VR180 A FASCINATING JOURNEY Through A Coal Mine & History

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[Music] nice [Music] nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you [Music] do [Music] [Applause] now journey with me as we descend 300 feet into the lackawanna coal mine where we will see the underground work environment of the american coal [Music] miner [Music] you're now standing 300 feet underground this mine was developed in 1860 by the continental coal company most of the mine is below the water table and when the wine was in operation steam engine-powered pumps operated continuously to de-water the mine [Music] here you can see a miner working in a harsh dimly lit side shaft of the mind the wooden pillars throughout the mine are not strong enough to support the enormous weight of the rock strata above however they do serve a purpose if any shifting of the rock strata above began to happen the stress on the pillars would begin making them pop and crack the miners would say if the pillars are talking the miners are walking in reality they may be running [Music] here you can see a very early version of a vehicle known as a man trip this was the vehicle that brought the miners in and out of the mine looking up you can see a bare electric cable that powered the man trip that cable carried 250 volts of electricity just another hazard of working in a deep dark underground coal mine and here an early hand cranked phone for communication with the surface miners faced many dangers working in a coal mine one ever present danger was gas from explosive methane to poisonous carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide one simple early warning was to bring it canary into the mine because of its respiratory system design a canary would succumb to poisonous gases before the men giving them time to evacuate you're looking at a coalface board with holes for explosive charges in the early days black powder was pushed into the holes a long fuse would be placed in the powder and the miners would take cover down the mine shaft around a corner after many deaths from this method and after the invention of dynamite dynamite was used with an electric wire to set off the explosion though safer the method was still extremely hazardous [Music] a common job for a young boy in the early days of mining was leading a mule pulling a heavy cart of coal out of the mine [Music] death caused by a sudden roof collapse was all too common [Music] welcome to what was referred to as the peg shanty named for the pegboard located on the outside it was the underground office of the mine foreman [Music] child labor was rampant in the early coal mines young boys worked as trappers and sat in the dark with only the light from their headlamps waiting to open air doors to allow carts of coal to pass through older boys would carry heavy baskets of coal on their shoulders all day long [Music] the lackawanna coal mine shut down in 1966 and laid abandoned until 1978 when it was converted into a museum thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] finally [Music] [Music] so hello welcome back after a long hard day coal miners would come back home to a typically simple supper like the one i have on this table pinto greens cornbread fried potatoes or a traditional staple simple hearty inexpensive so here is a salute to all the coal miners past present and future as i enjoy this meal thank you for sharing in this episode with me on vr vagabond's 3d time capsule you
Channel: VRVagabond
Views: 12,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mining, Coal Mining, VR180, Virtual Reality, 3D, History, Mine, Fascinating, Educational, Underground, Tour, VR, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Appalachian, Virtual Reality Videos, 3D Video, VR180 3D, coal mine, vr180 videos, coal mining documentary, coal mining videos, coal mining process, 3D Video, 3d video vr
Id: usi-GbqJAKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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