VR Expansion Plugin Setup For Oculus Quest 2

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hello everybody uh today i'm going to show you how to set up the vr expansion plug-in for unreal engine 4 and the oculus quest 2. this is kind of a continuation on my tutorial for setting up unreal engine for oculus quest 2 development this isn't necessary uh but it does add a lot of useful features into unreal engine uh from that it just doesn't offer uh on its own uh this expansion did get an epic mega grant a while back um and this is free to use with the mit license in any game uh just as long as you credit it you will be good to go so to set it up we'll first go over and download the main plugin at the repository um we're going to go through a binary the binary option rather than using the first option just because it doesn't come pre-compiled for oculus quest 2 development so we're going to start by pressing this button the code button downloading a zip file download that and then i'll open that up in my downloads folder or actually i'm opening up a winrar but most of the time it'll download in um your downloads folder so i'll extract it to um my folder for the project which it does say that you should download and your project name slash plugins a directory and you have to create the directory that's missing so i'll have it on my ssd but sometimes it'll be just under unreal projects wherever your project is saved at you can see it's go unreal projects on my e drive on my second ssd uh then vr setup tutorial and i don't have the plugins so what i will do is create a new folder within this called plugins and then in there i will extract that so once that's done i will go over to that folder and here it is plugins and i will rename it just vr expansion plugin so i'm gonna take off that dash master at the end of it now the next thing you need to do is uh it says that if you have a c plus project that you just need to add it to the public dependency module names and build.cs if you have the code but if not you just add a blank c plus plus class in your project and it'll generate the solution file for you to build from so with my version of with my project i created as a blueprint project not a c plus plus project and i have to create a blank c plus plus class so i'll show you how to do that now once i get into the unreal editor so i'll go ahead and open up the project uh it's going to ask me about these modules i just press yes and it'll start building it shouldn't take too long but it might take a minute or two to do uh just depends on how fast your computer is so it could take a few minutes all right so i am back from getting that set up um it'll ask me to manage the plugins uh it'll show that it is installed the only one that will work for with this package is the vr expansion plug-in do not select the open vr expansion plug-in and do not open the uh do not select the open xr expansion plug-in uh this is specifically for oculus quest development so that's why you don't enable those two you only open the regular vr expansion plugin um the last update the project file and it'll ask us to restart the engine because it is a a plug-in that has to be enabled you have to restart the engine every time you enable and disable plugins and then next we will go ahead and create a c plus class by going up to file uh new c plus plus class just select none and then just call it my class create class it'll create this code and it'll set everything up so that way we can go ahead and build this out in uh visual studio and it should at that point whenever you build it out be working here in unreal once it gets done compiling everything i will uh come back and i'll show you how to build it out in a visual studio so you can get it fully working hello all right i am back and now that visual studio is open once i created that c plus plus class uh it just automatically opened it up here in visual studio so what we'll go and do now is we'll go up to the build menu build solution and it'll start building it shouldn't take very long at all to do this and it's already done so it says down here build succeeded one build one succeeded zero failed zero up to date one skipped uh that should have everything set up and we we will do is close out of visual studio we'll save and close everything in unreal and then we will open unreal back up just so that way we can look and see if it is enabled uh and we will do that by adding in a certain character class so we go to uh vr setup tutorial and then wherever that opens up we will search for uh create blueprint correct class uh character right actually no that's not the right one uh let's see blueprint blueprint okay right click uh blueprint class all classes we will go to v r character vr character that is our movie europe as our character and then we also create a blueprint blueprint class of game mode we will do this game mode specifically this is built into the engine underscore and we'll name it gm underscore vrep and we'll actually rename this c underscore v rep so what we'll do is we'll set the game mode uh the player controller default pawn class will go to the vrep compile save and file edit project settings maps and modes and we'll set the game mode to vrep so that will set that and next time i will show you what i've done to create character movement with the vr headset um and using the oculus touch controllers thank you and have a great day
Channel: Dakota Riley Media
Views: 1,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VR Expansion Plugin, VR Expansion, Unreal Engine VR Expansion Plugin, Unreal Engine 4 VR Expansion Plugin, Unreal Engine VR Expansion, Unreal Engine 4 VR Expansion, Unreal Engine Tutorial, Unreal Engine VR Tutorial, Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial, Unreal Engine 4 VR Tutorial
Id: lCxbjEbFCx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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