Vroid Studio to Unreal Engine 5.1 - Retargeting + Main Avatar + NPC - Full Tutorial

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hey guys my name is freedom today I'm going to show you how to import the v-roy studio cartoon and manga Avatar the 3D avatar into Android engine 5.1 game project with proper retargeting together with the facial expressions and lip sync morph and make this Avatar to become the main Avatar or any of the MPC in your Android engine 5.1 game project so start from now I'm going to show you step by step first of course you need to you need to have the v-roy studio the v-road studio is a free software that you can get it from the official sites you can scroll down go to my video description I already give you the link to get the v-roy studio the first step just click create new and create a new Avatar as as demo I'm creating a female Avatar and here just wait for a while right this is a fresh new 3D avatar that's that is ready for you to modify first I will just choose a hairstyle from here once done already maybe I can just change the hair color then next is the the face I can just modify for example now it doesn't have the the eye I slash the eyelashes here I may choose this then the eyebrow maybe I I want to give a modification on it and then the lips this is a female I give some lipstick what else the iris I may change the color of the iris all right so I can change the outfit as well choose it from here or you can choose it from here I will just take it easy make it simple like this done right once done ready next the first step just to create a folder zero one from v-roy first you just choose to save it as a project click here saved as copy this folder destination location and paste it here Ctrl V press enter so this one should be v-roy I name this as Vera female01 all right like this or I just make it 0 2 it's okay then next is to export it out export svrm then click export the title I I will just put it as period female02 the Creator put your own name just drag it down click export export the vrm file at here so as if then it really save it as a vrm file just wait for a while now it is processing now this is a vrm file that we want next The Next Step you can just scroll down go to my video description here get the freedom sorry go and download the blender 2.90.0 with vrm importer download this these three items one two three once you download it there are zip folders and the blender 2.9 you have to extract it into the folder like this but then the vrm app ons and the cat Splendor plugin you can just maintain it as zip folder do not extract it next up just open the blender from here and all of the plug-in that require I already installed for you the first step what you are going to do you have to go to the edit preferences and then click install and install these two items the cat's blender plugin and also vrm add-on it is on my desktop the cat's blender plugin double click now to let it install and you have to make sure you take and activate it next click install again install the vrm add-on for blender then you have to search it here vrm make sure you take it and also search for cats the cat's blender plug-in you have to activate it you have to take it then close once you already install it if you press n you should be able to see the cats plug in at there Next Step just select these three items and press delete select and press delete button to delete it then click import model you can click this free line to import the vrm it is on my desktop from v-roy v-roy female02 vrm double click and wait for a while now it is important now it already successfully imported click the orange here and take everything we only left fixed material here you have to make sure you fix the material you click OK and click fix model all right once done already you can just just save a backup save inside the same folder save the blender file click file save as and save it here copy the folder destination location Ctrl C and click here Ctrl V press enter the blender file name you have to name this as v-roy female 202 save as a blender file and then export the fbx it will export it in same folder in the same folder the path mode you have to choose copy and you have to make sure you activate here the path mode copy is to make sure that all of the texture material will embedded inside the fbx file this is very important click export fbx now the fbx already exported this ffbx you can just import into your unreal engines everything already Go properly all right close this now you can close the blender as well and save it it's okay all right next is the Unreal Engine 5.1 get the Unreal Engine 5.1 from my video descriptions it will link you to the official site and also you have to get the freedom animation pipeline version 8.0 for Android engine 5.1 this is compulsory for you I already make all of these we're retargeting the retarget the tools for you once you download it it is a zip folder and you have to extract it into your computer the freedom animation pipeline version 8 for Unreal Engine 5.1 like this all right you have to get this now I will open my Unreal Engine 5.1 this is the Android editor as demo I'm going to create a fresh new game project a third person game project the project name is my project 14. this is just a demo right this is a this is a third person game project if I play you can see this is the Android engine 5.1 Mana Queen we are going to make the V-Rod Studio 3D avatar just now to become the main Avatar and also the MPC so start from now I'm going to show you step by step and we are going to use the freedom animation pipeline version 8 that created by me click here all right first just right click the file explorer at the bottom at the bottom here and go into the documents you should be able to see the unreal projects the project 14 this is the reason project my project 14. this is the the game project directory double click in open the content folder this is the content directory then next open the freedom animation pipeline version 8 for Android 5.1 and here you also have a Content folder copy the freedom animation pipeline into here click Ctrl C to copy here Ctrl V to paste copy the freedom animation pipeline into here then close the folder you should be able to see under your content folder the freedom animation pipeline is already there all right next up import the v-roy 3D model just now it is from here 0 1 from 0i this fbx file and as demo I will just create a new folder here I will just name this as v-roy female02 enter female02 will be here next drag in drag in the fbx file to direct import this fbx file import import uniform scale you have to switch it to 100. just because of these 3D models it is about 0.01 so you have to put the scale as 100 so that it will be exactly the human size in your Android game project next you have to click the advanced import morph Target you have to take it to make it true then click import all right now it is preparing the trader you you also have to wait for a while and before that you have to take notes first you have to check for texture to the underscore Euro you can see four of them one two three four five six six of them all right the first thing the first task you have to do is just rename everything when you see the texture to the underscore zero this is this is the arrow so first let me click here press f2 then I'll rename it as 001 enter next scroll down again one by one rename it press f2001 all right this one should be zero zero two then texture to the underscore 0 you press f2003 f2004 this one press f2005 then we only left one press f2006 enter now you already fixed all the arrows next click file save all this is the first step that you have to do if you don't rename all of the same file name later it is not going to save because it unreal it is not allowed to have the same file name then later it will disappear so this step you have to wait for a while before we really do something right what's done already the first step just open the v-roy female02 the skeletal mesh double click to open and the first first thing what you are going to do okay just now you can see you import it as as the scale 100 it is going too big all right this is too big already so you may just delete everything sometimes the arrow the arrow will appear it appear too small for this time it is to be I delete it delete everything and really important again for this time the import uniform skill I just put it one and import all close and we check it again all right for this time the scale is normal the size is normal then you still see the texture 2d0 just rename everything just now right done then click file save all done so now once you open it you are going to fix all the materials this is the skeletal mesh OST the pink color skeletal mesh double click to open all of this the opacity maps are not set properly you can see and all of these are the the facial the facial morph these are facial morph it is preparing the Shader again right the facial morph right we just need to fix fix the material for example the eyebrow you take it the eyebrow select the material from here for example the eyebrow double click from here of the material what you are going to fix is just click the empty area to make sure you can see the blend mode then the opaque you have to change change it to mass then the alpha you drag it to opacity Mass and then two-sided you have to take it that's all then you click save then close now you can see the eyebrow already fixed next is the eye line double click for every material you have to make sure you take two-sided the blend mode change to mass or do the same way the alpha connect to opacity Mass you have to do it one by once every material to make sure you fix all the material then close now you can see it fixed already but then what means two-sided you can see this is the skirts but if you view from this angle it is not not two-sided so this is a this material you have to find it out this one should be the top double click make sure you click two-sided then same as just now change it to mass the alpha opacity Mass save all right once done already you check it again you can see now the material already fixed and what else here you have another top do the same way save now this this part also get fixed already and the next part you need to fix is the ice and also the the eyelashes start from here the eye Iris all related to the eyes you have to fix it click the empty area blend mode same as just now choose mask two-sided Alpha connect to opacity Mass save close close close what else the eye highlight you have to fix it as well just double click it do the same way the mass two-sided Alpha connect to opacity Mass click save then back to there get fixed the eye White the face brow done the eye the eyelash double click do the same way the mass two-sided Alpha connect to opacity Mass save all right now you can see all of the material already get fixed and everything look normal look okay already what else is that the shoes have something wrong here just check it out the shoes this material do the same way or pack change to mass two-sided connect the opacity Mass save it should be better just have a check now it gets fixed as well everything already got fixed same as same as this get fixed already in Unreal Engine 5.1 next just save everything click file save all and close the next step is to retarget it back to the content go to the freedom animation pipeline I already set everything for you at here go to the ue4 a post Mana Queen and go to the animation and go into the animation blueprint I already created everything for you you should be able to see a third person animation blueprint just right click it retarget animation assets duplicate and retarget the animation blueprint at here the ik retargeter you have to choose the ue4a post to v-road female ik retargeter and then here you have to choose your if you write female02 this is your skeletal mesh name just now then click retarget now everything get retargeted already close it but the first step what you're going to do is just rename this press f2 by adding an underscore behind rename it as v-roy female zero two enter next back to the content you can see your female02 is set here we are going to create a new folder name it as animation back to your content and through the navigation here you should be able to see the animation we are going to move all of the retargeted animation into this folder click the first one hold the shift click the last one drag it into animation and then click move here right next we are going to to make the viral female02 to become the main Avatar now the main Avatar by default it is the ue5 Mana Queen and we are going to change it to become the v-roy Avatar then you have to to go to the third person blueprint you can see the BP top person character you have to right click duplicate it remove the number one and press and underscore name this as theme the v-roy female zero to enter then double click to check in click the mesh click the viewport then the skeletal mesh assets you choose your avatar the v-roy female02 this is the Avatar just now then the animation class you have to change it to become the third person animation blueprint Vero at female02 now everything done click compile click save and close next go into the BP person game modes change the mean of Avatar it is the default point class the default point class is the main Avatar you click here change it to become BP third person character v-roy female02 then click compile click save and close now you can see if you try to play the main Avatar in this game already become the the v-roy female zero two this is the main Avatar that everything already retarget properly and she can run she can jump she can walk and all of the material already set properly all right next is how to make it become an NPC you can just duplicate this right click duplicate and then the female02 you can just put underscore NPC now this is the MPC and this is the main Avatar the MPC you can just drag it and press e to rotate and then double click in the blueprint under the event graph you can set the blueprint you can program this you can program her to make it become the MPC with the MPC Behavior everything will just just program it inside the event graph so now in this tutorial I already successfully show you how to import the v-road studio into Unreal Engine 5.1 with the full facial expression animation morph and make her to become the main Avatar or any of the NPC in your Unreal Engine 5.1 game project and that's all for today thank you for watching if you love my video tutorial and sharing if you feel all this tutorial and sharing are very helpful to your 3D modeling 3D animation and game developing you can subscribe to my YouTube channel and also turn on the mini bell and select all so that when next time I publish a new video tutorial or sharing you'll receive a notification immediately see you in my next video enjoy happy 3D modeling 3D animation and game developing see you
Channel: Freedom Arts - 3D Animation & Game Developer
Views: 7,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D animation, iclone, blender, vroid, 3d, 3d modelling, maya, character creator, 3DXchange, 3dxchange, tutorial, Tutorial, game dev, Game developer, 3d animator, 3ds, 3ds max, reallusion, Reallusion, Vroid Studio to Unreal Engine 5.1 - Retargeting + Main Avatar + NPC - Full Tutorial, Unreal Engine, Vroid, Retarget, Main Avatar, NPC, Manga, Cartoon, 3D Modeling, 3D Animation, Game Dev
Id: FBSCzp0HuAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 49sec (1669 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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