Vocal Coach Reacts to Elha Nympha - "Chandelier"

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[Music] what's up terabytes I'm Tara with your assignment studios and today I'm gonna be reacting to Elle ha ninfa I hope I'm saying that right and she is doing a cover on Little Big Shot season 2 of Sia's chandelier okay I'm interested interest piqued how about you show your love sensational party goes to get hurt can't feel anything when will I learn I push it down push it down whoo yes 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 is not think about close my eyes I was listening to a little girl who back tonight [Music] [Laughter] beautiful nice control [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and I spit it out and I spit on my teeth oh my goodness [Music] No hold it down will dope in my down I love her bow mere madness for to money life yes I'm doing Warren on for tonight for tonight for tonight [Applause] [Music] the lead [Music] [Applause] oh my goodness [Applause] [Music] I just everywhere [Applause] Oh unbelievable [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] stop it Ellis I mean don't don't like people Wow [Applause] yes yes yes she can oh my goodness there's something about this Filipinos man I'm telling you Ella Angelica Haile my student like that sure the list goes on and on actually there's there's something about Filipinos man they they have got some serious talent coming out of there like some serious talent um Wow this was not expected I mean I knew because little big shots I'm gonna hear someone incredible but she was kind of like out of this world ish for me the top I mean we really brought it over the top for me was when she went in full chest on the e which is not only a terrible and hard vowel to sing on E because it's a closed mouth foul and when you're belting any extreme note high or low must have more space and so an E just is not a great climate for you to belt on because to sing a true e your mouth is more closed versus like an A or it's nice and opened or even uh or even an O anything but an E really but she did it she did it which means that she probably can go even higher if she had more space like she probably can belt even higher than that note she did it so well and that's a good point too I always tell my students listen you never want to sing your very very highest note in a song and live performance because you want to leave the audience wondering what other notes you can hit and she totally did that to me right now I'm like wondering as a coach I wonder if I did this exercise with her how high she could go you know and that's that's a job well done because she's leaving me wondering what her end is where the end of her capabilities lie and as a singer you never want to show someone in a performance well that's all I got you know like that's my top you know it's kind of like you know I don't know if you guys watched Seinfeld it's like we're watched Seinfeld but it's like when Jerry Seinfeld does that skit about being naked and he's like I'm just like a belt or something because it's so final when you're naked it's like well this is it it's all I got you know and and that's what it's like for a singer when they show their highest or lowest note they don't leave the audience wonder there's no mystery there it's just well this is all I got and I and she didn't do that even though it was super super high I still wonder what else she could do so word to the wise for you singers out there if you're singing a note and it's super super high for you just make sure make the rule I call it a singable note so your singable note is a half or a whole step below your absolute top of your range that's where your singable notes meaning you're performing in public notes should end because you want to leave them wanting more and she definitely did that so much technique that I could talk about on this and this piece I mean I would be here til you know the cows go home and you guys have already clicked off but beautiful technique beautiful technician lots of vocal control forward thinking into the notes knowing where she's going preparing for that bodily and mentally and while still staying in the moment of the song which was beautiful beautifully done I honestly think she did better than SIA and see he's a great singer but I think Ella you killed that song girlfriend you killed it and she can sing Steve Harvey said yes she can that was awesome thanks so much guys for watching for asking me to react to this this was a goodie this was a really really good one and if you're someone young looking at this and you're like I could never do that I could never be like that listen we develop artists all the time who are on these shows Angelica hail America's Got Talent Lauren LA American Idol Victoria McQueen American Idol Clara Hong The Voice the list goes on and on it's not something that's intangible you just have to work for it practice makes awesome and we are here to help so if you're a parent watching this and you have a child who's crazy talented or her just even really has the heart and the love for it let us know call us up email us the description box and the links in the description box are there for you and if you're someone who maybe can't do private lessons for whatever reasons finances time whatever and you want to still study you can do my eight-week course called same smarter not harder that is there in the description box as well but we coach globally guys all over the world doesn't matter what time zone you live in we'll wake up for you we want to be able to coach you and and the eight-week course is of course yours when when it's purchased so it doesn't matter what time zone you're in it's yours for keeps you can do it at your leisure at your own time thanks so much again for watching guys I love you I am proud of and I will see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: Tara Simon Studios
Views: 762,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tara simon studios, tara simon, tara, vocal coach, vocal coach reacts, vocal coach reacts to, reaction video, reaction, reacts to, reacts, Elha Nympha, Little Big Shots, chandelier, sia, Steve Harvey, reacting to Elha Nympha
Id: K37b7LWCsmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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