the gospel in every corner of the earth the church does not lack the instruments or the organization we have everything except the will we have everything we need for the conversion of the world except just a heart for the work and the Spirit of God poured out into our midst old brethren let us not be like others who are asleep you will find the others in the church and in the world the refuse of both are sound asleep now there is necessary for me to say that the Apostle furnishes us with part of an explanation for the second part of our text let us be alert and self-controlled which implies that the reverse of these things is to be asleep let us be alert there are many that are never alert never watchful they are never alert and watchful against sin they are never alert and watchful against the temptations of the enemy they are not alert and watchful against the cravings of sinful man the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does they are not alert for opportunities to do good they are not alert for opportunities to instruct the uninformed to help the weak to comfort the afflicted to aid those that are in need they are not alert for opportunities of glorifying Jesus or for times of communion they are not alert for the promises they are not alert for answers to their prayers they are not alert and watchful for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ these are the refuse of the world they are not alert because they are asleep but let us be alert so we will prove that we are not asleep again let us be self-controlled let us be self-controlled Albert barn says this mainly refers to self-discipline or restraint and eating and drinking Calvin says not so this refers primarily to the spirit of moderation in the things of the world both are right it refers to both there are many that are not self controlled and therefore they sleep for drunkenness leads to sleep they are not self controlled they are drunkards they are gluttons they are not self controlled they cannot be content to do only a little business they want to do a great deal they are not self controlled they cannot carry on a trade that is sure they must speculate they are not self controlled if they lose their property their spirit is cast down within them and they are like men that are drunk if on the other hand they get rich they are not self controlled so they set their affections on the things of the world and become intoxicated with pride because of their riches they become proud of their wealth and need to have the heavens lifted up higher for fear that their heads should rub against the Stars oh there are many many people that are not self controlled oh I especially this teaching on you at this time my dear friends we have hard times coming and the times are hard enough now let us be self-controlled the fearful panic in America has mainly risen from disobedience to this command be self-control and if America had obeyed this commandment had been self controlled the panic might have been mitigated if not totally avoided now in a little while you have any money saved up will be rushing to the bank to have it drawn out because you fear that the bank may collapse you will not be self-controlled enough to have a little trust in your fellow men and help them through their difficulty and so will be a blessing to our nation be careful my brethren if hard time should come if the stock market crashes and banks fail be careful to be self-controlled there is nothing that will help us get over this panic so much as every one of us trying to keep our spirits up just rising in the morning and saying times are very hard and today I may lose everything but fretting will not help it so just let me set a bold heart against the difficult situation and go to my business the wheels of trade may stop I bless God that my treasure is in heaven I cannot be bankrupt I have set my affections on the things of God I cannot lose those things up there is my jewel up there is my heart why if all men could do that it would tend to create public confidence but the cause of a great ruin of many men is the greediness of all men and the fear of some if we could all go through the world with confidence and with boldness and with courage there is nothing in the world that could avert or shock us so much come I suppose the shock must come and there are many men now present who are very respectable who may expect to be beggars before long your business is to put your trust in Jesus so that you may be able to say we will not fear though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea God is our refuge and ever-present help in our trouble therefore we will not fear by doing that you will be creating more possibilities for the avoidance of your own destruction than by any other means which the wisdom of man can dictate to you let us not be unrestrained in business as others are but let us be awake let us not be like others who are asleep not to be carried away by the sleepwalking of the world which is simply activity and greed in our sleep but let us be alert and self-controlled whole holy spirit help us to be alert and self-controlled thus I have occupied a great deal of time in explaining the first point what was the sleep that the Apostle meant and now you will notice that the word so then implies that there are certain reasons for this I will give you these reasons and if I should cast them somewhat into a dramatic form you must not wonder for they will be more easily remembered so then says the Apostle let us not be like others who are asleep we will first look at the chapter itself for our reasons the first reason precedes the text the Apostle tells us that we are all sons of the light and sons of the day so then let us not be like others who are asleep I do not marvel when as I walk through the streets after nightfall I see every shop closed and every window blind drawn down and I see the light in the upper room signifying the retirement to rest I don't wonder that a half hour later my own footstep startled me and I find no one else in the streets should I ascend the staircase and look into the sleepers peaceful face I would not wonder for his night the proper time for sleep but at some morning at 11 or 12 o'clock I should walk down the streets and find myself alone and notice every shop door closed and every house completely shut up and hear no noise whatsoever I would say it is strange it is very strange it is amazing where are the people it is daytime and yet they are all asleep I would be inclined to knock on the first door I could find and give a double knock and rush to the next door and ring the bell and do this all the way down the street or go to the police station and wake up whoever I found there and beg them to make a noise in the street or go to the fire station and ask the firemen to rattle down the road and try to wake these people up for I would say to myself there are some deadly disease here the angel of death must have flown through these treats during the night and killed all these people or else they would have been sure to have been awake sleep in the daytime is utterly out of place well now says the Apostle Paul few people of God it is the daytime with you the Sun of righteousness has risen on you with healing in his wings the light of God's Spirit is in your conscious you have been brought out of darkness into marvelous light for you to be asleep for a church to slumber is like a city sleeping in the daylight like a whole town slumbering when the sun is shining it is untimely and unseemly and now if you look at the text again you will find there another argument since we belong to the day let us be self-controlled putting on faith and love as a breastplate so then it seems it is wartime and therefore again it is inappropriate to slumber it is wartime it is inappropriate to slumber there is a fortress far away in India a troop of those abominable sepoys have surrounded it bloodthirsty hellhounds once they gain admission they will slash the mother and her children and cut the strong man to pieces they are at the gates their cannons are loaded their bayonets thirst for blood and their swords are hungry to kill go through the fortress and the people are all asleep there is the guard on the tower dozing on his bayonet there is the captain in his tent with his pen in his hand and his papers before him asleep on the table there are soldiers lying down in their tents ready for the war but all slumbering there is not a man to be seen keeping watch there is not a sentry they're all harshly why my friends you would say what is going on here what can it be has some great wizard been waving his wand and put a spell on them all or are they all man have they lost their minds surely to be asleep in war time is indeed outrageous here take down that trumpet get close to the captain's ear and blow a blast and see if it does not awake him in a moment just take away that bayonet from the soldier that is asleep on the wall and give them a sharp prick with it and see if he does not awake but surely surely nobody can have patience with people asleep when the enemy surrounds the walls and are thundering at the gates now Christians this is your situation your life is a life of warfare the world the flesh and the devil that hell is Trinity and your poor flesh is a wretched foxhole which you are entrenched are you asleep asleep when Satan has fireballs of lust or a roll into the windows of your eyes when he has arrows of temptation to shoot into your heart when he has snares with which to trap your feet asleep when he is undermined your very existence and when he is about to apply the match with which to destroy you unless Sovereign Grace prevents him hold do not sleep soldier of the cross to sleep in wartime is utterly inconsistent Great Spirit of God forbid that we should slumber but now leaving the chapter itself I will give you one or two other reasons that will I trust cause Christian people to wake up out of their sleep bring out your dead bring out your dead bring out your dead then comes the ringing of a bell what is this here is a door marked with a great white cross lord have mercy on us all the houses down that street seem to be marked with that white death cross what is this see the grass growing in the streets our cities and towns are deserted no one is found walking on the lonely pavement there is not a sound to be heard but those horse hoofs like the hoofs of deaths pale horse on the stones the ringing of that Bell that proclaims the death many and the rumbling of the wheels of that cart and the dreadful cry bring out your dad bring out your dead bring out your dead do you see that house a physician lives there he is a man who has great skill and God has given him wisdom but a little while ago while in his study God was pleased to guide his mind and he discovered the secret cure to the plague he had contracted the plague himself who was about to die but he lifted the blessed vial to his lips and he drank it and cured himself do you believe what I'm about to tell you can you imagine it that man has the prescription that will heal all these people he has it in his pocket he has the medicine which if once distributed in those streets would make the sick rejoice and stop the ringing of the bell of death but he is asleep he is asleep he is asleep who you heavens why don't you fall and crush the wrench on earth how can you bear this demon upon your bosom why not quickly swallow him up he has the medicine he is too lazy to go and prescribe the remedy he has the cure and his to idle to go out and administer it to the sick and the dying no my friends such an inhuman wretch could not exist but I can see him here today there you are you know the world is sick with the plague of sin and you yourself have been cured by the remedy which has been provided you are asleep in active loitering you do not go out to tell others what a dear save you you have found there's the precious gospel you do not go and put it to the lips of a sinner there is the all precious blood of Christ you never go to tell the dying what they must do to be saved the world is perishing with something worse than a plague and you are idle and you you are a minister of the gospel and you have taken that Holy Office on yourself and you are content to preach twice on a Sunday and once on a weekday you never desire to attract the multitudes to hear you preach you'd rather keep your empty pews and study at your leisure than you would ever at the risk of appearing overzealous droll the multitude and preach the word to them you you are a writer you have great power in writing you devote all of your talents to light literature or to the production of other things which may furnish amusement but which cannot benefit the soul you know the truth but you do not speak it mothers you are converted women you have children and you forget to instruct them in the way to heaven you young Christian man you have nothing to do on Sunday and there is Sunday school you don't go and tell those children the sovereign remedy that God has provided for the cure of six souls the death Bell is ringing even now hell is crying out howling with hunger for the souls of men bring out the center bring out the center bring out the center let him die and be damned and there you are professing to be a Christian and doing nothing which might make you the instrument of saving souls never putting out your hands to be the means in the hand of the Lord of plucking sinners as firebrand from the burning Oh may the blessing of God rests on you to turn you from such an evil way that you may not sleep as others do but may be alert and self-controlled the world's eminent danger demands that we should be active and not be slumbering listen listen how the mast creaks see the sails they're torn to ribbons breakers are ahead she will be on the rock soon where is the captain where is the petty officer where the sailors ahoy there where are you here's a storm coming where are you you are down in the cabin and there is the captain in a soft sweet slumber there is the man at the wheel as sound asleep as he can ever be and there are all the sailors in their hammocks what and their breakers are ahead what the lives of 200 passengers are in danger and here are these brutes asleep kick them out what is the good of letting such men as these be sailors especially at such a time as this why out with you if you had gone to sleep in fine weather we might have forgiven you wake up captain what are you doing asleep are you crazy but listen the ship is struck she will be sunk in a moment now you will work will you now you will work when it is of no use and when the shrieks of the drowning women will ring you into hell for your most of curses negligence in not having taken care of them well my friends that is very much like a great many of us today this proud ship of our country is reeling in a storm of sin the very mast of this great nation is creaking under the hurricane of Vice that sweeps across the noble vessel every timber is strained and God please help the good ship for no one else can save her and who are captain and her sailors but ministers of God the professors of Christianity these are they to whom God gives grace to steer the ship you are the salt of the earth you preserve and keep it alive o children of God are you asleep in the storm are you slumbering now if there were no dens of ice if there were no prostitutes if there were no houses of profanity if there were no murders and no crimes o you then are the salt of the earth you might sleep but today the sin of our city cries in the years of God this large city is covered with crime and God is angry at her and are we asleep doing nothing thank God forgive us be sure of this that of all the sins he ever forgives this is the greatest the sin of slumbering when a world is being damned the sin of being idle when Satan is busy devouring the souls of men and women brethren let us not be like others who are asleep in such times as these for if we do a curse must fall on us one that will be horrible to bear there's a poor prisoner in a Cell his hair is all matted over his eyes a few weeks ago the judge commanded that he should be taken and hung by the neck until dead the poor wretch has his heart broken within him while he thinks of the trap door of the gallows and of the drop and of what will happen after death oh who can tell how his heart is torn in troubled while he thinks of leaving this earth and not knowing where he is going there is a man there sound asleep on his bed he has been asleep there for two days and under his pillow he has this prisoners free pardon I would force what that scoundrel horse with him soundly from making that poor man have two days of extra misery why if I had had that man's pardon I would have been there I would have rode on the wings of lightning to get to him and I would have thought the fastest training that ever would run would have been too slow if I had so sweet a message to carry and such a poor heavy heart to carry it to but that man that brute is sound asleep with a free pardon under his pillow while that poor Wretch's heart is breaking with dismay don't be too hard with him for he is here today it is you for sitting right next to you this morning is a poor repentant sinner God has pardoned him and intends that you should tell him the good news he sat next to you last Sunday and he wept all through the sermon for he felt his guilt if you had spoken to him then who can tell he might have had comfort but there he is now you don't tell him the good news do you leave that for me to do my friends you cannot serve God by proxy what the minister does is nothing to you you have your own personal duty to do and God has given you a precious promise it is now on your heart will you not turn around to your neighbor and tell them that promise oh there is many an 18 heart that aches because of your idleness and telling the good news of God's salvation yes as one of our members who always come to this place on a Sunday and looks out for young men and young women whom he has seen in tears the Sunday before and who brings many into the church yes I could tell you a story he looks a young man in the face and says haven't I seen you here a great many times before yes I think you take a deep interest in the service don't you yes I do what makes you ask that question because I looked at your face last Sunday and I thought there was something that worked within you old sir he says nobody has spoken to me ever since I have been here till now and I want to say word to you when I was at home with my mother I used to think I had some idea of religion but then I left and started working with an ungodly group of youths have done everything I ought not to have done and now sir I began to weep I began to repent I wish to God that I knew how I could be saved I hear the word preach sir but I want something spoken personally to me by somebody and he turns around he takes him by the hand and says my dear young brother I am so glad I spoke to you it makes my poor old heart rejoice to think that the Lord is doing something here now do not be cast down for you know this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners the young man puts his handkerchief to his eyes and after a minute he says I wish you would let me call and see you sir oh you may he says he talks with him he leads him onward and at last by God's grace the happy youth comes forward and declares what God has done for his soul and owes his salvation as much to the humble instrumentality of the man that helped him as he could to the preaching of the minister beloved brethren the bridegroom comes wake up wake up the earth must soon be dissolved and the heavens must melt wake up wake up hole Holy Spirit arouse each one of us and keep us awake and now I have no time left for the last point and therefore I will not detain you allow me to say in warning there is an evil here lamented there are some that are asleep and the Apostle warns it my fellow sinner you that are still unconverted let me say six or seven sentences to you and then we will depart unconverted man unconverted woman you are asleep today as they that sleep on top of the mast at a time of storm you are asleep as he that sleeps from the flood waters rage and when his house is destroyed and is carried down the stream far out to the sea you are asleep as he you is in the upper bedroom when his house is burning and his bedroom doors being singed by the fire he does not know the devastation that surrounds him you are asleep asleep as he that lies on the edge of the cliff with death and destruction beneath them one single movement in his sleep will send him over but he does not know it you are asleep today and the place where you are sleeping has so frail of support that when it first begins to break you will fall into hell and if you do not wake up till then what awaking it will be in hell where he was in torment he looked up and he cried for a drop of water but it was denied him whoever believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and his baptized will be saved but whoever does not believe will be condemned this is the gospel believe in Jesus and you will be filled with inexpressible and glorious joy amen
Channel: Christian Sermons and Audio Books
Views: 62,025
Rating: 4.8839693 out of 5
Keywords: sermon, spurgeon, christianity (religion), wakeup, preacher, bible, charles spurgeon, pastor, Spurgeon Sermon, Book of Romans, Reformed Baptists, Baptists, minister, Jesus, Jesus Christ, God, Bible, First Epistle to the Thessolonians
Id: fDKyCuaHclY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 56sec (3176 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2017
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