VOCAL COACH REACTS | Home Free MAN OF CONSTANT SORROW... ready the bass canonnnnn!!

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i wonder how he does that harmonica sound should i give it a go i'm gonna give it a go hey guys good morning good afternoon good evening whichever applies to you welcome back if you're new here my name is julia i'm a contemporary singing specialist based in australia and today i am going to be reacting to five five-man acapella group home-free performing man of constant sorrow let's get into it [Music] go [Music] i [Music] [Music] wait who was that wait who who is the havonica my eyes closed like a fool [Music] okay cool cool okay there's already so much that's happened i just where do i start okay the didgeridoo i don't know who's making that sound i suspect it's the same guy that did the harmonica and just started beatboxing that was cool i wasn't expecting that sound at all when they started it and it really really sets the tone for this arrangement from what i've heard so far one thing that's really impressing me at the moment is the variety of roles that i'm already hearing in this there's so much layering going on and of course there's five vocalists so i mean they kind of have a few vocalists to spare but each of them are doing things that are filling out this arrangement in a way that makes it seem a little more complete than i was maybe expecting so that's really cool uh let's keep going and i'll talk about the voices of the first two later if if what i'm hearing is [Music] happening [Music] [Music] awesome i will go back to the catch the start of this next section but i just wanted to chat just quickly about the two lead vocalists or the people that are basically passing bits the verse between between themselves that's sounding really really seamless at the moment between the two of them which is kind of cool and initially it sort of sounds like they have the same voice type but no the second one is using a little bit more nasality in his singing and he's also utilizing a yodel just a touch more and the placement of his sound shifts with a little bit more frequency than the first singer so our first singer he's twangy as heck and it's consistent so it's always sort of in this front place he's got some growls happening which is adding some excitement into the way he's approaching the song and because of the clarity that that kind of twang gives you you can understand every single word and it allows his voice to really really sort of just resonate if you're singing with the sound sort of always in the back of your throat it's almost like there's a dampener on it whereas if you bring it really forward and you use lots of twang so twang is if you want to think it's like that twang sound like comes forward it's going to allow that sound to carry and be really really clear and clean so i i love the consistency of the first guy mixed in with the growls and then the second guy using a touch nasality and some variation in his placement particularly if we listen to how he sings where is it so we can ramble that that comes forward a little bit more so i love the accent that's obviously coming through there but it's also this change in sound placement that makes him different from the first guy otherwise their resonance is sitting quite forward and it could be mistaken as being the same person but no there are definitely differences between those first two singers let's keep going also i'm noting that when they do the the five part harmony when it comes in the bass is really really cutting through in the mix and i think that mice that is probably obviously a production element that they've decided to go with it sounds really really beefy and full which is awesome but i can't really comment on how they blend as a group when it is a produced version because you can really only see how they would blend acoustically in the same space if you were watching them perform it in the same space so let's keep going to see you again perhaps i'll die [Music] did you hear that little slide that was cool [Music] noise [Music] for many years where i [Music] the base is in the building where was that oh i'm going to do this at the octave because there's no way you can tell i'm reaching my hair [Music] hole in one i don't have perfect pitch i swear to god [Music] wow wow and it's clean and resonant too doesn't sound like he's pushing for it that's that's nice that's really nice sometimes a full base is makes such a difference another one who is a really really full basis avi from the pentatonix i really do genuinely love the pentatonix and my comments on production and not being able to judge their blend goes to the pentatonics as well goes for any of these groups that are letting production really really feed into their arrangements and anyway this is hello sir you with the low voice [Music] while he is that's cool think i'm just a stranger my face you never see no more okay okay so three things that he just did that the first thing that i noticed is how far forward his r's become his placement for his r's are so far forward let me find it future julia find that and insert it now please thank you so you can hear how far forward that that is and it's it's certainly a unique placement for sure and then he's coming out of it and he does this little yodel which is also pretty dang cool i mean there's this tiny little yodel into it and it just adds that extra element so he's got yodels and he's got growls that he's using at the moment which are coming across as really nifty little effects for creating some interest in his solo lines and that's that's awesome another thing i just wanted to comment on from him was his runs they are not overly complicated so they're like your basic pentatonic runs but he is fluid through them which tells me his voice is fairly flexible and when he's doing those runs they stay consistent in the same place and they are clean as heck i prefer not hearing messy runs so it's really awesome that is a super clean it's just another element of that vocal skill that he's demonstrating consistency of placement we haven't really exercised much as far as range is concerned but flexibility tick we've got some flexibility and agility in those runs there is one problem he'll meet oh i want to go back for that here again go [Music] okay well now i'm wondering if it actually is the beatboxer who's doing those sounds i mean the the didgeridoo sounds i thought it might have been him because he did the harmonica and other really cool noises but it looked like the last guy was the one who made that sound [Music] yeah that little moment there here kind of looks like he's the one who's doing those sounds so that's cool i mean just the variety of jobs that these guys are putting into their mix for their arrangement is awesome and i really really like the different kinds of textures that they're creating with their mouths it makes it so interesting a piece can get a little boring if it's same same which melodically this is a fairly simple song but because they've added in all those other little added elements and they've really utilized every single person in the group for a purpose it sounds complete it sounds whole and then they're taking out elements and they're putting elements back in just to create some tension and release which is awesome from an arranging standpoint is it the most exciting arrangement i've ever heard no but it is interesting and i like being able to hear how they handle each of those different roles and how it comes together for one arrangement which is really really cool to listen to so i mean hats off to these boys because singing acapella is not easy i sung in acapella our acapella group was a little bigger than this but for me singing acapella is so so so fun but it's also got some risk in it there's some risk there because if someone's slightly off if someone hits the note slightly funny it can sound a little strange so i mean kudos to them they're clearly doing a very very good job and i am keen to check out some more of their arrangements because the variety of vocals that they have in there when it comes to vocal texture that really just drop to the middle of the earth type of bass that they've got going on there he's amazing the depth and quality and richness of his low notes oh they're nice they're nice um they're a beatboxer as well really really cool i i wonder how he does that harmonica sound should i give it a go i'm gonna give it a go nope turns out i suck anyway um i think that was incredible i really really enjoyed the elements that they added into it i loved the consistency of the sound can't comment on the blend because of the aforementioned production reasons but i'm going to assume if they're this clean in their uh recording session they're probably going to be fairly clean singing acoustically together because i mean it's it's it is what it is that's i will watch them live if i have to in order to gleam this information which i seek anyways uh that is it for me today guys i hope that you enjoyed that if you did give this video a like hit the subscribe button and the notification bell beside it and more will be coming to you as usual i hope you're staying safe i hope you're staying healthy and i will see you next time bye
Channel: Julia Nilon
Views: 1,812,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first time reaction home free, home free reaction, home free react, home free man of constant sorrow react, singer react man of constant sorrow, vocal coach react man of constant sorrow, reacts to home free, voice teacher reacts to home free man of constant sorrow, first time reaction
Id: zoxzCcsxXQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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