Voice AI Appointment Setter | Step-by-Step Tutorial

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hello this is Mary how can  I assist you today hi Mary   I'd like to book an appointment  with no on April 15th if that's possible hey there looking to hang out with no  on April 15th huh all right let me just double   check if no's got some free time that day  give me a sec okay got it let me list out   the times NES available on April 15th brace  yourself here they come 9:00 a.m. 11 a. am2   PM pick your favorite slot and we'll pencil you  right in which one are you eyeing how about 11 a.m. 11:00 a.m. on April 15th with  nor it is before we lock this down   in stone I just need a bit of info from  you let's start simple what's your name Christina great got it Christina so  11:00 a.m. is the magic hour now can   you share your email to make  things official it's Christina gmail.com gotcha it's Christina gmail.com  and just to sprinkle a little bit of context   into our little appointment cake here what's  the purpose of your appointment with new um   I'd like to ask her some questions about  how I can Implement AI into my business all right diving into the AI world with nor  exciting just to confirm we've got Christina   booking an appointment at 11:00 a.m. on April  15th to chat with no about implementing AI into   her business and we'll be sending all the Deets  to Christina at gmail.com everything look good yes just a sec also set your appointment  with new on April 15th at 11:00 a.m. to   discuss implementing AI into your business has  been confirmed you'll receive a confirmation   shortly if you don't well we might have to  resort to carrier pigeons or smoke signals   just kidding feel free to reach out if you  need any more help thank you very much see   you to build this voice assistant you're  going to need four things the first one is   called vapi.ai where you can build your voice  assistant on your new account you will get $10   of free credits you can find the link to vapi  in the description below you're also going to   need a Gmail account so you can access Google  calendar next is make.com make.com is a platform   where you can build workflows and automations  without any use of code the free account allows   you to execute 1,000 operations per month  and you can also have two active workflows   on your free account this is perfect because we  are going to need two scenarios for our use case   and finally you're going to need an open AI API  account note that this is different from the $20   a month Chatgbt account so you'll need to create  a different account for that there you will also   get $5 worth of free credits let's start with the  creation of our assistant in vapi you can choose   any of these assistants as it doesn't matter cuz  we're going to use our own templates my assistant   is going to be my personal appointment scheduling  assistant I'd like my assistant to answer the   phone with the words hello I'm Mary how may I  assist you the system prompt is where we're going   to tell Mary what she's supposed to do feel free  to grab my system prompt it will be linked in the   description below you can just copy and paste it  and customize it according to your or need click   publish now we need to set up our two functions  functions allow us to forward information to   external platforms our first function called check  availability has one property called times this   is where the AI will put in the information about  the user's requested time of the appointment don't   forget to click add because your function will  not be saved if you click publish before adding   the function now we also need a second function  which will allow us to book the appointment the   book appointment function needs to include all  the information that we need from the user in   order to book the appointment such as their name  their email a description of the purpose of their   appointment and the start time of the slot  when you're done again click add and publish now it's time to set up our two workflows  in make.com click on create a scenario and   now download my templates click on import  blueprint let's first start with a check   availability template the first module  in this scenario is a web hook this is   the place where we will be receiving the  information about our users requested time   of the appointment give your web hook a name copy  the address and paste it into this place in buy   now let's check if our endpoint is receiving  the information as expected just type anything   in here it's just for testing and then click on  test endpoint and here we can see that our test   was successful the next module in our workflow  is open AI for that you need to go to open AI   create an account and go to API Keys now create  new secret Keys copy that key and paste it into   your open AI module in this module we're using  chat gbt in order to get the correct start and end   time outputs as they are required from the Google  Calendar API please make sure that you're using   the correct time zone this must be the same as  your time zone in your calendar you may also want   to change these times if these do not correspond  to your office hours in the message content box   we making sure that chatgpt knows about the  current time and can take it as a reference   to the user's requested times the output of  the chatgbt module will be a json string that   includes the start and end time parameters since  we're going to need to use them separately in the   Google Calendar module we need to pass this Json  string the next module will determine the day of   the week of the requested time so we can make sure  that the requested appointment date does not fall   on a weekend if the suggested day is a Sunday  or Saturday the flow will follow this path and   trigger a web hook response which will be sent  back to vapi and asking the user to pick an up   another date if the suggested appointment date  is a weekday then the flow will continue with   this Google Calendar module here you will need  to connect your Google calendar and give make   the necessary permissions to access your calendar  click here to see the instructions on how to do   that and this is how to set up the rest of the  module now if there aren't any events on this   date on your calendar the workflow will go this  way and will send a web hook response to VAPI   indicating that the whole day is available  but if you have some appointments booked on   that day the flow will follow this path at  the top and iterate the busy slots from your calendar and in the last step we need a chatgbt  that will be able to extract the busy times from   the available times between 9:00 a.m. and 5:  p.m. and finally the output of that will be   sent back to Wei now now create a new scenario  and upload the second make template for booking   appointment copy the web hook link and paste it  into the appointment booking function in vapi and   now you can set up your Google calendar module  the way you want the booking to appear in your calendar Let's test this workflow to see if it's  working we can see that the test was successful   and the appointment has been booked in our  calendar the next video will be about how   you can connect your knowledge base to vapi stay  tuned and follow me so you don't miss any updates
Channel: Sanava
Views: 4,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vapi, AI, Make.com, Voice AI, AI phone calls, AI voice assistant, Appointment Scheduling, No Code Development, Google Calendar Integration, No Code Tools, Appointment Booking, Google Calendar API, OpenAI, Free Resources, Tutorial, ChatGPT, Step by step, vapi voice ai, vapi functions, vapi demo, vapi api
Id: kDX9JlPxGzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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