Voice of Small Business: Carmen & Ernest Tisdale - Hidden Gem Event Venue

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[Music] hello everybody ernest and carmen tisdale the owners of the hidden gem event venue take 25 um owners of the hidden gem event venue in hulk michigan um we opened up the hidden gem event venue uh january 31st of this year february we had the ability to function then march hit and executive orders came out which uh kind of forced us to shut down um now numbers have model gatherings have increased and then decreased which has affected us extremely so therefore we created a cobia 19 plan in our cover 19 plan we sanitize our building before and after an event in addition to that we make sure everyone's wearing a face mask and they are social distancing our goal is to allow everyone to have experience of a lifetime and celebrate but at the same time we want everyone to be safe and feel safe our employees are also wearing masks and gloves and their social distancing taking temperatures yes for sure for sure and then in addition to that we also utilize our outdoor space to its capacity we actually bought heaters um we have redone our space a little bit on the outside to make guests feel more comfortable and at the same time provide more space we immediately reached out to our lawyer who helped us tighten up our contract we reached out to the small business association who put us in touch with supplemental ceo who helped us to put together um our covet plan on paper which has been essential for getting us through this we reached out to dart bank and they have really helped us financially work through this along with our accountant um so basically i would say part of the resiliency and innovation was just reaching out to our resources this is a community thing we decided you know what we're not going to be able to do this on our own we need our people and so i would say those are the things that have kind of helped us stay where we are [Music] you
Channel: Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce
Views: 931
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: QZq5w_43etU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 14sec (134 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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