VSM / Value Stream Mapping Overview

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welcome to flax you can use the kerbs presentation on value stream mapping I am Jeff hey Jack the owner and founder of ville action we've got a few basic objectives on what we'd like you to take away from this training first we want you to walk away knowing what a value stream map is and what it is used for on top of that we want you to see the value in this extremely important tool second we want to teach you the basics about creating a current state value stream map you won't get good at value stream mapping until you've done it a few times our goal of this video is to get you comfortable enough to go out into your production areas and start putting pencil to paper now it would be rather difficult to create a value stream map if you didn't even know what a value stream is so let's start out by addressing that question in a nutshell a value stream is the series of activities that you have to do to provide a product or service to a customer there are a few things to note about this definition while value streams are traditionally thought of as shop floor tools they also apply to administrative processes it can be tricky to apply value stream maps to office environments but the payoff is well worth the effort it is just important to know that the tool works in services as well as with physical processes I'd also like to point out that some definitions of value stream include the information flow as part of the value I tend to believe that the information unless it is actually the output of the process is not part of the value rather it just enables the value for most businesses that have not yet started aggressively applying continuous improvement to its processes the flow of value is rather impeded you can think of it as a meandering stream there are lots of pools and backwaters and rocks and sticks and other things blocking the flow making it far less efficient than it could be a value stream map is a tool that lets you figure out where all those obstacles are the obvious goal is to remove those impediments and continuously streamline the flow I just touched on an important concept but I wanted to address it here again as most people with a cursory understanding of vsms know they are very useful for tracking the value stream of a physical product but they are also great when the product is information think of a loan process or an ordering process there are a series of linked activities that move the information through time and space to satisfy a customer be careful about whether or not the activities are truly providing value though or if they are just a supporting process for example the materials management process is not a value stream even though contains a bunch of connected processes one thing to keep in mind though is that value stream Maps only work for repetitive processes for example it may be difficult to create a value stream map for a job shop the flow of products through that system are simply too variable to get the full impact of a value stream map that's not to say that a value stream map can't be useful in a mixed model line though it simply means that there has to be the potential for some consistency and flow so now we talked a little bit about what a value stream is let's move on to what a value stream map is avsm is simply a snapshot view of how work flows through your system this visual tool makes the opportunities for improvement jump out at you so here is a sample of what a values to your map might look like in this example we look at Jimmy's lemonade stand he does a pretty brisk business and now needs to streamline this process in order to keep meeting customer demand let's look at this example in more detail the top section highlights how materials and information flow through the value stream information flow is generally shown in the top middle of the map in this way it is easy to connect information transfer between suppliers customers and the different processes within the company each process should also have an information box associated with it these boxes not only show what you know but also what you don't know generally speaking when I look at a process if the management team and the employees doing the process can't give me basic information it acts as a red flag you absolutely have to know how you're currently performing if you expect to get better speaking of people I'd also like to point out that the value stream can be eye-opening to teams many times people are unaware of where they fit into the big picture this tool lets them see how their role fits into the value stream another big thing that this current state value stream map does is provide you with a backdrop upon which you can overlay your continuous improvement efforts seeing improvement opportunities visually on a VSM prevents you from taking a haphazard approach to Kaizen without the value stream map it is easy to fall into the mode of a dog chasing a squirrel it is very easy to get distracted and pulled away from what is important this lack of coordinated effort is often called kamikaze Kaizen while these unlinked projects can provide games these improvements are generally local in nature they do little to improve the flow of the entire system I do want to make an important distinction here the term Kaizen is not used consistently throughout the lean community for some it means a week-long improvement project I however use the term Kaizen describe any improvement activity no matter how small this would include daily improvements made by frontline employees I don't recommend putting every single possible improvement on your value stream map focus on the larger projects that may require coordinated effort Kaizen events those week-long projects I mentioned earlier fall into this category remember a value stream map is a communication tool one of the things you want to communicate is how resources should be used to get the biggest bang for the buck now that said the bulk of daily improvements are not going to be linked directly to the value stream map they should however still be prioritized based on KPI is daily management or countermeasures the point I'm trying to make is that you don't want to limit individual improvement effort because it can't be seen directly on a value stream map all of those little games as long as your team members understand the big picture will add up just be sure that when you pull people away from their day-to-day efforts you set them up for the biggest improvement opportunities possible the final point of the slide is that when you put all of your improvement opportunities onto your current state value stream map you are in effect creating a link between the present and the future state this presentation will focus on creating that current state map but I want you to view it with the end in mind the purpose is not just to create a map the point is to use the map to create a plan that will transform your current reality to that future vision
Channel: VelactionVideos
Views: 49,581
Rating: 4.8320613 out of 5
Keywords: value stream mapping, value stream map, value stream, vsm, current state vsm, current state value stream map, lean
Id: QG9vTz-sH5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2015
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