Voice Teacher First Time Reaction to Jacob Collier - Bridge Over Troubled Water

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hey there this is John Henny I'm a voice teacher and the author of beginning singing which is an Amazon bestseller I've actually got a link below if you'd like a PDF copy of the book for free just click below okay today's video has been heavily requested uh I have not heard this yet I'm looking forward to it I love Jacob's work uh I don't think there's a video haven't found one so I'm just going to be staring at cover art but gives me something to look at here we [Music] go well that's really low and tears are wow your eyes I [Music] will oh her Rifts are so clean I am and friends just came found like a bridge oh damic yeah lay me down like a bridge over [Music] trouble I will lay me [Applause] down okay I'm I'm going to interrupt with my my thoughts so if you want an un interrupted version of this it is available um first of all yba is such a good singer and you can hear where she will modify vowels the word lay lay me down she she knows how to get into her mix she understands Dynamics and her voice she she sings In This Very Thin kind of bright sound which contrasts beautifully with Jacob's voice because he tends to be in this kind of warmer darker place with his voice and just the ear of both of these musicians is profound you can hear her doing uh core substitutions on the fly with her note choices and of course Jacob is further pushing the harmonic boundaries with his backup vocals just beautiful sofa far here we go when you're down and out yeah when you're on the street when evening Falls so hard I I will come for you I'll take your part yes when darkness come headphones with with Jacob's music is profound because he's just constantly playing with your perception of sound whether he's uh mirroring a riff that yba just did or these little belt tones that he does that are just wild I I love it I love how he plays with with texture just using the voice a bridge yeah over trou what I will lay me [Music] down oh the trouble why will I will live me [Music] down [Music] oh and then Jacob you know John Legend he's got this more baritonal voice and he gets this richness by singing with a bit of a lower larynx which extends the length of his vocal tract and it's kind of changing from a trumpet to a trombone it's going to bring out richer deeper parts of the sound waves he's creating so he gets this beautiful richness and what does Jacob do he gets really bright against him he just so understands the use of contrasts and you can already hear I'm I'm imagining we're about to go on some wild harmonic ride [Music] [Applause] here [Music] it's gorgeous Sil girl s on by your time has come to shine all your dreams are on their way see how they shine so [Music] delicate wow more richness in the voice [Music] now so as Tor starts to lay into her voice get a little more compression at the vocal folds maybe drop the larynx a little bit more Jacob's right there now he's mirroring what she's doing and so he's getting a little bit richer the arrangement is getting a little bit Fuller [Music] [Applause] fantastic oh my God [Music] Bridge Troubled Water I will lay down L me lay me lay me [Music] down me down down L me L me l me [Music] [Applause] down go [Music] damn I'm choked up again wow well I didn't want that to end that was just again it's over it's overwhelming um it's it's not like any other music I've heard it's it's it's not even like it's not even like vocal music I've heard he again he is channeling from somewhere else his ear is just it's mind blowing it's mindblowing and you know being older I think of artists that we've lost and looking back asking myself wow did I really appreciate them at the time and I think we have to really appreciate that we are living in a time where Jacob is making music like this it's it's just [Music] absolutely profound stunning stunning and this is this is not music that I can listen to while doing something else um this is not background music for me this is really intense and it's really challenging in a wonderful overstimulating way um this is this is really special music and and I have to say and I've heard from people that don't care for Jacob's music but I I will tell you that that if you connect with this then there is something in your brain that that really lights up to these complex patterns and sounds and changes um so you should feel you should feel blessed that you enjoy music like this once again I have to go my gosh I have to I have to go teach a a seminar after this I I have to go calm myself down so with that um I'm going to go have a a cup of tea and just say thank you so much for recommending this and uh please subscribe to the channel and uh tell people about it it inspires me to make more videos we'll talk soon
Channel: John Henny Vocal Studio
Views: 63,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: singing lessons, voice lessons, how to sing, vocal coach, voice teacher, singing tips, singing lesson, vocal tips, vocal technique, voice teacher reacts, vocal coach reacts, john henny, jacob collier, tori kelly, john legend, first time reacting, jacob collier bridge over troubled water reactions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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