Vray HDRI - How to add Hdri lighting in Vray 5 for 3ds max.

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how to add natural lighting using hdr images in vray 5. [Music] what's up guys idan here from arcbeastcharm the best place to learn the alcuz bees let's dive right into the lesson alright so i got this lovely house here that i made for a client of mine recently and let's see how we can add some great natural lighting to this exterior scene so in order to do this we need first to get us some hdr images there are actually tons of sites you can get some hdris for your scene but i really like to use site called hdr heaven which is totally free and very high quality images so we can go to the hdri section and search for the right one so let's start with basic clear sky image we can go over here to outdoor and select the sun category we have tons of options to choose from there is a render preview for each image so you can actually anticipate the shadow effect that you will get so let's go with this one if i click on it you can see how the shadows will turn out in our render you can also take a look inside the image you have all kinds of resolution to choose from i think going with 4k should be enough so now back to our 3dmax let's open the material editor and we need to insert new v-ray bitmap in older version of a v-ray you would actually search for v-ray hdri but in the new v-ray 5 you only get the v-ray bitmap which is actually the same so let's drag it now we need to load our hdr image next we need to change the mapping type to spherical so the map will be mapped like a dome on top of our scene from here we can actually move the map directly to the environment slot or we can create a v-ray dome light and add the texture to it both gonna give you the same result at the end but if you add it directly to the environment map the render will be a little bit slower so we're not gonna do that we're gonna add new v-ray dome light dome let's add it to our scene go to the modify and drag it as an instance i'm going to hide all the vegetation just to get fast render so let's go to the forest hide all and let's make a test render now we can see that our render looks too dark at the moment so we have several options to deal with this we can either go to our camera and bump up the exposure or we can increase the v-ray dome light multiplier or the third option is to go to our hdr image and bump up the overall multiplier or the render multiplier so i'm gonna bump up the texture itself let's make it two okay so i will go with 20 for now and i want to change the sun direction so to do so we need to change the horizontal rotation or we can even rotate the light dome but first we need to go to the dome light settings and tick the lock texture to icon so now whenever i rotating the dome light on the z-axis it also changes the rotation of the map itself now notice these strong shadows we get from this great hdr image if you're trying to get strong shadows but your image is not producing it don't attempt to add a v-ray sun to the scene in order to strengthen the shadows you just need to select different hdr image with better quality and with clear sun in the sky let's try a different lighting let's go again to hdr heaven let's go with this one okay okay this looks very nice now if you want to make the map a little bit more contrasty to get better shadows and add more color to the image you can lower the inverse gamma so by doing so we actually increasing the contrast of the image so let's make it 0.8 so now you can see the light became stronger we have more color coming from the sun in that case we maybe we want to decrease the overall multiplier just to compensate and we can also change it some more by adding color correction on top of our hdr image so let's go to the general tab and i'm going to add color correction keep the old map and from here i can shift the hue and the saturation maybe just a little bit like so make it more yellowish and maybe reduce a bit of saturation like so you can implement this technique for exterior or interior scene and even as a virtual studio lighting setup just make sure to use good quality hdr images click like and subscribe and i'll see you next time
Channel: Arch Viz Champ
Views: 117,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hdri lighting 3ds max, hdri lighting 3ds max vray, hdri lighting 3ds max vray free download, 3ds max vray hdri exterior lighting tutorial, 3ds max hdri lighting, 3ds max vray hdri lighting tutorial, vray, hdri, 3ds max, vray 5, 3d render, vray tutorial, vray hdri, vray lighting, hdri lighting, architectural visualization artist, exterior rendering, hdri map, vray lighting tutorial 3ds max, 3ds max tutorial, architectural visualizations, v-ray tutorial, 3d visualization
Id: -y3nE4gfPac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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