VTEC Mini Power Run

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in this episode of Mary car mods we are tuning the Honda Mini [Music] welcome to another episode of mighty car mods we are of course rolling in our mini which is powered by a B 16v which is from a JDM civic type-r the car already has a road tune in it but today is the day to throw it on the dyno and do some actual power runs this has been a long build this one it's better get it to get it to this point where it's like you know all done well mostly done there anything else you gonna do well the head linings been done since people would have seen it last time that was done professionally because you can see why it's actually a very very big job suck at sewing and so do you also you need Iglesia because all the glass has to come out as well it's a huge job but the mini has been a huge project for us and so I thought before we kick on and actually jump into the dyno or jump on it even let's have a look at everything that has happened so far this little car began its life as a JDM mini cooper that we imported from tokyo after initial stages of upgrading wheels and a sound system we decided to attempt a challenging build by adding a modified supercharger from a modern BMW mini our mate miles was on hand to help with the build and we wanted to run it on ethanol a classic supercharger mini on e85 and this would be a world first so that's exactly what we set out to do it was more work than we ever thought possible and needed a community of hands and minds to make it work [Music] being the first of its kind we had to make a lot of custom parts we needed a custom tune a custom exhaust and custom parts that were built for us by GFP with all that done we ended up with around 50 kilowatts at the wheels but I wanted more so it was time to farewell the old a series engine and replace it with something much more modern as our supercharged a series was removed from the car it was getting replaced with this a B 16 be from a JDM civic type-r this new version of the mini would be the biggest job yet but it would also result in the most powerful we had to modify the car extensively from the firewall through to the brakes and the subframe and today we're doing the final turn how we're driving through the dyno and how the Me's been used so far well one of the good things about something like the engine that's in this is because it's na it's way easier to tune in terms of worrying about detonation and peeing and stuff it's gonna blow your motor up also because that B 16b is stopped with a couple of small mods it's not going to be sort of too far out so there on the what you know tuning fork Scottie has tuned before so you can load a tune in and enough to drive it around it might not be quite as aggressive or it might not be as fast why I don't think it'll be nearly as fast but this has actually had a Wi-Fi turn so while it was up in Queensland which is like a thousand kilometres miles up there dough spider is obviously connecting by the intervals with Scott here down in Sydney and then they've given the car a road turn over the Internet what hasn't been adjusted yet really is VTech things or how that's working VTech is currently turned off in first gear and 2nd gear because it just it makes too much power for the amount of traction that's available but today via the haltech that's in there we're actually going to be able to get a very fine tune of like what the car does in certain gears how much power it makes and we have no idea we've never seen how much power the engine makes we know the engine works and you went more building it that sort of another mystery as to why the turbo Yoda was saying he does believe that the engine is brand new we don't know why but what we have been doing is the computer like Terminator has been learning so how do we apply that learning to what we do today so it much like supergroups when we finished that car and brought it back down from Queensland that was kind of like a leap - it wasn't properly didn't have its problem our curves and like I kind of stuff in but what what it is doing is it's consistently learning against the target that shooting form just sitting there and saying I wanted to do this and the car is consistently constantly sort of figuring out exactly what it needs to adjust to get there so today it's about applying those changes it's also about you know controlling driving on a dyno seeing what the directors are doing because you don't run a to lean on to reach and importantly it's also going to be full yeah because this this is where you can find and go cool and it's cruising in a particularly gear or whatever it's gonna get it right to that point where it's about just enough fuel but not just and you know what I will say I just thought of it because we're back on the street where we first drove it when it was supercharged yeah this is the best person this car has ever been yeah it's just running it on ethanol and supercharged I know we were the first people in the world to do it and ebia that doesn't mean you should do it oh I wouldn't recommend it certainly the way that we had it set up but today's gonna be fun so heading down to hell take we'll meet up with turning pork will throw it on the dyno see what kind of power it makes and maybe Martin I'd like to find out cuz I know it was a whole big secret I'd like to find out about the previous power figures that I was never told about to see the difference I want to see the difference girl where we were to where we are [Music] so we're down here at haltech obviously to do the tune of the mini we did have to move some other cars off there was just a skyline on the dyno actually but that's now been removed the mini is on there and we're down here with with the legends of course and we're going to see what kind of power we're going to make we're also going to have a look at any of the learning that the computer has done so far with its Wi-Fi tuned and then apply that to the tune that we do today on the dyno so it's a as always it's a very very exciting day down here at the diner alright so this is what we're gonna do if you've been driving it every day the tunes gonna be pretty close so all we're gonna do is go in have a look at all the trims yeah and then we'll apply them to all the main tables does the same for stuff like idle control so every morning when you start it yeah it checks my target rpm speaking of which oh it does start every morning now as opposed to your your your previous favorite iteration of this car the supercharged and ethanol version and my nemesis didn't have enough ports in it that thing but it does start every morning I just thought you should not be antastic lately I've had a bit of a new fan sort of love for the Honda B series the K series two litres 2.4 this was a really good choice they go forever they don't break and they're fast and they like that actually fast aspirated this thing will be really really good this car with this wheelbase and this sort of way definitely different to what I'm sure that under engineers had like installing cool all right let's get on man make some noise it has been years in the making and now we find out just how much power this little VTEC mini makes there you go hello my friend it's been too long it really has since we've hung at last it'll start now you're gonna love this I even love the noise of that starter motor um it's strong isn't it a chat and just strong like Mitsubishi what what amazing off it idles down there the little needle goes right down this is all digital - now so so that it works with the haltech so these have been completely rebuilt it was very expensive hah and completely rebuilt so like digital odometer all of this control by little servos on madness that's all running from down there as loadable i absolutely love it mint but the whole car this is well done how beautiful well done miles the old ghost mater and am here is he's the Guru we're going for the big 108 100 kilowatts this heaps of room in here dude what what he's doing the rooms checking out Scotty's laptop hello mate I can touch both sides of the car with my arm and hear me hey this is cool leave some space you guys are making friends yeah it's great pretty cozy are you ready for a run you're gonna do some tuning think we're gonna we'll do some bit of light load stuff and just make sure that we were sort of on the money and they're more just wine into it more and more and more excellent let's do it make like a fork and tune what's your guesstimate how much how much power do you think or what I would really like a hundred 100 kilowatts at the wheels would give the mini double the power that have had when it was running on ethanol and a supercharger so that is the number that I'm aiming for today [Music] that long we made a hundred kilowatts of the wheels done one thank you very much no no no no no no you don't get off heading oh really man if you go to the dyno and you get all the fun and everything's great and then first Paul you go oh that's enough yes come on no you're right no I just I'm just playing with you let's let's do it until we have problems because of all the learning that the ECU's been doing while I've been driving it the tune is actually already very close so we're making some minor adjustments and then going for another power run [Music] we've got a hundred and 1.9 kilowatts at the wheels under yours that was that's a pretty amazing which sucks to be honest for timing in a different sport climbing no difference musically it revs all the way out there's no errors there's like the best way to describe it when Atun goes like this and it's boring [Applause] [Music] with a safe churn we've ended up with a hundred and four kilowatts at the wheels based on this build can you give us some kind of comprehension of what that power figure means for this car the most important thing is with the meaning the power-to-weight ratio so this thing is about 700 odd around all right so let's just call it 700 kilos and 100 kilowatts of the wheels if you try and compare this to something like r34 GTR skyline yes our b-26 twin-turbo six-cylinder that the king of street cars yes it makes where do you put one on to put on straight on a dyno it'll make 210 kilowatts at the wheels somewhere around there in factory trim so it's exactly double that so about double that power car weighs about 15 14 1500 kilos double that again so power-to-weight ratio pretty similar keep in mind it is about the pad this curve the shape of the curve so we want as much area under the curve as we can yes makes it the most powerful car but in terms of the actual per kilo weight of the car first power what we're talking about is a package now that is actually closely comparable to a 34 GTR the same same power-to-weight ratio so this thing on the road that is not a GTR oh no it's not oh no it's not pistol' they're still roaming the guys for the GTI one day that's true anyways sorry as we were so no you don't have to do ATR now it's so good anyway so no you don't have a GTR but the power-to-weight ratio is the same so it's this thing on the road apples with apples it'll be pretty quick yeah yeah it'll be very quick pulling weight out of a car is just as good as putting power into it Scotty Thank You Vera it's incredible as always good the same room thank you of course for watching everybody you can keep your eyeballs on the body walls Tibet Spaceballs calm mighty car mods thank you for the tuning fork thank you - he'll take and also a quick shout out to miles dice favor of course who helped make this bill happen so there it is after years of working on the car now I think it's time to just enjoy driving it that is until it's time to race a certain all-wheel drive me right you now before we go any further I do want to say that I'm actually a reasonably tall dude I'm around 186 centimeters but let's just have a look down at what we're doing here to get the equivalent height because I think it's fair to do that so if you're 186 centimeters I reckon that there's probably another 30 that we need a 25 centimeters of red height [Laughter]
Channel: Mighty Car Mods
Views: 1,309,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mighty, car, mods, moog, marty, turbo, jdm, how, to, diy, do, it, yourself, nissan, subaru, supercharged, race, classic mini, b16b, civic type r, honda, vtec
Id: fEqOfUxzXio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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