Vow of the Disciple Raid: COMPLETE BEGINNER'S GUIDE! (Destiny 2 the Witch Queen)

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hey i'm fallout i'm very tired and here's my guide on how to beat the vow of the disciple raid in d2 [Music] if you'd like to watch any particular encounter i've added bookmarks down below each chapter has part one where i explain the encounter and part two where i just show you a full run of each encounter if it's a major encounter that is not a jumping puzzle please keep in mind the full run was done on day one aka contest modifier mode meaning it was really hard and we were all running on no sleep and were awake for way way too long tldr if any of us are cranky or acting like a little [ __ ] including and especially me i apologize day one rating can be kinda stressful oh also i have green hair because twitch sub goals opening encounter the payload the opening encounter is a lot like the new throne world public event a payload spawns and you and your team need to ride it stopping every now and then to kill adds you'll be repeatedly hit with a growing debuff called pervading darkness if you wander too far away from the payload which is inevitable you will die if you get to pervading darkness times 10 but for this opening encounter i wouldn't worry about it too much scorn ogres named knowledge bearers will spawn in every now and then when killed they drop items on the ground that you can walk over stacks of knowledge picking up these stacks and bringing them back to the payload is what keeps the payload moving if you want you can pick up multiple stacks of knowledge you will notice the tiers go from heightened at level 1 brimming at level 2 to overflowing at level 3. bring them back to the payload and deposit them into the payload by standing on it removing your darkness stacks and keeping the payload moving just rinse and repeat until you get to the end trust me no need to show a full run here it is very straightforward [Music] the first major encounter is acquisition aka the obelisk room the room is divided into two halves you and your team can call them whatever you want my team went with light and dark the light half of the room indicated by the symbol of the traveler in the dark half of the room indicated by the symbol of the large black pyramid at this point you and your team are going to want to start memorizing symbols a lot of symbols i don't want to force this image on you right away and make you freak out but every encounter from here to the end of the raid is going to involve these symbols so better to start learning right now i should mention these are the official bungee names of the symbols however you and your team should feel free to call them whatever you want just know that if you start lfg later on you might get your wires crossed if your callouts are way different than the official ones anyway the room is unofficially divided into two halves and there are three particular locations in the entire area that each team will be holding these locations are easy to find they have one obelisk and one totem right next to each other the totem is the tall flat object with three blank panels and the obelisk is the three-sided object right next to it your team will divide into three groups of two each group defending a totem and obelisk until one of them needs to run a quick errand have one person shoot the small floating crystal in the middle to launch the encounter scorn are gonna pop in and the totems will begin to show symbols starting from the top down the topmost symbol on any totem is going to tell your entire fire team the general location of a taken disciple that is somewhere in the area who needs to die the symbol on the top will either be a traveler or a pyramid indicating the taken disciple is somewhere on the light or dark side of the room you have to find and kill this taken every time in order to progress the encounter they do have set areas where they like to hang out but always hunt for them immediately and kill them right away remember because there are three totems there will eventually be three taken disciples they won't all spawn in right away wait until the first image appears at the top of your totem to indicate that a new taken disciple is out there waiting to be killed when the taken disciple is dead or one of them anyway whichever totem had that first symbol to tell you where the taken was will now have a second symbol in the middle that symbol indicates what room one person on the team will now have to enter remember our handy symbol chart there are rooms all around the area each with a matching symbol so whatever symbol appears next on the totem one person needs to find that room and enter it getting a little confusing i know but bear with me when one person finds and enters that room they will have to kill a few scorn including two big glyph keeper mini bosses when the two glyph keepers in that room are dead two symbols will appear in the room only one of those two symbols is going to be important though remember the totem i mentioned where the second symbol indicated what room you needed to go into well a third symbol will now appear at the bottom of that very same totem that told you which room to go into and that third picture on the totem is going to indicate to you which of the two symbols in the room is the one you need to remember for later of course because you can't be in two places at once whoever your teammate is who is guarding the totem and the obelisk needs to tell you the third symbol on the totem so you know which symbol in the room is the one that you need to memorize the third symbol on every totem is only ever going to be either light or darkness as indicated by our call out sheet and the room where you kill the two glyph keepers the symbols that appear will be next to either the light or darkness picture on the wall whoever is back watching the totem should call out hey the totem's telling me that we need the symbol on the darkness side or whatever get it the third totem image indicates what symbol you will need to get from each glyph keeper room commit that symbol to memory or quickly write it down if you can and head back out of the room to the main area by the way if at any point you're trying to get to a room that the totem has told you to go to and you find that the door is closed call that out remember that tiny little crystal you shot to launch the encounter shooting it again will open any closed doors in the entire area just ask one of your teammates who's not doing anything at the moment to turn around and quickly shoot the crystal so the door can open for you so because there are three totems and each totem gives your team a different room to go into where you will acquire a symbol to write down or remember your entire team will eventually be left with three symbols when you're all back outside the obelisks will come to life and begin displaying a bunch of symbols on each side your job is to look over each of the three obelisks and find one of them that has all three symbols that you've remembered from the three rooms you've run into when you've found that obelisk that has all three symbols and remember those symbols could be on different sides of the obelisk call it out now your nearby teammates should run over to help you because three of you need to be at that obelisk and shoot all three symbols and shoot them all at the exact same time you might want to go with a 3 2 1 shoot kind of call out relatively quickly if you take too long the obelisk will kind of freak out and change the location of each symbol so again you're going to want to act relatively quickly once you've done your 3-2-1 shoot and you and your teammates have shot the three symbols on the obelisk at pretty much the same time just rinse and repeat two more times and you will be done with the encounter here is my team's first completion on day one again contest mode so your run i'm sure will be way easier and way less full of stress enjoy all you have to do is do the thing go get the symbols all you have to do is shoot it shoot what you know it all i'm understanding from this is that you're offering to blow one of us i mean that's what i heard [ __ ] i said what i said bro also leave out the numbers just put the symbols from now on yeah that sounds like typing it'll save us time yeah i like it because i like knowing which door because i'm already here yeah i like the one who already did it i think it's fine it doesn't matter but it lets you know who finished i guess where's the first taken where's oh yeah pyramid pyramid pyramid pyramid okay pyramid take a look for your taken i i have it i have it okay i can bang it down and dead i have to pee really badly my ticket is dead all right what room great it is okay pyramid uh volcano volcano volcano yeah volcano okay i need the door opened i got it you got it [ __ ] on traveler there might be another one on traveler guys another taken please look around for it uh we're gonna need someone over here then time just went into a hole it's uh light i'm on my way sorry i'm on my way okay i'm heard light yep all right like yep yep yep working on it find it is that where is it no idea i've not been able to see it i've been trying to hold my spot got it they got it that's an unstoppable hello okay we got blob i'm looking around like do we not have all the locations memorized to where a taken can be standing so was uh somewhere on my side okay yeah we had no one to kill it until paul weaver came over here sorry yeah i was already i was i i was inside of the entire room so i'm running back to my side it's done an unstoppable if we kill that we'll get points square okay i'm going in uh light side take it on light side okay square room what do you what which symbol thank you yeah i don't have a taken on this side i uh i see it's underneath i think underneath what the [ __ ] oh no it's okay light for square room is going to be a flower all right what do we got i know right brain and brain i will go into brain i already went in but i'll [ __ ] do it again the door open door is open i don't have my super but i'll make it work i should be okay i should be okay hey we're a little slow i'm gonna help okay dark ombre blob wow maybe i do need help puncher caser and i both oh no no yeah i might need help in the brain room here um just because i'm out of my super thank you and which which symbol in brain room please dark dark thank you that will be snake blob flower snake please look not me uh i think we have it i think wait cesar and i have it come to say sour i'm closest i'm gonna be one of them time will get snake i'll get blocked they just reset give it a second oh i see snow okay three two one shoot nice i'm trying to see which ones are on my obliques just so that when we get to um real quick while we have this break uh defenders when we clear a room it spawns cymbals so you can like kind of see if it's going to be yours or not yep like you can get a head start to see if like it doesn't matter dude what do you do i'll explain later pyramid look for that [ __ ] taken i think he might be here he is here i am on the way working on it he is going to die take him dead give me that room room anno cup cup i'm going to cup there you go get going please open up the door we'll open the door for you doors open uh pyramid taken on pyramid okay i will i will look when i have a minute here [ __ ] i might need help on joey's side there's a lot of taken here or a lot of them coming okay thank you this [ __ ] guy oh it's dark okay joey let's find that taken here you should be here somewhere so what the [ __ ] is that he might be able to whisper he's back here again i don't know he said it was dark and all right okay uh second taken is dead really hard to understand what the hell it is but it looks like an earth shadow okay shadow who's going to shadow i need a revive who's going shadow i'm on the way thank you traveler pyramid excuse me traveler taken sorry traveler taken so you guys have the third taken please look for it yep can shadow we need dark heard taking it is dead all right anyways uh not showing for me there we go hole i'm on my way i'm on my way joey um could you open the door joey somebody open the thank you i'm good what symbol are we looking for joey uh dark so we have earth's snake and then we need the third besides earth again joey you said dark right i what i got yep thank you earth snake weave snake and boat we have earth snakes here on me and on shooting earth i'll get snake three two one shoot back to back to beginning back to beginning one more don't be stingy with heavy uh defenders yup true all right defenders get ready to call okay sounds good find that person uh taken find that first taken it's a okay first door uh spike i got it okay good luck we have the next taken next taken is somewhere here in dark joey someone here in pyramid to the right you found it okay yeah it's over here it will be light okay let's nuke it joey what does spikes uh think light is it that just say light yes light it's hard to hear for some reason all right unstoppable uh hands hands who's running into the hands door who's running into the hands door i'm on the way i know there is a uh there's none stop in there there's another taken on pyramid okay i'm looking for it hmm it might be by you somewhere anno actually you know what no it's here by me it's here by me it's here by me because there's oh i win the wrong okay final door please i already said it what is it joey no that's the seattle one final door is tear drop thank you anno who's going to drop the middle of my side i need the door open i'm opening door for you who's going tear drop light that's gonna have to be one of you who fall out i don't know where teardrop is it's in the middle middle downstairs middle downstairs there's a middle door it's on yes i'm going i'm going okay thank you time thank you tom i don't know where it is so we have flower what is the next joey on stomp on left thank you i'm trying yeah we're working on it we're working on it clear combs i already said light bulb lights light for hands yeah hands is light teardrop is dark got it so what is it banner flower blob and banner we have that you sure yes okay let's go we have blob banner okay we have sides we have sides wait for it here we go okay get ready flower blob banner one three shoot hey get the location just in case back to location just in case that's the door open in the back of the room we're good god damn the second major encounter is the caretaker the goal is to kill the caretaker and you're gonna do that by first powering up an obelisk uh several actually all while half of your team harasses the caretaker by repeatedly stunning him here's how the encounter works divide your team into two groups of three group a is going to work on both ad clearing outside and repeatedly stunning the caretaker and group b is going to run in and out of a very dark room gathering debuffs which will be brought outside and shot into the obelisk okay team add clear slash harass the caretaker your goal is to prevent the caretaker from reaching the obelisk and touching it if he does you will wipe and fail to prevent that from happening one guardian will have to get the debuff called caretakers gaze you can get that by just being near the caretaker and repeatedly shooting and harassing him but remember you won't get the gaze if you're too far away you have to be relatively close to him when you have the caretaker's gaze shoot him in the face which will briefly daze him and open up a weak point on his back now shoot him in the back for a full-on stun one player can do this alone if they're quick but it's far easier to do with two people again you should be doing this repeatedly to prevent the caretaker from reaching the obelisk and wiping the fire team also a lot of blobs something footballs will repeatedly get shot out of the caretaker's back and fly around the map eventually coming at you getting hit by those projectiles at any time will really suck so try and shoot them out of the air if you can that goes for literally anyone in the encounter at any point alrighty obelisk team you will one at a time be running into a dark room near the obelisk by shooting a crystal to open the door i'm sure later on you'll be able to do this faster and with more people but on day one we did it one at a time run on inside and grab three debuffs in the dark area remembering the names of each symbol as you pick them up and ideally telling your two teammates verbally what they are be sure to avoid the taken in there by the way not fight avoid they are beefy and you're kind of on the clock and you gotta move quickly have one of your two obelisk teammates waiting for you outside shoot the crystal to open the door otherwise you won't be able to get out then all three of you stand around the obelisk together and you all have to find the three symbols of the debuffs you picked up in the dark room and shoot them all on the obelisk again at the same time just like in the previous encounter doing a 3-2-1 shoot countdown would be a really good idea you're gonna have to do that three times per each obelisk in the encounter so just take turns running into the dark room when you're not in the dark room help the outside team by clearing ads and shooting the footballs being shot around by the caretaker after you've group shot the obelisk three different times it is damage time stand around and shoot footballs until one of the three place on the ground will begin to glow orange have everybody on the team move to that glowing orange plate and then unleash big damage on the caretaker you're only going to have a few seconds before one plate will stop glowing and you'll need to move to the next plate over take note there are three plates per damage phase by the way when the damage phase is over stairs will appear and you will climb up to the next floor and repeat the exact same thing all over again with slightly different scenery and a slightly larger dark room with more doors be careful in those later dark rooms there are a lot of opportunities for you to fall down a pit and die the third floor is kind of really annoying because the three damage plates are fairly spread out whereas slug shotguns do great boss damage on floors one and two they're gonna leave you high and dry on floor three after three floors of damaging you'll have a final showdown after climbing yet another staircase you'll have to approach the boss head on one plate at a time moving ever closer as the boss barrages you with incoming footballs this was really brutal on contest mode but now if your power level is good i'm sure it'll be a cakewalk here is my team's first ever completion on contest mode i.e very hard day one mode if you want to get an idea of how the encounter goes everybody come on focus up it's go time now yeah it's true we got this run good we appreciate that okay listen up hey swain um fleet traveler fleet traveler and hands open door fleet traveler hands thank you here we go three two one shoot oh who pushed me got it all done i mean by who there's only two of us me eclipse snake okay rise okay shoot eclipse snake rise raise god damn it eclipse snake raise three two one go i shot it no it didn't work oh my god i'm so sorry no no it's fine it's fine it's fine let me let me let me uh go through literally i might have enough time oh my god [ __ ] okay uh triangle yep triangle heard pyramid or a pyramid yeah pyramid keep going yep oh this thing [ __ ] me pyramid flips i might not make it pyramid eclipse desert open door now or else you got you got you uh three two one go dude i'm so sorry i i swear to god i shot it like it wouldn't work yeah it recovered i think i just didn't shoot it enough with my weak little striga keep going you have to keep stunning him never stop snake raise snake cup raise snake cup got it come on outside call it quick actually we have time i can't find the door bowl okay right in the middle right there okay raise yeah do it three two one go damage phase people damage phase get rid of the ads while time and i look for the socks keep the balls off us please and thank you sniper on left okay time will be on this plate right here remember yep call it out if you see someone got out of your seat called out on time on time got it got it move it uh i got it i got it i got it i got it don't leave don't leave don't leave don't leave now go smooth damage good good damage and i have a rocket brick right here is it chris there are many rocket i sold my soul to the devil on this run apparently let's [ __ ] do it going into the [ __ ] i have two rockets it's better than last time with full rocket ammo massive pog all right full here we go here we go here we go here we go i got i got it oh hey datto cleared it oh good good job daddo world's first oh here we go listen up ghost [ __ ] ghost earth wait for it tear drop ghost earth teardrop hurt doors open ghost earth teardrop ready thank you here we go here we go here we go here we go and three two one go he lost by five minutes oh wow yeah it's just a second oh second worry about it oh yeah let's not worry about it focus up i love you dada uh banner okay banner flower square banner got you got you got you banner okay all right three two one go i was not ready got it oh you're the man you're a king make it happen joey make it happen oh hi witch oh hi wizards this is dungeons and dresses pyramid okay heard pyramid pyramid shadow eclipse open door pyramid shadow eclipse got it got it got it got it do it pyramid shadow clips ready yep yep hurry three two faster faster okay uh for the record for the record volcano not pyramid you're go to the other plate on the left yep i'm on the other plate i'm good okay paul's already on the other plate slowly fine yep shoot the balls shoot the balls i feel like you guys should be in the middle not okay i'm falling i'm falling yep i [ __ ] whipped a rocket cringe paul uh is the tether going to [ __ ] you up if you use it now because we'll get another one by the next it's gonna effective that's why i'm holding it oh is it worse where is that where's the thing sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry it's okay stay stay stay stay someone left way early [Music] off of shotgun to sniper rifle is the tether buff worse than the divinity uh slightly i believe slightly i mean i guess you'd have the aim of the head i mean you can still do both doesn't it does the tether override divinity completely like even if it's going to be better i see okay i don't want to make that obsolete okay i'm just like that big chunk of instant super damage maybe right at the end right at the end why don't you do it like right at the end oh is that heavy oh keep it clear that's the run yes volcano earth listen volcano earth witch queen right door or whatever the story is volcano earth wish queen please open door thank you okay volcano earth which queen here we go and three two one shoot nice job ghost hole brain ghost hole got you got you come on back brain ghost hole do it do it three two one go spike traveler flower herd they start yep ready yes call it trying three oh [ __ ] one go go go go got it got it damage time people damage time do you want me to save my tether or burn it uh save it save it save it save it right for then maybe for the end thing i will well if it's on this side okay you got one time okay uh i can go to the little one shoot the shoot the trash shoot the trash shoot the trash shoot the trash come on people please don't aim at me please don't you tommy it's on me it's on joey cringe i'm going to just meet you in mid i'll wait all right on on who's dropping at me oh nice job time here we go there we go no i can rest if we're on that last plate just use your tether right at the end okay are you talking the end of this room or the end of next this one this one right here yeah there you go how is that possible okay i have that i feel like we could have revived you ah god damn it do we have a well or no wait i don't want to touch the plate before we touch the plate uh no just touch the plate already jesus christ no we don't have time just go i'll put a bubble down on the next flight i have a wealth for next one great okay i'll have a well for the next one keep shooting keep shooting keep shooting keep going keep going keep going no supers other supers tether anything keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going don't stop don't stop oh yeah all right next up there is a jumping puzzle but i usually never like to show you the way through that because that's half the fun get out there find the way and conquer gravity i believe in you the third major encounter in the raid is the exhibition to encounter there is no boss to be killed in here it's more of a wild relay race through four different rooms on day one contest mode i absolutely wanted to pull my hair out but on regular difficulty i'm sure you'll be fine after a few runs here's the deal there's three different relics that your team is going to be picking up starting off with one but then getting one extra new one for each room topping off at three relics total bungo very cleverly made it so that at the end of each room there's a required mechanic where you have to exchange the relic and have someone else pick it up that way you can't have all four rooms be done by the exact same relic runners each time one relic is the pyramid splinter which will let you shoot a constant beam of energy aside from lasering people its unique job is to de-shield certain taken enemies that can only be de-shielded with the pyramid splinter not only is it nice to kill these shielded taken but it's kinda mandatory the entire encounter you're on a time limit killing the shield had taken will extend your encounter timer preventing a total team wipe the second relic is the classic vex looking relic that you may remember from vault of glass aside from being able to whack people with it its unique job is to debuff people on your fire team from what you might wonder why the growing darkness debuff of course which begins applying from the second room onward if you don't shed that debuff off of your teammates their screen will get very dark and they will eventually die the third relic which you'll get heading into the third room is a taken looking relic aside from being able to shoot people with pew pews its unique job is to cleanse and shut off taken eyes that will appear in rooms three and four you'll need to do that because if left unchecked those taken eyes will make certain enemies in the room immune to all damage while running around these rooms you'll have to find and kill both a scorn and taken glyph keeper each of them will drop three symbols the scorn symbols can only be seen by those not carrying a relic and the taken symbols can only be seen by those carrying a relic share what the symbols are out loud when you get them and identify which one is the matching symbol from each pattern when you eventually get to the end of the room there will be a large door whatever matching symbols there were from killing the glyph keepers earlier those need to be shot into the door in order for it to open room 1 will only have one symbol but rooms 2 3 and 4 each require two symbols to be input meaning you will have to spawn and kill four glyph keepers rooms one and two can be done with your group moving together in a big clump but rooms three and four they required my team to split up there just wasn't enough time to do it any other way in rooms three and four we had two main teams of two players one of those teams included the player carrying the pyramid splinter laser relic the fifth and sixth player were both the vex relic carrier and the taken eye carrier each of those guardians were free roamers yeeting back and forth across each room as needed one of them to remove the darkness debuff on the fire team and the other to cleanse the annoying taken eyes room four was a nightmare on contest mode be very careful you can fall off easily it's a jumping puzzle nightmare with people trying to kill you the whole way through if you want an extremely hectic unedited version of this run here's my team completing it on day one on contest mode difficulty earth boat snake is it the wrong there's an issue with them let's focus early spawn yeah now we figured out how to get in the spot now if i call it is cold fleet please grenade it is blob fleet square so the first one is please got it there's a grenade i know they just they just teamed me oh my god i gotta say sir leave the relic all right gatekeeper down low all cleanse if you need it cleanse please thank you anyone else banner light snake inner light snickered one's dead i believe no not yet sorry speaking snake snake snake snake fire hey cleat snake thank you okay that almost ended very bad joy we got another one which boat raised which boat raids thank you which boat race we're good over here okay i gotta i gotta heal first sorry guys which first one is which thank you first one's witch all right and i'm ready oh the block girl if it's already stunned you don't need the block there walk my rocket line if it's already stunned and we're blocking yep person's witch i need a vog cleanse eventually [ __ ] we're still in this keep going let's go ran up over here god damn it yeah you go downstairs and just get the uh the thing and get ready shooting not put the nut first wait i don't know where the nut is oh there it is okay there you go oh my god no he's not even here he's not even here because the other guy wasn't killed yet oh yeah because we had the eye respawn like immediately it's so weird bro i don't understand there's no way it's just random because the the timing on that is so exact so often yeah i think i think killing a certain ad spawns more eyes when did you was it killing the glyph guy on the other side possibly i was about to suggest that there's her it probably is you just yeah i think it's just the timing like i think you need to wait to get rid of the eye on our side until they go can't wait no no you guys don't wait we wait to clear the eye that's it okay shadow square eclipse shadow square eclipse all right no deaths here no death chill here for a moment to kill these guys um sure all right they're dead awesome okay that's what that's on me hold your rockets spawning in spawning is fine please okay snake light fleet we're gonna have an overload on this side i'm calling it earlier okay everybody back up from it yep snakes snake first one is think all right team the overload team the overload excuse me earth light hives is manifesting bastard okay okay let's go okay all right and it'll be ready for stair cleanse we need to get that one in quicker okay oh okay we're good uh brain flower spike brain flowers like really good job there thank you i know spike thank you show uh they're blocked over here on us okay cool good job fire upstairs be careful all right save my rockets okay boomerang flowers spike i'm gonna get this bike first one is spike first one is spike yes okay first one spike first one's like okay cool i can use this uh i need to be cleansed uh who oh you have cleanse where's my squats oh boy uh nine seconds just doing now thank you woohoo uh blob hive and hole okay lob hive hole don't go in don't go in okay no don't don't go in don't go in i got it we're good hold on let's go beautiful all right everybody bank at the same time yep three two one bank and i are going right time and going left now for the adds a taken on the left taking thing off taking taking on i am left yep take an island sneaking past him you'll have to bear with me one second all right i write okay i'm going right time i got a riff right here for you buddy that was almost bad thank you first one scoring first one scoring great number one scoring number one scoring watch out for the overload everybody please do your best to live do your best to live right now give me the cleanse is it here yep yep yep okay no it's not no it's not find the overload on the overload oh those on other photos i see him he's on the way other side god damn it he's on the left in there i i'm going over to get him we have more time than we think over there is dead i'm coming back paul take out right i'm on my way okay there's a bunch of them nice job let me take the guy on the out on the right the okay on the far right jesus christ pyramid shadow snake pyramid shadow snake shadow shadow shadow so what's what scorn scoring shadow scoring shadow score in shadow don't run in case of scream don't run in cases everybody jump yeah yep don't go in scream back up stay back let's move in let's move in let's move in quick everybody dunk everybody don't wait dunk them i swear to god oh my god [Music] all right the final encounter rook whose name i'm sure i'm pronouncing incorrectly disciple of the witness aka the boss fight i'll talk you through it it's gonna sound complicated but take it from me the more you run the encounter the more you will understand there are two areas in the final boss fight and the first area is a fairly narrow yet very long open room with a large stairway in the back your goal is to repeatedly dunk debuffs into six totems that can be found in the room until you ultimately reach the damage phase there's three totems on the left and three on the right my team referred to them as l1 l2 l3 on the left and r1 r2 r3 on the right but feel free to call them whatever you want here's how you dunk your debuffs when the encounter begins which you launch by walking forward too far adds will spawn into the room while you're shooting them you will notice a big crystal spawning directly above the disciple in the back of the room whoever shoots and breaks that center crystal will acquire a debuff called leeching force your tldr of what to do with leaching force is as follows pass it from yourself onto two other teammates have one of those two teammates upgrade leeching force into emanating force have that one teammate who is now upgraded with emanating force dunk it into the correct totem here's how to do that whoever is the first person to shoot the center crystal and get leeching force they should now stand on the giant panel on the floor where you began the encounter when the leeching force player steps on that big pad two more crystals will spawn on either side of the boss have two different players shoot and break each crystal a piece and abra goddamn dabra the leeching force debuff has now been magically transferred from that one original player to the two players who shot and broke each side crystal the two new players who now have leeching force one of them should now upgrade why only one well because that way the other person who holds onto leeching force can step back onto the big plate on the floor later and transfer it to two other people the exact same way we just went over one person will hold on to and spread leeching force the way i just explained and the other person will upgrade it and then dunk it here's how to upgrade it you will notice the boss teleporting around the map and firing a giant orange kamehameha right at you they'll do this from either the left middle or right side of the area if someone with leeching force steps into the orange kamehameha it will get upgraded into emanating force now they have to dunk that into the right totem but which totem is the right totem well while you're shooting enemies in that area you might notice that eventually two big glyph keepers will spawn in when you murder them two sets of three symbols will appear on top of two large pillars near you and your fire team only someone carrying the leeching force debuff can see the symbols on the left pillar and only someone not carrying the debuff can see the symbols on the right pillar share your symbols with your team verbally and you are looking for the one matching symbol from each pillar anyone who is not carrying a debuff can look out at any of the six totems i mentioned earlier and simply find any of them that has the symbol on it call that particular totem out have your emanating force player run over to it dunk it into the totem and there you go all you have to do is exactly that six times before you get to the damage phase continue spreading leeching force to two different players on the team via the plate and having them shoot these side crystals one player holds on to that leeching force avoids the kamehameha and spreads it around more while the other player upgrades it and then dunks it into one of the totems if you want after you've done four dunks and you have two remaining you can have both players holding leeching force upgrade into emanating force and do a double dunk at the end to get your dunk count from four to six just a little bit of a shortcut sounds convenient but you can't do that every time you would need to re-break the center crystal above the boss to re-acquire leaching force from scratch and i should mention if you do that more than two times the middle crystal will become immune on the third appearance and you will auto wipe so only double dunk at the end anyway after dunking six times the boss will retreat up the big staircase in the back of the room you will follow him up there begin the boss phase which is fairly short and then top it off with a damage phase take note unlike other boss fights in d2 the disciple is very mobile so right now any thought of you sitting in a titan bubble or a warlock well throw that directly into the trash you want burst super damage nova bombs celestial nighthawk thundercrash stuff like that anyway the boss will move around the area doing one of two attacks a four-way orange kamehameha and a rush down glaive attack run around the area borderline non-stop avoiding all the attacks meanwhile every now and then the boss will put his weapon down at his side while he walks around the room one person will need to shoot that until they acquire leeching force when they have that debuff they should intentionally jump into the four-way kamehameha one time to upgrade it into emanating force and when you have that you need to dunk that debuff into one of the four totems located in each corner of the room which totem exactly do you need to dunk it into well your teammates dodging attacks will tell you for a very short period of time they'll be able to briefly see a symbol illuminating up near the boss each symbol matches one of the four totems in the room and those symbols on the totems never change by the way so try to commit them to memory or better yet have a cheat sheet nearby here is mine again my callouts may be different from yours and that's fine after each time you dunk a debuff into a corner which by the way can sometimes be a repeat corner you will notice that the boss will have either a glowing shoulder or glowing thigh you must shoot and break these glowing armor bits each time or you won't be able to get to the damage phase outside of the contest modifier you'll probably be able to break it with a group primary shot but if you want to be really quick just put on a sniper when you've dunked four debuffs and you've broken four pieces of glowing armor ending with his right thigh it is damage time he'll freak out and keep trying to kill you but just damage away and move around avoiding his attacks again you cannot stand in one spot during this encounter or at least we couldn't on day one his crit spot is his head which is kind of hard to hit by the way so i strongly recommend a divinity if you have one on the team after the damage phase he will take a knee and go immune run down the staircase all the way to where he spawned in and do it all over again eventually when you do enough damage to the boss you will reach their final health bar where he'll go all final stand mode again just keep raging on him especially for that final showdown save all your big damage supers nova bomb thunder crash whatever while that final stand is happening you're gonna be going all dark vision debuff mode as the fight draws to a close just keep hitting him with everything and if you do enough damage before everything goes black you're done that's it gg one more time if you care i will show you the full run from our day one raid completion again all these unedited runs are contest modifier mode so by the time you do the raid all this will be much much easier enjoy bosses in middle in the middle they're mid all right i have witness rays let's scorn front right or sorry r1 heard either one works for me i will should keep it the same i'm taking sorry all right boss is gonna teleport to left side left side watch your head and him in middle we can not kill let's finish careful with that grenade there um kill yeah yeah there you go mr rated oh i'm sorry um i don't see oh front right front right r1 r1 shoot the thing immediately okay all right i gotta wait for another teleport it's okay shake it up right side front left l1 i'm sorry i'm kind of out of it i'm trying to get back into it kill kill big abomination kill kill i can i can uh yeah it's too far all right you guys got it right [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] god damn it pervading darkness all right time this should be us yup watching boss middle time enjoy l1 r3 l1 r3 leave the abomination we there there there we go oh okay oh sorry i didn't know you were going for it he's uh going away change armors eh everybody prepare everybody prepare okay and for what it's worth i have two more bricks here and full heavy so all right next time i can do it for you all right okay okay everybody all right best best behavior right now stay mobile repeat once more r1 laser glaive break armor oh wait no sorry now brake armor call glaive r1 laser laser slave brake armor again call laser l1 not in there i only got leaching force sam keep rotating keep rotating keep rotating keep rotating laser r1 rotate rotate rotate laser wave that's all of them okay all right glaive dps almost come off almost almost almost almost okay wait after this now it's dps prioritize living we're doing great oh no the no bomb it's okay prioritize living we'll be fine moving over run leave remember your supers by the way before he goes away i don't like that either yep living at that point yep okay good good job only one death okay no that that's okay that's literally the most energy you've ever done yeah good job with one really good job perfect don't jump don't jump don't jump nobody jump nobody jump nobody jump doing okay on ammo i'm full i went back to with their horde and actually got a lot of good deeps in there okay i only have half ham heavy ammo so far so yeah all right i can finish stuff okay okay okay all right boston mid clear mid i got it kill bombs or [ __ ] whatever uh left flip keeper all right we're going to be a little late here flower eclipse spike it's spike watch right side 19 seconds yep r1 our on the plate you're ready for us to take it all right let's go here we go good scoring is approaching we want to finish him awesome middle austin middle school lead middle set up r one he's finished i'm in jump all right take good boston middle clear mid l one a one herd left side left side and a watch out abomination up kill this guy right l1 l1 l1 heard time europe necklace for taking right grabbing it yep double down this is double awesome right side fallout thank you two call-outs r1 l2 r1 l2 l2 yep all right this abomination if we get one we kill or uh i'll do it time to finish yeah yeah okay okay i'm following my if you want to get more and save it i flew bricks here wait uh is there say well you have well more than enough ammo if you you do it yes yes got it oh okay well okay well with my sleeper i'm at the cusp so you should probably do it instead all right yeah no i'll all right do it buddy okay wait don't go up the stairs yet please don't get the stairs yet please wait wait wait please please please yeah wait wait wait wait one second okay yep wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it and is everyone go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go that's behavior here all right laser tag no glaive click please laser l1 is broken let's move keep rotating laser laser laser laser blade keep moving he's getting close laser armor shoot and go blaze rotate call r1 laser watch out for the thrall watch out for the thrall now broken okay nice job i have tyler okay yep yeah wait wait until after he does his dash to do anything i'm alive thank you okay there we go there we go there we go here we go all right leave great work everyone this next wave is so important go go go go go go don't get caught in the maximum live stay focused i will need heavy ammo again okay oh wait joey's full i have nine shots out of 16. i have 10 out of 13. now 10 out of 16. yeah yeah um we would need more we'll just need two more finishes like we always do i think we'll be great hold all supers for uh last hand except for another's bubble okay i'm keeping omni on to trend actually no i'll [ __ ] swap okay perfect perfect call-outs here yep left side left side left side i got it a little closer it is brain you got l2 l2 i'm going all right 16 seconds oh i shot the wrong one shoot left shoot left uh yep there you go recovery good recovery good call you threw me off there with those okay it's okay boss is in middle clear mid just watch leave a line leave alive l2 paul go for the finish you're good fantastic thank you send and take yep sending it loading got it all right got it in the middle uh watch center watch center mid good job l one paul one herd okay take i can't take anything yet just we'll just do one we'll just do mine and then you flip with uh you flip with no you're both already in we're both charging what is it um it is l3 r3 the back ones l3 r3 i'll get r3 i'm gonna smoke us out of here come to me do you still want to do a finisher on that one or not there's four bricks on the ground for me yeah we have enough kill kill okay kill kill no no no no no no no reason not to already kill don't go up yet don't go up yet don't go up yet come back come back no don't go upstairs don't go up yet please yeah sorry yeah okay hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we're heavy over there wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait and what and go go go go go go play your life don't yeah huge life play we have so much room we have so much power we don't need the super we don't need the suit we don't need any of it play chill glaive all right call laser r2 they focus rotating laser after glaive you can get me you can get me right now real quick never mind never mind laser laser who has a token after this grab me all right call call um l1 l1 wave back away from him once we start this by the way because there's a chance he might do that blast again armor glaive i said run i said it come on don't get horny now right don't get thirsty now call glaive i'll get him you guys r2 r2 good job zay laser move fall nice job last one all right armor please stay alive right now oh no no just okay everybody here we go get him get him get him yes dodge dodge dodge play very safe very safe rotate he's getting close and a rotate rotate rotate now back back on damage if he gets too close who's using super no we're not we're not just okay now kill with everything with everything all supers all supers go go he's moving around keep shooting we got it keep going keep going keep going yes let's go baby like today's video if it helped you out in any way and please share it with your team check the pinned comments down below i will try to share a few loadout recommendations which hopefully i will edit over time as more of the meta develops after weekend one check out the patreon page if you're interested and i will see you on stream take care [Music] you
Channel: Fallout Plays
Views: 399,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny 2, Destiny 2 Raid, Destiny 2 Vow of the Disciple, Destiny 2 Witch Queen, Destiny 2 Vow of the Disciple Guide, Destiny 2 Vow of the Disciple Final Boss, Destiny 2 Vod Guide, Destiny 2 Vow of the Disciple Boss Guide, Destiny 2 Raid Guide, Destiny 2 VOD Raid Guide, Destiny 2 Witch Queen Raid, Destiny 2 Full Raid Guide, Destiny 2 Vow of the Disciple Boss, Destiny 2 Raid How to Beat, Vow of the Disciple Raid Guide, Destiny 2 Raid Guide All Encounters
Id: fJ3k4_yUIrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 19sec (4279 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2022
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