Volvo EX30 Made In China Rust Motor Quality

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hi everybody and welcome to the channnel so today I'm going to try my absolute best there was a lot of information I'm going to get and there's a lot of things that I need to discuss today if it comes to the comment I've got from Fred not sure if a subscriber I didn't checked that as yet but people it's it's crazy I just want to mention that just a side note yeah I we we do not stay very far from the airport so hopefully the sounds don't come up but please be with me I do not have a studio so so I'm I'm working with with with what what I have so I'm going to make it as compact as possible I just on a side note here and a disclaimer I just want to say that I'm not involved with Volvo in any form and I also want to say that I do believe that Volvo is not perfect I do believe that there is flaws and and people make mistakes so but still safest car in the world I still think and time and time again if you look at all the crash test and you look at all of these things they they really just Next Level if it comes to to people safety uh so let's get let's get into it um the first one that I want us to to talk about is is this made in China and there's a lot of confusion there's a lot of frustration oh my my exity is going to be a Chinese product okay so so we are okay with our phones mostly being made in China and our laptops and so forth but we're sort of not okay with with things coming from China that's a car you know really people I mean we've been using Chinese products quality Chinese products for many many many years byd for example has got a car that is over 1.5 million not the motor not the battery has been changed and no rust the car is not falling apart the car is still in one piece and is actually still very very good and China gets rain well as you know the last couple of years what's going on there if it comes to their raining season so look on the end end of the day I do not believe this comment is 100% legit in a sense we didn't see paperwork we didn't see images we didn't see videos or anything like that sort so we we're not sure but please go and have a look at this comment and and let's let's let's discuss it so let's let's look at from a Russ point uh perspective uh let's say worst worst case scenario the car is getting made in zika plant I want us to look at this video this is now coming from their plant and as you can see quality control rust uh do dipping okay a car needs to be dipped that's very important because that that really secures that body to be very wealthy as you can see from from this video it it's it's not a problem coming from from their plant it's equality control is there to the tea and then rust covering and the dipping is happening what type of Dipping they use we we obviously need to we're not we're not sure but I can tell you now Volvo will not release something that is not strong that is not protected and that is exactly shown in in in this quality video from from the zika plant so worst case scenario if your car is coming from Seer it's not an issue and coming back to to the rust issue I've got another video this is awesome one I think I think no one else have have done this in the world yet Tesla and so forth but if you if you look at this B vulva has actually done a B I don't know if you guys have seen this but volula has done a basically a water bath that they put this look at this the light still stays on they will not go through all of this trouble if they didn't have something to prove and even I I didn't put that I didn't uh put this video up but I will try and get it the link for you guys what what was very interesting is they actually and look the cars driving out of the obviously out of the out of the bath as well and they actually kept the car in there for a whole night to see if there will be any leakage from the components SI and what they actually did is they've opened open the battery they've opened the motor compartment they've opened the inverter you know it's all in one one system so they've opened everything as much as they can and they look to make sure that that the that the components are still dry I mean that is absolutely awesome that shows you that he's talking about the whole rust issue and I don't know I don't I don't think he's he's he's got a leg to stand on there and if it comes to the Mot that's a second thing that I would like us to to discuss now I've I've done I've done my research and there is a company I'm going to put it out of out of two out of two situations because we we've got a statement we've got a press release from from Motors that will be reduced in SCA in Sweden and then obviously the investment there will be 700 million Swedish uh you know Swedish funds that will will go to that production um production line so the we're looking it out of out of two perspective but let's say worst case scenario your your your motor is is then getting made in in China there's there's a a company called NXX that's been around for 50 years they do not only do electri car vehicle Motors they actually do a whole range from turbines to electric small electric motors to motors for mines Quality quality really really quality control there and I'm telling you guys that is absolutely amazing to see that they actually are producing uh for motors for so long I personally do not think that worst case scenario if your motor is coming from from a supply like that you know I've I've I've done my research I can I can really see out of the casing none of the models they've got is matching the the wvo ex City so no I I do I do believe that it is very possible that the motors is coming coming from Sweden and I must say if you if you worst case scenario if you look at that quality and you look at Zik's quality that that to me I do not think it it's it's an issue so guys really I I I cannot I cannot see a problem there and then if we if we go to a video that I got from from the plant sorry I'm doing a lot of videos guys but it it really it really these videos please do yourself a favor and go online and look at all of these factories look at look at this quality control from from the Volvo plant in Sweden and as you can see that there's that dipping process that's also happening very very important so once again the rust issue should be covered that's that's that is just shows you that the dipping as long as they dip the vehicle then you are basically sorted you that dipping process is very important because that gets into the nooks and crannies that that that spray paint will will will not be able to get into so it dipping is happening there from the Volvo plant as well and guys I think I think I've covered basically everything that I that I need needed to cover from from the from the rust from made in China and then of course um leaking like a pool I mean that's that's crazy to to think that that's even possible and um motor quality is good even though it can be coming from China and as you as you guys can see on on on this video today it's a good quality product I I definitely do not think it's something to concerned but hey we will see in 5 years we will see in 10 years what the what the people is actually saying people had really put the ex City through through its spaces if it comes to water and getting it you know soaked completely if need be but we will need to put the exity through it spaces to make sure all of these things are are covered but guys thank you very much for joining me uh look at my channel go and see all of the other videos I have and I'll be see you in the next one
Channel: Volvo EX30 Channel 2024
Views: 10,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HpvKPa-OXX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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