Wahoo Seminar with Capt. Steve Grant

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[Music] hey guys today we get a really cool video to show you it's fun and educational I saw that there's this Wahoo's seminar held at Marine Macs and it was done by a friend of mine Captain Steve grant so I called Steve up I can't texted he's like hey can i film your seminar he's like yeah sure so went down there that evening and set up my camera equipment and we filmed his Waku seminar so you get to see that today you get to learn a ton of good stuff about catching wahoo which is one of my favorite fish and it's our shirt design based off a while captain Steve grant is just a great fisherman he worked at cnh for many many years now he works at diamond fishing company he just knows a ton about fishing he's fished these waters and all over for wahoo you know for a long time he just got tons of knowledge up there so without further ado I gave you Steve grant and that's why he's seminar thank you guys for coming back and it's good to see you again and for those newcomers maybe I can share a couple things that might help you guys catch a couple wahoo for those of you that don't know me my name is Steve grin I used to work at singing H lures for almost half my life I was there for 18 years and I've spent a lot of time making lures fishing with lures I was lucky enough to be able to fish with captain Don Combs he showed me a lot a guy was the man so God rest his soul I'm gonna share a couple things that he taught me and we've changed a few things in the past and and we got some new things that I want to show you guys tonight and first all let's start off with talking about what we're here to do and that's to go look for wahoo okay now I'm gonna start this off with the most important thing that you guys are going to learn tonight okay are you already the key to successful wahoo fishing is information okay if you go out there like we used to 20 years ago and you have no idea what the satellite imagery is you have no idea where the but good bottom spots are you don't you have to kind of play it by ear every day with today's technology it's amazing on what you can actually learn before you even go out for instance if everybody hasn't looked at that sea map that see more mapping you need to you need to take a few minutes and go over there and talk to that it literally is making it where anybody can go out there and put fish in the boat so information is key okay now where do we get our information and what are we looking for so while who are found all over the world now they prefer temperature north of 68 south of 85 okay so I know that's a real broad range and I know you know where do we go to find that that's gonna change as the year progresses okay so this time of the year when it's really nice and cold I'll be honest this is what we want we want it to be really cold we want the inshore water to be as cold as possible because what that's gonna do it's gonna concentrate the fish in the water that's north of 68 degrees okay so how do we find that well I've always been a big fan of dr. Mitch ralpherz Ross reports so what that does it gives you a an analysis not only does it give you a satellite picture but it gives you an analysis on what they've seen and what they expect to happen in the Gulf Stream over the next day so paying the extra a little bit I think it's like $70 for a Ralph's report the day before you go fishing in my opinion it pays back in dividends so any little bit of information that's gonna help you will help you catch more fish if your buddy went yesterday like my buddy Eddie he caught five nice wahoo the other day well hey Eddie hey where'd you go how deep the water and you know a lot of guys especially with this tournament coming up not everybody's gonna give up all their information and if I'm you know and I'm not gonna ask you for a GPS number but I would ask you know how deep but how deep was he you know most guys are going to tell within about 5 feet on how deep they were so yeah maybe 10 feet okay if the fish are in sure people don't like to share information but but just just think about that information okay networking having some friends that fish and are constantly going out there I mean having a little group that you can talk to when you go offshore it always cracks me up because you hear this guy yeah man I'm on the 10 line and it's like nobody on the 10 line I'm right here you know everybody's got their little code you know I'm starting five miles south of what we talked about last night when we had a couple of beers well they don't forgot where that was so but having a partner out there to kind of bounce off really will help you you know put more fish in the boat now temperature breaks weed lines you know we're not really mahi fishing okay if I'm looking for mahi I want cobalt blue water with a with some weed line on there and that's what I'm looking for wahoo fishing I'm only I'm only looking for a little bit of a temperature change okay a half a degree is enough for me to stop it doesn't have to be this epic seven degree temperature change where it goes from kingfish green to blue water blue so just think about that any of these little changes so the one thing there's two things I will not go fishing without one's a temperature gauge the others have bottom machine you can have the rest okay if everything else failed on the boat if I have those two we will still go fishing okay so I want to see what's on the bottom I want to see if we're marking anything and as long as I know what the temperature is I really don't need anything else okay so just think about that one nice thing about having a super slow boat like me okay there's only a couple of us in here have a slow boat I have a 1990 25 foot contender with a single inboard okay wide open with the current in the wind I can do 32 knots okay so typically we cruise offshore at about 24 to 26 knots so once I get to wherever my gut tells me to stop I just stop the boat we slow down to six let me go ahead and least put a couple rods out so one thing that a lot of people do is they overrun the fish okay and I can say ever since we got our boat I've been fishing farther and farther in shore because everybody wants to get to the ledge those of you that heard me talk about this before I always joke about it here around Northeast Florida we get ledge fever okay everybody talks about the ledge all right you know it's this epic voyage do you get there and then when you get to the ledge it's like the Flemish cap the fish is just jumping in the boat yeah and then you get there and there's 47 other people they got the same fever okay I know you're going man what the heck did we do what do we do now okay well that's where I think it's it's fun because when it's hard to catch them is when is when I I personally think that's when I do better okay well nobody else is catching them I might sneak one out of the water okay when everybody's catching them I'm usually not doing as good as everybody else okay so what makes us catch them when nobody else is okay one of the things don't be afraid to go deep I know on one of these facebook forums I saw some guys talking that oh man that blue waters out and 1,200 feet of water there's it's a waste of time it is not okay these fish are pelagic predators they're going to move with the water I have had some very good days in seven eight 1,100 feet of water in fact March of 2010 when I was with Don Combs and we won the the conch house wahoo shootout we caught those fish in 675 feet of water okay I'm not gonna tell you where we were but I will tell you that we were in some deep water and we caught those fish on ballyhoo too okay because you'll hear me when I talk I'm I'm a high speed guy but when things get tough we've got to switch over to Bali alright so we got our c-more map on the boat so all we have to do is we're finding structure okay now what you really want to find is where structure and water come together and that's where like I said we're going back to information if I can have all this in Meishan if I could get my Roth's report and overlay it on the c-more now we're really talking okay but if you can get a couple of things to work in your favor that that those are the spots that you want to target okay because the ocean is huge there's a gazillion numbers out there okay but which ones to go to are gonna depend on where the water is telling us to go to we are looking for a color change okay I know I joked about weed lines the only reason why I joke about weed lines is yes you can't catch wahoo on the weed lines but when your high speed trolling everybody on your boat is going to hate you every single time you troll through the weeds okay because high speed trolling it's fun to catch them it's not fun to reel them in well it's just it's not fun to reel the lines in it's not fun to reel the fish in it's just fun to eat them all right so remember that a couple times recently we've had a nice little filtered color change where it's not a hard edge and that's gonna happen when you get a lot of west winds okay wind blows out of the West that green water kind of spreads on top of the blue water okay and you'll notice that it's not a hard change you'll see your temperature gauge that's going 67 point three point two point five point six point seven okay so it doesn't really know what to do next thing you know you get a mile away and it went up a degree and a half and you never really saw the change that's what you want okay right where that transition is okay because the bait fish want to hide in the in the dirtier water the fish are in the cleaner water so that's why when those two waters come together you have to find that edge okay so that's the most important thing I'm going to tell you is if you can find that if you can find that color change you're gonna be in good shape I know I talk a lot about Ross there's obviously other ones out there there's Hilton's real-time navigator there's teraphim there's some other stuff that I don't even know about subbing kind of out of the loop for a couple years all right let's talk about trolling east and west vs. north and south and this is something we always joke about and I'm going back to this is something dawn taught me years ago is he never trolls north and south and I'm like well why wouldn't you troll North and South because with I'm in this if I'm in the current I'm in the Gulf Stream I troll North I can go like twice as fast okay well I guess the way the fish feed okay you're going to cover more ground by going east and west over a different depth change than you are by going north and south okay so any time I'm trying to make an adjustment like if I get down on the 3008 line with everybody else from st. Augustine okay and I want to go north I'll go ahead and make diagonals okay so instead of going due north we'll go over like 330 then I'll go at like 50 and I I'm just trying to cover as much ground as possible okay yes we've all caught fish go and do north and do south but you'll double it if you troll east and west if you get bored out there one thing you can do is make sure you got your apply your chartplotter on track and you can just kind of draw a picture with the boat okay it's actually kind of fun okay I have not perfected the smiley face although I'm really good at the Twin Peaks just saying okay all right what's I'm dying to talk about the high speeding so let's start talking about tackle and gear and techniques and stuff like that so as you can see on here I tried to and yes my wife already made the observation that I tried to make it look like I'm fishing but there is not nearly enough crap on this boat if anybody's finished with me you know I got it okay man I got this and that damn value rising bled never blasts so I brought probably a sixth of what I usually bring on the boat which is another reason why my boat only does 24 knots on the way offshore okay but talking about the different rods different reels I don't care what you have I'm not gonna sit there and tell you what to go by okay I've tried it all I've had the TLDs I've had internationals I've had the tiaras I've kind of gotten to where I'm a big fan of the tiaras number because they last longer on the drags as far as maintenance goes and number two I can actually hear it because I'm not getting any younger okay so when a fish hits a tee Agra you can hear them the pen it's kind of quiet and if I had somebody running on the back there you could definitely you can definitely tell the difference so I'm not here to sell your rods and reels and just trying to tell you that everything works and use what you can or use what you have okay I'm gonna recommend if you're getting if you're getting new wahoo reels I'm gonna tell you to get at least 50 whites okay why because they're universal yes the biggest wahoo I ever caught was on a stupid Shimano speed master with 16 pound tests and I still have not beat that stupid fish okay got hundreds since then so yes you can catch a big fish on light tackle but I'm not fishing for a $75,000 boat with 16 pound test okay let's face it a lot of a lot of us here wanting to go catch a big wahoo and we don't want to lose them so the smallest I'm gonna recommend is a 50 wide doesn't matter which 50 it is but you want at least six hundred yards of line okay if you can get six hundred yards of line and get 15 pounds of drag on that six hundred yards you got a pretty good chance now Gary ain't no guarantee when you go out there okay but you got a pretty good chance something that I've kind of got away from is fishing with all monofilament okay multiple reasons as most most you guys just know I just said 600 yards so we got we got to where we fish with braids okay for not only can I get twice the line capacity I can also get twice the breaking strength and twice the line capacity so why not now some people in here wonder why I use hollow core braid there's a couple of reasons why number one hollow core braid is made from 16 different carriers of braid okay you ought to see this stuff getting made there's 16 little bobbins that work around to make this this tiny little super thin braid so with the hollow braid being 16 carrier and solid being eight carrier you get twice as much abrasion resistance okay so that's that's big reason number one yes that is a little bit more expensive but that's big reason number one number two there's a there's a phrase that you know Forrest Gump said happens trying to keep a G rated so when crap happens on the boat and you have hollow-core braid you don't have to buy a whole new spool of line you can actually splice the braid back into itself with only a foot splice and a foot splice and it settles right back down and it's a hundred percent connection okay so if you lose one hundred and fifty yards of hollow core when you went fishing well guess what it's not gonna cost you a hundred bucks to go spool it up gonna cost you twenty bucks to go fix it okay I don't have I didn't bring my needles with me but if you look up splicing hallo - hallo braid it literally takes five minutes on the boat and you can and you can resize it in okay so what that does is saves you it saves you money you're gonna spend more money off the bat but I'll be honest it's gonna save you some money another reason why I use hollow core is on my long lines I actually splice in about a 50 or 60 foot piece of fluorocarbon okay couple reasons why I like to do that number one if I have to switch over to ballyhoo fishin I don't like doing straight braid to the Lord okay I like havin see these these rods if I was ballyhoo fishing would end up being where the teasers are but I'm just you know things aren't exactly like I'm fishing but my straight braid rods when we switch to ballyhoo fishin I'll move them up here and those become my teaser rods okay all my rods that I ballyhoo fish have a top shot you can use mono I prefer to use fluorocarbon why not okay and I'm just getting a little bit of stretch and the main reason is ballyhoo fish and you get a lot more headshakes okay and if I got fluorocarbon straight to the leader all my leaders are made from fluorocarbon too and there's a couple reasons why fluorocarbon is not made like mono it does not cut like mono okay and I have a couple of lures that I you guys are more than welcome to come check out later that I've caught nice wahoo on and I haven't rerigged it yet just you can see what happens after they do bite the bite the floor carbon okay so all my stuff has become floor carbon also on my long lines when I when I get to that all my long lines or fluorocarbon even when I'm high speeding okay so just something to think about so 50 wives the smallest thing I'm gonna recommend if I had the money to buy five 130 s I'm not getting money don't worry if I had the money to buy five 130 s I would probably go buy okay now that's strictly for fishing this the fish in the wahoo tournament any advantage that you can give yourself okay is one less advantage for the fish okay these eighty wives they seem big they get really small when you hook a nice fish okay I've even had a couple eighty pounders take over six hundred yards off of these and I fish with 25 to 28 pounds of drag okay so I fish with a substantial amount of drag which is also why I use one hundred and thirty pound test so all the stuff I use all everything you have up everything you see up here is one hundred thirty pound braid okay one thing to keep in mind about braid okay and if you're if you're new to this mono works it still works okay braid is dangerous all right you're only as good as your crew so just keep this in mind when you got a wahoo on a rod with braid it's running fifty miles an hour the opposite way that braid will cut anything it touches it'll also cut off another one of those $89 lures okay so you just got to be careful when your fish I'm a braid and just know what you're doing so that's where it comes into a one thing that we started doing years ago is marking our rods the last thing you want is to lose tackle when we're trolling five rods behind the boat at high speed we got about six hundred dollars where the tackle behind the boat at one time okay and then nobody wants nobody wants to lose that between trolling weights and rigs and lures and everything there's a lot of terminal tackle back there so we mark everything so it takes all the guesswork out now the only rods on my boat that I don't mark are my two flat lines right here because I I adjust them a little bit sometimes I got him right there sometimes I got a little farther but I like to fish what's called tag line returns and I tried to get here early enough to rig up this outrigger but Larry didn't even have the release clip on the outrigger I'm just want to say thanks Larry but see I fish tag line returns and I can't seem to get away from it because I absolutely love fishing with them okay now I had to learn how to keep some of these outriggers from breaking every time I use tag line returns okay now anybody here that wants to know more about tag line fish and I'll try to draw like a little chart out or something after the seminar I'll show you because it's it's like Chinese arithmetic trying to explain to you exactly how a tag line return rigs up on a boat even though it's a very very simple process but what ends up happening is a rubber band becomes my release clip okay because you can't troll a three-pound trolling weight and a one-pound lure at 14 miles an hour on a release clip there's a few that say that they hold up to 40 pounds I would never ever trust it so a rubber band and the ones that we use for high speeding of course are the ones I think I left right down there yeah but they make them the two sizes I use is a number 32 and a number 64 so the 64 you grab this from your big toomai the 64 60 number 64 rubber band brakes at about 11 12 pounds of pressure now keep this in mind if you're going to get some rubber bands go by the regular rubber band colored rubber band I know that sounds stupid but if you go to office max and get their orange rubber bands you're gonna find that you're gonna break some lines I don't know what they made those things out of but they don't break okay so the regular Manilla whatever you call this rubber band it's number 64 and this is this this this becomes my release clip okay now one thing I'm gonna do here in a few minutes is I'm going to show you how I mark the line and I'm gonna put a loop on this rod real quick to show you what we do with the tag line return okay but this right here like I said it breaks it about eight to twelve pounds and that does vary and if we need to add a little bit I'll add a small rubber band to it so I may have two rubber bands on my tagline return okay now how we keep the outriggers from breaking because I've broken if you buy a boat and you have taco outriggers don't tell them I was with you because they ain't gonna warranty it so but when your outriggers out we'll take a piece of like eighth inch nylon cord okay and we'll loop it around towards the end of the outrigger and we'll tie it up to the bow so it acts like a little bungee why okay so when you guys get home look up tagline return you're gonna go oh that's what that crazy guy was talking about all right but what I like about them is it puts my two long lines in clean untroubled water okay now one benefit about having a single inboard boat is literally my wave splits right here where these guys are and I can put a lure right there because I have zero whitewater because I don't have any underwater thrust it's actually amazing okay at nine knots my boat's a big frothy mess at about fourteen and a half knots wave comes together and it is literally crystal blue from one side of the wave to the other it's nothing like a it's it's the only but I've ever seen like it's why I bought it be honest with you that's why I bought the stupid thing so as far as distance from the boat on how far to put your lures like I said I don't mark my to my two flat lines okay but roughly it's about a hundred foot and 150 foot my middle line is about two hundred and then my long left 250 my long writes 350 okay now is you can kind of see my little tag line returns I have rigged up layer on my on my Mickey Mouse drawing I should pass first grade for that one there it also lets my line go behind the boat okay I really wish I read these up so I could explain this a little better so but anyways the other nice thing about having tag line returns is if I catch a fish on one of them I one of my three flat lines which we catch most of the fish on my boat I'd say on these three rods we leave those out don't bring them in okay a couple things the more ian's crap you have to deal with in the boat more you're gonna break stuff people are gonna get hurt and you're in it you're gonna end up losing fish not only that I can't tell you how many double and even triple hookups we've had because wahoo I'm not gonna say they're easy to catch okay but they're easy to predict when you have them hooked up and you're fighting them okay you can pretty much bring them right down the pipe they're gonna go a little bit starboard or a little bit port but you can pretty much bring them right down the pipe okay now let's talk about a couple things now what do we do after we actually hook one of these things okay first thing I'm gonna tell you to do is keep don't don't change a thing for as long as you can stand it another reason why we like braid okay so you can keep going for a little bit longer because one can turn into two three four I've actually had six wahoo on at one time before holy guacamole okay now that was years ago that was actually back in 2003 I'll never forget the only time I ever had six on okay I mean we've caught quadruples in three but six on at one time we were ballyhoo fishing had had one on get the boat going had number two okay I was good after two okay I'm like alright alright then three four five six holy crap two lines cross cut those two off this one blah we went to four six like that okay so keep the boat going for as long as you can stand it okay and I usually say I mean probably thirty seconds it's really not that long I can't stand it okay because everything that that fish is taken you're gonna have to get it back okay so the longer you keep the boat going 15 miles an hour that's an extra you know 150 or 200 yards we're talkin tree limit anymore anyway so that's fine so but keep the boat going for about thirty seconds I'd say alright now if you read high-speed fishing the way I define high-speed fishing is faster than 10 knots slower than 20 yes you can catch fish faster than 20 knots fastest I personally ever caught a Wahoo is twenty one point seven knots okay those of my buddies old ocean and that was as fast as this boat went so we stuck to 80s and Haddad next thing you know everybody's Yellin at us we can't even hear him we had a fish on it was like a half a mile behind the boat so but we did catch a fish at twenty one point seven knots so everybody's every every boat has a different what I call a happy speed okay where it lays out not necessarily on plane okay the boat I'm standing on planes at sixteen to seventeen miles an hour that's what I'm talking about okay fourteen and a half knots so every boat has a different speed my boat is sixteen to seventeen miles an hour to fourteen and a half knots and what's funny my boat I can kind of hit the throttle and just walk around for a second the next thing you know it the boat those fourteen and a half knots all on its own okay so after you hook the fish keep it going for a little bit then slowly come down okay if you make a drastic change fish is gone by okay you're trolling a trolling lead and a lure and as soon as that as soon as this weight gets slack it rolls the hook out of the fish's mouth okay and you can kind of imagine how you would do fish just drop the weight it literally D hooks the fish okay so after you got the fish hooked up keep the boat going for 30 seconds then we're gonna come from 14 knots to like 10 knots okay and what's funny to everybody is so worried about oh god we got a fish on they start cranking the lines in man you're gonna be cranking that fish in for like 10 12 minutes okay you got all the time in the world to get the lines in pay attention to the fish make sure that the guy knows what he's doing okay and by the way Larry this this boats missing like four rod holders okay I need to up front for my teasers okay and I need to zero Degree rod holders right here so one thing that we started doing because the tournaments I used to fish back when I didn't have any great here we used to have to do everything by igf a rules okay meaning as soon as this rod had a bite and I grabbed it okay it's mine do not touch do not pass go do not collect $200 okay so with the igf a rules nobody can really help you and you got to get into a harness you can't use the boat or you can't use anything so I'm still great with all that but if everybody else is cheating I'm a cheat too okay so what we do now is we use a zero Degree rod holder preferably a swivel base okay so I got a fish on it and notice rod leash I've lost a couple okay it's a very small investment so while the fish is running okay while these because we know as long as the drag isn't long as long as lines coming off of here the fish is tight so while the fish is still running we'll come to one of our zero Degree rod holders okay now one thing you guys know everybody's looking at me going why this guy has all been buts exactly okay because my bent butt and a zero Degree rod holder has this angle on it everybody could see that okay that's the perfect fighting angle for a fish okay I've got tension on it and obviously with with a little bit of fish pressure on there it's gonna have a perfect Bend now with a zero Degree I can kind of wig a little blue this way and crank on it and we can wait over this way if we need to and crank on it so instead of using harnesses and stuff I'm gonna tell you guys while the fish is still running try to put them in a zero to gujrat hole in the back of the boat and it's always a lot easier to put it back here where you can kind of get your knees up against it okay now the boats still going fast by the way now we're coming down a little bit slower I got I got the rod in this rod holder now I'm coming down to about eight knots now now I'm telling my guy to start cranking okay he may not be able to get line but I want to see what the fish is doing at this time okay I'll typically already have this in low gear we fight I'd say 90% of our fish and low gear we keep the boat going fast enough to where you don't get caught up with low gear and you'll know what I'm talking about so all of a sudden will slow down to about six knots that's it okay I don't want to go much slower than that okay so now we're cranking on this fish in low gear as long as he's getting long as whoever's fighting this fish is getting positive ground I don't want to change anything on the boat okay those of you that are lucky enough to have autopilot on your boat best thing you could do when the rod goes off but if you're not already on auto just hit Auto okay so that way the boats gonna stay straight and you can do something else okay so just keep that in mind now if you're having a hard time gaining line on the fish there's a couple of tricks that you can do and we've been doing these for years by making little angle adjustments with the you know if you have auto pilot hit plus ten plus ten so you go 20 degrees so the boats gonna turn 20 degrees now all of a sudden I gain I can gain a little bit of line on this fish because I got an angle to him okay now if this if I notice my anglers starting to crank a little too fast I go the other way fight it back up well guess what mmm you just tighten it right back up and these little things are what the difference are people catching seven eight fish and the guys catching one and two okay so is once you got one hooked up getting him to the boat that's the hardest that's the hardest part okay if you can get through the first run you usually can catch that fish just saying okay that fish can be caught so alright as far as drags go I know I kind of briefly hit it I set mine between about 25 to 28 pounds okay you can come up here and grab either one of these 80s and then they're hard to pull you will lose a couple fish with that heavy of a drag but my theory with it is he's either on or he's off okay I don't want to fight this fish for 25 minutes of him shake the hook I'll know in the first 10 seconds whether we're gonna catch this fish or not now if you're using 60 pound monofilament which is the smallest thing I'm gonna recommend for high speeding you're gonna use about 16 to 18 pounds of drag okay no that's it strike so sometimes with a big weight and with the boat going in and out of the waves you'll have to kind of go a little bit above a little bit above strike okay just remember that when the fish hits and starts running bring it back to where it's supposed to be okay another thing I just want to key on real quick as spool diameter decreases drag increases on its own all right now with Bray it doesn't make that that big of an adjustment because it takes a long ways for the braid to get down but especially with monofilament you get 300 yards Amano off your reel when you start it at 25 pounds you're gonna be over 30 something so something else to think about so everybody everybody wants you to go up while the fish is getting way out the hardest thing to do is to come down but you got to sometimes okay so think about that I got I got a big star on this note I got to share it cuz it cracks me up over the last probably seven or eight years I almost feel like I'm not wahoo fishing unless I'm high speeding okay I know they still get caught on ballyhoo and I still catch them all the time on ballyhoo but I honestly feel the best chance to catch the biggest fish is when I can use the biggest lures with the most drag and try to take an advantage of everything that I can so high-speed fishing I've always been a fan of Mustad hooks okay I use a seven seven thirty to ten on hook the reason why I use the seven seven thirty two style instead of the 76 ninety one is because of the hook gap I know a lot of the guys out there that that do pre that do the little hook sets and stuff they use the 91 hook my only problem with the 91 hook is you need to use an 11 ought to get the same hook gap that I have here with a 10 on and these hooks are three bucks less so just something to think about okay I've always used these now it wants to be my guinea pig for a second hey buddy sir yeah just grab this and just walk down I just want to show people how long this whole little setup is there is hooks on that one so do be careful please one of the other most important things for the mate is a pair of gloves okay I have forgotten these I cannot tell you how many times it is so annoying because I literally bring everything but the kitchen sink and I get all the way out there and we're about to wire the if you can just let it down sir just leave it right there so it drives me nuts you all have got to be careful when you get to this point okay and the few of you that know the story on how old Scuba Steve here almost got killed from a 48 ounce trolling lead it was one of our epic fishing days years ago we had 10 wahoo this day okay we were hooked up - wahoo number nine and while we were cranking in wahoo number 10 eight okay was not ready for that so all of a sudden we hook we hook a fish literally ten feet behind the boat with a full drag reel okay and I mean he's here so I go I didn't have my gloves on I go to wrap this leader I get two or three two or three cranks on it and I have to let him go and the guy with the rod that wasn't paying attention okay and he was standing behind me you know I actually have a picture of doing like this okay when that fish let go when I had let go with that fish that lead came over and literally hit me in the side of the temple I had never been knocked out in my life okay that's the first time I've ever been knocked out I laid out on the floor I woke up to about a 45 pound wahoo flop in my way okay they got the fish but the fish also got my $249 Maui gems okay just saying all right so y'all just be careful okay when it comes to this point make sure you got a good you know I always joke about it takes four four guys to catch a big fish you got a boat driver you got a Rob man you got a leader man and then you got a gas man okay so perfect case scenario you know the rod guy is gonna move up up the side here holding the lid off the side of the boat I'll go and get it out of your way wire man wires this in okay now this is where believe it or not this makes a big difference by this point you should know where the fish is hooked whether he's on the right side of the mouth or the left side of the mouth okay if the fish wants to go that way don't pull him this way because he's gonna go into the motors okay when the when the when the when the guy that's fighting the fish hands it to the to the wire guy that guy needs to make the decision on where the fish needs to go that makes a big difference okay and you can try to see it the fish is going to this side okay well pull him to this side of the boat on my boat we don't have that problem because these aren't there okay I got a flat transom we bring every fish straight down the pipe right in the center okay but when you're fishing around when you're fishing around motors like that something to keep in mind is try to figure out if that fish is hooked port or starboard okay and go the way he's going something else you could do to this is when the captain takes it off auto sticks it on manual okay and the fishes come on this side turn a little bit into him just a little bit okay also the captain needs to have his hands on the throttle that fish does something stupid hit the gas get away from them okay get away from them that's fine I don't care if it takes another hundred yards of line get away from and then slow back down and try again okay a lot of a lot of people lose them you're either gonna lose them in the first 10 seconds or the last 10 seconds okay and that's where most of the wahoo are lost alright and we don't want that when I lose them in the last 10 seconds that captain scoop is mad in the same scoot was really mad I know I'm bouncing around a little bit so I'm a little bit excited okay so I'm not gonna lie I really wish I was fishing tomorrow but I gotta go to work so as far as lures go there's a lot of lures out there a lot of Lord's work okay mr. big works sold that one for years I do have my own lures that I did make I've got purpose for each one okay now one thing Don taught me years ago and I still I still do the same thing he's always been dark lures on one side light lures on the other okay and I remember when I tried to change it I'm like I'm smarter than you done I'm gonna do dark lures close light lures far yeah started catching more fish when I went back to what Don told me to do okay so for some reason I don't know if it's juju I don't know whatever it is but the left side of my boat is always dark okay I like black and green black and purple anything that's dark right sides always light the only thing I change is either my middle rod that sometimes on my boat I actually have a rod holder right here and I'll fish the middle rod or the shotgun everything else leave it out okay it's easier for a fish to see a dark color lower than it is a light color Lord no matter what the situation okay who here in shore fishes okay what's the best color in Shore here in Jacksonville in the brown water brown dark dark color doesn't make any sense right the shadow created by the darker by the darker lure is easier for the fish to see and something I tell people to get it cracks me up everybody's got a theory my own theories - people make fun of me - I don't care it's fine so the clouds are out there hitting light lures today okay or if it's bright out there hitting dark lures now put yourself through a situation you're Oahu okay wahoo feed looking up or looking straight okay so if you're looking up and it's noon on a sunny day are you gonna see a yellow and green lure or a black and black and purple you're gonna see a black and purple okay because the lighter lures get blended in with the silhouette of the Sun so just something to think about okay so sometimes we catch all of our fish on the blue lures or the blue and whites or whatever but maybe the fish saw the black lure and then he came to the boat I don't know why it's just what we do okay and like I said I got away from that years ago and then all of a sudden I'm going back to my roots what I call so as far as colors go on it's something I tell everybody to have fun with they all do work yes some do work better than others okay I could pick three or four off of there that I always use you could see obvious my lures in front of me and that one that's orange pink with the yellow stripes it's called the B liner color I don't know what it is I made that I made that color about eight nine years ago and nothing has killed it I believe it's won a couple of the wahoo tournaments to the last couple years in a row so when you're playing with colors have fun with it and when you find something that works for you and your boat stick with it okay I catch a ton of fish on black and green I know guys that control black and green all over this ocean too haven't got a bite I can't catch a fish on black and red I mean it's you know it's one of those funny things so when you find something that works for you stick with that okay and then then you'll start playing with your own different little combinations and stuff like that another funny thing real quick if you read about high speed fishing online there's a guy that says wahoo don't eat jet heads because they don't like bubble trails or some funny thing like that I mean I love I love reading that every time every time I do I smile any jet head I don't care if it's mine yours Tom Dick and Henry's okay behind the trolling wait no jet head is gonna make a bubble okay a lower has to come to the surface to breathe the air to make any type of bubble trail so just keep that in mind all right no jet head is gonna make a bubble trail unless it's trolled with a controlling weight or unless a chance to breed on the surface okay okay now couple little ticks a couple little tips on how not to get tangled okay most of the lures that have been lost in the last couple weeks or because of a tangle I am gonna show you how I mark my rods but not only not only mark and you're right even if you have all your rods marked if you put the wrong one out first you're done okay longest line goes out first long line long rigger short rigger long flat short flat okay this short flat comes in first when you have to bring him in and think about that okay if I'm trying to let my line that's 400 feet out and I already got my 150 and my 250 out and I let it out there I'm just praying that it doesn't get tangled in another one okay and it just takes and it cracks me up because every time every time I go fish especially I go with somebody else or somebody new everybody wants to help and that's great I love helpers okay but usually what I tell them to do is just get the lure in the water leave it right there and I'll be there in just a minute okay so that's one nice thing about marking your rods is you can take a lot of the guesswork out and you can have people actually help you on the boat you know cuz you're only as good as the worst person on your crew okay think about that love some of our buddies but you know we all have that one guy that we bring them because he makes a hell of a sandwich just saying y'all know I'm talking about I know okay so we all have that guy that makes a sandwich and you're always good for gas money but you know it's like God man Joe let him catch that fish again oh we're not gonna get this one so I'll keep that in mind all right all right so we let the longest line out first the shortest line out last same thing goes for ballyhoo fishing okay now the nice thing about value fishing since we're going a lot slower and my ballyhoos speed I'm gonna tell you is four and a half to nine and a half knots okay probably eight knots being where I'm gonna be 99% of the time okay now when I'm value fishing you can see these teasers and stuff behind me I try to make the wahoo think that I'm sailfish okay some of the biggest Dagon wahoo I've caught on ballyhoo has been while we're sailfish and we'll stick a couple of wahoo rods out there and I can tell me we've had some monster wahoo I've had some wahoo while we're sailfish and so big we didn't catch some of them skyrocketed okay splashed right there by the boat and got me wet I mean this thing was okay so I like making a commotion if I'm gonna ballyhoo fish I'm gonna go all out so I'll have my teasers I'm fishing planers I'm fishing this I'm fishing everything okay now I just said the plainer word I'm stuck between the cleated off planer and the inline planer okay personally I I like to use the inline planer because it's one less piece of hardware in the water okay the clean it off planer really is kind of two lines okay and most people when you use a clean it off planer you're gonna use a larger sized one either a 16 I think I may be either a 16 or a 24 down there okay have you ever tried to pull that thing in while you're still going forward oh dude that sucks I'd rather catch the fish okay so clean it off planer yeah I do like them they are effective okay now the reason why I got this one set up here tonight is if you if you have 30s I'm not gonna sit here and tell you can't go wahoo fishing I'm just gonna tell you save your money and don't try to go high-speed fishing okay because you'll end up just throwing away some tackle last thing I want somebody doing is going out there and throwing money away okay I mean I work hard for everything I have up here I don't like throwing anything away so if you have 30s make the best of it facial ballyhoo you'll catch fish okay a couple reasons why we don't like using ballyhoo it's not because they don't catch fish is because they catch every Daigle thing okay I don't want to catch kingfish I don't want to catch Barracuda I don't want to catch tuna I want to catch dangle wahoo okay so the faster you go the more the less trash fish you're gonna catch okay so that's why I say you control as fast as your lures look good I think I'll tell you speed we talked about high speed fish a little while ago faster and ten slower than 20 as fast as your lures look good okay if your lures look good everything stays in the water at 25 miles an hour than you have at it man well here one of the fastest fish in the ocean they will they will hit if they can see it they will hit it okay so let's talk about planer fishing for a second here now the one nice thing about the cleaner is you can use a lighter rod and what will do this one doesn't have a hook in it I'm just gonna throw that one out there okay so yeah when I'm doing this I don't like to let the lure out or the bait out real too far I'd probably let it out about probably a little bit past germy okay so like 30 maybe 40 feet hey you don't have to like I said it's fine so let it out like 30 or 40 feet and then I'll grab the number 32 rubber band remember I'm real specific on my size rubber bands 64 for high speeding in the tag line 32 from a planer this this breaks it about about 3 or 4 pounds okay because one thing that that you can still do hi speeding but you definitely need to be able to do ballyhoo fish in this drop back okay so what you do take this and you wrap it around the line we're gonna wrap it around about six times three four five six then take one side pull it through the other so I got that rubber bands not going anywhere okay now as far as attaching it to the planer you can use a double swivel you can steal your wife shower curtain rings cool whatever I've had to do that before but what I like to do is I rig - swivels about a foot and a half apart from each other okay what this does is when this actually deploys so we'll snap this to my rubber band so a rubber band becomes my release clip again okay we'll put it on our pointer and we'll let it go on down so the nice thing about having that little bit of a little bit of a leash I actually kind of call it because it keeps the bait above where the planer is okay I've had fish hit and they go right in front of the boat okay if they're doing that and they're in the clip is stuck down there on the planer the player can actually cut you off okay right yeah but old scuba is gonna spend most of his planer cleaner time fishing with something like this okay now there's all different types of planners out there I will say it makes a huge difference which one you get old salty the old salty planers are what you want they got a different sized blade and one thing you want to make I know everybody that has retired stuff is gonna kill me right now one thing you want to make sure of when you're looking at your planer is that the bar is perpendicular to the blade okay a lot of the larger once you get into the bigger planers a lot of when they get shipped I just have to tighten up I understand when they get shipped the bar gets bent over to the side okay you stick a planer in the water with the bent bar next thing you know it'll literally do a loop it'll gather all your lines and tangle you up and cost you 300 bucks okay and the other planer that I want you guys to look at it's called a number 4 - 6 it's actually having a 6 ounce weight on a number for planer okay that's my favorite one so now these planners they almost take that planer at 8 knots is gonna take almost 25 to 28 pounds of drag just to keep lying from rolling off the reel ok so what I do when we planer fish is I'll actually put a mark on here with like a with electrical tape or something on where the drag needs to be after the bite okay because yeah if you're fishing with those little hooks and 28 pounds of drag while that fish is running away from the boat he's going to pull the hook I'd say at least half the time okay so when planer fishing and then line planer your crew has to be back here not drink a beer alright so another little tip just saying alright hey I like drinking beer - okay we're out here to catch fish right all right well I'm gonna go through let me show you guys a couple little ballyhoos that I got rigged up here and I'll have these out so y'all can look at them later okay this is my new and improved way of double hook Riggin I actually do a the interlocking hook inside the fish I absolutely love this rig okay a lot of you guys that have seen me do this before and I'll have everything laid out I'll show you the hooks and everything afterwards something else too you'll see I leave all my stuff without a lure on it I like using wire I also use fluorocarbon okay on all my wire rigs I'll tie two dozen ballyhoo and leave the lure off I don't know what I want to put on here yet okay and something that we always like to do if you catch a fish on the day going black and purple Islander don't grab the black and green one and put it out because it was already rigged I can't stay in that okay so put another black and black and purple out alright so something else you'll see on my Islanders now we're getting to the little little tricks that actually make a big difference in my opinion okay I should I trim all I give all my owners a haircut okay I shortened the hair I also cut the back for a couple reasons if you notice these lawyers wouldn't when you fish them they spend a lot of time on the surface they kind of they kind of slip a lot okay I cut a lot of this hair off to reduce the amount of drag so they actually get underwater a little bit so my eye this is something I like to do I'm not telling you to go over there and give all your Islanders a haircut okay because I think everybody here has a couple of these on the boat but something is something to think about maybe trying okay if you're not catching fish on that law or something like that trim it off see what happens okay every single one that I got is all trimmed and here's yeah you guys can come look at this later here's an example of about a 40 or 45 pound wahoo that we caught on fluorocarbon hidden he chewed the fluoro but he didn't cut it through okay no I would not put this back out but I saved it for you guys to take a peek at all right so double hook rig little single hook fluorocarbon rig I like to keep the beaks of my ballyhoo long and on these on these smaller on my long lines I like fishing a smaller bait I like using the Islander juniors okay and the reason why I cut the ballyhoos long nose is these heads actually I don't know if you can see that okay they cinch down on top of the head I can actually pull that right there and now the Lord will swim like I want it to cuz Islanders actually do have a top and a bottom alright I know some people just throw it on there throw it out loo okay drives me nuts we're running 62 miles offshore to try to go wahoo fishing then as soon as we get there everybody wants to just throw everything in the water as quick as they can and take a couple minutes and put it out correctly okay so get everything lined up then lay it in the water okay and before I put out my ballyhoo I like to break them up a little bit I'll break the tail oh nice nice okay go on this side and then ooh see that you just push it just hard enough to bust the tail gets nice and flimsy you're gonna get a bite on that okay some of this is just same old same old now here's the old way some of you guys that have known me for a while this is how we used to rig our double hook ballyhoo rig now I still have some rig like this okay we actually put a little swivel in the bottom part of the crimp rig the first hook and then just kind of slide the second hook into the end of the fish okay now there's a lot of other different ways to double hook rig of ballyhoo but everything that i've actually showed you up here is an IGF a legal rig okay the second hook is supposed to be connected to the fish while it's deployed from the boat one of those rules in case you go out there and catch 187 pound weight I want to make sure it counts okay so so there's a couple my little ballyhoo and like I said after we're done anybody wants to come over and take a peek at those that'd be great and if Larry if you have a paper towel or something I could borrow that would be awesome okay before I do my couple little technical things do I have any questions at this point that I could answer no way I did that good of a job yeah my favorite size is a 4-6 the oldsalty yeah oldsalty 4-6 and as it's one that a lot of people don't have a number three a number four or a 4-6 okay and what I'll do is I'll put the 4-6 on one side and then maybe a number four on the other and something else I forgot to say don't try to put too much line out a planer is only gonna get so deep okay don't let this thing out you know 150 yards thinking that's gonna troll the bottom it's not gonna happen okay I'll troll like a 45-degree angle on this side of the boat and about a 30-degree 30-degree angle on that side and that's it okay leave the ballyhoo at home and just bring lures and honestly if you're going to the Bahamas brings up a good point if anybody's going to the Bahamas you fish the tight tide is more important than Bahamas than anything else you want to fish the outgoing tide to the slack so that's the biggest tip I can tell you is officially fish the outgoing tide if you're getting all upset because you're fishing and it's incoming tide just fish the same spot in about two hours and you're probably gonna catch something and Bahamas it's two to four hundred feet so into 200 out of 400 into 200 out of 400 which is like 12 feet yeah it goes 200 feet of quarter feet something that makes a different side of here too is when to the fish bite I wish I knew all those answers but I will tell you that even king fish on the beach they bite the best on the slack tides right as like the hour before slack turn and right at slack for me that that's when I found that they bite the best we mean the same angle yeah like I said it's only gonna get so deep okay and keep one thing in mind for wahoo he can eat it if you can see it it fits below the bubbles he can see it okay so I don't think there's a planer in the world that's gonna get deeper than about 30 35 maybe 40 feet okay so at an angle it's gonna have maybe 60 75 feet of line off and like I said you're gonna be about maybe 30 40 feet deep so I read in an article one time that unless you drive like a drunken sailor you don't catch any wahoo okay last couple I've caught have been in a turn you know but I think it's just one of those things I mean what what they're talking about is is driving in like a little bit of an S pattern okay where you go a little bit left a little bit right what that's doing is it's making some of your lures depending on how your fish and how much whitewater you have it's making them called a ghost effect okay making them invisible and then it goes back to visible making them invisible and going back to visible that's all right so I mean do we do that yes and no okay yes mr. Steven Tyler grant jr. what do wahoo eat it's pretty good question anything it can catch ballyhoo flying fish Bonita skipjack really anything you can catch out there the weirdest thing I've ever found in Oahu is a Remora kid you not I caught a 71 pound wahoo this thing was fat caught it up by the r4 Tower we cut that thing open and I swear to god there was a Remora this big it had the midsection the tail and the head all in the fish okay and then another time I cut a Wahoo open and found three B liners in it hence when I started making a beeline errcode okay I had a question over here well the word tight you can do that tight turn value fishing I mean there's you don't want to turn too tight when you have everything spaced and something I forgot to cover every rod has a different ounce let on okay now my long line on my boat it's gonna be 350 feet back and it's gonna be one of my Molokai jets with no trolling week okay my second longest line is gonna be a drunken whoo pink and white with a 24 ounce or a 16 ounce and as I get closer to the boat I'll increase the size of the weight if everything is spaced properly okay a light weight will float over a heavy weight in a turn so you can still make some pretty sharp turns but you know you do a 180 and you know you're gonna be visiting the tack shop so but brings up a good point how do you preciate you saying that my closest rod I don't like I know they make up to like hundred ounce trolling LEDs I mean I know I used to make up to 96 the biggest one I'll use is a 64 and that's just on my prop wash okay so you can use the larger ones but it's been my experience those larger weights have the tendency to wobble a little bit and they work but they're actually made for dredge fishing okay so just keep that in mind if I had to pick five days to fish it'd be seven days in front of the full moon to two days in front of the full moon structures everything okay if you've got any type of bottom fishing numbers out there past 120 feet all the way out to the ledge that's where your fish are okay and like I said you want to get to where your bottom numbers and the the water color water temperature coincide together that's you're gonna be your area so we play connect the dots every time we go fishing okay now I'm gonna play connect to see more so but easy you know literally to go out there and we'll troll from one general and set of numbers to the next cetera set of numbers and the more numbers you can cover in one day the more chances you have of catching one so yes I'll do that if I've already probably snagged snaps one off of there okay because this has actually happened to me a couple of times where we've been over the same spot and we caught one it came over there bang we got another one and then next thing you know we passed over it two or three times and then I rolled out to the east or then came in there and I slowed the boat down and we've literally got a double-header I mean so yeah I would I do some goofy stuff like that it also depends on what I mark on the fish finder you can actually mark wahoo okay it's not easy but usually when you do they're there about mid column okay so if it's 150 feet most the time when I'm marking a while they're actually about 65 to 75 feet down so sometimes I wonder how quickly they can get from 75 feet to zero feet but it doesn't take very long so no not saying that they don't work for you okay but my experience the reason why I don't see any of those here it's not because you know because I'm trying to sell you those which I'm not trying to say my lures today the brave Marauders their hooks our losses can be okay so two hooks down there okay because anybody here that's actually fished with them probably knows what I'm about to say trying to figure out which rod it was okay it was probably the brave Marauder probably got hit you didn't get a hook up okay it's a twenty-percent hook up ratio if I was gonna try to do statistics on it okay that's not good enough for me feed rigs with a hook rig is a 85 90 % hook up ratio okay that's not a catch ratio that's a hook up ratio so but that's that's the main reason why I don't use them they do work I know some guys that swear by them I have just I have not good success with them okay there is one lure it's actually made in Australia it's called a pelagic okay it's similar to a braid marauder but it has this goofy flaw it's hideous looking by the way it's got this goofy long looking nose and it's like a hundred and forty dollars I mean it's ridiculously expensive but we got one years ago and nothing got hit like I've ever seen but it was it was 20% hook up ratio so I just had the fan of using those I do know the Rapala X wraps and stuff like that I mean all those little lures they do work okay they just don't work well for me so oh I want the skirt to tickle the tip of the hook every one of these should be about the same okay that one's about one bead off but all these I try to make it to where the rear hook is exposed a couple reasons for that first when I first started hi speeding years ago I didn't know any better I'm just throwing rigs and a lure and hiding it like I like we used to do from Marlin and we missed a couple fish and I brought it in and I swear to god there was probably six strands of skirts that were stuck on this rear hook and it looked like Roland Martin weedless Texas rake okay so ever sit and literally that day I cut him with a pair of scissors and I have not changed it since so then since I found other people that do this they do the same thing so and I also know some guys that they do a single hook instead of a double hook it's really kind of six one half-dozen the other I mean I'm gonna put two and every one of mine so you can put one of yours but the wad they do hit the head and years ago I used to think that we're going so fast when we're high speed fishing that they're only hitting the tail that is a mistake okay and those of you guys have caught a couple good ones a 60-pound fish at 16 knots will inhale this hole or okay and all you'll see coming up to the boat is a little piece of fluoro praying he doesn't bite through it so because it will happen if you do the little fluoro trick I'm just saying it does happen so I will tell you to the floor oh I use is three hundred and thirty pound test why because it fits at a four pound crimper so there's really no you know secret to a little Florio but I would tell you to use three 330 or 400 pounds something that's got a little bit of bite to it this this one I'll pass this around to this one caught another one about that's actually this one caught a 60 pound my head okay because we've all had good days we've all had bad days okay last thing I want to do is fight my own head you know if I was like man yeah how are you guy in your boat you guys okay so it's just a tackle you know it's just one of those things it's kind of like when we used to king fish you know we have a couple rods ago yards of fluorocarbon on it why cuz he has it I mean you know it's kind of one of those things but for me I like having at least one lure that doesn't that's not rigged with cable I like having at least one out there it's not regular cable so it doesn't have to be to then that to be three usually at least one maybe two mm oh boy fluorocarbon and the question wire single strand wire number nine or number ten okay you don't have to go up to number 12 that is some serious stuff and you need two pairs of pliers and you know a screwdriver to turn it so number nine number ten will do everything you need if you catch a fish on wire reason why I have you know I'll rig 24 and have them all on a cooler just throw that rig away cuts the hopes off get another one don't try to reuse it okay it's a one to one ratio you catch one on wire great throw it away get another one cable you know you can catch multiple fish on cable same with fluorocarbon sometimes okay but you know once you get it in always I always inspect everything before I put it back out that's why I was telling you guys this one didn't go back out this one got hit twice okay so just check it before you put it back out okay all my hooksets are in line thank you for saying something a couple reasons for that I personally have noticed a better hook up ratio to hooks right behind each other drags less in the water so it's gonna put less pressure on the reel and it grabs less weeds so three reasons why I like to use all my hooks in line something else I do with all I make I make everything myself yeah all my hook sets the width of my hand is about the size of a 40-pound Wahoos mouth okay so my hand barely fits in between these two hooks that's it that's that that actually is ID if they prove the problem with IGF a that can't be too close okay so with this one like I said I'd do it with about my hand width apart okay these are all these the rig with fluoro are that's where those are my long position okay so tight to the boat I'm using cable I don't want to lose them you know I mean I feel better when I catch a fish on cable to don't get me wrong but it's kind of like sticking five-dollar bills on the reels when you get out there I mean you got to take a chance or not gonna catch anything right right what's that well if you're balling like this guy you do a hundred dollar bills me they're like you know one dollar bills and I had a two dollar bill it was lucky and we finally caught a fish on that Daigle thing so and the other questions are quicker I'm gonna mark a rod yes sir as far as matching a lure to the weight really the weight has its own position the lord that goes behind the weight doesn't really matter okay like I said with the heavier weight and a lighter weight when you make a turn a lighter one floats over one and like all my lures weigh just under a panel okay so when you're trying to make like you know which one goes to what there's really no system to it I guess I would say apologize you know I just have dark side light side and every lure can go out and like I said the weights the weight stay in the same position for me the lures switch around them so no lure has a specific you know spot that it has to be at I don't love that answer door you know that people didn't know how to mark their rods and this is something I used to do a lot over it's ch I mean you come by and if you bought a brand new set of rods I'd mark them for free if not is there's like 20 bucks so any other questions while I'm running around trying to gather all crap together the I'm sorry now I haven't seen it interesting all right I'll have to look at that what's that okay you got another question there little guy I'm gonna cut this off and I'm gonna show people how to floss your teeth [Music] he's toofus alright you've been so kind tonight can I ask you to help me for just another second I just need you to keep a little pressure on this okay it's just easier to do this with pressure on it okay now as far as marking your rods goes guys if you buy one of those Rapala line counters it kind of works okay but don't go out there and try to mark your rods while you're going 16 knots okay if you're gonna use the little line counter take a take a pre fish day don't go out there on game day because you're gonna get all upset at yourself okay take a pre fish day figure out what you want your spread to be and then you can mark it okay I have a lie used to have a counter over at CH that was a six foot wheel now I have all kinds of counter and coiler x' and stuff so but what you want to do get a piece of floss okay this is tacky wax they make 70 pound tacky wax okay now I'm gonna do I'm gonna show you how to kill two birds with one stone cuz I'm gonna mark this and I'm also gonna prep this for a tagline return okay because when I get to my mark on my tag lines all I do is grab my rubber band tag line clip send it out done okay so all you do take your floss and just do a little uni knot on one side done and I'm not gonna do this as long as I normally would because the problem with some of the other people that are marking them right now is they're not making them long enough or tight enough and they're actually slipping after you use it the first time okay so what we're doing I'm literally gonna do a ton of half hitches gonna half it and you know what they used to say I can't tie a knot tie a lot that'll work and you know 47 half hitches hold the world together I'm just saying man I don't care you can tie your dish lemony twist I got me 347 half hitches around that swivel that's a bit ain't going nowhere [Laughter] alright so you do that and I usually do before I make my loop I do about two and a half almost three inches okay and then we're gonna make a little loop literally just tie a little knot a little square knot on this side then you want to tie a bunch of half hitches in between the loop to make sure that the loop stays open otherwise the first time you use it it goes out it gets bunched up and you'll never be able to open it up again if you're doing this on monofilament be careful how tight you pull this okay because you can actually cut right through the mono with this 70 pound floss this stuff's pretty awesome this is the same stuff we use to make the dropper loop on our daytime swordfish rigs okay except we don't use color because they charge weren't fun for the color stuff so whatever and they do sell this in blue red and green I've noticed green is the darkest that I've found so it's usually the bet the most visible so it's what I prefer to use it's called tacky wax yep so we'll do that I'll pull this down alright and then just finish it off again with just a quick little uni not one too so it's very simple it just takes a few minutes to do and of course I didn't tie that down right but whatever you know what it's good enough for tonight I'm not gonna fish with this ladies and gentlemen so you know thank you sir so it's nice about this is now I've got this mark on my rod okay it goes right through the guides no problem and once I get to that and see there's a little loop on there okay like I said I'll just take my rubber band put a rubber band through here snap it to my tag line return and then that's out in the outrigger and it's ready to rock okay any other questions well I'm up here as scrambling stumbling over my own feet I have not had the success that other people have had with wire lines I cannot stand them I think it's bad for me you know it's kind of like black and red lures I just you know maybe I ought to try a black and red lure on a wire line might catch a stupid hundred pounder you know a lot of people have success with wire lines personally I just never really did it and we're going back to because when I first started doing this we did everything by gfa rules had to fight your own fish wire lines were not accepted by gfa okay so that's when I switched over to braid years ago okay so instead of fish and wire I pitch braid because braid is thinner diameter than wire and I still think it's gonna get deeper okay because why mine is not really that effective as far as getting deep when you're going so fast because fluid friction comes into play and it's gonna pull everything up no matter what now slower speeds like value fishing and stuff like that absolutely it's gonna play a factor and with that you know the longer I think for every hundred feet you have out it can be ten feet deep at a certain speed I mean I forgot the ratio is but you're gonna you're gonna benefit more from a wire line at Value speed now somebody else was telling me that they use the wire line because of the harmonics or something that it makes in the water which I can kind of almost understand that though hey no I'm good with that okay you know that's why can and downriggers sells their positive ion control will let you down rigger okay because it puts positive juju in the water so I don't know but that's what they tell me so always check your line the only thing that connects you to the fish is the line remember that okay the only thing that connects you to your wahoo is the line don't use old crappy line there's old mayor can I still use this sure go ahead put three of those lures on that line have fun okay so monofilament lasts on a real six months to 18 months depending on how you take care of it okay yes you can get a couple years out of it but I don't want to fish with a couple year old monofilament okay braid you're gonna get minimum three up to eight years out of some of the braid okay I don't want to tell you eight on a lot of it but you'll notice the braid lasts a long time as long as you take care of it okay now once or twice a year I know some people don't have all this accessibility but I like to take all the braids off my reels dry the braid out relax the relax the spool and then put it back on because something to braid and Dacron and some of those other those spectra lines they do hold moisture so they will corrode the spools of your reel we don't to get a $900 reel and get it all corroded up so just something else to think of okay but y'all I really do appreciate y'all listening to me make fun of myself up here tonight I hope you guys enjoyed this seminar as much as I did I always love hearing how people catch fish the different ways they're both set up tackle all that stuff just coming into one you know strategy to help us catch more fish so I hope you guys enjoyed it also Steve has a home line of wahoo lures they just came out I got some myself I'm excited to try them so if you want to try some just check them out thanks for watching video you got any questions or comments just leave them in the description below maybe got some old some of your own tips and stuff I love to hear them and just maybe learn more from the comments so thanks for watching subscribe and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Reel Hazardous
Views: 195,801
Rating: 4.753612 out of 5
Keywords: Wahoo fishing tactics, how to high speed troll, how to troll ballyhoo for wahoo, high speed trolling fishing tackle, what wahoo lures to use, what temperature water do wahoo like, ono, peto, fastest fish in the world, how to catch wahoo, what size trolling weight to use for wahoo, wahoo fishing spreads, best way to catch wahoo, wahoo tutorial, wahoo lure selection, wahoo trolling setup, florida sport fishing, south florida fishing, high speed trolling, wahoo fishing, wahoo
Id: dR1un5tunBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 42sec (4962 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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