VSCode and Anaconda - conda : The term 'conda' is not recognized - 100 Day Challenge Day #2

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Hey alright guys, so yesterday. I left off that I had installed Anaconda. Today, I'm going to go over... The intial problems I had getting it to work with VSCode. So if you want to follow along... This is the software installed... After I already had VSCode Installed The problem I was getting was VSCode trying to... use the term Conda. When it first started up It was trying to run this all by itself. Conda activate base. After looking around a little bit. I found the windows powershell has security policies, execution policies. I found this site detailing the powershell execution policy. You can find your execution policy by running the command Get-ExecutionPolicy. Mine was set to restricted. In order to get Conda to work I set my execution policy by using Set-ExecutionPolicy to RemoteSigned Once I'd done that. I opened up Anaconda and opened up the powershell from within the anaconda software. I then ran the command that VSCode was trying to run from within the powershell opened by Anaconda. After I had done that, I found that VSCode was able to recognise the term. So. That's 100 days of Python code day 2.
Channel: Bob⚡James
Views: 7,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C11S9yXo1ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 45sec (105 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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