Vscode vs Webstorm - Which One Is Better?

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in this video you will learn what are the differences between vs code and webstorm for your everyday editing a lot of students are asking me what is better to use vs code or intelligence idea and in particular webstorm and in order to answer these questions we must understand all pros and cons of these two products first of all you must understand that vs code is an editor and webstor or intelligence idea is the fully blown ID and here is the first problem that they see with vs code it is an editor which they try to make an ID which essentially means it gets more and more features of fully blown ID it becomes slower with time and it is not an editor anymore you can't even compare it with something like Sublime which we had previously it has much more features inside but the main question is how it differs from web CH as you can see Visual Studio code was released 8 years ago in comparison jet brains first release was 23 years ago which essentially means if we're talking about the amount of features or how polished the product is obviously jet PRS is winning here they simply had more time to make their product polished and now here is the biggest difference and the reason why 90% of the beginners are picking vs code and not webst because ENT ially vs code is completely free and you can use it on any platform on the other hand webstorm is a paid subscription based product as you can see here for monthly billing for individual use you must realistically pay 821 it is not extremely steep price but in comparison to completely free product obviously this code wins which essentially means if you don't want to spend any money on your editor you simply want to use something free V code is the best choice for you this is a no-brainer so from my point of view vs code is great for beginners because you simply start writing code you don't really need a lot of features from your editor and this code covers all these needs webstorm is most suitable for advanced development why is that because it indexes the project this is a huge difference it is a full-blown ID it indexes all files all classes all method in your projects and it uses this information to bring you the best possible autocomplete replacement search whatever you need inside vs code you don't have all this stuff it is still an editor with some features from ID but it is far behind from webstor if we are talking about refactoring if you working on the huge project you need to move lots of files change names or effector something it is much simpler to do it in webstorm but from lots of advanced devel Vel opers I hear that by using webstor they really feel safe because you are breaking much less stuff with webstor simply because how good it reflects the project you have this functionality like save delete or if you're moving the file you are totally sure that all your Imports will be updated another thing that I don't like in vs code is its G functionality I'm sorry for Interruption but I just want to let you know that I have lots of advanced courses on different web Technologies where create Trail applications and prepare for the interviews you can find the link in the description box below now let's jump back into the video it is super limited and it is really basic yes you can switch branches you can make a commit and you can push your changes basically this is it anything more than that looks not polished or is not possible to do at all with the default functionality you need to install some plugins and they are not even covering everything that you need even such thing like git blame is not there by default in comparison the functionality of git inside webstorm is amazing especially a tool to resolve your conflicts in the project it is simply the best possible merge tool that I saw in my life its UI is clean and it is easy to understand what changes you want to apply so as I already said webstorm is really good for big production applications if you just tried some small projects with s code will be much faster even starting a small project with webstorm and indexing it constantly you don't really need that you don't have lots of stuff to reflector and vs code will work just fine there a lot of people will tell you that webstorm is eting lots of RAM on your machine when you're using it for a long time vs code has another problem it doesn't really work well with huge projects it simply becomes too laggy and sometimes it lags so much much that you can do something with the project so to sum this up both these Solutions are amazing obviously if you don't want to pay money then vs code is a way to go but for advanced developers which are working on a big production applications I highly recommend to use webstorm it is much better solution for that and if your company are paying for webstorm instead of you then it is obviously an no-brainer for me you will be much better satisfied to use webstorm and if you interested how to configure this code in a super minimalistic look make sure to check this video where I covered that
Channel: Monsterlessons Academy
Views: 4,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vscode vs webstorm
Id: ta_CvmqlSE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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